McFarlane Dragons The Lord of the Rings Smaug

  • 5 months ago
McFarlane Dragons The Lord of the Rings Smaug
00:00 My armor is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the
00:05 shock of my tail is a thunderbolt, my wings are a hurricane, and my breath, death.
00:10 Here's a look at the McFarlane toys, Dragons, the Lord of the Rings, Smaug.
00:16 Bilbo, Gandalf, and a motley crew of dwarves continue their quest to retake the dwarf kingdom
00:40 of Erebor from the dragon Smaug in part two of the Hobbit trilogy, facing danger at every
00:46 turn from orcs, giant spiders, and even wood elves.
00:49 The surly bunts make their way to Smaug's lair where untold treasure awaits, if the
00:53 fire-breathing beast doesn't burn them to a crisp first.
00:57 A deadly dragon to beat, with an even harder name to say.
01:00 Before of course we get a closer look at the McFarlane Dragons, the Lord of the Rings,
01:03 or the Hobbit if you prefer Smaug, I'd like to thank the folks over at McFarlane Toys
01:07 that did kindly provide this sample we could have a look at.
01:10 Smaug should be available right now if you guys are interested, whether it be online
01:14 or whether it be in stores, Smaug should be available either way.
01:17 I'm going to grab the tape measure also as well to measure off the wingspan of the
01:21 dragon.
01:22 Now this one is a dragon that's going to be sitting pretty close to his display stand
01:24 as he's guarding the treasure around him.
01:26 From one end of his wing to the other you're looking at the dragon being about eight and
01:30 a half, almost even nine inches in width, or it's going to be about 22 centimeters
01:35 wide.
01:37 To come included with the dragon you get yourself a trading card.
01:39 The trading card spotlights Smaug on the front of it as well as borders his name down below.
01:43 On the back it does show his name of course being Smaug and as well it gives you a paragraph
01:47 read to digest if you want to.
01:49 So happens to be the same thing I read at the beginning of this review.
01:51 Now I know we always get these cards when it comes to McFarlane Toy releases.
01:55 I think specifically the ones that come included with the dragons, I think they should go the
01:58 route of giving that same sort of podium standee, not the high ones for the DC multiverse ones,
02:03 but the little more smaller ones that they usually use from the movie maniacs.
02:07 Give us something like that for the dragon line where you can predominantly feature the
02:10 card along with the dragon itself.
02:13 Now with the dragon there was some assembly that was required.
02:15 First of all you had to take the wings and attach them onto the sides of Smaug's body.
02:19 This isn't something that usually is easy because there's always one section of the
02:22 wing that never attaches properly.
02:24 Sure enough, easily enough, I could attach the peg here and a peg here, but then the
02:28 same similar pegs then on the opposite side.
02:30 I could attach this one easily enough, but then this one, this one I couldn't get in
02:34 completely.
02:35 What I might just very well do is remove this all together, heat this maybe with hot water
02:39 and see if I can put the wing back in to get a more seamless look.
02:42 But it usually is always the case when we look at these dragons that there's always
02:45 one wing that never sits properly.
02:48 Of course, one other thing that had to be done as well as take the dragon and attach
02:51 them onto his display stand.
02:52 The display stand very predominantly features the treasure that Smaug is protecting.
02:57 On the bottom though, while it may be a little bit harder to remove the dragon, I'll show
02:59 you at least the place that they plug in place.
03:02 There's one right here, a plug right here, a section here and a place over here.
03:06 All of those plugs are in the bottom of the dragon's feet and wings and you just attach
03:10 them in place.
03:11 Sort of similar to the wings though, there are a few of them that I could actually attach
03:14 very easily, but by the nature of the softer plastic that they use for the display stand,
03:19 you can kind of see there's too much give that trying to put pressure against this,
03:22 I can only get a few of them securely in place.
03:24 There's always this one, kind of like the wing that never attaches securely and obviously
03:28 I don't want to break the display stand either.
03:30 Speaking of stands though, on the bottom of it, you can see it's been cast in gold plastic
03:34 and yet what they ended up doing though was they painted a much darker gold to simulate
03:38 the tiny little coins and treasure that he's protecting.
