• last year
Krzesimir Dębski wystąpił w Miliczu


00:00 [music]
00:02 I am very happy to be here for the second time in Milic.
00:05 The first time I was here was so short that I wrote it down in my memory that I have to come here again.
00:10 And it turned out that Milic invited me.
00:13 So there will be a concert here in this beautiful church with my music of various types,
00:20 of various kinds, such a mini portrait, in fact, one can say.
00:24 And the main topic will be such a festive, post-Christmas mood and the calling of this spirit of the Kresy,
00:34 with whom I am very connected.
00:36 My parents came from Volyn, and I was born in Wałbrzych,
00:40 so again I have a torn soul on both sides of the world.
00:44 It so happened that I was always ordered to move the eastern note, the note of the Kresy.
00:53 It is enough to say that, for example, a thunderbolt fell on me from the clear sky,
00:57 an offer to write music for the film "Fire and Sword".
01:01 So this was already a huge topic that could be lived in, amazingly.
01:06 It is a big production and a huge commercial and artistic success, apparently.
01:11 So it was a very important thing.
01:13 And then the orders came, I became a Kresy composer.
01:19 I had another offer, so there was the "Battle of Warsaw", a film also set in the Kresy.
01:25 The Polish-Bolshevik war, unfortunately terrible, which destroyed these wonderful eastern areas
01:32 from which my family comes from, many times, anyway.
01:36 And then, unwittingly, I became a little bit of a self-proclaimed spokesman,
01:41 maybe for this minority of Polish and Polish from the east,
01:45 some of them could not say that they were from the east.
01:48 It was a topic for many years.
01:50 In communist times, it was the USSR.
01:54 My parents, like many such people, had birthplaces in the ID card,
02:00 for example, Lviv East, ZSRR.
02:03 I am lucky enough to have a Wabrzech.
02:06 I really like to cooperate with orchestras, choirs in small centers,
02:11 people who are very willing to work.
02:15 It does not matter the time, the hours, only the enthusiasm matters.
02:20 Who can put more heart into such an undertaking.
02:24 And that's why I'm very happy that I have such an opportunity to cooperate with orchestras,
02:30 supposedly amateur choirs, but who, with a huge enthusiasm,
02:35 overcome the technical difficulties that appear in music.
02:39 [XBOX SOUND]
