Kevin Liles Teary-Eyed Testimony For Young Thug’s Freedom

  • 9 months ago
Early this afternoon, Young Thug had his bond hearing before a judge at the Fulton County court. Testimony was given by a stellar lineup of witnesses, including music executive Kevin Liles. He offered a teary testimony in which he confronted the question of rap lyrics being used in legal cases to convict artists.

3:30 "Jeffrey is not just an artist, he is an influencer, he’s a person that I think was put here to change the people around him."
5:53 “We sit here on trial, and we talk about lyrics?"
10:04 “It’s not about Jeffrey…"


00:04 >> Before you sit down.
00:06 >> Senator Ryan, you signed a form of testimony in court.
00:09 Truth, I'll let you know what truth is.
00:12 I'm going to take your seat.
00:14 State and spell your first and last name.
00:17 >> Kevin Lyles, K-E-V-I-N-L-I-L-E-S.
00:22 >> Good afternoon, sir.
00:23 >> How do you do, Mr. Steele?
00:25 >> I'll let you know.
00:26 >> Can you do me a favor and give the Samba Court, educate the Samba Court on who you
00:31 are, your background, the court may not be familiar.
00:34 >> Your Honor, I'm a 54 year old father of four.
00:38 I'm kind of emotional because how good this guy is.
00:45 I have Morgan State University.
00:52 I built a stadium in my old school.
00:55 I have a street named after me.
00:57 I have all kind of honorary doctorates.
01:00 I employed probably 5,000 people.
01:03 I was the president and CEO of Def Jam.
01:06 I've been in this music called hip hop for 38 years.
01:11 And for the life of me, I don't understand why I have to testify
01:18 on the good that hip hop has done around the world.
01:23 I've also started a company with Jeffrey called Young Stone Life.
01:29 And I remember what he said to me.
01:33 We're not just starting a company.
01:34 We're going to change some lives.
01:35 And that's what he's done.
01:36 And he's definitely changed mine.
01:41 >> Mr. Lyles, how long have you known Mr. Williams?
01:46 >> For, well, I was a fan for probably 12 years.
01:50 But I personally got to know him over the last 10 years.
01:56 >> And have you signed your company, signed Mr. Williams?
02:01 >> Yes, he signed to us.
02:03 And I hate to say that he signed to us because it's my partner.
02:08 But we have two deals.
02:09 One deal is a deal for him as an artist, solo artist.
02:13 And the other deal is for Young Stone Life.
02:16 And I know this is personal, but financially, there's been testimony that if this trial
02:24 -- and I'm not saying the court would allow it -- but if it doesn't take place for a year,
02:28 there would be over a million dollars in expenses just for 24-hour security of police officers
02:37 to ensure -- off-duty police officers, second jobs to ensure Mr. Williams does not flee,
02:42 does not get types of weapons, does not intimidate a witness.
02:46 Does not endanger community property in the community.
02:49 Can he afford, from your personal knowledge and how much money he earns, can he afford
02:54 that type of undertaking?
02:55 >> Jeffrey can afford it and I can afford it.
02:58 So it will be paid for.
03:00 >> And you are willing to back him as well?
03:01 >> I'm willing to back him personally and professionally.
03:07 >> Please explain, if you can, and discuss fully, how your life intersected with Mr.
03:12 Williams' life.
03:15 >> My job is to seek out talented people.
03:20 And I think God brought us together in a very weird way, but I think we were meant to be
03:29 together.
03:30 Jeffrey is not just an artist.
03:34 He's an influencer.
03:35 He's a person that I think was put here to change the people around him.
03:44 And he's so talented.
03:46 He's creative, he's innovative, and he's fearless.
03:50 He's a risk taker.
03:52 And those kind of people, I call them change agents.
03:57 I'm not signing just artists.
03:58 I'm raising a young man.
04:00 He looks at me as a father figure.
04:05 He's not, like I said, we can't limit it to just his lyrics or his music.
04:12 He's a young man and he will be a contributing citizen to this world.
04:16 And that's what I invested.
04:17 And I truly believe this whole thing that people are talking about, it's not him.
04:24 The Jeffrey I know, the Jeffrey I know will give me clothes off his back.
04:28 The Jeffrey I know, I'm giving my kids, he's giving his kids.
04:31 That's the Jeffrey I know.
04:33 >> You mentioned lyrics.
04:34 There's been a lot of argument by the prosecution about the lyrics and songs.
04:42 Can you explain, if you have the insight, what is selling in the rap industry dealing
04:51 with the lyrics?
04:52 And why are they being promoted and why are people wanting it?
04:55 >> Your Honor, you've, I don't know how old you are, but you know.
05:01 >> Older than you.
05:02 >> So I've been fighting this battle for over 40 years.
05:10 It's not new.
05:11 And it's funny how we're the number one music in the world now and they want to bring this
05:15 back up.
05:17 Now, we don't argue about any of the movies or other genres of music that talk about I
05:27 ran him over in my truck or I got drunk and I went and shot him.
05:33 We don't.
05:34 We don't bring those things to court.
05:37 But quote unquote our music, we've been on trial.