03:41 Nice little touch of details to the fact that there's little tiny stairwells to give you
03:44 the real scale of how big Smaug actually is.
03:47 Featured on the front as well, there's also a little placard that tells you it's the Lord
03:50 of the Rings.
03:51 They could have also swapped this out for the Hobbit, but maybe they wanted to use Lord
03:55 of the Rings because it just takes up a little bit more space on the actual placard and then
03:59 of course there's Smaug down below there.
04:01 I don't know if you can actually really even make it out because the dragon again is very
04:04 close to his treasure he's protecting, but there's mostly all here coins.
04:08 There's a few random little placements of treasure chests and a few little orbs and
04:11 stones and jewels and stuff like that, but the most of it is actually really only painted
04:15 here in gold.
04:16 It is kind of really hard to make out these are supposed to be coins.
04:18 I mean if you look at them really kind of close, it kind of looks a little bit like
04:21 honeycombs, but again, they painted it well as they could.
04:24 I mean obviously the coins are going to be quite small when you compare them against
04:27 the scale of Smaug.
04:29 Looking at the detail though of the dragon, first of all the face, that mouth you can
04:32 see is currently open.
04:33 Luckily for all of us, it's not breathing fire.
04:35 The tongue is sticking out and I love the way it's been colored.
04:38 Mostly here in white, although little accent areas here of yellow.
04:41 The yellow is similar to the kind of yellow that they painted underneath the tongue.
04:45 Placement of little tiny teeth are also here as well, both on the bottom of the jaw and
04:48 on top of the jaw, although it's probably again not a good idea to get so close to the
04:52 dragon.
04:53 Speaking of getting close to the dragon, I mean the people that painted this piece, I
04:56 mean would have really had to get really close in there to paint the things like his eyes
04:59 for example.
05:01 The paint is really quite clean too, so I don't know if this is actually factory painted
05:04 or somebody has been painting this by hand, but either way I don't really have any real
05:07 paint problems.
05:09 Dragons obviously they could get away with a little bit of splotching.
05:11 I've got for example a little bit of splotched black down below here, but otherwise like
05:15 the coloring and the paint is handled really well here.
05:17 I like the way that they've colored and sculpted the bottom of his neck, so again you've got
05:21 a little bit of wrinkles and kind of the looser skin on the bottom of the dragon's neck.
05:25 You got these little spikes that he has also on the top of his head.
05:27 These are all kind of more of a softer plastic, so very unlikely, very unlikely that anything
05:32 like this would be potentially breaking.
05:34 And of course he also has all these spikes that run down the top of his neck, then across
05:37 the spine of his main body, and then all the way down to his tail.
05:41 The tail really is the only thing that has any little bit of posability.
05:44 I mean all the wings and all the neck for example, even though like the neck does in
05:47 a way kind of look like you could be able to swivel it back and forth.
05:50 In fact the only thing you really could move back and forth is Smaug's tail.
05:54 The thing about the tail though is it's always the case whenever you sculpt something like
05:58 this.
05:59 I mean it looks fine like this, but the moment you start to move it around it's obviously
06:02 going to be breaking up that detailing and it's not going to look consistent.
06:05 So even though they really did put tail articulation, I don't honestly think for Smaug's case they
06:09 really needed to add tail articulation.
06:11 They should have just easily kept it straight like this.
06:14 It's exactly the way I'm going to be displaying and I'm sure most of the way people are going
06:17 to be displaying it as well.
06:18 The only thing I would say though, the way they've painted this, and I gotta say first
06:22 of all I really love the way they've done the wings.
06:24 The wings are kind of more of a kind of a very dark auburn red and then I've got some
06:28 darker colors and patches here of a little bit more of an airbrushed brown that they've
06:32 added in between the sections of the wings.
06:34 Of course the main spines of the hands and the fingertips that stretch across the wings,
06:38 those are nicely done here in black paint as well.
06:40 It's not a very stark black either.
