00:00:00 (Music)
00:00:12 And the name of the sermon that I just changed it to is, "He's coming for you."
00:00:17 (Music)
00:00:21 He's coming for you. And I don't know about you, but anybody excited about the fact that God is...
00:00:28 When you said it, it hit my soul. It hit my soul. It hit my soul.
00:00:34 When she said it, it hit my spirit. To tell the people that everybody else...
00:00:39 When your mother and father have forsaken you, He is still.
00:00:45 (Music)
00:00:50 He's coming. That's what the entire book of Revelation is about.
00:00:55 (Music)
00:00:59 That if He had gone to prepare a place for us, He will come again that where He is...
00:01:07 Come on, talk to me, church. There we will be also.
00:01:14 (Music)
00:01:16 Book of Revelation chapter 20, verse 1. And yes, I'm going to read 10 verses.
00:01:25 And yes, you're ready to sit down. And yes, you've been standing over an hour.
00:01:31 And yes, we're still standing. And I love you anyway.
00:01:39 If you can't stand for Jesus.
00:01:46 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the keys of the bottomless pit,
00:01:53 and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent,
00:02:01 which is the devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years.
00:02:09 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him,
00:02:15 that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled.
00:02:21 And after that, he must be loosed a little season. Let me tell you all something right now.
00:02:28 You ain't had a fight with the devil yet.
00:02:34 What we're dealing with is demons and principalities. Satan is still locked up in the bottomless pit of hell.
00:02:40 You haven't. Everybody said the devil hasn't even met you yet.
00:02:46 You have been dealing with his representatives.
00:02:53 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them.
00:02:59 And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witnesses of Jesus,
00:03:03 for the word of God, which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image,
00:03:09 neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands.
00:03:16 And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again
00:03:24 until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
00:03:30 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection.
00:03:36 On such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ
00:03:43 and shall reign with him a thousand years. And when the thousand years are expired,
00:03:49 Satan shall be loosed out of his prison and shall go out to deceive the nations
00:03:56 which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle,
00:04:02 the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. So many demons you can't count them.
00:04:10 Y'all quiet because y'all scared. This ain't no horror movie.
00:04:14 You already got the victory. I'm reading a script, but let me tell you
00:04:19 what happens. You win. Look at verse 9.
00:04:27 "And they went up on the breadth of the earth and come past the camp of the saints about
00:04:33 in beloved city and fire came down from God out of heaven and everything that was
00:04:39 coming up against God's people, he devoured them.
00:04:47 And the person, the devil, the spirit that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire
00:04:55 and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented
00:05:03 day and night forever." You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
00:05:16 How many of y'all scared? This is that book that don't nobody read.
00:05:22 They just go all the way up to Revelation and go to sleep.
00:05:27 But I came to set the captive free today. Whatever you have planned in the next 45
00:05:37 minutes, I need you to cancel it. I need all of your attention because I'm
00:05:40 going to give you so much information. If you try to multitask, you're going to
00:05:44 miss this message. Do I have your attention?
00:05:49 We have now opened our Bibles to one of the most controversial sections of
00:05:59 Scripture. In seminaries all around the world at this very moment,
00:06:08 there are debates about the perspectives that should be adopted as it relates to the
00:06:16 explanation and the most accurate depictions of the book of Revelation,
00:06:22 which is one of the most difficult portions of the Bible.
00:06:28 Notice I keep calling it the book of Revelation and I am not calling it the
00:06:32 book of Revelations because there is no S.
00:06:37 When John was on the Isle of Patmos, he did not see Revelations.
00:06:42 He saw a revelation. John said things like,
00:06:48 "I saw a number that no man could count." He said stuff like,
00:06:55 "I saw 144,000 and some have picked that up to mean that there will only be 144,000
00:07:03 in heaven." This is where the faith of the Jehovah's
00:07:08 Witnesses come from. I have come today to give you coal for
00:07:14 your Holy Ghost fire so that you're not around here believing a myth and a
00:07:21 legend, but you know our God, he still lives.
00:07:30 What makes Revelation 20 so difficult to interpret, are you still with me?
00:07:37 Is that even the people, those of us who agree on the resurrection,
00:07:43 still disagree on the revelation. We believe that Jesus got up on the
00:07:49 third day morning. We believe that he got up with all
00:07:52 power, but there is some concern and some calculated risk and some
00:07:59 misinformation and some misunderstanding about how God will come back for the
00:08:05 church. The Bible says that when he comes back,
00:08:10 the sky will crack like glass. And those of us who are alive will be
00:08:17 caught up, watch this, the Bible says, in the blinking of an eye.
00:08:22 This is how fast the rapture will take place.
00:08:24 Everybody blink, it's over. You will live 70, 80, 90 years,
00:08:32 and all of a sudden when Jesus starts to come back and he won't touch the earth,
00:08:38 the dead in Christ will rise and those of us who are alive will be caught up in
00:08:44 the twinkling of an eye. Well, what does that mean, pastor?
00:08:47 There are some people whose bodies have been thrown into the sea and eaten by
00:08:52 sharks. That's fine because when God comes back,
00:08:54 he's going to say, "Shark, give up the body."
00:08:59 What about those in the ground? They will have disintegrated and the worms
00:09:04 would have eaten the body and the bird would have eaten the worm and the hawk
00:09:08 would have eaten the bird and the eagle would have eaten the hawk and the hawk
00:09:13 would have died over a sea and eaten by a shark.
00:09:16 God says, "That ain't a problem for me. Shark, give up the eagle.
00:09:19 Eagle, give up the hawk. Hawk, give up the bird.
00:09:22 Bird, give up the worm. Worm, give up the skin."
00:09:28 And we will put on a new incorruptible flesh.
00:09:34 That's why you ought to be glad I've been redeemed.
00:09:39 Somebody shout, "I've been redeemed." Now, there are basically…
00:09:43 Is this helping anybody so far? I need you to stay with me.
00:09:49 There are four basic approaches to the interpretation of the book of Revelation.
00:09:53 Number one, there is the idealist or the spiritual approach.
