Unveiling The Potential Of Istaroxime W/ Windtree Therapeutics' SEISMiC Extension Study

  • 8 months ago
Craig Fraser, CEO of Windtree Therapeutics, Inc., was recently interviewed by Benzinga.

Windtree is advancing late-stage interventions for cardiovascular disorders to treat patients in moments of crisis.

Using new scientific and clinical approaches, Windtree is developing a multi-asset franchise anchored around compounds with the ability to activate SERCA2a, which is critical in patients experiencing acute cardiac events. Its lead candidate, istaroxime, is being developed as a first-in-class treatment for cardiogenic shock and acute heart failure.

Mr. Frasier discussed his company’s recent deal with Lee’s Pharmaceuticals which will help Windtree to develop and commercialize its therapies.


00:00 Welcome it's Michael Murray with Benzinga sitting down today with Craig Frazier from
00:06 Wintree Therapeutics. We're discussing the regional licensing deal for Istiroxime and
00:10 the dual mechanism circa 2a activators and some of the other things they're doing in
00:14 the greater China region. Craig, it's an absolute pleasure to have you with us. Appreciate you
00:18 sitting down with us as always and taking the time for what we're sure is a very busy
00:21 season. How are you doing?
00:23 Very happy to. Thanks, Michael.
00:25 It's our pleasure, Craig. Thank you for being here. And to set the scene and jump right
00:28 into it, can you briefly describe this agreement that we talked about in the intro here and
00:32 what it provides for Wintree Therapeutics?
00:35 So the agreement is a deal that's worth up to about $138 million in value. That includes
00:43 various milestones as well as having on top of that up to double digit royalty. Within
00:50 that about $100 million of that is specifically related to the programs and so forth that
00:56 we have focused on heart failure. Also within there is about a little over $3 million that
01:03 that's much earlier pre-development and so forth slash up front type of type of payments
01:08 as well embedded within that. The deal itself covers our lead asset Istiroxime or Ista for
01:16 short, as well as the next generation, what we call circa 2a activators that while Ista
01:24 is an IV for hospitalized patients, the next gen products building on that novel mechanism
01:30 also have oral bioavailability. So they would they would tap into the chronic heart failure
01:35 markets as well. And of course, the deal covers for all costs of development, regulatory costs,
01:43 commercialization costs, manufacturing and so forth, which is a big deal for us as well.
01:49 And they're a portion of the global work when we're operating there also. And we'll work
01:54 together through typical governance committees, which we does have a final say with regard
01:59 to protocols and so forth. But they're a great partner and we're looking forward to fast
02:07 forwarding a lot of development because of because of this deal.
02:11 Terrific. Now, Craig, can you describe the drugs and the target indications that are
02:14 included in this agreement as well for some more context here?
02:17 Yeah. So I mentioned this, our lead asset is the Roxane has been under development initially
02:25 for people hospitalized due to their heart failure, what we call acute heart failure.
02:31 And more recently for the most severe manifestation of heart failure, something called cardiogenic
02:39 shock. And it has three positive phase two, two and heart failure and more recently, cardiogenic
02:46 shock. It's been dosed in over about 300 patients in these phase two studied and more more than
02:53 that. And it's just been producing a really attractive, positive, very consistent profile
03:02 across many, many measures of people in the hospital and moments of crisis and critical
03:07 care because of a of a failing heart. We have a fast track designation from the FDA for
03:13 heart failure and cardiogenic shock. And when we met with the FDA kind of coming out of
03:18 those meetings, we discovered that we study in cardiogenic shock. There's a pathway that
03:24 can be faster and cheaper. And now with this positive data, we as a company, Wintry, have
03:31 jumped all over that as our lead indication, even though heart fires, this big, massive
03:36 market, it just takes a lot more money, a lot more capabilities and time. And cardiogenic
03:42 shock can move fast and cheap and a super attractive. So and I'll come back to it. That's
03:47 what this deal enables us to tap into and do both. But heart fire is a condition where
03:55 about eight million people in the US have it. We probably have all had relatives with
03:59 heart failure where the heart just cannot meet the body's demands. It's not strong enough,
04:03 squeezing well enough and so forth. And when they come into the hospital, it's the number
04:09 one reason for hospitalizations in the US and Europe, close to a million and a half
04:14 admissions per year. And they come in about one out of 12 of these people are going to
04:20 be going into cardiogenic shock where their heart is failing so much that their body's
04:25 not even adequately fusing and flow to vital organs like the brain and kidneys. That's
04:31 a medical emergency. You got to get blood pressure rapidly back up and flow to these
