
  • 8 months ago
Friskney man Ben Smith is planning a 12-hour 'drumathon' in memory of his dad


00:00 This is my story about my dad Paul. So in June of last year I received a call from my mum that unfortunately my dad had lymphoma, a form of blood cancer I knew nothing about.
00:19 Well on a year later this June we lost my dad. He was such a fighter we never thought it would defeat him and unfortunately it did and we were all devastated.
00:33 Still very raw, if I could bring him back I would bring him back in a heartbeat. So a little bit about my dad, a very hard working man all his life, great work ethic, he was always right, definitely always right.
00:54 Not only that he was a loving dad, husband, grandad, so supportive as well. And a story about that, when I was 14 years old I had a dream of being a drummer and he bought me my first drum set, no special occasion, a birthday or anything like that, he just drove me to the nearest city over an hour away.
01:17 So over the years he came to gigs, he ferried me places when I was younger when I couldn't drive, I had to stop playing for a short period for illness, got back into play recently, unfortunately he never got to see me play again. So that really does hurt.
01:33 So then I found Blood Cancer UK, a charity that are doing great things, fundraisers up and down the country and raising some brilliant sums of money to fight blood cancer and this is where I wanted to help.
01:49 So I will be participating in a 12 hour drum marathon, which is basically me playing drums non-stop for 12 hours to raise as much money as I possibly can for Blood Cancer UK.
02:02 This will be held Saturday 3rd February 2024 from 9am to 9pm, it's at a local drum store in to music which is in Horncastle in Lincolnshire.
02:15 12 hours of drumming, as much as I love drumming, that is a long long time, so I'll need all the help I can get. If I can raise enough money to help families so you don't have to go through what we're going through or there's treatment that can be invested in or anything like that, that will keep me going through this.
02:37 And I'm going to do my best with the work ethic instilled in me by my dad to do my very best I can to raise as much money as I can for Blood Cancer UK and I hope I'll see you at the drumathon. Thank you.
02:53 [Music]
