7 Video Games That Tried To Exploit Nostalgia (And Won)

  • 8 months ago
Welcome to Tues Your Own Adventure! Join Jules and James as they take look at video games that tried to exploit nostalgia (and won)!! Happy memories.


00:00 Hello all of you beautiful little demons, Jules here for whatculture.com back again
00:03 with another episode of the awesomely named and awfully hosted Choose Your Own Adventure,
00:08 the weekly medieval themed format where I, the crown jewels of whatculture.com, take
00:13 a list chosen by you, yes you the person who started off the week by replacing one door,
00:18 then a lock broke on another door so I had to replace that, then another door had to
00:21 be replaced as well.
00:22 Three doors in one week, that's gotta be some sort of record, yes you get to decide
00:26 what list I dole out to you each and every week, and this week we have none other to
00:30 thank than me.
00:31 Now I know it's a bit ironic that I would create this community focused show and then
00:39 decide to dole out ideas that I've generated, but trust me, there is one specific video
00:44 game that I wanted, nay, needed to talk about this week, and you'll understand why.
00:49 So yes, today we're talking about times that video game nostalgia was exploited, but
00:54 actually not for all the wrong reasons.
00:57 Using the term 'exploiting' in a sentence rarely sets a good tone for the conversation,
01:00 right?
01:01 I mean it's a word that is accepted by its implication that can mean that something or
01:04 someone is manipulating a situation for their own benefit.
01:08 It's also a term that has been bandied around a lot when it comes to the video game industry
01:12 and with good reason, as it seems that developers and publishers the world over love nothing
01:16 more than taking pleasant childhood memories and wheeling them out for their own personal
01:20 game.
01:21 For example, why don't we just take the, I dunno, the entire 1980s, which seems to
01:26 be a huge source of fuel for the fire for video game publishers and developers, because
01:31 they basically just grab mascots from the past and just say "Remember this guy?
01:35 Remember this guy?
01:36 Remember this guy?
01:37 We'll give us some money, or I'll hit him in the head!
01:40 SPLOINK!"
01:41 Of course you remember them, and simply by their sheer existence in their video game,
01:45 publishers want you to take part in a rose-tinted transaction, no matter how shoehorned or forced
01:50 the tie-in is.
01:52 But that's not what we're talking about today, because we're actually going to be
01:54 covering some cases of when nostalgia was still technically exploited, but actually
01:59 came at the benefit of both the publisher and the player.
02:02 Confused?
02:03 Well, take a seat my friend, and let's have a chat, and if you're already sat down,
02:07 then sit down further, you fool, as I'm Jules, this is WhatCulture.com, and these
02:11 are 7 Video Games That Tried To Exploit Nostalgia, and 1.
02:15 7.
02:16 Shadow Skins, Resident Evil 2 Remake, and Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes.
02:21 Oh boy, graphics will never get better than this!
02:25 I remember saying that about Final Fantasy 9.
02:29 Now upon reflection, I was an absolute idiot, but at the time I seriously thought that the
02:33 likes of Zidane and his crew were the best realised and most beautiful looking sprites
02:38 that I'd ever seen.
02:40 Now looking at the landscape of today, where even track-side flowers on kart racing games
02:44 have more fidelity than the best looking moments of my childhood titles, it's almost brain-breaking
02:48 to think how graphics can improve further, and yet I, alongside so many others, will
02:54 always get a huge nostalgia boner whenever a developer offers us the chance to play a
02:59 current gen game with classic skins.
03:02 I honestly feel like bloody Ed Gein sometimes for how much I crave these nostalgic skins,
03:08 and when the likes of Resident Evil 2 Remake and the almighty Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes
03:13 offered us a chance to play in these low polygonal suits, then you'd best believe I was there
03:19 for that, son!
03:21 It might seem like a small detail to many, but the fact that the devs chose to remind
03:25 people of their title's lineage in a loving and rather humorous way shows a lot of thanks
03:30 for the foundations built by these classic titles.
03:33 Hell, in the case of Ground Zeroes, the PS1-inspired Snake Skin suit also comes with a special mission
03:39 that infused the gameplay with a supremely retro tone that sends shivers of ecstasy through
03:44 my blocky bones.