00:09:59 Note takers, you get this. Number two, there is the historic
00:10:07 or historist approach. There is the futurist approach.
00:10:14 And then what I believe, the preterist approach, which is the theological
00:10:21 approach, what is theology? Theo means God.
00:10:29 Ology means the study of. So, theology is the study of God,
00:10:37 just like psychology is the study of the mind.
00:10:44 Okay? So, when we say theology, the study of God,
00:10:49 I believe that in order to understand Revelation, you cannot be futuristic only,
00:10:54 you cannot be idealistic, you can't just be historic, you've got to be theological.
00:11:01 In other words, you've got to let God speak to you about his own business.
00:11:06 And that is called the Holy Spirit. Now, for those of you all who don't believe it,
00:11:12 let me tell you that the Holy Spirit did not come into being when Jesus Christ
00:11:16 went back to heaven and the Bible says the Spirit descended like a dove.
00:11:21 God is eternal. He was always Father, he was always Son,
00:11:25 and he was always Holy Spirit, which is why the Bible says in the beginning
00:11:30 that when God created the waters, the Spirit hovered over the water.
00:11:33 That was the Holy Spirit. He is a triune God.
00:11:37 Yes, three in office, but one in purpose because he is one Lord,
00:11:41 one faith, and one baptism. Yes, he is God who created the world.
00:11:45 Yes, he is Jesus that redeemed our soul, and yet he is the Holy Spirit
00:11:50 that is the resident president. But he doesn't stop being God to be Jesus.
00:11:54 Doesn't stop being Jesus to be the Holy Spirit. He is God and can be all at the same time.
00:12:06 No more than you have to stop being your husband's wife to be your child's mother
00:12:13 or has to stop being your child's mother to be an employee at your job.
00:12:17 When you are you, you are you wherever you go. You just function in different places.
00:12:25 So right now I'm your pastor, but it doesn't make me stop being her husband.
00:12:29 And after I'm finished being her husband, it doesn't make me not her son.
00:12:34 It just depends on where I am, what function I have to operate in, but I'm still me.
00:12:42 That's why God didn't have to stop being God. When he was dying on the cross,
00:12:46 he was still twirling the world on his finger. And when he was the Holy Spirit in the form of the dove,
00:12:51 he was still the creator of Yahweh God because he is God and beside him there is none other.
00:13:00 Where most gods are willing, none of them are able.
00:13:07 Buddha's willing, but he ain't able. Muhammad's willing, but he ain't able.
00:13:16 I wish I had somebody slap your neighbor and say, "My God is able."
00:13:27 Now, y'all going to have to give my back because they're going to be making up stuff online this week too.
00:13:34 After they get a hold of this, this is going to be a whole other week worth of lies.
00:13:38 So watch this. You've got to understand that when you study the word of God,
00:13:44 that even though there are four perspectives to the book of Revelation,
00:13:48 there are hundreds of interpretations on the four perspectives.
00:13:54 This is what makes Christianity so hard to believe, that you can flip the TV on or turn your iPad on
00:14:01 and have somebody contradicting somebody that you just heard because outside of our perspectives,
00:14:08 we've got to understand that our perspectives should be led by the Spirit,
00:14:12 which is why I believe the preteris or the theological approach is the most important
00:14:16 because you should be informed about God, about him.
00:14:19 This is like somebody being informed about you by somebody else.
00:14:25 Touch on that and say, "If you want to know something about me, ask me."
00:14:29 I'll tell you what you're going to do about it. You want to know something about me? Ask me.
00:14:33 Don't ask somebody who don't know me about me.
00:14:38 How are you going to let somebody who never met me tell you about me?
00:14:47 Y'all get the subliminals. We're going to have a party.
00:14:51 We're going to work it.
00:14:53 Watch this. I have never made an error in my life believing God.
00:15:06 Watch this. I've had some pain believing him.
00:15:12 I felt like quitting when I had to believe him.
00:15:16 I felt weak when I had to listen to him.
00:15:21 I felt inadequate when I had to do what he said.
00:15:25 But in the end, I won because we walked by faith.
00:15:33 Come on, church. Touch somebody and say, "I believe God."
00:15:37 Now, if I had real Christians in here, this place would be going crazy.
00:15:44 I believe God.
00:15:49 I know you, but I believe God.
00:15:54 I don't believe in money. I don't believe in personalities.
00:15:59 I believe God.
00:16:03 Snap somebody and say, "I believe God."
00:16:06 I'm in pain, but I believe him.
00:16:08 I'm confused sometimes, but I believe him.
00:16:10 I want to get even sometimes, but I believe him.
00:16:13 I want to get it off my chest sometimes, but I believe him.
00:16:17 And what do I believe? They that wait.
00:16:22 They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.
00:16:36 Somebody shout, "I believe God."
00:16:39 I don't believe blogs. I believe God.
00:16:41 I don't believe Instagram. I believe God.
00:16:44 I don't believe TikTok. I believe God.
00:16:54 Sit down. What y'all doing?
00:16:58 I ain't even started preaching yet.
00:17:07 To the folks of the esteemed educational world that you live in,
00:17:15 I understand that you understand multisyllabic expressions and different theories and Pythagorean theorems.
00:17:20 I understand you know all of that, but I do know that one thing you will teach in your school
00:17:23 is that you will never understand a text without understanding its context.
00:17:31 You don't know what God is saying because you don't study enough to go find out where he said it
00:17:37 and to whom he was talking to.
00:17:40 So anytime you read a text out of context, it's a pretext.
00:17:46 So when you see the book of Revelation, when you see the book of John,
00:17:49 wherever it is, you got to find out who God was talking to.
00:17:53 It's like a whole theory has been made when the Bible says that a man or woman
00:17:59 should not teach a man and the Bible talks about how a woman ought to remain in silence.
00:18:12 Oh yeah, it's going to get rough up in here.
00:18:15 First Peter 2 and 11, a woman ought to remain in silence.
00:18:19 It's a text out of context because when God said it, the women at the time,
00:18:25 at the church of Corinth and in the other churches, they were practicing prostitution outside of the church
00:18:31 and they were coming in deceiving the men.
