• l’année dernière


00:00 [Music]
00:26 Today's lesson in the theme Stretch is entitled "Stretch Your Bread." Say that.
00:32 Say that again.
00:35 And the subtitle is "The Bread King." Say, "Father, make me a bread king."
00:42 Say that again.
00:45 Alright, verse number 35 of John 6.
00:50 Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He that comes to me shall never hunger, and he that believes on me shall never thirst."
00:59 And the Jews murmured at him because he said, "I am the bread which came down from heaven."
01:06 And then he went and said, "I am the bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and they are dead."
01:16 Verse 50, "This is the bread which comes down from heaven that a man may eat and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven.
01:27 If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever. And the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for my life, for the life of this world."
01:43 Father, add a blessing to this word in Jesus' name. Take your seats. Amen.
01:48 Availability and the cost of bread in a nation or a city or a community is usually a marker of the wealth, the health, the well-being of said nation or people or community.
02:13 So in writing these paragraphs, I was looking at the backdrop of bread challenges.
02:19 It's one of the things that toppled over Louis XIV's government in what is known as the French Revolution.
02:27 It was a battle for bread.
02:29 And so whenever the price of bread goes up in a nation, we understand that the economy isn't doing too well.
02:37 Because bread in every country is generally a staple food.
02:42 And so there are instances in the scriptures where the bread is stretched as God constantly provides for his people.
02:53 "Shout, God provides for me."
02:55 Everybody, "Shout, God provides for me."
02:59 And then there are times when God will touch the bread. In other words, God will mess with your bread to find out if you love him or you love the bread.
03:11 Because there's people that love the bread more than they love the God that provides the bread.
03:17 And the greatest hindrance of a Christian is prosperity.
03:21 We pray to prosper, and then when you prosper, we forget God.
03:26 Turn to your neighbor and say, "Don't forget God."
03:29 You're going to prosper because God is a God that prospers.
03:33 You are going to prosper. When you give, you get.
03:36 But when you get, don't forget where you got what you give.
03:41 To get, to give. Don't forget.
03:45 Amen.
03:47 And so, again, when God will touch the bread, it's because he wants to see who you love.
03:53 The bread or the God of the bread.
03:55 The bread then that God touches will then usually drive people to repent or cause them to be bitter.
04:07 I've met bitter people who went from a lot to nothing and they became angry.
04:14 And I've met grateful people who went from a lot to nothing but understood that God is in control.
04:23 So the fact that you're sick and you're not healed doesn't mean that God is not a healer.
04:30 The fact that you might not be good looking doesn't mean that God is not good looking.
04:37 The fact that you can't put ribbons in your hair doesn't mean that God doesn't give hair for covering.
04:42 Somebody's got to say, "Amen."
04:45 And so, sisters and brothers, remember, if you are in a constant state of repentance,
04:51 there'll be no need for God to touch your bread because we are told, "Give us this day our daily bread."
05:00 So God then is a responsible God, a responsible Father.
05:04 You who are prone to evil, 631 of John, know how to give good gifts to your children.
05:12 Your Father knows you have need of these things, but they are things in terms of priority that you seek first.
05:19 Bread is not the first thing you seek.
05:22 Now, you need bread, but it's not the first thing you seek.
05:26 You seek it and you ask for it, but it's not the first thing you ask for.
05:30 Our Father.
05:42 So when you ask for bread before the kingdom, you are out of sync.
05:49 Can't you never say you need bread?
05:52 Say, "Ask for bread."
05:54 Don't ask for yourself, "Amen."
05:56 Ask for the person sitting next to you, so you can share.
06:01 And so, slide number six.
06:03 So the bread then that we have has got to be stretched.
06:08 Bread is also a metaphor for revelation knowledge.
06:13 Bread is also a metaphor.
06:16 So there are times when the word bread in the scripture is interchangeable with knowledge or revelation knowledge.
06:23 Give us this day our knowledge, our daily knowledge, so we can navigate in and out of the day's events.
06:31 Bread is also a type of Jesus as the bread of life, and also a type of the body of Christ, which is the gathering of corporates as we gather together.
06:45 Also, when we take communion, we are looking at the possibility of serving communion a lot more at New Life Covenant Church.
06:54 I mean, right now, the overflow is all the way almost to the gate outside, and also stretching into what is the smaller auditorium.
07:04 And so, we started praying for buildings on this row to vacate.
07:11 We are praying for them to be blessed where they need a bigger warehouse somewhere.
07:17 We don't want them to close down.
07:18 We want them to prosper, because many of you are employed by them.
07:22 Many of you are in the supply chain for them.
07:25 So we don't want them, we don't want bad to come on them.
07:27 We want them to prosper so much that they move away and we move in, so that this can be for children and that can be for us.
07:37 Come on, bread seekers.
07:40 Amen. We try to think ahead.