03:46 Ooooooh, I love it!
03:49 I don't know how to represent physical blocks, alright?
03:52 Work with me here.
03:53 Number 6, everything about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder's Revenge.
03:58 And here we come to the crux of this list immediately.
04:01 The reason why I wanted to make this list is because James Dowles and I have played
04:05 through this game recently, I did it for a review on WhatCulture as well, and ye gods
04:10 is this a blast from the past and I am strapped to the rocket, my friend.
04:14 I love this game.
04:16 Without a shred of hyperbole, I think it's one of the best arcade experiences I've
04:20 ever had.
04:21 Okay?
04:22 Alright?
04:23 Good.
04:24 This, in my opinion, is video game nostalgia done right.
04:27 It is a carefully considered beautiful homage to the past that elevates not only the TMNTIP
04:34 as a whole, but also delivers such a fun and exciting time that it actually stands as one
04:38 of the finest side-scrolling brawlers ever.
04:40 It's also a game that will have a vice-like grip on your dopamine receptors if you have
04:44 even a shredder of love for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
04:49 Those pizza munching buddy pals.
04:51 I mean, where to begin with this one?
04:53 The graphics are a fantastic throwback to the arcade TMNT games, but are filled with
04:58 so much character and subtle animations that it's clear that this is no low-poly filter
05:02 rush job.
05:03 The soundtrack will slap your cheeks so hard that they will reveal your bloody skeleton,
05:08 and the gameplay is so viscerally addictive and well-produced that gamers of any skill
05:12 level will be able to pick this right up and get right into the action.
05:15 Plus, as an added moment of true nostalgia, this game doesn't break the bank.
05:20 It's not a £70+ title release that so many other remasters, remakes and reimaginings
05:26 are trying to con their way through the market with.
05:29 This actually feels and gets a proper nostalgia pop from me for not breaking the bloody bank.
05:33 I've got enough cash left after buying this for a Curly Wurly.
05:37 Hell, I might even splash out for a chomp as well.
05:40 A bloody chomp, James.
05:42 5.
05:43 Taking Sonic back to his roots - Sonic Generations
05:46 Now as we're all aware, Sonic, as a video game mascot and an icon of the video game
05:51 industry as a whole, has had so many ups and downs that Simon Miller is personally suing
05:57 him.
05:58 We've all visited the absolute doldrums that were Sonic 06 and the disaster piece
06:03 that was Sonic Rise of Lyric.
06:06 UGH.
06:07 But here's the thing.
06:09 He can have an upshot sometimes.
06:11 He can have a good day.
06:13 Sometimes.
06:14 And this made the glorious love letter that was Sonic Mania all the more special.
06:19 This game was piano-wired tight, looked utterly amazing and sounded like if Jesus came back
06:24 in chiptune format.
06:25 However, it's not being included on this list.
06:28 Why, I hear you ask?
06:30 Well, it's because Sonic Team didn't actually make this game.
06:35 Therefore I don't think it should be included as a nostalgia pop because of the fact that
06:38 the original developers didn't create it.
06:40 It was created by the fans, through nostalgia, yes, and is a moment of great nostalgic memories
06:45 being formulated into one crystalline experience.
06:48 But it didn't come from the original developers.
06:52 That's not to say that they haven't tried their best, though, because Sonic Generations
06:55 came pretty damn close.
06:56 Because yes, even though it sounds like I'm bashing on Sonic Team, I want to talk about
06:59 Sonic Generations, a title that was produced by the assigned devs which actually hit that
07:04 sweet nostalgia target by giving fans exactly what they've been crying out for for years,
07:09 and that is a 2D Sonic.
07:12 Sonic Generations traded heavily on letting fans go back to the good old days with 2D
07:17 Sonic sections that even featured the retro design of everyone's favourite quick-stepping
07:20 hedgehog.
07:21 And as you'd expect, this gambit absolutely worked.
07:24 Sales were much higher than previous 3D escapades, and critical reception, especially of these
07:29 sections, was through the roof.