00:18:34 So God says, "For a season, I need the women to be quiet so I can talk to the men."
00:18:40 He did not mean for women in 2024 to be silenced in the church of God.
00:18:49 And how do I know? Because when Jesus got out of the grave, Peter and John were asleep.
00:18:57 It was a woman named Mary.
00:19:02 And can I tell you, the first gospel message was preached by a woman
00:19:07 because Jesus said, "Mary, go tell my disciples and Peter that I'm alive."
00:19:23 I might not get this sermon done in 30 minutes because I'm still in the introduction.
00:19:26 I'm so sorry.
00:19:32 How many of you all ever heard the Scripture?
00:19:35 "Be not deceived. God is not mocked.
00:19:40 Whatever man sows, that shall he also reap."
00:19:44 Did you know that don't mean that if bad people do something to you, that's all right?
00:19:52 Be not deceived. Karma. Shut up.
00:20:04 Another one. "My God shall supply."
00:20:11 Ain't got nothing to do with God meeting your needs, except you get it in the right context.
00:20:21 Because Paul, when he wrote that text, was in jail.
00:20:25 And when he was in prison, he was a tent maker.
00:20:29 So you all don't know, Paul was an educated and a wealthy man. He had a business.
00:20:33 So when he was in jail, his money dried up.
00:20:36 So what happens is the church at Macedonia, he writes a letter to them and says, "Listen,"
00:20:41 my paraphrasing emphasis, "I'm in jail and I need some money on my books.
00:20:48 The Roman noodles cost too much. I want some Flamin' Hots.
00:20:51 I need some money on my books."
00:20:54 They said, "Paul, we ain't got no money. We have given it all to the church.
00:20:59 How are we going to help you in prison?"
00:21:01 Paul looks at them and says, "Don't worry about it. If you bless me, my God shall supply."
00:21:10 Which means if you ever blessed a preacher, you can't quote that Scripture.
00:21:14 (applause)
00:21:41 This is why you need a pastor.
00:21:45 Don't let nobody fool you.
00:21:47 If God ain't speaking to you, you can't just open the Bible and know what it says.
00:21:50 You need a rabbi.
00:21:56 You need a teacher.
00:21:59 To some he gave bishops. To some he gave preachers. To some he gave apostles.
00:22:03 Why? For the edification of the body of Christ.
00:22:11 Before you can handle the text, you've got to understand its context.
00:22:15 Remember, when the Bible was written, it was written to a generation in the first-century church.
00:22:20 It wasn't written to you, but it was written for you.
00:22:26 That's why you see stuff like sowing and reaping and grain and wheat.
00:22:29 Some of y'all ain't never put your hand in no dirt.
00:22:35 You don't know what a sheave is.
00:22:39 Separating the wheat from the tare.
00:22:41 Look at Gideon in the winepress separating the wheat from the tare.
00:22:44 Why was it an oxymoron for him to be in the winepress?
00:22:47 Because when you separate wheat from a tare, you're supposed to be on a mountain so that the wind can separate the wheat from the tare.
00:22:53 It would make the wheat fall to the ground and the tare would float away.
00:22:57 But Gideon is in a winepress where there's no wind threshing wheat.
00:23:04 And some of y'all still don't know what I just said.
00:23:08 So the Bible was written to them, but it was written for us.
00:23:16 And it was originally focused on the relevance of those at the time.
00:23:20 The first-century believers were nearly all Jews because remember, I told you I need your attention.
00:23:24 A lot of information. They were transferring over from Judaism to Christianity.
00:23:30 Are you listening so far? What's the transition? Christianity, Christians like Christ.
00:23:38 So they were going from Judaism to being like Jesus.
00:23:43 And then they see Jesus says to them, watch this. He says, it is better for you that I go.
00:23:50 Can you imagine they like, are you out of your mind? You mean to tell me that it's better for me to go back around these crazy people than to be around somebody who can walk on water, turn fish and loaves into a banquet?
00:24:03 How is it better that I leave? He says, it's better that I leave because until I leave, you'll never become a Christian.
00:24:17 See the greatest thing you can do for your children is let them become.
00:24:24 This is what he did for us as his children. He left.
00:24:28 Now he's got safeguards to make sure we don't fall.
00:24:33 But he still allows us to be human beings.
00:24:42 We're not human are so we are human beings, which means we are always in the process of being becoming and the two shall be come.
00:24:54 Are y'all still with me? So the first century believers, they kept the Sabbath. They obeyed the laws they worship in the temple.
00:25:01 And by the way, let me tell you, at that time, it wasn't a church on every corner. It was a temple.
00:25:07 So everybody went to the temple. OK, and what would happen is, is that the rabbi would turn his back to the crowd and he would have the law open and he would read it and everybody believed it.
00:25:21 Let me tell you something, and I believe this. I don't know if you know this, but the reason why the Bible is the most sold book on the planet is because the Bible is business.
00:25:31 They just interpret it and they sell it. There are a lot of Bibles that you have in your hand right now. They are not accurate to the original text.
00:25:39 It's just a book that they can sell. Come on, talk to me, somebody. The reason why there was less confusion in those days is because the rabbi had the only copy.
00:25:49 And he would interpret it and tell the people and they had to believe it. One of the worst things that happened to the world is everybody got a book.
00:25:57 And now they can sit at home and say, no, that ain't what that means without a download from the Holy Ghost.
00:26:03 Oh, God, bring my chart up. They don't want to hear me bring my chart up. They fasted every Monday and Tuesday. They repented publicly.
00:26:10 So what I want to let you know is that as you look at this and we talk about the second coming of Jesus.
00:26:16 I want you to look at this. This is a prophecy chart that will show you how Jesus actually started and is coming back.
00:26:22 We started out with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We all got that.
00:26:27 That's called the church age. But you move to when he wrote the letters to the seven churches.
00:26:33 All right. That's what starts out in the book of Revelations in chapter two and three.
00:26:38 When he says to the church at Pergamos, to the church at Thyatira, to the church at Ephesus, he writes to excuse me, to the church of Laodicea.
