• last year
Uncle Luke said not so fast after Gloria Velez accused him of "grooming" her in the early 90s

#hiphop #hiphopnews #music #musicnews #rapnews #sohh #sohhdotcom #sohhnews #uncleluke #gloriavelez
00:00 Now you get your business told fucking with me. I don't I ain't know I'm not none of those man. I
00:06 Know I defend myself. I don't know what the fuck they talking about
00:10 So make it make sense bring all the smoke
00:14 I'm here. I ain't going nowhere. What would be on say I ain't hard to find. I'm not hard to find
00:22 That's why y'all ain't gonna get y'all gonna see no Lugo on they're doing nothing
00:27 They're gonna have them low big shit and let y'all run with shit
00:30 Everybody gonna run with their own thing. They create their own narrative
00:34 This industry
00:37 grooms you and then it's a groom
00:40 To be what great when you talk about me when I'm up. I'm gonna say Luke room me to be great Luke room me to be great
00:48 He that motherfuckers bought that bag Luke room me to be great
