联邦直辖区日只是个公假? 背后的“政治算计”知多少?

  • 8 months ago
▐ 全民来讲讲▐ 联邦直辖区日,从来就不只是个假日!这一天,也是雪州和沙巴的“耻辱日”?!



热点站主 |@Celes 美伶

#联邦直辖区 #吉隆坡 #布城 #纳闽 #沙巴 #雪兰莪
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频 #全民来讲讲

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00:00 I don't know, because the federation is the one who killed him
00:02 On 16 September, Malaysia Day
00:04 How many of them have key?
00:05 The other one is Fahang
00:06 Okay, Kuala Lumpur, Petra Daya and Labuan
00:09 Reporter is now at the front of the Kuala Lumpur's new street, Sungai Versi
00:12 The Kuala Lumpur on the front of the building, Kuala Lumpur
00:15 Reminds us of the area where the cars come and go
00:17 Although there is a sign
00:18 Have you ever messed up the area of Kuala Lumpur and Shenanigans?
00:21 Actually, the location of Kuala Lumpur is in the center of Shenzhen
00:24 And it was once part of Shenzhen
00:26 On 1 February 50 years ago
00:28 It was removed from the jurisdiction of the Xuezhou government
00:30 Became the federal government's direct jurisdiction
00:31 Federal suburb
00:32 With this year's Federal Suburb Day
00:34 I don't know how much the people of Simar
00:36 Understand about this day
00:39 Also take advantage of this day
00:39 Let's review history together
00:41 Let's see how these areas
00:42 Gradually become federal suburb
00:44 When is the day of federal territories?
00:47 1 February
00:49 I don't know about the day
00:51 I don't know, because the federation is the one who killed him
00:52 On 16 September, Malaysia Day
00:54 How many of them have key?
00:55 The number of key is not known
00:59 I'm sorry
01:00 I'm sorry
01:02 I just know that in KL
01:03 Uh
01:05 That's all I know
01:06 2
01:06 Labuan
01:07 And
01:07 Kuala Lumpur
01:08 There are 3
01:08 Labuan
01:09 Putrajaya
01:09 And
01:10 Kuala Lumpur
01:11 3
01:11 Kuala Lumpur
01:12 Putrajaya
01:12 And
01:13 Labuan
01:13 What is the day of the federal territories?
01:17 Like in KL
01:18 They have been declared as a federal of territories
01:21 That's the day is considered
01:23 A day for a celebration
01:24 It's a holiday for me
01:25 I don't celebrate it to be frank
01:28 Just like a normal holiday
01:29 Just like Selangor Day
01:30 Any day is like that
01:31 Um
01:31 After the abstract interview just now
01:33 Everyone's concept of the federal suburb
01:35 Still relatively vague
01:36 Even can't accurately say
01:37 The names of the three federal suburbs
01:39 I don't know if you in front of the camera
01:40 Is it the same?
01:41 Next, we will go back in time
01:43 Back to 50 years ago
01:44 1974
01:46 Today 50 years ago
01:47 That is, February 1, 1974
01:49 On behalf of the Sudanese Salahuddin of the Suez
01:51 And on behalf of the national leader of the federal government
01:53 Dengku Abdul Halim
01:54 Formally signed the agreement
01:55 This is also the origin of the federal suburb day
01:57 I never studied the history of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor
02:04 I don't know
02:05 I'm not sure
02:07 I don't know
02:08 I really don't know
02:09 Before that
02:10 KL is part of the Suez
02:12 And the reason why KL was separated from the Suez
02:15 The one thing not to be overlooked
02:16 Is the election in 1969
02:18 The election that triggered the 5.13 world
02:20 The ruling party, the Democratic Party and the Democratic Action Party
02:22 Won 7 of the 8 state-run elections in KL
02:24 Let the ruling party of the Suez be threatened
02:27 Became the gap between the suburbs and KL
02:28 The 10th Suez Ambassador from the Suez
02:30 Harun Idlis
02:31 Visited Sudan, the Suez
02:32 Asked to separate KL, which had the majority of opposition supporters
02:35 From Selangor
02:36 To avoid trouble
02:38 Sudanese Salahuddin of the Suez
02:39 In the stable political situation of the Suez
02:40 The relationship between the Suez and the federal government
02:42 And under the consideration of maintaining the status of Malays
02:44 He was reluctant to separate KL
02:47 And in the initial agreement
02:48 He was going to separate the 8 major suburbs of the Suez
02:52 But in the end, because of the Suez government's resolution
02:55 Because that was the only industrial zone in the Suez
02:57 Of course, the Suez did not give up KL for nothing
02:59 The federal government compensated 200 million RMB in that year
03:02 In addition, according to the income of KL
03:04 Every year, the state government compensates about 18.3 million RMB
03:07 And compensates the construction and industry of 35 million RMB in KL
03:11 And also built Daruyi Mountain Pavilion at the snow dragon intersection
03:14 To commemorate the sacrifice of the Suez Sudan
03:17 If you often use the federal highway
03:19 You will definitely see this conspicuous sign
03:21 I think if not missing
03:26 Somewhere Sabah Sarawak is included
03:28 Number one
03:29 From the perspective of the state government
03:30 Every time the federal government turns a region into a suburb
03:33 It is a major sacrifice to the relevant state and local people
03:37 And after KL became a federal suburb
03:39 Namin of East Malaysia
03:40 Also became the second federal suburb on April 16, 1984, ten years later
03:44 On the surface, it is to develop Namin into a financial center on the coast
03:48 But to this day
03:49 Many Sabah people still refuse to forgive the then Sabah Chief of Staff, Harris
03:53 Regard him as a criminal who betrayed the interests of Sabah
03:57 Even Harris himself
03:58 He also publicly expressed in 2017
04:00 Regret the decision
04:02 The federal government did not develop Namin as promised
04:05 And asked to return Namin
04:07 (Selangor)
04:10 How many have three?
04:12 The other one is Bahang, right?
04:13 No, no, no
04:14 It's also nearby Selangor
04:16 Nearby Selangor?
04:17 Putrajaya
04:18 Putrajaya?
04:19 The third place to become a federal suburb
04:21 Is here, Bucheng
04:22 Because the land of Kuala Lumpur is limited
04:23 And faced with the problem of excessive congestion
04:25 Prime Minister Mahathir Sheron in the 1990s
04:27 Began planning to build another administrative center for the federal government
04:30 Become the administrative capital of our country
04:32 So on February 1, 2001
04:34 Sheran again cut down his own land
04:36 And gave Bucheng to the government
04:38 So within a week
04:40 There were two federal suburbs
04:41 And the transfer of Bucheng to the federal suburb
04:44 Had a subtle twist
04:45 The Salahuddin of Sudan was the head of state
04:48 And his son, the regent of East Guinea
04:50 The father and son represented the federal government
04:52 And the contract of the blood boat to witness the transfer of Bucheng
04:54 As compensation
04:55 The federal government also paid 200 million Sudanese dollars
04:57 And paid 7.5 million dollars annually
04:59 And also built a Dalu Yishan palace in Bucheng
05:01 Which is the palace behind me
05:03 For Sudan
05:04 Thanks to Sheran for giving Bucheng
05:06 The palace is built every day for 24 hours
05:08 The cycle of snowy weeks and the prime minister's chat
05:10 Seems to remind the federal government
05:12 Don't forget that this was once a part of the indivisible Sheran
05:15 I hope this video has made you understand more
05:17 And recognize the federal suburb
05:18 If you like this kind of explanation video
05:20 Remember to like and share
05:21 Your encouragement is our motivation
05:22 See you in the next video
05:24 (electronic music)
05:27 you