00:26:46 He writes all of these letters to these different churches and then he moves on to the seven seals.
00:26:52 Then he moves from there to the seven trumpets. He moves from there to the counterfeit Trinity, which is the three headed beast of the dragon, the false prophet and the beast.
00:27:04 All right. Then we go from there to the seven vows. Now, I want to hurry up and get you to this place because this will take me a year to teach you.
00:27:11 We get to this thousand year reign of Christ that was mentioned in our text.
00:27:17 Most people think that when we die and Jesus comes back, we just go to heaven and everything is everything.
00:27:25 There's a lot that happens before that, because then you got the great white throne judgment.
00:27:31 And then after that is the second coming of Christ. And then after that is the new heaven and the New York.
00:27:37 Because in the beginning, when he comes back, he's coming back for the church. The next time he's coming back, he's coming back with the church.
00:27:47 Oh, God, help me in this place today. So then is this thousand year period where Satan will be released on the earth.
00:27:57 To do whatever he wants to do. Oh, my God, he's going to be released on the earth to do whatever he wants to do.
00:28:07 Are you listening to me so far? Am I going too fast or are you all getting this right? He's coming back for us now.
00:28:15 I want to bring this up because this thousand year period, which is a period of peace and righteousness that will last for a millennial and then Satan will be released.
00:28:26 But the Bible says, if we look at our first verse, what does the Bible say? He came with what chain?
00:28:33 Did you see that in verse number one? Let me read it again. So I don't want to lose you.
00:28:37 The Bible says in verse number one of Revelation 20, I saw an angel coming from heaven, having the keys of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
00:28:47 Now, why does he have a chain in his hand? Listen to me. This is where we get the statement from.
00:28:52 Have you ever heard this in church? Satan, we bind you. In what name of Jesus?
00:29:01 How many of y'all ever heard old saints say that? Satan, I bind you. So here's what we got to understand about binding.
00:29:08 Binding means that through prayer, through faith, we have the ability to restrict Satan's movements against our success.
00:29:21 But the problem is our interpretation of what bind means. We think bind means that the devil is stuck in a position.
00:29:32 Why does God come with a chain? Because he restricts his movements, but he doesn't stop his movements.
00:29:41 Come on, church. In other words, God has Satan on a leash, but the Bible still says he's a roaring lion walking to and fro, seeking whom he may devour.
00:29:56 You've got to be careful you don't get too close to the devil, because if you get in chains, you can still get bit.
00:30:07 That's why you have to separate yourself so far from satanic forces and so far from demonic spirits and so far from people who don't know God,
00:30:18 because if you play with the devil, you're going to get bit.
00:30:25 Listen to me, and I'm telling you right now, I'm telling you right now, I'm in the spirit.
00:30:31 There are demons in this room that are going to leave some of your lives, and the rest of you all better be prayed up because they're going to be looking for somewhere to go.
00:30:46 I would do you a disservice by only teaching you half the Bible.
00:30:52 I'm going to teach you the whole thing, no matter what you think about it, because not one jot or tittle of this word is untrue, and God is good from Genesis to the book of Revelation.
00:31:04 And if you, listen, if you see yourself in heavenly places and you become the righteousness of God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, this doesn't scare you, because when you accept Jesus Christ, none of this matters.
00:31:17 None of this matters. When you accept Jesus Christ, all you know is one day you will close your eyes and wake up, and you'll be right at the right hand of the Father, saying, "Hosanna, hosanna in the highest."
00:31:35 Second Corinthians 5 and 10 says, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done, while in the body, whether good or bad, then comes the tribulation."
00:31:54 Then the Bible says, John said, now this is a revelation. This is John back after Jesus had just died, seeing everything that we one day will see.
00:32:06 That's why it's called the revelation. God showed John, one of his disciples, how he would come back in a vision, and John documented it so that we would know how he was going to come.
00:32:18 I ain't got no church today, I can tell. Now I'm about to bust a whole lot of bubbles right now. I don't mean to hurt nobody's feelings, but all I got is the Word of God.
00:32:29 John said, "I saw 144,000," and then a group of people said, "Yep, guess how many people are going to be in heaven?"
00:32:36 144,000, but any text out of context is a pretext, and here is the context. God was saying that I have 12,000 of each of the 12 tribes.
00:32:52 Mathematicians, what's 12 times 12? 144. So he says, "I'm going to take 12,000 from the tribe of Reuben, 12,000 from the tribe of Levi, 12,000 from the tribe of Benjamin, 12,000 from the tribe of Judah.
00:33:05 I'm going to take 12,000 from each tribe because I've got them segmented for my responsibility of relegating the Word of God in my stead through the tribulation period."
00:33:16 But then John says, "Don't get it twisted. It's not just going to be 144,000 in heaven."
00:33:23 John follows up and says, "I saw a number that no man can count. I wish I had a church that will slap your neighbor and say, 'I'm in the number.'"
00:33:44 There is not going to be 144,000 in heaven. There will be people in heaven that the only people that will be in heaven will be these people.
00:33:53 I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus, and I believe in my heart that God has raised his Son from the dead, and based on that thou shalt be saved.
00:34:12 God don't care your religion. He don't care about your denomination. He don't care if you're a Presbyterian, Catholic, Apostolic, Charismatic, Baptist, Kojic. Do you believe?
00:34:28 The worst thing that religion did is make us think that you have to be in one to go to heaven.
00:34:38 There are a lot of denominations that think they all go into heaven and everybody else go into hell.
00:34:43 Guess what's going to happen when that great getting up morning comes? No, no, no, because the Bible says that everybody who says, "Lord, Lord"…
00:34:53 Oh, y'all not listening to me today. I need y'all to wake up. You ain't getting to Bentley today, but you're going to get saved. Come here, somebody.
00:35:00 Your house might not get paid off today, but you're going to go to heaven when this old earthly tabernacle shall dissolve.
00:35:06 God says, "I've got another building for you, not made by hand, eternal in the heavens."
00:35:13 I need a church that shouts about salvation like you do money.