07:42 And so, a lot of those things become important, especially when God is stretching our bread.
07:48 Bread also infers and refers to money and the availability and the use of it.
07:55 If you get it, look after it.
07:57 Okay, so bread is stretched.
08:00 And when bread is stretched, God makes you a bread king.
08:06 So, Luke chapter 11, verse 1 to 13, a man asks his neighbor at midnight for three loaves of bread.
08:13 And he knocked on his door many, many times until he got more bread than he requested.
08:18 And so, in Mark 11, Jesus is teaching prayer.
08:22 It's the second time he teaches the Lord's prayer.
08:25 But in this prayer, he doesn't say, "For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory."
08:30 Because in Luke 11, verse 1, the disciples said, "Teach us to pray as John taught his disciples to pray."
08:37 And so, one of the things in the Lord's prayer is to pray for bread and not to ask for bread.
08:45 You pray for it before you ask for it. Say that.
08:49 Because asking is not prayer.
08:54 Prayer includes asking.
08:57 "Don't be gimme, my name is Jimmy."
09:00 Always make sure that you pray and then you ask, as opposed to ask before you pray.
09:08 I hope you're trucking with the brother.
09:10 And so, this man had a traveler come at midnight.
09:14 The traveler is many things. It's a person. The traveler is an idea.
09:19 The traveler is a company, whatever the case might be.
09:25 The traveler comes in an unlikely season.
09:28 And let me just add this while I'm here.
09:30 Thank God for night seasons.
09:33 Because night seasons are opportunities for unlikely visitors.
09:38 The visitor came at night. Why?
09:41 Because at night, you are less busy.
09:44 The visitor is not going to come in your day season, because in your day season, you are generally busy.
09:50 So at night, you are chilled.
09:53 You are now ready to receive that intellectual property, that idea, that song, that saying, that company.
10:01 Many, many things are born or conceived in the night.
10:06 So, when pursuing a goal, especially in a different season, keep knocking.
10:18 Keep knocking.
10:20 Don't you never say keep knocking.
10:23 Keep knocking.
10:25 Number two, when resources are rock bottom and opportunity presents itself,
10:35 don't leave any stone unturned, because the door will open at some point.
10:44 At some point.
10:46 At some point, Tinashe, at some point, that door has to open.
10:53 Even if it's because the person whose door you are knocking at is totally irritated.
11:01 At some point, they'll open that door.
11:04 And even if they open that door because they are irritated, they are going to have to see your face and slam it in your face.
11:11 But the fact is, they are going to open that door.
11:14 At some point, at some point, where are they?
11:19 At some point, those twins are coming and you are going to wonder why you asked for twins.
11:24 Ask Dream for advice on twins.
11:27 At some point, they are coming.
11:29 Ask Granny Diana on twins.
11:31 At some point, they are coming.
11:33 Amen.
11:34 And if you want all at once, you can get triplets.
11:37 Amen.
11:38 Three for the price of one.
11:42 At some point.
11:44 Number three.
11:45 At some point, heaven.
11:48 At some point, the universe.
11:50 At some point, the doors that you are engaging will respond positively.
11:56 At some point, wherever that is, and we've told them this before.
12:00 Bread is always, bread is always a currency that is needed.
12:07 And we need strategies to access it.
12:10 So bread is always faith.
12:12 Bread is always a currency.
12:15 Bread is always a revelation thought idea.
12:19 Bread is always a daily commodity, a daily issue, a daily need, a daily challenge.
12:26 Bread is always daily anointing.
12:29 So when I put bread is always, you fill in the blank.
12:32 Because bread for a different person is a different thing.
12:36 Is everybody trucking with a brother?
12:38 All right.
12:40 Chapter 15, 24 of the book of Matthew.
12:43 The scripture says here, but he answered and said, and said, I am sent to the sheep of the house of Israel.
12:52 Then she came and worshipped him saying, Lord, help me.
12:57 Say that.
12:59 Say that with passion.
13:01 Come on, everybody.
13:03 Lord, help me.
13:05 You know, when I'm standing in church and I'm watching you all, some of you are so serious.
13:09 And then I stay behind after service and I mingle and I'm wondering, wow.
13:16 Mr. Hyde has just shown up because the laughter and the smiles and the slapping of hands are so different to the very serious people are here.
13:29 There we go.
13:30 There's a smile behind that serious face.
13:32 And so the woman said, Lord, help me.
13:37 She's not on the top of the food chain.
13:39 She's way below.
13:41 And he said, I can't take the children's bread and and give it to the dogs.
13:46 In other words, we have a budget that's been set.
13:50 This budget is to run this household.
13:53 We are only doing roads in Bordel Brook.
13:57 We are not doing roads in our mention your neighborhood.
14:03 Only with certain people stay, we are doing their roads or else the motorcycles will fall down.
