• last year
About the scars left behind by Agent Orange, which was used during the Vietnam War. | dG1fNzFTcjJIYXNkU1U
00:00 [Music]
00:13 Chemicals are the sinister and little recognized partners of radiation
00:17 in changing the very nature of the world, the very nature of its life.
00:23 It should be noted that the chemicals, when used appropriately,
00:27 are harmless to man and do not render the soil unfruitful beyond one agricultural season.
00:35 No one really understood why or what was happening.
00:39 My parents really, truly, honestly believed that
00:43 what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam.
00:48 [Music]
00:54 [Speaking in Vietnamese]
00:58 [Sound of a helicopter]
01:04 Because you destroyed my daughter's life, you destroyed my life.
01:09 And I get angry about it. I get so angry about it.
01:13 Everything looked normal from the outside, but on the inside, nothing was right.
01:18 [Music]
01:26 [Speaking in Vietnamese]
01:31 [Music]
01:42 [Speaking in Vietnamese]
01:56 [Silence]