00:35:22 I need a church that doesn't just shout when I say Bentley, but a church that shouts when I say blood.
00:35:34 Somebody give your neighbor a high five and shout the blood, the blood, the blood.
00:35:39 That gives me strength from day to day and it will never lose.
00:35:52 Slap three people and tell them, "I got the blood."
00:36:07 And because I have the blood, I am redeemed.
00:36:12 See, let me tell you something. They don't preach like this no more.
00:36:16 There's some that still do in the earth, but when you start preaching like this, people think they're at an old school church.
00:36:21 No, you're at a church that preaches the Bible.
00:36:23 And let me tell you something. Don't ever want your church to be so cutting edge that it cuts corners on the Scripture.
00:36:36 Stop building a religion that don't challenge you and don't push you and don't make you want to be better.
00:36:43 This ain't no social club. This is the church of Jesus Christ.
00:36:52 I don't care nothing about having no cool church. Are you saved?
00:36:58 When you die, where you going?
00:37:04 Oh, and by the way, for everybody online and everybody in the room who don't believe what I'm saying, and you believe that when we die, it's over.
00:37:13 Then what do you have to lose in believing something that ain't true?
00:37:18 Because let me tell you something, I'd rather have God and not need him than to need him and not have him.
00:37:35 Come on, church. Come on, church.
00:37:41 If you sit next to somebody and they look bored, tell them, "Wake up. You were shouting last Sunday. Why you ain't saying nothing today?"
00:37:47 Last Sunday, you shouted so much he couldn't even preach. Now today, we're talking about salvation and revelation.
00:37:52 You're looking ashy like you ain't got no lotion. You better get yourself dipped in the oil of God because one day he is coming back.
00:38:07 I bind every spirit of wickedness, every witch, every warlock, every soothsayer, every lying, long-tongued devil.
00:38:16 I come up against you in the name of Jesus.
00:38:26 Notice what I just said. Thank you, Holy Ghost. Notice I just said I come up against every demon in the name of Jesus because the enemy has tricked us into talking to him.
00:38:47 How many of you ever heard somebody say, "Satan, I rebuke you"? What you talking to him for?
00:38:55 The only time the Scripture gives us precedence to talk to the devil is when he manifests himself in a person.
00:39:03 But when we're talking overall spirituality, we ask God, "Bind that joker in the name of Jesus.
00:39:11 Bind the spirit of depression. Bind the spirit of poverty. Bind the spirit of..." I dare you to ask God to do it for you.
00:39:21 Slap your neighbor and say, "God, do it for me." And I got a word for you. I got a word for you. He's coming for you.
00:39:33 God says, "I would not have you ignorant concerning those who are asleep." What he really means is that if I go to prepare a place for you, I'm coming again to take you unto myself that there where I am, there ye may be.
00:39:51 God says, "I'm not going to leave you in this stuff, but you got to believe me."
00:40:02 The Word of God is not just for blessings; it's for reproving and rebuking.
00:40:11 You can't cut the movie off because it comes to a part you don't want to see.
00:40:21 My wife hates gory, bloody stuff on TV. She doesn't like it. Me on the other end, I'd be like, "What they going to do next? Did his head just come off? Oh, that's dope. I wonder how they did that."
00:40:35 This is what my wife does when she knows a part of the movie is coming she don't want to see. She say, "That's great."
00:40:42 My baby say, "Is it over yet?" Sometimes I trick her like, "Nope." Then sometime I be like, "Yeah, it's over." She take a cut and it's just right at the time I say, "Yeah, it's over," then boom.
00:40:56 Pray for me. I ain't all the way there yet.
00:41:03 You see, in your haste to get out, we sometimes start talking to the devil. "Devil, leave me alone."
00:41:11 Worst thing you can do is talk to the enemy. Why? Because in order to talk to him, you got to come to his level.
00:41:25 You should be so high that even if you talk, he can't hear you.
00:41:32 I mean that in the spirit and I mean it in the physical. There are so many things that come on the Internet. Somebody say, "Did you see it?" I be like, "No, you know what? I don't follow low people."
00:41:42 Let me tell you something. Oh, oh, I'm about to hurt your feelings and I don't care because I'm your daddy. Let me tell you something.
00:41:48 If I looked at your timeline and looked at what comes up on it, I probably would take my spiritual belt and whoop your butt for the filth that you allow to come in your mind still trying to stay saved and holy.
00:42:01 How you going to follow negative and stay positive? How you going to follow the devil and stay godly? How you going to follow evil and stay positive?
00:42:10 Your timeline tells me why you can't get it right up here.
00:42:18 You watch gossip, but you are saved by the gospel.
00:42:27 You hear about everything. You know about everything. It's because you're messy, nosy, and you ain't got nothing going on for yourself.
00:42:39 Busy people don't have time to know about what's going on in everybody's life. Busy people are too busy building their empire brick, pop, brick.
00:42:52 Set somebody and say, "I'm building something."
00:42:58 You can't build your life with somebody else's story.
00:43:07 I'm talking to builders. I ain't talking about people. I'm not talking to people who are going to leave here and be exactly the same after the sermon.
00:43:14 I'm talking about people who drove 20 minutes to get a life-changing experience.
00:43:22 How many of y'all drove over 20 minutes to get here? How many of y'all drove over 30 minutes to get here?
00:43:27 Look around. Tell your neighbor, "I didn't drive 30 minutes to be sitting here next to you while you acting like you ain't in church. I drove a half hour because I need God to do something."
00:43:42 I don't even know if I got enough gas money to get to work tomorrow, but I'm believing God.
00:43:55 I bind Satan in the name of Jesus.
00:44:02 The Bible says in Acts chapter 4, when Peter and John were on trial for healing a lame man on a Sabbath, y'all remember that?
00:44:09 He healed a lame man on a Sabbath. And the Bible says they asked Peter, "In whose name did you heal this man?"
00:44:14 And the Bible says, "Under the influence of the Holy Ghost." Peter said, "Jesus."
00:44:20 Until you recognize that no matter what you've accomplished, it was Jesus.