14:09 So we do roads on those areas.
14:11 So we are not taking time and fixing your roads.
14:15 But you can say, but we are also taxpayers.
14:18 We are under the table.
14:20 We we we are.
14:23 We are crumb people.
14:25 Can't you never say crumbs, man?
14:30 She said, it's true that I'm not part of the elite, but at least from the bottom.
14:37 I'm at the bottom of the food chain.
14:39 I don't know how to sew.
14:41 I'm a motopa topa person.
14:44 At least I'm entitled to a crumb.
14:47 And then he said to her, your faith has made you whole because the crumb is the same designated formula as a whole loaf.
14:57 And from that hour, her need was met.
15:01 In this hour, this very hour, what's the time now?
15:05 What is the time?
15:06 What's the time?
15:08 23 past 10 by 11 o'clock, they are going to be needs that are met.
15:18 I need faith in the room.
15:21 Because daily bread is landing at 11 o'clock today.
15:27 And so look at slide nine.
15:29 Specific classes are selected.
15:33 So Jesus came for a class of people, Israel.
15:38 This lady was not in that class.
15:41 Her need was as great, if not greater than any Jewish needs.
15:46 Now listen to me carefully.
15:48 There were many in the scripture that were possessed with demons in Jesus day.
15:53 Many, many.
15:54 Chapter 17 of Matthew is one where a boy was so devil possessed that the demon was throwing him in the water and in the fire.
16:02 That's a bad case.
16:03 There are several cases that are really bad cases.
16:06 But this one is a bad case.
16:09 This young, this woman's daughter was a bad case and she was not selected.
16:15 Number two, the groups of people that are selected are given the resource.
16:22 The group that's selected are given the resource.
16:25 You might not be selected and you might not have the resource.
16:30 All right.
16:32 Number three, bread crumbs are not for the majority.
16:37 Bread crumbs are for the majority.
16:40 Loaves are for the elite.
16:46 So let's use your new life covenant church.
16:49 Everybody from the third row, you are bread crumb people.
16:56 Please listen, because you are not designated the front row.
17:02 I don't know how Kuda and Stephen are on the front row.
17:07 Maybe they are bread people.
17:10 So the loaves people are sitting here.
17:14 You're on the front row.
17:15 Everybody behind there, you are crumb people.
17:18 But when I turned around to see the worship, the loaf people were getting the first wave of the anointing.
17:24 But the crumb people were enjoying it more than the loaves people.
17:28 Because the loaves people enjoy being sutile, the crumb people are grabbing more because they are not the loaves people.
17:38 Of the loaves people, you're not a board member.
17:41 You're not a board member.
17:42 You're not a board member.
17:43 You're not a board member.
17:47 Mona Philippa, you're not a board member.
17:50 Sandra, you're not a board member.
17:52 Maggie, you're not a board member.
17:54 You are not a board member.
17:55 Stephen, you look bored, so you could be a board member.
18:01 So even though there were front row people here that are not board members, the board members get the cream.
18:07 They get the loaf.
18:09 The rest are getting the crumbs from...
18:11 My point is basically, at some point in your life, every area in your life, you are a loaf and you are a crumb person.
18:22 I'm not an active member in the ruling party or in another party.
18:32 CDE.
18:35 I'm not a member there.
18:37 But I'm a citizen.
18:39 I'm a taxpayer.
18:41 I'm entitled to have good roads.
18:44 I'm entitled to have electricity, running water.
18:47 Are you with me, everybody?
18:49 And so even though there are individuals who, when they are voted in, get good cars, their good cars are still driving on rubbish roads.
19:00 So if they are fixing the roads for their good cars, me with my Skoda, I'm entitled to ride the road they are riding on, even though I'm a crumb person.
19:08 They might be entitled, you might be entitled, but what you are entitled to, I'm a partaker of.
19:15 Stay with me. It's going to get gooder.
19:18 Amen. It's not firing shots. I'm just giving you the facts.
19:22 All right. If you have hair, you're entitled to get it done.
19:26 If you want to be Shaka Khan, knock yourself out, Shaka.
19:30 OK. OK. She understood the system.
19:34 OK. She understood the system, number five, because the first thing she did was worship.
19:41 That's the first thing she did was worship.
19:44 I'm not I'm not in the group, but the way to get into the group is to worship.
19:49 You learn the system. Don't you ever say learn the system.
19:52 You want bread. You have to learn the system.
19:55 You want a loan. You have to learn the system.
19:58 You want a house. You have to learn the system.
20:01 Amen. Don't you ever say learn the system.
20:04 If you are wanting to access bread, you have to learn the system.
20:09 Don't make a demand if you don't know the system.
20:16 That church is only we can give you learn the system because you go to another.
20:22 You know, you will. First number looks like someone has learned the system.
20:31 OK. She came with a specific need.
