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History of Evil Movie (2024) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: In the near future, war and corruption have plagued America and turned it into a theocratic police state. Against the oppression, ordinary citizens have formed a group called The Resistance. One such member, Alegre Dyer, breaks out of political prison and reunites with her husband Ron and daughter Daria. On the run from the militia, the family takes shelter in a remote safe house. But their journey is far from over, as the house’s dark past begins to eat away at Ron, and his earnest desire to keep his family safe is overtaken by something much more sinister.
Release date: Streaming On Shudder February 23, 2024
Writer & Director : Bo Mirhosseni
Cast: Paul Wesley, Jackie Cruz, Murphee Bloom, Rhonda Johnsson Dents
Genre : Horror
Language: English
Runtime: 98 min
00:00 We have breaking news at the top of the hour.
00:03 Political terrorist, Allegra Dyer-Rodriguez,
00:06 escaped from Heaven Detention Center in Louisiana.
00:09 Hand on the bottle.
00:11 Authorities encourage citizens to contact them immediately,
00:14 so she can be brought to justice.
00:28 This place was selected to hide you
00:30 until the extraction team can get us out.
00:32 What the hell is this?
00:35 Where's Benny?
00:43 Benny got out.
00:44 I say we take our chances and get out of here.
00:50 Nobody's going outside.
00:51 Stop talking to me like I'm a child.
00:55 Should've never brought you and Daria here.
00:58 But the boy's helping me.
01:02 What boy?
01:03 The one sitting behind you.
01:05 You need to take back your power.
01:12 I need you to help Mommy out right now.
01:16 [Dramatic music]
01:19 Have you seen any of these political terrorists?
01:32 Put the gun down!
01:43 [Gunshots]
01:45 [Screaming]
01:48 [Gunshots]
01:51 [Gunshots]
01:53 [Gunshot]
01:54 [Gunshot]
01:55 [Silence]
01:59 [Silence]
02:02 [Silence]
02:05 [Silence]
