Idris Elba calls for ban of machetes and zombie knives: ‘I don’t want to see my son in a hospital bed’

  • 8 months ago


00:00 [wind]
00:04 No, not yet. Stay where we are for a second.
00:08 [footsteps]
00:12 [chatter]
00:16 Broken?
00:20 [chatter]
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00:32 [chatter]
00:36 [chatter]
00:40 I really can't talk about what politicians think or don't think.
00:44 I do think this, though, as a society, we have to think
00:48 as well, you know, just because they're a politician doesn't make them
00:52 qualified to know what's going on on the streets. But the streets do.
00:56 The communities do. The mothers and the victims do. And what we need to do is
01:00 listen to them as well. We need to understand. Stats are stats
01:04 and that's what it is. But the truth is, you know, I'm a parent.
01:08 I'm doing this as a parent. I'm doing this because I don't know what the stats are. I just know
01:12 I don't want my son to, or any child,
01:16 to find themselves lying in a hospital bed,
01:20 or part of a statistic of a lower hospital bed rate, because
01:24 the government hasn't really addressed this properly. So,
01:28 you know, I really don't want to talk about what the thoughts of
01:32 politicians are. I will say this, though. We
01:36 have to move in the right direction. I think today is significant
01:40 in that direction.