20:34 It's not like the only is in a giving mood that we throw in a while.
20:38 You hear my daughter in Google. Can you help me with my pig industry?
20:44 I'm a gentile. You know, can you help me with security?
20:47 Why are you in a giving mood? Can you get me a ticket to to to Babylon?
20:53 No. When you come with specific need, get that need met before you start queuing up the others.
21:02 Say don't be broad. Stay specific. Come on, Jonathan. Stay specific.
21:07 People that change their prayer request every day.
21:11 Don't ask for something until one has been met. That's the point.
21:15 Number eight, greatness is determined by stretching for bread in the system.
21:23 I know there's bread in your system. You just told me I can only get crumbs.
21:28 I know there's bread in your system, but at some point that bread in your system,
21:34 I'm going to have access to that whole loaf because if I can get a taste of that bread from a crumb,
21:41 the day of Pentecost comes in, I'm jumping in and grabbing the loaf.
21:46 I think everybody that knows their Bible knows where I'm going.
21:49 Luke 22 and verse 19 say bread is stretched. So we took bread and he gave thanks.
21:57 So whenever God gives you bread, which is an opportunity, an idea,
22:03 before you start breaking the bread or discovering the idea or maximizing the idea
22:11 or sharing it with your staff or putting legs on your idea, give God thanks for your idea.
22:19 We have auntie Christine here. She's sitting on the front row.
22:22 She was one of the few survivors that survived in a bomb at Woolworths on a Raleigh Drive.
22:28 Way back in the war years, she's one of the few that survived.
22:33 The voice said to her, go to the back of the building.
22:36 And when she was at the back of the building, boom, the bomb went off and people were killed.
22:41 Every year at the anniversary of that bombing event, she has a Thanksgiving dinner.
22:46 She's right here, sitting right here. She lives in the UK.
22:51 She lives in the UK. She comes around the same time to come and give thanks for saving her life.
22:57 What was the life saved for? To be a beggar, a pauper, a drunkard, a drug dealer, a human trafficker.
23:04 A life was saved to make human life better.
23:07 So, so the first thing that happens when God gives you an opportunity for bread is give thanks.
23:15 Amen. When supper was ended, that means what you were doing, the season has ended.
23:21 You are now coming into a new season. You give thanks for the new season.
23:26 Because when you give thanks for the new season bread, that daily bread is coming to feed you, to fuel you for the new season.
23:35 If you can't be thankful for the fuel for the next season, you'll squander it the first time.
23:42 Oh, I feel a preaching annoyed in here.
23:45 Then when he gave thanks, he took the bread, the idea, not something he stole from someone, his own loaf.
23:54 He broke his idea. He gave it to the leadership he had selected to be on his team.
24:00 So we share our idea first with the board members, then the next set of leaders and we break the bread.
24:07 It's the same idea. It's Bishop's message. It's not your own message on Bishop's platform.
24:14 It's our song, not your song on our platform.
24:19 So we break the bread and we make sure the furthest person gets the bread from the first hands.
24:31 I feel like combing my hair backwards.
24:36 The second thing is you have to be able to delegate before the bread is stretched.
24:42 And remember that the message facilitates the bread stretching to this in remembrance.
24:49 Don't forget if we can do it with a loaf of bread physically, we can do it with my teaching, the sermon on the mount.
24:57 We can do it with washing feet. If we can do it with this, you can do it with that.
25:02 If we can do it here, we can do it there. If we can do it today, we can do it.
25:11 And is a good a man slide 11.
25:15 A man, 11, verse one of Ecclesiastes, cast your bread upon the waters and you shall find it after many days.
25:23 In other words, stretch your bread.
25:28 On life giving platforms, water is used because it's a life giving platform.
25:35 It is a stretch, stretch your bread upon the field or stretch your bread upon the desert or stretch your bread upon the forest.
25:45 He said, no stretch your bread on a life giving entity.
25:52 Special bread upon the life giving entity.
25:57 So when you cast your bread, identify that resource that you are stretching or giving as an investment, stretch it.
26:09 And you have to learn to wait. You have to wait because for you shall find it after you shall find it after.
26:20 Come on, you all you shall find it after.
26:23 So in others, what you stretch today is not coming today.
26:29 It's many days.
26:34 All the impatient people.
26:39 Or let me rephrase that all the patient people turn to the impatient people and say, be patient.
26:56 You know, the other day, I won't tell you which chicken place to and I went to buy chicken.
27:00 The chicken that they gave us, I think the chicken was maybe a week and a half old.
27:12 Small little chicken like this.
27:14 Let the chicken grow, shall.
27:19 Let the chicken grow.
27:25 Chicken. You can't be having eggs every day.
27:35 And fried, you can scramble it, you can boil it, you can poach it, but you never eat chicken if you like eggs.
