Man arrested for threatening teachers who caught son smoking at school

  • 8 months ago
A father, whose son was sitting for the SPM examinations, was arrested for allegedly intimidating teachers who caught the boy smoking in the toilet of a school in Kota Kinabalu on Monday (Jan 29).


00:00 A 49-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly intimidating teachers for taking action against
00:09 his son, said to have been caught smoking in the toilet of a school in Kota Kinabalu.
00:16 Videos of the alleged incident, which occurred on Monday morning, have gone viral.
00:21 District Police Chief ACP Mohamad Zaidi Abdullah said teachers from the school lodged a police
00:26 report and the suspect was detained to assist with investigations under Section 506 of the
00:33 Penal Code.
00:34 It was learnt that the suspect's son was caught smoking before sitting for the SPM Bahasa
00:39 Malaysia oral exam.
00:42 The 17-year-old student then contacted his father, who came to the school and allegedly
00:46 confronted the teachers involved.
00:49 The father was purportedly insistent that the school allow his son to sit for the paper
00:54 and this led to him becoming aggressive with several teachers.
00:57 Video of the alleged incident, which occurred on Monday morning, was then reported to the
01:04 District Police Chief ACP Mohamad Zaidi Abdullah.
01:08 The suspect was detained for the SPM Bahasa Malaysia oral exam and was later arrested.
01:16 Video of the alleged incident, which occurred on Monday morning, was then reported to the
01:36 District Police Chief ACP Mohamad Zaidi Abdullah.
01:37 When contacted, Sabah Education Director Datuk Raisin Saidin said it was true the student
01:42 was caught smoking in school and that he had actually been expelled last December 15.
01:48 He added that the boy was allowed back in school to sit for the SPM exams and the school
01:53 only had to address him over the smoking incident.
01:57 Raisin urged the public not to blow the incident out of proportion so that parents and students,
02:02 including the boy, could focus on the exams.
02:10 The boy was arrested on December 20, 2017.
02:11 He was charged with second-degree murder and was released on $200,000 bond.
02:12 He was arrested on December 20, 2017.
