• last year
00:00 Did you consider yourself, against that background and your considerable ministerial experience,
00:05 to be precisely the right First Minister for the job?
00:08 No, that's not how I would have thought of it at all. I was the First Minister when
00:13 the pandemic struck. There's a large part of me wishes that I hadn't been,
00:20 but I was, and I wanted to be the best First Minister I could be
00:25 during that period. It's for others to judge the extent to which I succeeded.
00:30 Thank you. Did you, it's undeniable that you had the previous experience of the H1N1 crisis,
00:39 that's simply a fact, and that you had considerable experience in dealing with
00:43 health matters in particular as you had been Cabinet Secretary for Health.
00:48 I'd be interested to know, Ms Sturgeon, whether in the juxtaposition between that simple state
00:57 of affairs and your
