अनिरुद्धाचार्य ने अद्भुत बात कही

  • 8 months ago
अनिरुद्धाचार्य ने अद्भुत बात कही


00:00 We should have done the work of the Mughals and the British.
00:05 This should have happened long ago.
00:07 The independence should have been done soon.
00:09 It's been 75 years since independence.
00:12 This should have been done earlier.
00:14 The story should have ended in 5-10 years.
00:17 And will you do something about equal citizenship?
00:21 Yes.
00:22 This is a big issue.
00:23 Okay.
00:24 Everyone has equal rights.
00:26 Everyone still has equal rights.
00:29 And for equal citizenship, you have to listen to women.
00:32 Do you have a message for them?
00:34 We should all serve our parents.
00:39 And treat our mothers like God.
00:42 And mothers should also teach their children to serve you at an old age.
00:47 This is the message.
00:49 We should all teach our children.
00:51 We should respect our mothers and women.
00:57 And women should teach their children to respect their mothers.