04:36 vital organs besides improving the function of the heart. So so we're studying and have
04:43 been studying in both of those areas, including shock, which has super high mortality, 30
04:50 to 40 percent in classic shock. And the deal itself also then covers our next generation
04:58 products that build on that circuit to a activation. That's the novel mechanism and ISTA that causes
05:05 greater relaxation and fill volumes of the heart with blood. And we build out a library
05:11 of compounds. It covers the the dual mechanism, fast follow on to ISTA. We have not in the
05:18 deal, but also these pure circuit to a activators. But they will have oral bioavailability to
05:24 access the outpatient chronic market. And we also have this this product that we're
05:31 not developing currently for genetically associated hypertension, Rasta-Faroxane that we have
05:36 in that deal. And we'll figure out if from what we're going to do with Rasta. So that's
05:42 the drugs. That's the areas of focus in this deal.
05:46 Excellent. Now, Craig, why regionally license these CVS in Asia now and why with Lee specifically?
05:52 That's a great question. You know, oftentimes companies have a decision to make about when
05:58 to do licensing. You know, do you do some regional licensing? Do you hold off to do
06:03 a global license? And clearly for us, as I've said publicly, you know, we're at a phase
06:09 with this, the Roxium in particular, where we're doing the wrap up work. We got two ongoing
06:15 studies right now that you read out here and about two quarters that are that are going
06:20 to put us in phase three readiness, bridging us to phase three. And we have optionality
06:25 to do a big global deal, monetize this whole multi-asset platform or go run phase three
06:30 ourselves for the US and regionalize it. But, you know, China is really unique. It's a very
06:37 unique market. One, it is the largest market for arguably for heart failure and patients
06:43 and so forth. And it's a market where in my experience over the last 34 years, including
06:49 being in really big companies like J&J and Pfizer, where it's where it's great to have
06:54 a local partner who can execute within there. And then we're in a really unique position
07:01 with this to Roxium because we already have a positive phase to be in heart failure in
07:07 Chinese patients and an open IND there. It's so happened that our partner, Lease, is a
07:16 manufacturer as well and a CRO that's been involved in supporting ISTA Roxy. So we had
07:23 a highly capable revenue producing bigger company and Lease. That's a partner that we
07:28 know with a very unique ready to go position in a very unique market like China where Lease
07:36 can get started right into phase three for acute heart fire is what they believe and
07:42 we believe in their plan. So they said, look, while you're doing global shock, we'll get
07:48 started with heart fire. We'll start putting money at this and the circuit to ace. So this
07:53 strengthens the program. It accelerates the program, opens up another front of development,
07:58 heart failure and strengthens our balance sheet and even increases the attractiveness
08:03 of the company by having a lot more deliverables and activity and news potential for for value
08:10 creation or if we do even strategic partnerships with other companies.
08:15 Absolutely. And then finally, even though you've given us context up until this point
08:19 to, can you give us a final recap and larger view here as to why this is a significant
08:23 event for Wintry?
08:24 Yeah, thank you. You know, I believe that it's validating, right? It's validating of
08:31 the very significant opportunity. We know the market opportunities, not other things
08:35 in development. You know, everybody's starting to look back to cardiovascular. That's been
08:40 a general theme in our industry lately. But it's validating of not just the opportunity,
08:44 but the quality of our data. That's what we believe in and our partner believes. The other
08:50 thing is, when you're a small company, it's really good to have somebody else in the boat.
08:56 It just especially these days in the boat with you, partner contributing, contributing
09:02 financially, contributing in the mission capabilities for sure. So so we've gained that as well.
09:09 And I think that's really important to not just be 100% on your own, but be able to have
09:15 that that that bigger brother, if you will. That's that's also part of the whole thing.
09:20 And like I said a moment ago, this does accelerate when you look at our plan, this would accelerate
09:26 development, open up another front and give us more opportunity for value creation. So
09:32 so we're excited about this news. And and I recommend, by the way, people please look
09:38 at our public filings, go to our website, www.WintreeTX.com to learn more. And we have
09:47 a lot of activity going on that we look forward to keeping everybody updated on. It's going
09:51 to be a busy couple quarters.
09:53 Amazing. Craig, can't thank you enough for joining us here today. You and the Wintree
09:57 team always welcome on the Benzinga Network. Thank you so much for joining us and sharing
10:01 what's going on with the company and what we can expect to see next.
10:04 Thank you very much. Everybody have a good day.
10:07 [Music]
