SHŌGUN - Final Trailer (2024) | Hiroyuki Sanada, Samurai Series
Set in the 17th Century, John Blackthorne, a sailor who rises from outsider to samurai, while being used as a pawn in Japanese leader Toranaga's struggle to reach the top of the ruling chain, or Shogun
Shōgun Final Trailer (2024) Hiroyuki Sanada, Samurai Series
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Set in the 17th Century, John Blackthorne, a sailor who rises from outsider to samurai, while being used as a pawn in Japanese leader Toranaga's struggle to reach the top of the ruling chain, or Shogun
Shōgun Final Trailer (2024) Hiroyuki Sanada, Samurai Series
Subscribe to CineInsider For All The Latest Movie Trailers!
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