Omarion Gets Candid On How He Handles Negativity In His Career

  • 8 months ago
00:00 Omarion gets candid on how he handles negativity in his career a lot the last 10 years
00:05 everything and
00:07 Every I mean 90% of the people gonna respond somehow some way yeah, whether it's personal whether it's relationship
00:14 Whether it's family whether it's your group whether it's your label right whatever it is don't respond right
00:20 Why I?
00:23 think that um
00:25 You know I'm I'm a I am a methodical person. I am a thoughtful person so a lot of the time you know if
00:32 I am going to respond. I want to make sure that you know I get what I need from it
00:37 You know I mean because rarely when we react into life that we actually get what we want
00:42 You know I mean so for me. I've always just been like okay. You know um at those moments
00:49 You know those ups and downs of my career. I've always just been like I'm gonna do what's best for me
00:53 You know you check a box like I remember he said that and boy 10. She said I definitely I definitely have a
01:00 Mental list, but you don't hold grudges
01:05 Nah, no
01:06 I don't I don't think because I'm mature enough to realize that a lot of people's perspectives and just position in life are
01:13 You know
01:15 Temporary you know I'm saying because things change you know I'm saying so I try my best to not take things personal
01:21 You feel like you slipped a little with all these things that have been happening and you have to be like let me go back
01:25 Into my um no, I think no
01:27 I think that it's important to stand up for yourself, too
01:30 You know I mean
01:30 I think people get confused when you know people speak up that it's like oh mean
01:35 Not or me being bothered instead of being unbothered
01:38 But I think that it's important to also stand up for yourself and speak up when you feel that you know I mean
01:43 I think that's important as a man. You know I'm saying to really speak up for yourself on your journey otherwise
01:49 You know um
01:51 You know things just don't happen
01:53 You are watching
