率检举大队上门检查 移民局逮捕561名外劳

  • 8 months ago
八点最热报 | 移民局今天凌晨12点,前往其中一个外劳聚集的热门地点“峇玲珑”的拜都里组屋区展开大逮捕行动。拜都里组屋区,因为聚集了大批的孟加拉人,所以也被当地人称作“小达卡”。在今天凌晨的行动中,移民局总共逮捕了561人。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:03 In order to solve the problem of illegal foreign workers in China,
00:09 the Immigration Bureau has recently launched illegal extortion operations all over the country.
00:14 The director of the Immigration Bureau, Lu Zilin, said today that
00:16 the Immigration Bureau has already launched 870 extortion operations
00:19 from January 1 to 18 this year.
00:24 A total of 9,169 foreign workers were checked and more than 4,000 were arrested.
00:30 As for the arrested employers, there are also 42.
00:33 At the same time, Lu Zilin also revealed that until the 17th,
00:36 a total of 1,400 illegal foreign workers were expelled from the country.
00:40 Lu Zilin said that there are already 220 areas around the country
00:44 that are listed as hot spots for illegal foreign workers,
00:48 and Xuezhou is the state with the most foreign workers.
00:52 In order to completely sweep away illegal foreign workers,
00:54 the Immigration Bureau also went to one of the hot spots
00:57 where illegal foreign workers are gathered at 12 am today,
00:59 the Baidu Li Residence in Balinglong, to launch a large-scale arrest.
01:03 The Baidu Li Residence has a total of seven four-story residences.
01:08 Because a large number of Mengjiala people were gathered,
01:11 they were also called "small Daka" by the locals.
01:14 In the actions of this morning, the Immigration Bureau arrested a total of 561 people.
01:20 (Gunshots)
01:25 This morning, the Immigration Bureau led a team of investigators
01:27 to launch a large-scale arrest of illegal foreign workers
01:29 in a residential building in Balinglong, Xuezhou.
01:32 The officers were asked to check the ID of the foreign workers.
01:34 "Where is the passport?"
01:36 When they came across the closed door,
01:38 the Immigration Bureau officers broke in without saying a word.
01:42 (Gunshots)
01:44 In addition to conducting a strict investigation,
01:47 "Is there anyone else?"
01:48 "No."
01:49 "Where is the passport?"
01:50 The officers did not let go of any corner of the building
01:54 and searched for the hidden foreign workers one by one.
01:56 "Go out, go out."
01:58 During this time, there were also foreign workers who were naked
02:00 and tried to climb the window to escape in the face of danger.
02:02 After the assault, the Immigration Bureau Director, Lu Silin,
02:05 held a press conference and said
02:07 that the investigation team spent two hours
02:09 to check the IDs of 752 foreign workers from each country.
02:12 561 people were arrested,
02:14 including 27 children,
02:16 the youngest of which was only three months old.
02:18 Lu Silin pointed out that the Immigration Bureau
02:19 was intercepting local residents' headlines
02:21 before launching the assault.
02:23 "As we know, this area is almost 80%
02:27 "occupied by foreigners.
02:28 "We have received complaints from flood-affected residents.
02:31 "There are various terms such as 'mini-Dakar' and so on.
02:35 "And the result has also been a burden on us
02:37 "since a few weeks ago.
02:39 "And this is the result we got today."
02:42 Lu Silin said that the reason why these foreign workers were arrested
02:45 was mainly because they did not have a legal entry permit,
02:47 misused work permits and left-over weapons.
02:50 But some foreign workers also claimed
02:51 that their IDs were in the hands of the employer.
02:54 It needs further investigation to confirm this.
02:57 "We will take them to the secret police station
03:01 "to collect their documents.
03:03 "Because some of them said
03:05 "that their colleagues were holding their documents.
03:07 "Some of them did not have documents.
03:09 "And there are various reasons given by them."
03:12 Lu Silin said that if these foreign workers
03:14 can show their valid ID, they will be released.
03:17 As for other foreign workers who are legally detained,
03:19 they will be taken to the immigration detention center
03:21 in Jalil, the fifth level.
03:24 (music)
03:28 (music)
