• last year
Charity aims to prevent suicide in young people


00:00 Hi, my name's Rhiann and I'm a Hopeline 24/7 manager for Papyrus and we have a
00:06 helpline which is called Hopeline 24/7 which is available 24/7 for anyone
00:14 under the ages of 35. Hopeline has been running for many years now, it was
00:19 set up by a bereaved mum who lost her son unfortunately to suicide when he was
00:24 very young and so like I said we support young people from primary school age all
00:30 the way up to college age and above that like I said anyone under 35 can contact
00:35 us. We speak to many young people every day on the helpline and there's
00:40 different ways that you can contact us. We have a helpline which runs 24/7 which
00:45 you can ring on 0800 068 4141 and we also have a text service, an email
00:53 service and a web chat service which runs throughout the day as well.
00:57 Reaching out to talk about your thoughts of suicide is actually really brave, it's
01:02 not easy to do that, it's actually quite difficult and there's a lot of stigma
01:07 unfortunately still attached to having suicidal feelings but it's really normal
01:11 to have them and very very common and we just want people to know that and
01:15 understand that. It's actually a huge sign of strength if you reach out and
01:20 talk openly about those feelings and if you do that means that you can have
01:25 people around you who can support you in the right way and help you to navigate
01:28 through those feelings because it's really tough to do that by yourself.
01:32 Suicide Prevention Advisor will be on hand to support you with your thoughts
01:36 of suicide and what they do is they focus on helping you to stay safe so
01:41 what that means is talking through your thoughts of suicide and without any
01:46 judgment it's a totally safe space for you to talk about anything to do with
01:50 your thoughts of suicide even if you've potentially got plans for suicide you
01:54 know we want to chat that through with you and come up with a plan on how you
01:58 can stay safe from that. We don't only just support young people we
02:03 obviously support family members, friends, colleagues, teachers, anybody who's
02:07 concerned about someone who could be potentially experiencing thoughts of
02:11 suicide as well so you know pick up the phone if you want to chat that through
02:15 sometimes it's healthy to talk it through with an advisor who's
02:18 knowledgeable about those things rather than you sit with it all by yourself and
02:22 try and deal with it alone. Anyone who contacts our helpline stays totally
02:28 anonymous, none of the information gets shared externally, some information will
02:33 stay with us however that will only be used if we need to keep you safe and if
02:37 we need to pass it on for emergency reasons but other than that all of your
02:41 information stays safe in our database. So if you want to know more about
02:45 Papyrus and about Hortline 247 feel free to pick up the phone and just give us a
02:50 call just so we can chat that through with you because it might be that you
02:54 want to know more about the charity before you contact us and that's
02:57 absolutely fine so like I said earlier you can ring us on the helpline which is
03:01 24/7 on 0800 068 4141. We do also have a text service and you can find that
03:09 number on our website and we also have email service and the web chat service
03:14 which run throughout the day.
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