The Stolen Valley Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: "Lupe, a Mexican-Navajo mechanic, seeks her estranged father's help to save her dying mother," reads the film's official synopsis. "Joined by a runaway cowgirl, their journey uncovers family secrets, exploitation, and the fight to reclaim ancestral land. As she discovers her Navajo heritage, Lupe faces a tough choice to rescue her family."
an upcoming Western crime thriller starring Briza Covarrubias. The film is set to release in theaters on February 23, 2024.
an upcoming Western crime thriller starring Briza Covarrubias. The film is set to release in theaters on February 23, 2024.
Short filmTranscript
00:00 You
00:02 When our people moved to the reservation there were some elders who wanted a different life
00:10 They found their new home in the heart about the valley
00:14 You're the landowner here
00:20 Why are you here my mother she's very sick
00:29 Cancer and you said that
00:33 But why are you here
00:38 Drop the price on my head. I'll blow his all over the floor. You shouldn't have done that Maddie
00:48 The only way out is to go out guns blazing you understand
00:51 Well, they don't exactly share your morals
00:56 Shoot everyone you want to go get this money or not
01:01 I'm sorry Lupe
01:06 But this is the only way to save her you want something for yourself
01:16 And you came in
01:18 And you ain't taking a thing from me
01:28 You
01:30 you
01:32 You
01:34 You
01:36 You
01:38 You
01:41 You
01:43 (whooshing)