07:31 We asked, we got, we thanked Sonic Team for not including bestiality.
07:35 4.
07:36 The Soundtrack of Your Youth - Tony Hawk's 1 & 2 Remaster
07:41 Now I won't lie to you, when the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 & 2 Remaster came up for pre-order,
07:47 I absolutely punched my screen as hard as I could trying to hammer home that pre-order
07:53 button.
07:54 Get in my basket!
07:56 Not a touchscreen monitor.
07:57 It cost me a lot of money.
07:59 The original trilogy of Tony Hawk's games was absolutely pivotal to my interest in gaming
08:03 as a whole, and I know so many other gamers who list these titles as some of their favourite
08:08 childhood games.
08:09 And while Activision could have easily just slapped a high-res texture pack on top and
08:13 wheeled it out to make an absolute bundle, they did the unthinkable and actually set
08:18 out to make a decent and loving remaster of the original two games.
08:21 And in amongst all of the promises of reworked gameplay additions, such as the reverb being
08:26 added into the titles and online support, was a feature that filled many with that warm,
08:31 gooey goodness of nostalgia.
08:32 I'm speaking of course about the soundtrack, which arrived, admittedly, with a few omissions,
08:38 but with enough force to still recapture the glory days of our youth.
08:43 Nearly every single absolute smash banger was on the playlist once more, and it just
08:49 transported you back to being a wee stupid little oik holding the controller for the
08:53 first time and doing like, I dunno, a 180 melon and thinking that was the best trick
08:57 you were ever gonna land.
08:58 It was a glorious experience.
09:01 And you know what?
09:02 Activision got a lot of positive feedback for actually going down, doubling down on
09:06 this moment.
09:07 They could have easily just grabbed in a ton of new artists, and admittedly they did put
09:10 in a few new tracks as well, but they could have just replaced the entire soundtrack and
09:14 said, "There you go."
09:15 But the fact that they went back, back to the drawing board and said, "Let's actually
09:18 give fans what they want rather than what we tell them what they want," and you know
09:22 what?
09:23 That was a good thing for all involved.
09:24 3.
09:34 LEGO DLC
09:35 Forza Horizon 4 LEGO Speed Champions
09:38 Now I'll ask you, James, is there anything more nostalgic than LEGO?
09:42 Yes, Hot Wheels.
09:43 No, I'll answer for you actually.
09:45 No, no.
09:46 Yeah, but Forza Horizon 3 had Hot Wheels.
09:48 LEGO.
09:49 LEGO is the answer I was looking for.
09:50 Some of the earliest memories of your childhood may well be block-based thanks to this wonderful
09:55 construction and creativity-based toy.
09:58 Is it a toy?
09:59 Is a brick a toy?
10:00 Are we telling kids that bricks are toys now?
10:03 Yes.
10:04 And I know of a fair few adults with more than their fair share of LEGO sets adorning
10:09 their walls and shelves.
10:10 The love for LEGO has only grown as the brand has expanded into more and more complex sets,
10:16 and tied itself to almost every IP going, meaning there is quite literally something
10:20 for everyone to enjoy.
10:22 And while the LEGO brand has sometimes churned out a few stinkers in its time, the likes
10:26 of LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes really do stand out as not being just great
10:32 games but also massive dollops of nostalgia for fans of the medium.
10:36 However, one of the low-key best LEGO bangers ever actually comes in the form of a racing
10:40 game - and no, unfortunately I'm not going to be talking about LEGO Racers today, I will
10:43 cover that on a list at some point in time - but today we're talking about Forza Horizon
10:48 4, which got a LEGO-based expansion.
10:51 And it is an absolute stonker.
10:53 Tearing through LEGO play sets at speed is just so much fun that I swear the government
10:58 will likely ban it at some point, and being able to build your own house is just the icing
11:02 on the blocky cake.
11:03 A pseudo-realistic race simulator, and LEGO should not mix this well, but it forms a sweet
11:09 and heady broth that you'll be quaffing for weeks to come.
11:12 2.