27:45 And if you like chicken, yes, you eat chicken, but you also sleep well. You can take the feathers and put it in your pillow.
27:56 And so you decide then. OK, so what I'm saying here with what the writer is saying, that once you cast your bread, once you cast your bread, once you cast it.
28:12 You don't expect an immediate return.
28:16 I've been judged for all my I've been in this church for 15 years.
28:21 And that dream day with these blues who just told us that we're going to get a harvest is going into my 16th year.
28:27 I never got a you cancelling what's coming.
28:33 Many days, every single day of my life for the last several years.
28:41 I've been reaping every day in the strangest places.
28:46 We go to places and we have meals, our meals are covered. I'm jogging.
28:52 I'm receiving money. I'm in the shop. People are paying for my groceries.
28:57 She says to me, why are you even at home? Go to the shop and just stand there.
29:04 She says, you still here, why don't you jog 40 days? We can build Kingdom Cathedral, just jog.
29:15 The point that we're making is that it never used to be that way.
29:20 So what was many, many days I'm now in the season where my many days have been fulfilled.
29:28 I said my many days have been fulfilled. Point to a neighbor and say your many days are about to be fulfilled.
29:38 I feel like pushing on that right now. Don't be wary in well doing.
29:44 Your many days are about to be fulfilled. Your bread that you cast upon the waters,
29:52 your bread's about to come back, pressed down, shaken together and running over.
29:57 Give someone a high five. Say your bread has been stretched. Clap your hands, everybody.
30:12 Slide number 12. He, Job is saying he believes not he shall return out of darkness.
30:22 And he has waited for, he has waited for and of the sword.
30:32 Verse number 23. Again, I couldn't do context and pretext just to get the scripture.
30:37 He wanders abroad for bread saying, I heard there were jobs in London. I heard Australia was great.
30:48 He goes abroad and when they get abroad, they say, but where are the jobs? Where's the money?
30:53 I didn't know we had to pay this rent and this transport and this levy and this, this, this, this.
30:59 So he's saying here, he believes that way is, is dark and way is there is a sword.
31:07 So they leave where they are to go to a place. And when they get there, they say,
31:13 In other words, he's saying where you are, even though there's a sword, even though there's a drought, there's bread there.
31:32 There are too many people that have applied for visas. That's why you didn't clap.
31:37 Don't you never say there's bread here?
31:44 There's bread here.
31:47 Just look at all the people around you that are well rounded and you know, there's bread here.
31:52 Is it, where is it? Where is it? Because you know, not that, that, that the earth is spinning.
32:00 So there's bread, there's no bread here. So you heard there's bread in Moab.
32:05 So you are leaving Bethlehem, the house of bread. You are going to more and forgetting that the world is turning.
32:10 That now it's more absurd to have no bread. So you left where the bread is now coming to.
32:16 So where you went, because you heard there was bread and now there's no bread, you are coming back to where you were.
32:21 And the people who stayed there because you went there that had no bread, you thought there was bread.
32:25 Now there's no bread. The people have made bread where you has no bread.
32:29 And the people that weren't married, they are married. The people that have no house, they have a house. Now you are stuck in the middle with you.
32:41 Don't you ever say, don't be lazy.
32:45 If there's one thing I can't stand is a lazy person.
32:48 I can't stand a lazy person.
32:51 A drag bar person I can't stand. Just lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy.
33:00 So I have my followers that wait for me here. And they say, ah, there's nothing to do.
33:05 I say, there's plenty to do. There's plenty.
33:08 You can clean the shoes of all the choir guys.
33:11 There's plenty to do. You can help sweep, clean, drive, whatever you can do.
33:17 You can't say there's nothing to do. Turn to a neighbor and say there's plenty to do.
33:23 Plenty. If you have nothing to do, start cutting grass where grass is long.
33:31 Somebody will notice you cutting grass.
33:37 If no one notices you cutting grass, the God who gave grass will notice you cutting grass.
33:48 No rabbit trails. 13 Proverbs 22 and verse 9.
33:55 He that has a bountiful eye shall be blessed for he gives his bread to the poor.
34:07 Be a person who thinks and loves abundance.
34:15 Think and love abundance.
34:19 You talk to your shoes and say you are four pairs of shoes.
34:25 And your shoes can be having a discussion.
34:28 There's something wrong with the head of a...
34:32 But the shoes, their only job is to walk.
34:35 Your shoes, their job is not to think.
34:40 That's why they became shoes. They got killed somewhere and became a skoomba.
34:47 Your shoes, not their job to think.
34:51 So when you look at your shoes, you tell them you are one of three.
34:57 And you watch your shoes begin to grow because you're thinking bountifully.
35:05 This room where you are working, there will be 15 more people working for me here.
35:15 And somebody can hear you saying that when you're by yourself.
35:19 They're hearing you now.
35:21 They're hearing you saying that now.
