"Bilawal has potential but...," Ather Kazmi's critical analysis on PP and Bilawal Bhutto

  • 8 months ago
"Bilawal has potential but...," Ather Kazmi's critical analysis on PP and Bilawal Bhutto
00:00 You want to get the youth vote, you want to talk to them, you want to get their attention.
00:07 Now you realize that 1.5 crore new voters are coming.
00:10 So, in this pamphlet, you have talked about the climate change,
00:16 the youth want to talk about it, fair enough, you talked about jobs,
00:20 you talked about the education system, they said that we will increase the budget.
00:23 This is one thing that can attract the youth.
00:26 Apart from that, do you think this is a youth-focused pamphlet?
00:30 No, it is a voter-focused pamphlet.
00:33 Secondly, how much importance do they give to this pamphlet,
00:36 you can guess from the fact that the pamphlet is coming out on 27th January,
00:41 the election is on 8th February, how much we can disturb it, how many people can read it.
00:46 But the youth voter is also focused on it and he is afraid.
00:51 And he is afraid of everything, that the youth voter will come out,
00:56 where will the increase in the vote bank go?
00:58 That is the whole issue.
01:00 You want to uproot the parliament, you want to strengthen the democratic system,
01:04 and on the other hand, you have out a big political party from political action.
01:08 When the ballot was taken from the Peshawar High Court,
01:10 then Wahid Noon League, whose senior leader held a press conference,
01:14 that do not give them the ballot, do not let them fight the election.
01:17 This is the situation that your opponents are fighting the election from the jails,
01:20 women are fighting the election from the jails.
01:22 Ali Maadil Sheikh is in Sindh,
01:24 it is time to think about Bilawal sir, he is also fighting the election from the jail.
01:28 So you have to strengthen the democracy in such a way that
01:30 this kind of treatment is being done to political opponents,
01:33 they are not allowed to run an election campaign, you do not talk about that.
01:37 So I think, whatever this pamphlet is,
01:40 on 8th February, the people will see it, think about it, understand it and vote accordingly.
01:44 Okay, apart from this, Raza, Pakistan People's Party has also held a press conference,
01:49 and apart from this, they want to clear their pamphlet further.
01:54 So they have held a press conference on the other points of their pamphlet,
01:58 but I want to read out the points of their pamphlet to you, so that we can do a little comparison.
02:02 The real income of the workers will be doubled.
02:06 Again, how will this be done, what will be the mechanism, there is no clarity on this.
02:12 The poor, the landless, the hardworking will be given a house.
02:17 The People's Party's pamphlet claims that hunger will be satiated,
02:20 the program will be started and free food will be provided to the children going to school.
02:24 Do we know how many children in Pakistan are out of school,
02:28 more than two and a half crore, first they will be put in schools and then they will be given free food.
02:32 According to Article 25A of the constitution, the principle of education will be made possible for everyone.
02:37 The People's Party's pamphlet promises to give the labour card,
02:40 the youth card, universities will be built in every district of Pakistan,
02:44 free facilities for the treatment of basic needs of the whole country, free medicines.
02:48 So I still feel that there is a lot of messaging around the youth.
02:54 I am talking about messaging because their campaign is to give new ideas a chance,
02:59 to bring new ideas, so at least the messaging of the People's Party is around the youth.
03:04 I don't think that the messaging of the PMO is to make a campaign with the youth in mind.
03:10 You are right, the Pakistan People's Party is very directive.
03:18 You can see in the last few weeks in Pakistan,
03:22 the level of education is very high, and the way they are running it is very good.
03:29 The former chairman of the Justice Party is a coward, he doesn't know how to step out.
03:37 The Noon League has also started very well.
03:42 And he has gone to many places, he has seen the young voters,
03:47 he is a young man himself, and his sisters are also in the field,
03:51 especially his campaign is going well.
03:55 So he is trying to make a point that the re-branding of the People's Party should be with the young people.
04:03 But the situation is such that all these promises,
04:08 the electricity unit which was announced to be free of the toilet,
04:13 and the PMO has already made a complaint about it.
04:20 We will try to talk to Mr. Raza again, and solve his technical issues.
04:25 In this, the re-branding of the People's Party, the issues around the youth,
04:30 I am seeing the entire campaign, and he is also telling the Tehreek-e-Insaf voters to vote for him,
04:36 so that the Noon League stops.
04:38 Is this messaging, which is very youth-focused, is it working?
04:42 There are two aspects to this.
04:44 One is that what Mr. Bilawal is saying is very good.
04:47 He is talking about minorities, about the weak classes,
04:51 he is talking about not taking revenge,
04:53 he is talking about the way women were imprisoned.
04:57 So there are many things in which you see hope in the future.
05:01 But this is the habit, these people have to come forward, they have to do it again and again.
05:04 It is okay, but angels cannot come from the sky.
05:06 Angels will not come.
05:07 Then the People's Party gave a ticket to Dr. Sawera Prakash on the general seat from Pune.
05:11 So some of the progressive policies of the People's Party,
05:14 I think if we go back to the basics, Mr. Bilawal,
05:17 and get out of the shadows, and the day you see the influence of Bilawal on the People's Party,
05:22 you will see that the popularity of the People's Party will also increase.
05:26 There is no doubt that this is Mr. Bilawal's.
05:29 But on the other hand, what he says is that we will bring freedom together and make a government.
05:34 There is no freedom, they are the people of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf,
05:37 they will vote in the name of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf,
05:40 they will vote in the name of Imran Khan.
05:42 If you are talking about bringing them together, then you are basically talking about horse trading.
05:46 And traditional politics.
05:47 And traditional politics.
05:48 So Bilawal has to decide that he has to leave traditional politics,
05:52 he has to give an alternative to the youth, that this is also a thing, come to this.
05:56 So I think Bilawal has potential.
05:58 Now how he takes it forward, it depends on him.
06:01 Quickly Raza, concluding note, because Bilawal talks about change,
06:04 but apparently it is a sign of the continuity of the same status quo.
06:09 So on one hand, he wants a new thought, a new change,
06:12 but if the policies are the same as we saw in the 18 months,
06:16 then this is a big contradiction within itself, right?
06:20 Yes, it is a big contradiction, but let's forget that why political parties are in the field,
06:27 they also have a principle of peace.
06:30 But the situation in Pakistan is that you can get any election,
06:38 but it is not possible that one party wins with two thirds of the votes,
06:45 because Pakistan is such a diverse country.
06:47 That is why you have to talk about coalition alliances.
06:51 But it is true that all our big parties revolve around electables.
06:59 Their focus is also on traditional politics in Pakistan.