00:44:30 I don't care how big your house is if it wasn't for—I don't care how many cars you got in the driveway if it wasn't for—I don't care what kind of degree you got if it wasn't for—I don't care what connections you got if it wasn't for—
00:44:48 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
00:44:56 At that name, demons tremble.
00:44:58 It's not somebody saying there's something about the name of Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, just us.
00:45:17 Y'all miss what I just said. Jesus came for just us. He died on the cross for just us.
00:45:25 He's coming back again for us.
00:45:49 How dare you call his name?
00:45:55 Demons tremble at that name.
00:46:01 You don't believe me? There was a man in the country of the Gadarenes.
00:46:06 The Bible says he had 6,000 demons inside of him. By the way, the 6,000 demons that were in him are part of the demons that were released.
00:46:20 What is your name?
00:46:22 The man didn't respond. The demons did.
00:46:26 The demons said, "We are…" I heard somebody say, "We are legion, for we are many."
00:46:33 That means if he said his name was legion, a legion of a Roman army with 6,000 soldiers.
00:46:40 So the man was saying, "I've got 6,000 demons inside of me."
00:46:49 Because demons will cram in small spaces.
00:46:54 But when Jesus showed up… The Bible says that the demons came out of the man.
00:47:03 Watch this. Your God is so powerful that demons respect him.
00:47:07 They said, "Jesus, please don't send us back to the bottomless pit from which we came."
00:47:12 Jesus said, "Okay, I've got another solution. Go get in the pigs."
00:47:17 And the Bible says that the pigs ran over the cliff. I speak in the name of Jesus that every demon in your house, I cast them over the cliff.
00:47:33 I cast every demon, every devil, every soothsayer into the pit of hell.
00:47:50 Every demon of disease, every demon of a lack of self-confidence, the demon of suicidal thoughts, the demon of drug addiction, the demon of imposter syndrome.
00:48:06 He said, "I have come that you may have life."
00:48:19 How dare somebody say his name?
00:48:22 At the name of Jesus, every knee must bow, and every tongue will confess.
00:48:32 Don't miss the imagery. Every knee will bow, every tongue will confess at the name of Jesus, but some will do it before he came, and some will do it after he comes.
00:48:45 And determine on which side you confess determines the direction you go.
00:49:03 The Bible says…
00:49:20 When you get home, go back and read Revelation 9, verse 1.
00:49:24 At that time, the Bible says that the enemy had the key to the bottomless pit.
00:49:31 It's like I say, Arthur is in charge of his house and his car, and he says to me, "Hey, I'm giving you the keys, but I'll be back."
00:49:44 Oh, yeah, brother will be back.
00:49:46 So, I'll be back.
00:49:49 And now in Revelation 20, the same key that Satan had in chapter 9, God has in chapter 20.
00:50:05 Because you will go through a season where you will continue to face locked doors, but there will come a time…
00:50:18 When God is going to shift it, and he's going to take the keys from the works of the enemy and put the keys in your hand.
00:50:27 I need about 500 hood folk and about 10,000 hood folk online who don't mind looking at your name and say, "I got the keys, keys, keys."
00:50:38 Tell somebody, "I got the keys. I got the keys. I've got the keys."
00:50:47 I don't know who this is for, but God says the keys are switching hands.
00:51:02 Because the binding of Satan leads to the destruction of Satan, and let me tell you, he will be destroyed.
00:51:15 God says, "I'm giving you the keys. I'm giving you the keys."
00:51:24 Have you ever seen people who got keys, they walk with a different confidence?
00:51:30 Have you ever seen one of them old school players with 92 keys on their hip?
00:51:35 They probably got four rings on this hand, two on this one, and they just…
00:51:44 You just hear them just…
00:51:50 Watch this. Watch this.
00:51:53 Right now, if I left this pulpit and I decided I wanted to go in room 107, if the door is locked, I can't get in.
00:52:04 You know why? Because I don't have the key.
00:52:08 Now, I signed the mortgage on this building.
00:52:19 No, with my bare hand. With my bare hand. Jackie, am I telling the truth?
00:52:24 With my bare hand. She was in the title company with me. I signed the mortgage on this church.
00:52:28 When we got to closing, we were $60,000 short. They told us we were not going to be able to buy the church.
00:52:33 I went into my bank account and transferred it over so we could get the church.
00:52:39 Don't clap because that's all I had. It wasn't no surplus. That was it.
00:52:44 So, I was scared. I ain't going to tell you about no faith or nothing. I was scared to death.
00:52:49 Jackie, the only reason why I did it, Jackie promised me. She said, "Pastor, we're going to pay you back."
00:52:53 And she did. She kept her word. Yes, she did.
00:52:59 So, we left out of that place and they gave us a key, but we've been here so long we didn't switch keys and switch locks and all that kind of stuff.
00:53:07 I got a set of keys. They're somewhere. The reason why I don't carry them is because every time I get here, it's already unlocked.
00:53:16 And if I get to a door that I can't open, I got Steve or I got Ward or I got anyone, Tristan.
00:53:25 I got all these guys because these right here are the keys.
00:53:34 So, I don't have to have the keys. I just need to be close to the person I entrusted the keys to.
00:53:40 And I don't know who I'm talking to, but God is tossing keys in your direction.
00:53:49 Give your neighbor a high five and shout, "Ah! God!"
00:53:59 I got the keys. And if you don't have them, throw them back.
00:54:06 Oh, I forgot to tell you. When we first came here, it was a key to every door.
00:54:15 Who said that? Help me preach my sermon, girl. We brought in a locksmith.
00:54:21 And now, instead of having a lot of keys, we got a master key.
00:54:28 I don't know who I'm talking to, but God's about to simplify the locks.
00:54:34 One key is going to unlock every door. Shout somebody. Shout, "Ah! God!"
00:54:50 Oh, God.
00:54:58 Touch three people and say, "The keys are switching hands." The keys.
00:55:08 This is why the devil is fighting you.
00:55:13 He didn't fight you because in your ignorance, you did not know that you were supposed to go through that door.
00:55:21 The devil is fighting the knowledge that you are receiving because he knows the more you know, the more you will do and the further you will go.
