Chevy Woods Talks On The 48 Hunnid Project & Free Music

  • 8 months ago
00:00 Um, so your EP 4800
00:03 Came out in August. What's the reception been like to it? Has it been what you?
00:08 Wanted from it. Oh, yeah, it's been it's been good because I
00:13 Treated it like it was my kid
00:16 Mm-hmm
00:17 I mean who was the first time I put something out on iTunes in a long time and I've been giving away free music for
00:23 a long time
00:24 Yeah, so just to put that out and let you know feel comfortable with selling something because of the fans, you know
00:30 And they appreciate it. I just you know
00:32 Felt comfortable giving them something that was like a body of work that I actually been working on for a long time
00:37 So, you know the 4800 project was it was for me 50% but it was for the fans the other 50%
00:43 Yeah, and talking about free music
00:46 I mean that is that it feels like that is ongoing trend, especially now with streaming sites such as tidal
00:53 Apple music, how do you feel about that? And do you feel like
00:56 You feel like the music industry is taking a bit of a turn in the negative
01:01 Not like they're well what happened with like, you know artists dropping free music
01:06 Yeah, I feel like you know, the fans were excited that they got it early and now like with these, you know
01:13 Music streams and title and you know Apple music. Yeah things like that. I feel like they've
01:21 You know gave their all to getting it for free
01:24 So now they're just giving it they're all and getting it for you know having to pay for it
01:28 Yeah, I mean so now they're like, okay cool
01:30 I'm not - I'm not mad or anything or I'm not upset that I gotta buy this because
01:35 They gave me so and so they gave me this time. They gave me you know
01:39 I mean, it's just like now they're like, you know, kind of like it's not like to me. It's not like a pay-for thing
01:46 Yeah, it's just like more of a you know, respect what I'm doing type of thing
01:50 And you know, the fans react to that, so they purchase the music.
