"Ini bukan keputusan yang kami mahu, tetapi Malaysia bermain dengan sangat baik." - Hwang Hee-chan

  • 8 months ago
00:00 Did you expect this result?
00:02 When I say honestly, I didn't expect this result.
00:08 This result was not what we wanted, but they played really well and
00:14 we have to learn from this result and we
00:18 we know this tournament is very very difficult and we have to
00:22 we have to improve a lot and we still talking about that and we can improve and
00:29 I
00:31 know we can do
00:33 much more better than we just keep going and
00:37 We have big big goal. Yeah, what do you think on coach Kim?
00:43 Personally, what do you think on coach Kim?
00:46 Yeah, I know I know very very well him about him he's really good coach and good good person
00:55 we saw it and he
00:59 He did and and I think yeah, he made he made very well this thing
01:04 I think I won't say congratulations to Malaysia
01:08 - Yeah.