35:24 But you can see because you are thinking abundance.
35:28 That years down the road, there are 12 other people.
35:33 Some that even may have looked down on you who are joining as junior partners in what you started.
35:40 As bread being cast upon the waters.
35:43 Say stretch the bread.
35:45 Stretch the bread.
35:48 Alright? See abundance everywhere.
35:51 I love Tadiwa. Tadiwa O.M. too. I love that girl.
35:56 Tadiwa looks at everything and she sees it's money.
36:00 Yes. She sees money. She converts it in her head.
36:04 There's no such thing as rubbish.
36:06 Everything that's there is an opportunity.
36:09 So you have to then think abundance everywhere.
36:12 Number three. Know every adversity is an opportunity.
36:18 In every adversity, there is an opportunity.
36:21 Andrew Fleming learned that.
36:23 And we could go on and on with others.
36:26 Etc.
36:28 Create opportunities for those who are less fortunate.
36:34 Create opportunities.
36:36 Don't give money.
36:38 Create opportunities.
36:41 I'm not saying don't give money.
36:43 I'm saying don't give money.
36:45 Because there are some people think that money solves their problem.
36:48 No. An opportunity solves their problem.
36:52 Show me your business plan and I'll help you.
36:56 Don't say give me money. I'll have a business plan.
36:59 So, Dream was saying, what do we put first, the cart or the horse?
37:04 Thank God you have both.
37:08 I'd rather have a cart.
37:13 Because I can always hire a horse.
37:17 If I have a horse or a cart, think about all the hay I have to find.
37:21 And what I have to do when the hay has been processed.
37:24 Slide number 14.
37:35 Slide number 14.
37:44 Ecclesiastes 9 verse 7.
37:47 Go your way, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart.
37:53 For God now accepts your works.
37:56 Let your garments be always white, and let your head lack no ointment.
38:02 Take 9 things I said there. Number 1.
38:05 Keep doing what you are doing if successful.
38:12 Keep doing what you are doing if successful.
38:18 And by that I don't mean if you are a successful criminal.
38:23 You understand what I'm saying.
38:27 Somebody said I mentioned a certain name in church.
38:30 They were involved in some sinister stuff.
38:32 And I mentioned a certain name.
38:34 And they said Bishop gave me confirmation over the pulpit.
38:38 Number 2.
38:39 Enjoy the work of your labor.
38:41 Eat your bread. Enjoy.
38:45 Tell me to enjoy myself.
39:04 Level go change.
39:07 Eno si go si. Eno ye go ye.
39:11 Number 3.
39:12 Create a joyful environment.
39:17 A joyful environment.
39:22 Be happy.
39:27 Joyful environment.
39:30 Number 4.
39:31 Avoid toxicity.
39:36 We have a member in our family that she intimidates
39:40 when she doesn't get something she puts a Bismarck mask on.
39:48 Can't have this.
39:53 Can't your neighbor go like this.
39:58 Create an environment of happiness.
40:07 You can stop doing this.
40:10 Oh sorry. I'm so sorry.
40:14 Be clean and honest and not corrupt.
40:17 When he says let your garments always be white.
40:19 Say that.
40:21 Let your garments always be white.
40:22 Say that.
40:25 That means be clean.
40:26 Be honest.
40:27 Be transparent.
40:29 Don't solicit and be corrupt.
40:32 Be pure with good intentions.
40:34 Always seek the anointing when he says and let your head lack no ointment.
40:39 I'm so anointed.
40:40 Shout that three times.
40:47 Always walk with and in the anointing.
40:50 Let the anointing be on your side at all times.
40:54 And then lastly, Proverbs chapter number 12 and verse number 9.
40:59 He that is despised and has a servant is better than he that honors himself and lacks bread.
41:09 He that told his land shall be set aside with bread, but he that follows vain people is void of understanding.
41:19 In the four things and maybe more than that, there are four categories.
41:24 There's despised and not despised.
41:27 The man that was despised and has a servant is better than he that is honored and lacks bread.
41:35 So there's despised and despised.
41:40 You could be despised and be despised, but you could be despised and you have a servant.
41:48 I'd rather be despised and have a servant than be despised and be despised with nothing.
41:56 Turn to your neighbor and say, don't despise me.
42:00 Because I can take my servant and help you with your work.
42:05 But if you despise me, why should I let you have my servant to help you with your work?
42:13 Turn to your neighbor and say, don't hate.
42:17 Simply because I have something that you need, that I can help you with.
42:24 But if you hate me and hate what I do, it's not likely I'll take what I have to help you with what you need.
42:34 He that is despised and has a servant is better than a person who honors himself.
42:41 But he has no bread.
42:43 A person walks around saying, I'm a shasha, yeah.
42:46 I'm a shasha.
42:48 I'm a shasha.
42:50 But they have no job.