05:40 And we're constantly on trial about who we are, what we are, and why we are.
05:45 Anybody gave us nothing?
05:47 So we sit here on trial.
05:49 We talk about lyrics.
05:50 Lyrics.
05:51 I don't understand the thing.
05:52 I'm going to be here and I'm going to keep fighting for it because I believe self-expression
06:01 and I believe we should protect black art.
06:05 We should protect black art.
06:08 And I'm on trial for lyrics.
06:10 Come on, man.
06:11 >> With regards to Mr. Williams in the court may not be familiar, where does he rank in
06:19 if there is such a ranking in the music industry?
06:23 >> Objection.
06:24 Judge, that's not relevant to anything.
06:27 >> Shows his employment status as part of the Aiella factors and whether the record
06:32 company is going to continue to back him.
06:34 >> I think you've already established that through the witness.
06:37 >> Okay.
06:38 >> Because we all have the means to potentially be on alternative release.
06:45 >> You understand that Mr. Williams was charged in 2018 in DeKalb County with an offense involving
06:57 he was riding in a car with two other people.
07:01 And there was a gun and a small amount of drugs in the car.
07:06 Are you familiar with what I'm talking about?
07:08 >> Yes.
07:09 >> Okay.
07:10 And you know that case is still pending, believe it or not, but it went up to the appellate
07:13 court.
07:14 I don't know.
07:15 Are you familiar with all that?
07:16 >> Yes.
07:17 >> Everything was suppressed by the honorable superior court judge in another county and
07:21 then the state appeal got reversed and it's pending.
07:23 You're aware of that?
07:25 >> Yes.
07:26 >> Okay.
07:27 So Mr. Williams is actually on bond for that case.
07:29 The allegation also entails the fact that when Mr. Williams was arrested at the home
07:36 here in Atlanta, a search warrant was then executed at that home and there were multiple
07:44 firearms.
07:45 One firearm is allegedly illegal.
07:49 It turned into like a machine gun.
07:52 And there was supposedly about two pounds of marijuana and some items in, looks like
08:00 an energy drink, but it supposedly contains either schedule two, three or four drugs in
08:07 it, codeine supposedly.
08:08 Are you familiar with that?
08:10 >> I read it.
08:12 >> Okay.
08:13 Understanding all those facts, the DeKalb County case, current bond and the search of
08:17 the home, you're also aware that many other people were in that house at the time of the
08:21 search warrant, right?
08:22 >> Yes.
08:23 >> Okay.
08:24 I'd like to ask you the following questions in addition to the fact that we are charging
08:30 two counts in this current indictment.
08:32 You're familiar with the Rico conspiracy and the gang?
08:36 >> Yes.
08:37 >> Okay.
08:39 On your oath, would you be willing to back with your own personal property and wealth
08:45 as well as your own company's personal property and wealth the bond for Mr. Williams?
08:51 If the Samba court wanted a high bond.
08:53 >> Objection, Your Honor.
08:54 I just asked to answer.
08:55 The witness actually has already stated that.
08:56 >> Yeah, he already said he put up his own and his company's resources.
09:04 So it's an outstanding objection.
09:07 >> Would you be willing, okay, if it's the same question, I apologize, but I thought
09:11 it's a different question.
09:13 You have to understand that if the court wanted to, you would lose that wealth if Mr. Williams
09:19 violated condition of bond.
09:20 It's not just going by when Mr. Williams in custody, you're released.
09:24 The court could have you signed as a co-signer on that bond and you would actually have a
09:29 lien against your wealth if Mr. Williams violated condition of bond.
09:33 Are you still willing to do that?
09:34 >> I can stand to do that, yes.
09:37 >> Okay, without hesitation?
09:38 >> Without hesitation.
09:39 >> All right.
09:40 Do you believe that if granted bond on your oath, Mr. Williams would intimidate any witness?
09:45 >> No.
09:46 >> Obstruct the administration of justice?
09:49 >> No.
09:50 >> Be a danger to the community or a problem in the community?
09:53 >> Not at all.
09:54 >> And a risk to commit a crime while out on bond?
09:58 >> No, not at all.
09:59 He has too much respect for me and too much respect for the company that we're building
10:03 and too many people that depend on him.
10:05 It's not about Jeffrey.
10:06 It's about the family.
10:07 It's about the community.
10:08 He understands.
10:09 He's inspiring the world right now.
10:10 There's a kid that he changes their life every day.
10:11 I really believe that.
10:12 >> For the better?
10:13 >> For the better.
10:14 >> I have one last question for you.
10:15 If the Sonoma Court granted bond, but it was very, very restrictive, Mr. Williams is not
10:16 coming out to studios, he's not doing videos, speaking with the press, he's not doing anything
10:17 else, what would you do?
10:18 >> I would not be able to do that.
10:19 I would not be able to do that.
10:20 I would not be able to do that.
10:21 I would not be able to do that.
10:22 I would not be able to do that.
10:23 I would not be able to do that.
10:24 I would not be able to do that.
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