11:13 FOMO Mario - Super Mario 3D All-Stars
11:16 And now we turn to the curious case of Super Mario 3D All-Stars, a trilogy of Mario's
11:22 best games that dropped for the Switch in 2020, only to then drop off the face of the
11:27 bloody Earth a few months later.
11:29 While other entries on this list have been cases of publishers putting players first,
11:33 this was a case of appearing to be a gesture of goodwill that turned into a greasy marketing
11:38 tactic by Nintendo.
11:40 Now it's fair to say that a lot of ninty fans are incredibly nostalgic for Mario's
11:44 early 3D outings, with many touting these games as being the benchmark to which all
11:48 others are measured even to this day.
11:50 And so they were incredibly excited when the 3D All-Stars pack was announced for the Switch
11:55 and included Mario 64, Mario Sunshine, and Mario Galaxy.
11:59 The fact that this was also announced alongside Nintendo's 35th Mario Celebration event
12:03 made the nostalgia hit all that harder.
12:06 So of course, many bought in straight away for the simple fact that this was their childhood
12:10 but now on a handheld console.
12:12 And yet, for Nintendo, this apparently wasn't enough.
12:16 To drive home the fact that you needed to buy this pack, Nintendo announced that after
12:20 a few months, this bundle would be delisted from online sites and that they wouldn't
12:24 print any more physical copies.
12:26 This was now a slice of nostalgia with a deadline.
12:29 A rather insidious move indeed, to effectively hold your childhood to ransom, but at the
12:34 end of the day, people bought this in droves.
12:37 So technically, Nintendo exploited our nostalgia and most definitely won here.
12:42 At number 1, all of the nostalgia, Mortal Kombat 11.
12:46 So when it came to answering the question of "hmm, I wonder what part of the collective
12:50 consciousness we should mine for that sweet, sweet nectar of money", NetherRealm Studio
12:56 answered with "everything.
12:59 Every last drop of it.
13:00 I want it all".
13:03 This might seem like hyperbole, but seriously, just take a look at the DLC characters for
13:07 the Mortal Kombat franchise and try and tell me that your inner child isn't experiencing
13:11 a sugar rush unlike anything else.
13:14 Rambo, the Terminator, fricking Robocop, joined the roster of stone cold killers in Mortal
13:19 Kombat 11 in a manner that screams "just remember these guys" and continues a rather
13:25 epic trend of the studio pumping fans full of fizzy nostalgia pop, what with their previous
13:29 efforts including the Xenomorph, Leatherface, and the Predator.
13:33 It seems like any movie IP worth a damn has been well and truly mined, as have the wallets
13:38 of fans who were more than willing to splash the gore-soaked cash.
13:41 But what separates these characters from other Tesco brand tie-ins is the fact that it actually
13:46 kind of fit with the tones of their respective IPs.
13:50 I mean, splitting throats, smashing heads, and then covering their skeletons in acid
13:55 blood or spit is actually very on-brand with a lot of these, well, other brands.
14:01 So yeah, it fits so well, and that's why people were really, really keen to kill with
14:07 Robocop.
14:08 Yay.
14:09 And there we go, my friends.
14:11 Those were seven video games that tried to exploit nostalgia and won.
14:15 I hope that you enjoyed that, and please let me know what you thought about it down in
14:18 the comments section below.
14:19 As always, I've been Jules.
14:20 You can go follow me over on Twitter @RetroJay but the O is a zero, and the same for Instagram,
14:25 RetroJay but the O is a zero.
14:28 Hope that you enjoyed that.
14:29 Hope that you're doing well.
14:30 Hope that you're treating yourself with love and respect, my friend, because at the
14:34 end of the day, I've got a lot of nostalgic love for you guys.
14:37 You got me here at this point on the channel with all the love and support, so I'm always
14:41 going to pay it back to you.
14:42 I hope that you're treating yourself with love and respect.
14:45 I hope that you realize that you are a massive legend.
14:47 You deserve all of the best things in life, and I hope more than anything else that you
14:51 go out today and you smash your life goals.
14:54 I believe in you, and thank you very much.
14:56 As always, I've been Jules.
14:58 You have been awesome.
14:59 Never forget that.
15:00 I'll speak to you soon.
15:01 Bye.