42:52 They have no food to eat.
42:54 No inkomicho for their tea.
42:56 No kappa to make their tea.
42:59 No huni for a fire.
43:01 No pillow for their bed.
43:04 No house to sleep in.
43:06 But when you see them, they are prouder than proud.
43:09 They're like five peacocks put together.
43:12 All you see are their feathers and what they feathers generally cover.
43:17 My sisters and brothers, I give you some strong advice.
43:20 You'd rather be despised and have a servant than to be honored.
43:27 You're honoring yourself and have no bread.
43:32 But it is a good thing when you are an individual who has bread and maybe not have honor.
43:43 Because your bread will open a door for you to be honored.
43:49 Boaz had bread but didn't have honor.
43:54 I said Boaz had bread and didn't have honor.
43:59 But one day, here comes a girl with Naomi who said, I'll be with you.
44:06 Your people are my people.
44:09 Your gods are my gods.
44:11 Where you live, I will live.
44:14 I can't have children.
44:16 I've lost my husband.
44:18 And she went and cleaned in someone's field who had no children because she couldn't get married.
44:26 He had bread but no honor.
44:29 But my god, here's a beautiful girl.
44:32 What's her name?
44:34 What's her name?
44:36 Her name starts with an R and ends with a T.
44:41 Ruth came along with no bread, no name, only showed honor to her mother-in-law.
44:52 And honor produced bread.
44:55 Give your neighbor a high five.
44:57 Say God is about to stretch your bread.
45:02 Ruth, Ruth, Ruth, it's a handful.
45:08 You're going from no bread to a few seeds.
45:13 You're going from no bread to just a handful.
45:17 You're going from no bread to pieces here and there.
45:22 You're going from no name to a name.
45:24 You're going from darkness to light.
45:27 Shout my bread is coming.
45:29 So work your land.
45:32 I said work your land.
45:34 The bread is coming.
45:36 Amen.
45:37 Work your land.
45:39 The bread is coming.
45:41 Let Opa go.
45:43 But you go with where the bread is.
45:46 Naomi knows bread.
45:48 She doesn't have bread.
45:50 But she knows bread.
45:52 So I'm going with someone who knows bread.
45:57 I'm going with someone who knows bread.
46:00 Ask your neighbor, say, do you know bread?
46:03 Go with someone who knows how to count money.
46:07 They may not have money, but they know how to count it.
46:11 Go with the person that knows how to count it.
46:14 Don't go with someone who's got money, but doesn't know how to count it.
46:20 Go with someone who knows how to count.
46:23 Because they'll help you when yours comes.
46:27 Don't go with someone who's got bread, but doesn't know how to bake it.
46:33 Go with someone who knows how to bake it, even though they don't have bread.
46:38 Don't go with someone who's got a car and doesn't have a driver's license.
46:44 Find someone who's got a driver's license, because they will get a car.
46:49 Don't go... Can I preach to someone trying to find bread?
46:54 Shout, stretch, stretch, stretch your bread.
47:01 I said, stretch your bread.
47:04 There's bread in Abraham's house.
47:07 There's bread in Isaac's house.
47:09 There's bread in Jacob's house.
47:12 There's bread in Chi Chi's house.
47:14 There's bread in Kempi's house.
47:17 There's bread in Egypt.
47:19 There's bread in the wilderness.
47:21 There's bread in the promised land.
47:24 There's bread in Moab.
47:26 There's bread in Boaz's house.
47:28 There's bread in Griffin's house.
47:30 There's bread in Arendelle's school.
47:35 There's bread in the UZ.
47:37 There's bread in Cherugwe.
47:40 There's bread in Mutoro's shunga.
47:43 There's bread at the Bismarck house.
47:45 There's bread in God's house.
47:47 There's bread in the opening prayer.
47:51 There's bread in praise and worship.
47:53 There's bread in the announcements.
47:56 There's bread in the preaching.
47:58 There's bread in the altar call.
48:00 There's bread in fasting and prayer.
48:03 There's bread in famine.
48:06 There's bread when Elijah comes.
48:10 There's bread.
48:12 There's bread.
48:14 When Elijah shows up,
48:16 there's bread,
48:18 tang on the cross.
48:20 Shout three times.
48:24 Say, "Stretch my bread."
48:26 Stretch.
48:28 Give him a praise.
48:40 Yes.
48:41 Father, stretch my bread.
48:45 Father, stretch my bread.
48:48 Father, stretch my bread.
48:51 Make me a king of bread.
48:54 Make me a queen of bread.
48:57 Turn to your neighbor.
49:00 Say, "If you need bread,
49:02 I'm your man.
49:04 I'm your woman
49:06 because I'm a king of bread."
49:08 I said, "I'm a king of bread."
49:11 If it's midnight,
49:13 I'm your man.
49:15 I'm a king of bread.
