特赦局会议已有结果 传纳吉就快出狱?

  • 8 months ago
八点最热报 | 在加影监狱坐牢将近一年半的前首相纳吉,真的得到特赦,快要出狱了?昨天,特赦委员会在国家王宫召开了国家元首苏丹阿都拉陛下卸任前最后一次主持的会议,根据报道,会议将会重点讨论了前首相纳吉的特赦案件,并做出了决定。但截至截稿,特赦局仍未发文告宣布会议结果。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 Bosco, the former prime minister who has been in prison for almost a year and a half,
00:10 is really going to get a special treatment and be released from prison?
00:15 Today, whether the former prime minister is about to receive special treatment is a long-awaited question.
00:20 There is no official statement yet until the truth is revealed.
00:27 Yesterday, the Special Committee held a meeting with the former prime minister before his dismissal.
00:34 According to the report, the meeting will focus on the special case of the former prime minister Najib and make a decision.
00:41 When the prime minister of the meeting, the Minister of the Federal Bureau of Justice, Zalihar, was questioned by the media,
00:47 he only confirmed that the Special Committee had indeed made a decision and would issue a statement to announce the results of the meeting.
00:55 However, before the official statement of the Special Committee,
00:59 a source told the Malaysian front page that Najib had already received special treatment.
01:06 However, the report was changed to "Najib received special treatment" after half an hour.
01:11 This is a questionable report.
01:13 Later, the Malaysian front page urgently withdrew the report about Najib's special treatment and apologized to the reader.
01:21 The report wrote in the statement that the Malaysian front page had withdrawn the relevant report
01:27 because the relevant facts had not yet been confirmed.
01:31 However, the news from the New York Times has a different version.
01:35 According to the New York Times, Najib received only "conditional special treatment",
01:41 not "complete special treatment", so he would not be released immediately.
01:46 When the Najib camp was interviewed, they confirmed to the New York Times that the special treatment application for Najib did indeed have positive news.
01:55 However, the source of the news did not further reveal how many years of suspension Najib had received,
02:00 and pointed to everything as "according to the Special Committee's statement".
02:04 At the same time, two other government sources told the New York Times that Najib may be released next year after being suspended.
02:15 After the New York Times, they also withdrew the relevant news.
02:19 If you click on the link that was originally there, the website only shows a message that "the page does not exist".
02:25 Rumors are everywhere.
02:27 Today, Secretary of the Interior, Saifuddin, issued a brief statement that he would hold a press conference at 3.30 p.m. tomorrow.
02:36 But there was no clear statement on what the press conference was going to announce.
02:40 Let's take a brief look at it.
02:43 Najib, 70 years old, is the first prime minister to be in Japan.
02:47 The Supreme Court ruled on July 28, 2020 that Najib committed seven crimes involving the $42 million money laundering of SRC International,
02:56 including one of the "dirty dog" crimes, which was sentenced to 12 years in prison, and a fine of $21 million.
03:02 Three of the "murder of a teacher" crimes were sentenced to 10 years in prison, and three of the "money laundering" crimes were sentenced to 10 years in prison.
03:11 Based on the court's ruling, the sentence was executed at the same time.
03:14 Therefore, Najib faced a total of nearly 12 years and a fine of $21 million.
03:21 Although Najib filed a judicial appeal against this judgment,
03:25 the Federal Court rejected the final appeal on August 23, 2022.
03:30 Najib was formally sentenced to prison.
03:33 But Najib applied for a special pardon on September 2, the same year.
03:37 Under Article 113 of the Prison Law of 2000, special applications are subject to 10-line provisions.
03:45 In other words, if the applicant's first special application is not pardoned or suspended,
03:51 they must wait for two more years or more before they can apply for another one.
03:57 This also means that if Najib wants to apply for a second special application, he can only apply on August 23 or later in 2025.
04:09 Anyway, as for whether Najib will get a special pardon,
04:13 as the spokesman for the United Government, he is also the Minister of Communications, Fahmy.
04:16 After being called by the media, he made the following response at the long-term meeting of the Ministry of Communications today.
04:24 Many media called me.
04:27 I checked with the Stratcom Cabinet and YB Datuk Sli Azalina.
04:32 They informed me that we had to wait for the statement from the Ministry of Forgiveness.
04:36 As for whether Najib will get a special pardon,
04:39 the Minister of Communications, Fahmy, asked the Minister of Justice, Azalina,
04:43 for a further investigation, and he gave a statement.
04:47 Fahmy also said that after Najib's special report was published,
04:51 he urgently withdrew and apologized,
04:54 reminding the media that in the case of a major incident,
04:57 it should not be before the official confirmation of the incident,
04:59 just to provide a source of information and make a report.
05:02 We wait for the official statement before we make a report.
05:08 We choose to make a report based on the source.
05:11 Sometimes we are not sure how the source is.
05:14 In major issues, it is more important to ensure the authenticity of the information we receive
05:21 before we make a report.
05:26 For more information, visit www.stratcom.org
05:31 Stratcom.org/Stratcom