00:55:32 So, he wants your mind so bogged down in mediocrity that it has not lifted it up to learn.
00:55:40 And he is fighting you because if you get it, you will finally have access.
00:55:50 Access to higher education. Access to governmental power. Access to money and capital.
00:55:58 Access to being able to buy stock when they are wholesale and not retail.
00:56:06 Y'all didn't hear what I did. I'm trying to put you on game. Y'all not even listening to me.
00:56:11 I'm telling you, every Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 company, they have stock options that come out before you see it on Robinhood.
00:56:20 By the time you see it online, it's already marked up. Somebody brought the same stock at $2, the one that you bought at $50.
00:56:29 And I'm speaking in your life now that God is going to put you at the IP level.
00:56:35 Oh, my God. Which means that you're going to have to have at least 400 to a million dollars in cash assets,
00:56:43 because that's one of the prerequisites for being able to be a part of a stock option.
00:56:51 Oops. Did I just tell a secret? Tell somebody I ain't playing small.
00:57:06 I got the keys. Money is shifting in my hands.
00:57:11 Oh, my secret knowledge is filling up my head. I got visions. I've got courage that I've never had before.
00:57:23 The keys are switching hands. See, this is why the enemies of God's people are getting so bold.
00:57:30 It's not because they're getting stronger. It's because they're getting weaker.
00:57:37 And now they see people of God doing things that we've never done before.
00:57:43 See, Christians used to be, "I'm going to be like Jesus."
00:57:50 Just a nobody trying to tell somebody, everybody, about somebody who can save anybody.
00:58:00 Say it with your chest. "I'm the righteousness of God. I'm the lender, not the borrower.
00:58:06 Let the weak say I'm strong. Let the poor say I'm rich."
00:58:13 The kingdom of heaven suffered violence, and the violent take it by force so the devil knows.
00:58:18 This is why he fights the church like this, because we're not in here just shouting about nothing.
00:58:25 We're finally tuning our mind. And how many of y'all can say it slowly? "I feel myself changing."
00:58:33 Oh, come on. Had I not changed, oh, they would have been in trouble, trouble, trouble.
00:58:42 If I hadn't have changed, they better be glad on your job that you changing.
00:58:59 Suzanne don't know. If you wasn't changed, some of y'all just want to go up in the office,
00:59:05 just start kicking stuff over. Say, "I've been told y'all to leave me alone."
00:59:10 But you go in humble and meek like, "Yes, ma'am. Yes, sir."
00:59:13 And in the back of your mind say, "You don't even know you're going to be working for me in about three months.
00:59:17 I'm just here until God shifts it."
00:59:23 Let me get y'all out of here. Let me get y'all out of here.
00:59:31 But let me say something else while I'm up here. When you get the keys, the devil still don't know he don't own it.
00:59:48 See, something can be yours and somebody else can still believe it's theirs.
00:59:57 How do I know? The Bible says that the devil tempted Jesus.
01:00:03 And it says, "If you're the son of God, turn these stones into bread."
01:00:10 Jesus said, "Bro, my boy, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
01:00:22 He says, let me get to the last temptation, he says, "Come up this cliff, and I want you to view all of the kingdoms of the world."
01:00:30 And he says, "I want you to jump off the cliff, lest you dash your foot against the stone.
01:00:36 And if you jump off the cliff and survive, I'll give you everything that you see."
01:00:42 Jesus didn't jump. You know why?
01:00:47 You can't give me what's already mine. Why? Because I got it.
01:01:03 You better stop letting people offer you what's yours already.
01:01:14 You can't make me happy when I meet you. I was happy when I met you.
01:01:20 I was paying my bills before I met you.
01:01:24 I need every woman in here to give another woman a high five and say, "You see this shirt I got on? I bought it.
01:01:31 Go in the parking lot and see the car I'm driving."
01:01:41 I need every woman in here, if you're taking care of yourself until your king comes, shout, "I got the keys!"
01:01:59 I'm going to say that too. Slap your sister and say that part. Period. Period.
01:02:10 You got to snatch it. Like pipping it. Come on, lean with it. Period.
01:02:37 And whatever I bind in heaven, bind it on the earth.
01:02:44 And whatever is loosed in heaven shall be loosed on the earth.
01:02:52 Don't you walk around here because there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.
01:03:06 John said, "I know it's hard and you're struggling and it's tough and it's difficult and your family acting crazy
01:03:18 and you're confused and your job is unsure and you don't know whether you're going to get a pink slip or a race.
01:03:31 And you're looking at your son and you know you gave him everything that God gave you,
01:03:36 but you kind of want to see what they're going to do with what you taught them."
01:03:44 Some of y'all done raised your kids and you raising somebody else's.
01:03:51 You thought you was done with that part, but here you are trying to create another generation of responsible young adults.
01:03:59 And it was easy to raise a 10-year-old when you were 30, but raising a 15-year-old when you're 60
01:04:08 and their mouth is smarter and slicker than your generation would allow for.
01:04:14 You're trying to whether one or not are you going to be guilty of parenting or homicide.
01:04:30 She said, "Guilty of parenting by way of homicide."
01:04:39 God says, "Don't panic." John says, "Don't panic because I saw in the vision that every one of your enemies were being consumed by fire and brimstone."
01:04:57 So this is why you…this is what I was really going to preach about today was a sermon called "The Final Victory"
01:05:05 because we've been so busy winning the game that doesn't matter that we're losing the only one that counts
01:05:18 because when you get to heaven, there is no section for red bottoms,
01:05:33 no BBL section.
01:05:47 I got to talk about y'all too. It's got to be equal. I'm coming.
01:05:52 No eyelash section.
01:05:58 It's just not up there. It's not up there.
01:06:02 These eyelashes are getting out of control, ladies. Just bring it back. Bring it back.
01:06:07 One to two inches will do. Y'all just look at…
01:06:11 It's going to be in the heavens.
01:06:16 Just bring it back. We like them. Just bring it back.
01:06:21 No, they dope. We like them. Y'all look different. We appreciate them.
01:06:33 Fellas, ain't no macho section.
