Hiding In Hip-Hop - Terrance Dean Interview

  • 9 months ago
00:00 Hiding in hip hop, wow.
00:03 It's almost like gay the new thing to be.
00:05 Love, no homo, I'm not gay. Gay people are cool. I love y'all. Go buy my record support. It's all love.
00:12 I ain't gay.
00:13 Not gay, never in life. Love women, never hate gay.
00:18 Aw shit.
00:19 This is Hiding in Hip Hop, the book that has everyone in the entertainment industry talking.
00:25 How prevalent is homosexuality in hip hop? Because from reading the book it seems like every other person.
00:33 Well, I don't want to make it seem like it's just this pervasive community and that people are sexual predators and it's just a big gay party happening in hip hop.
00:45 But there is a subculture. So I have been invited to a lot of exclusive parties where I've been around a lot of celebrities.
00:54 And once you're part of this exclusive organization or membership, you know there are certain things that you cannot say, there are certain things you cannot divulge.
01:03 And people who are invited to those parties and participated knew that what happened here behind these closed doors did not leave behind these closed doors.
01:13 So do you feel like you're maybe violating the code of that secret society by writing this book?
01:18 Well, I could be violating the code.
01:22 People are snitches. Everybody's a snitch. Man, mind your own fucking business. Write a book about you.
01:28 Like I play sports a lot, you know, so I'm one of those people like what goes on in the locker room needs to stay on the locker room.
01:34 You know, because that's like a guy's sanctuary. You know, you may say some shit in there, you don't never want to get out here. You know what I'm saying?
01:41 You decided not to name names. Why not?
01:44 Well, because again, the book is my memoir, it's my story. And I didn't want to out anyone. I didn't want to jeopardize their careers, their families.
01:53 You can fuck up a lot of a man happy home. It might be one of them dudes you talk about in the book that wears boxes on backwards every damn day.
02:01 That's getting hit in the ass, homo dude. But he probably still got a wife and kids and you might fuck up his life. You know what I'm saying?
02:07 Some of the guys I've had relationships with, some of them were married. Some of the majority of them had girlfriends.
02:13 You know, there's so much hiding that goes on in the entertainment industry because it really is about an image.
02:17 And unfortunately, where we're at right now, being a gay person, unfortunately, is would be very hard trial to do in hip hop.
02:27 Once a major celebrity comes out, comes forward, I think it would just transcend what so many of us think that it will, that it will happen in our community.
02:35 Do you think that it's possible for a major celebrity to come out as homosexual and still maintain the level of success that they have now?
02:45 Definitely. I mean, look at, you know, Ellen DeGeneres who's come out, Rosie, George Michael, Katie Lang, Melissa Etheridge, Lance Bass from NSYNC.
02:54 The list goes on and on for whites.
02:56 Now, if you're already an established artist, that's one thing. But even if the most progressive of hip hop artists were gay,
03:02 let's say Common, although I don't think Common's gay, or Black Thought from the Roots, I believe it would ruin their career.
03:08 And even if someone like Kanye West, although I don't think he's gay, I know everybody thinks he is, I don't think he is,
03:13 but even if Kanye were gay, all of his biggest songs are about women. So the dynamic of the music would change.
03:22 However, I think, again, because we're afraid to talk about it in our community, you know, sex and sexuality is still a taboo.
03:28 But I don't think nothing would ever happen. I think they will continue to flourish in their careers, you know, they'll continue to sell albums.
03:35 I also think those who are big fans and huge fans of hip hop will continue to support hip hop, even if there is a gay or homosexual rapper within the industry.
03:45 And I also feel that Black women should just become very discerning of the men that they're involved with,
03:51 because the very man that they think is not doing anything is the very man who's hiding in hip hop.
03:58 and hip hop.