06:42 They've kind of done it in such a way where you see a little bit of the red still bleeding
06:46 through.
06:47 I like that because of course it's not a very... it's too stark I think if they were just to
06:50 paint it completely black.
06:52 By adding the little allowances where a bit of the color can actually bleed through from
06:55 the wings gives it again a more organic look to it.
06:58 The only thing I will say though is as you get to the bottom of the tail, the tail...
07:01 I know I did say kind of like the paint was pretty nicely done here for the most part
07:04 here for Smaug, but there are a few little areas in the back of the tail where you can
07:07 see like the paint gets a little messy.
07:09 Like you can see it's...
07:10 I mean obviously it's a creature so they don't have to make it following the lines exactly
07:14 when you're coloring it, but there are a few little areas of course you can kind of see
07:17 where it's bled onto the red.
07:18 No harm, no foul.
07:20 All in all though it's a really nice looking dragon.
07:21 The thing about the Smaug though, Smaug is one of those characters of course he's going
07:25 to be always guarding his treasure.
07:26 Because of that his build and the way they've actually designed the form of the figure is
07:31 that he's going to be really close, really close to his display stand.
07:34 We've got in fact actually a couple of other dragons as well that follow the same suit.
07:37 I mean ideally I would have loved if maybe Smaug could have actually had his war wings
07:41 outward so it would just given him a more dynamic looking pose, but again if you follow
07:46 the story of Smaug and how he's guarding his treasure I guess it makes the most sense that
07:49 they would have given him a pose like this so very close to the ground, so very close
07:53 to the treasure he's protecting.
07:55 I don't know about you guys but when I first heard that McFarlane was going to relaunch
07:59 the Dragon line I had a few notable dragons that were pretty high on my list for ones
08:02 I wanted to see them release.
08:04 Pretty high on that list was the Hobbit's Smaug.
08:06 Even though really on the placard it's called Lord of the Rings, we all know of course it's
08:09 under the big story umbrella of the Lord of the Rings.
08:12 That's one thing I wish that they could have actually put on the placard, the Hobbit as
08:15 opposed to Lord of the Rings.
08:16 Because again Smaug gets featured predominantly in the Hobbit trilogy not necessarily in the
08:21 earlier released Lord of the Rings films.
08:24 Despite that though it's a really nice looking dragon.
08:26 I prefer myself to have the dragons with a farther wingspan so they look a little bit
08:30 more interesting on the shelf but I can certainly justify the choices that they made to have
08:34 the dragon so close to his treasure like this.
08:37 And Smaug looks fantastic.
08:39 Like I said because it's a fire dragon they cast it mostly here in sort of an orangey
08:42 red plastic.
08:43 They painted then in between the individual spines of the wings a slightly lighter coloring
08:47 of that brown.
08:48 Then of course they also did coloring not necessarily a stark black but rather they
08:52 diluted a black paint to paint all the individual spinal sections of the fingers and the spine
08:57 that runs down the front of his body.
08:59 I prefer that because it looks a little bit more organic.
09:02 I know obviously some people probably would have preferred to have that just a stark black.
09:05 I like the chance and opportunity for some of the coloring of the red to peek its way
09:08 through.
09:09 It makes the dragon look a little bit more realistic.
09:11 What do you guys think of Smaug?
09:13 Let me know down below in the comments section.
09:15 Once again a big thank you to the folks over at McFarland Toys that did provide this sample
09:19 of the Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit if you will.
09:21 Hope that we can have a look at this review.
09:23 Have you guys been collecting any of the McFarland dragons?
09:25 If you have let me know down below in the comments section which ones you guys got.
09:29 Also hey as well if you guys enjoyed this video I want to hit it with a like.
09:32 If you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and you certainly would like to
09:34 stick around for more we may not be finished, well we may already be finishing up things
09:38 for Smaug but I can tell you we are going to be looking at another dragon not necessarily
09:43 from Lord of the Rings but one from Harry Potter that will be coming up in an upcoming
09:47 review.
09:48 As always guys thanks for watching.
09:49 See you guys next time.
09:51 [Music]
09:57 (boom)