49:17 I lost my son.
49:19 You lost your wife.
49:21 You lost your business.
49:23 You lost your name.
49:25 I know what it means
49:27 to have nothing at midnight.
49:29 But now,
49:31 because I've graduated,
49:33 I'm the king of bread.
49:37 Put your hands together.
49:39 Did you see what happened last week?
49:43 The queen of Denmark,
49:45 after 52 years,
49:47 stepped down
49:49 and her son was waiting
49:51 in the background.
49:53 Your day to be elevated,
49:56 to be the king of bread,
49:58 is about to come.
50:00 Someone's about to abdicate.
50:02 Something is abdicating.
50:04 By 11 o'clock today,
50:07 someone's stepping up
50:09 to be a king of bread.
50:11 Shout, "Lord,
50:13 I'm a king of bread."
50:16 Bread is coming.
50:18 Shout, "Lord,
50:20 I'm a king of bread."
50:22 Clap your hands
50:24 because you rule
50:26 in the world of bread.
50:28 [Applause]
50:39 Over 2,000 people here,
50:41 as many as we are all going to agree
50:44 that Zimbabwe is the bread basket of Africa.
50:51 Come on, you guys.
50:53 Come on.
50:56 Zimbabwe,
50:58 we talk to you.
50:59 Come on.
51:00 Zimbabwe,
51:02 we talk to you.
51:04 You are the bread basket
51:07 of Africa.
51:10 Zimbabwe,
51:12 wake up!
51:14 You are the bread basket
51:16 of Africa.
51:18 In the name of Jesus,
51:21 we command
51:23 this land
51:25 to be brought forth
51:27 and we renounce
51:29 corrupt leaders.
51:31 They must be removed.
51:33 Even if they have to die,
51:35 they must die
51:37 for the prophecy
51:39 to be fulfilled
51:41 because Zimbabwe,
51:44 you are the bread basket
51:46 of Africa.
51:48 Zimbabwe,
51:50 you are the bread basket
51:52 of Africa.
51:54 Stretch your bread.
51:56 Stretch your wings.
51:58 Stretch your basket.
52:00 Stretch your silo.
52:02 Stretch your munda.
52:04 Stretch your traps.
52:06 Stretch your wheat.
52:08 Stretch your sorghum.
52:10 Stretch your jibake.
52:12 Stretch your bread.
52:14 Zimbabwe,
52:16 you are the bread basket
52:18 of Africa.
52:20 Give God a praise
52:22 for the bread.
52:24 [Applause]
52:26 [Applause]
52:28 [Applause]
52:30 Put your hands together
52:32 for the bread.
52:34 [Applause]
52:36 [Applause]
52:38 We got to go.
52:40 We got to go.
52:42 A person that's
52:44 working in the house,
52:46 they call that person
52:48 the person
52:50 that's working in the house.
52:52 They call that person the
52:54 "I'm a bread winner."
52:56 "Teach is a bread winner."
53:00 So we are both working.
53:02 So in one house,
53:04 we have two bread winners.
53:06 If you are sitting next to your
53:08 counterpart,
53:10 he asks the Zambian,
53:12 "Say, darling,
53:14 you are a bread winner."
53:16 "Say, darling,
53:18 you are a bread winner."
53:20 "Come on, say, darling,
53:22 you are a bread winner."
53:24 "Shout, I'm a bread winner."
53:26 "Shout, I'm a bread winner."
53:28 "I'm a bread winner."
53:30 "I'm a bread winner."
53:32 "Father,
53:34 make me a bread winner."
53:36 Everyone struggling
53:42 to be a bread winner,
53:44 we command
53:46 that you
53:48 come to your house
53:50 and make a bread winner.
53:52 We command that you
53:54 come to your house
53:56 and make a bread winner.
53:58 We command that you
54:00 come to your house
54:02 and make a bread winner.
54:04 We command that you
54:06 come to your house
54:08 and make a bread winner.
54:10 We command that you
54:12 come to your house
54:14 and make a bread winner.
54:16 We command that you
54:18 come to your house
54:20 and make a bread winner.
54:22 We command that you
54:24 come to your house
54:26 and make a bread winner.
54:28 We command that you
54:30 come to your house
54:32 and make a bread winner.
54:34 We command that you
54:36 come to your house
54:38 and make a bread winner.
54:40 We command that you
54:42 come to your house
54:44 and make a bread winner.
54:46 We command that you
54:48 come to your house
54:50 and make a bread winner.
54:52 We command that you
54:54 come to your house
54:56 and make a bread winner.
54:58 We command that you
55:00 come to your house
55:02 and make a bread winner.
55:04 We command that you
55:06 come to your house
55:08 and make a bread winner.
55:10 [Music]
55:12 [Music]
55:14 [Music]
55:16 [Music]
55:18 [Music]
