Ounce of Prevention | movie | 1982 | Official Clip

  • 8 months ago
Bugs Bunny and his friends teach children about safety regarding fires and other burn-causing injuries in the home. | dG1fVXNoMGRyVDdteFE
00:00 A message from your Shriners Hospitals.
00:02 I'll spring the old bedroom quive on 'em!
00:04 Daffy, what are you doing here?
00:07 Well, it's quive time! First question.
00:10 How do you burn-proof a bedroom?
00:12 One way is that gadget up there.
00:14 Aha! A smoke detector!
00:16 Every home should have at least one.
00:18 Just having one isn't enough.
00:20 Kids should know the sound a smoke detector makes.
00:24 And what does that sound mean, kids?
00:27 It means get out of the house.
00:28 And fast!
00:30 How?
00:30 Escape routes!
00:32 Right! The whole family should map out a few different ways to get out of the house if there's a fire.
00:38 A meeting place is most important, so everyone knows everyone else is okay.
00:42 True or false?
00:43 Under the bed is the best place to go during a fire.
00:46 That's false.
00:47 You should never hide under the bed.
00:49 What about the closet?
00:50 That's a definite no-no, too, Daffy.
00:53 Make sure your family gets an A on my burn-prevention quive.
00:57 Okay?