01:06:38 Ain't no section for the dude that got his woman to shut up and listen.
01:06:44 Ain't no section for that.
01:06:49 She said, "Did you hear what he said?"
01:06:52 You better listen, and you're coming back to church next week.
01:06:56 Get them together, sis.
01:07:04 Ain't no section for the dude who got the biggest wad of cash.
01:07:10 Get your mind out of the gutter and come back to church.
01:07:17 Jesus. Right now, God, in the name of Jesus.
01:07:27 Lord, y'all see why we got to come to church? We still need the Lord to work on us.
01:07:36 I love my church.
01:07:41 Somebody shout, "I love my church."
01:07:48 Lord Jesus.
01:07:51 That's just a sign this sermon done went on too long. It just means it's time to go home.
01:07:54 That's all it is. Signing off. Thank you for all of y'all who listened today.
01:07:59 What you heard are not the comments. They do not depict the thoughts of the people who work here.
01:08:04 They are solely the content of the studio audience. Thank you in Jesus' name.
01:08:17 I was saying the biggest bank account.
01:08:25 Ego.
01:08:31 There is nothing in heaven that recognizes any of those attributes.
01:08:38 It doesn't matter.
01:08:42 You're wasting your time on things that don't move the needle.
01:08:49 Can you win the victory between your soul and the eternal battle so that if you never get out of poverty, you still go to heaven?
01:09:04 Because there is no sense in living poor and dying poor because the only rich person on the earth is the one who has Jesus in their heart.
01:09:18 If you want to talk about poverty, know not Jesus, which makes you poorer than anyone on earth because he is the true richest.
01:09:33 He is true prosperity.
01:09:37 The Bible says don't worry about it because John said I saw in the end.
01:09:43 That all of the enemies of God's people were being destroyed.
01:09:48 And the Bible says that Satan.
01:09:51 We recruit.
01:09:52 Mag and a God.
01:09:56 And he will watch this. Thank you, Holy Spirit.
01:10:01 He will convince them.
01:10:05 To help him fight against God's people.
01:10:09 Let me tell you something.
01:10:12 When you are really chosen by God, demons recruit for your destruction.
01:10:19 They start recruiting from each other.
01:10:24 This gentleman who I met yesterday, he said, man, and I sit here and talk to the men at this altar.
01:10:29 We had a good time yesterday.
01:10:31 We had an hour and 50 minute prayer meeting yesterday.
01:10:37 We pray for hour and 50 minutes.
01:10:39 It was incredible.
01:10:41 It was incredible.
01:10:44 The next time you hear us having a prayer meeting, you better show up because it was it was incredible.
01:10:50 Then we have the men here for three hours and we have four or 500 men dwelling together in unity.
01:10:55 No arguments, no fighting on the same page in one accord.
01:11:01 This gentleman says to me, he said, Pastor.
01:11:06 And this is our first time talking.
01:11:07 He said, man, somebody sent me some negative about you yesterday.
01:11:09 He said, but I don't believe it because I know you.
01:11:14 Told me that you were standing right here.
01:11:16 I was standing right here.
01:11:17 He said it less than 24 hours ago because demons recruit.
01:11:24 Now watch what God says.
01:11:25 I want you to go home and read the entire chapter.
01:11:27 The Bible says that because Mark and a God allow Satan to influence them to fight against God's people.
01:11:39 He says he will to destroy them.
01:11:43 Here is the word of God.
01:11:45 Every person who allows themselves to be recruited by your enemies will also suffer the same destruction.
01:11:59 You better be careful who you let recruit you because if they lose, you're going to lose to stop letting people suck you in the stupidity.
01:12:14 Stop being so thirsty that you would rather have bad people around you rather than be by yourself.
01:12:26 I'd rather to be lonely than be surrounded by liars.
01:12:33 Get yourself together and think more of yourself.
01:12:37 I can tell what you think about you by who you let speak into you.
01:12:49 Don't let Satan recruit you because his fire and his brimstone will be yours.
01:12:57 They used to sing a song in the old church.
01:12:59 Where do you stand?
01:13:01 Who's on the lower side?
01:13:04 And then at the end, they would say I'm on the Lord's side.
01:13:13 Do y'all hear me upstairs?
01:13:16 I hope you hear me online.
01:13:22 Because we live in the last and evil days.
01:13:28 I'm not John.
01:13:30 I don't have the revelation, but I just don't know how the world can last much longer in the shape it's in.
01:13:42 We are checking revelation boxes.
01:13:44 There will be wars and rumors of wars.
01:13:47 There will come a day where they will have itchy ears and listen to any wind of doctrine.
01:13:58 Children will be disobedient to their parents.
01:14:02 Ask any teacher what it's like being one these days.
01:14:06 I have never in my life seen students due to, I mean, the disrespect that I see young people perpetrating and they got the nerve to tape it and upload it.
01:14:27 See, I grew up in a time where they had paddles in schools.
01:14:35 It was called the Board of Education for the Sea to Understand.
01:14:39 And I know we can't do that stuff now, but you don't understand that it was the devil's plot to take discipline out of the world.
01:14:48 Because the Bible says about discipline, beat them and they will not die.
01:14:52 The law says put them in timeout and anybody you put in timeout will.
01:15:04 Worst thing the devil has done is making disciplining our children illegal.
01:15:07 And I'm not talking about parents who take it overboard.
01:15:12 Because you don't take your anger out on your child and you don't beat him because you're mad at their daddy.
01:15:19 And you don't treat one different because they with the one you with and treat another one different because they with the one you ain't with.
01:15:33 My job is to make sure that I make the world a better place by those he gives me influence with.
01:15:41 And every day I come up here or every day you watch me online, I'm coming for you.
01:15:50 And I'm bringing God with me. Do you feel like you learn more today than you knew before you got here?
01:16:08 I don't want you ignorant. By the way, that's not a negative word. It just simply means not to know.
01:16:14 Being ignorant and being stupid or whatever words you want, those are two different things.
01:16:18 I simply mean I don't want you to have knowledge in front of you and you not know.
01:16:24 Knowledge is power.