FTS 12:30 19-01: Haiti: gangs cause fear in several neighborhoods of Port-Au-Prince

  • 8 months ago
FTS 12.30
*Palestine: new Israeli bombardments pound Central Gaza
*German farmers block roads with tractors in subsidies protest


00:03 In Haiti, shootings and riots by armed gangs
00:12 terrorized people in surrounding neighborhoods
00:14 of the Caribbean country's capital, Port-au-Prince.
00:19 In Palestine, authorities stressed
00:21 that several people were killed after the new Israeli
00:24 movements in a framework of 105 days
00:27 at the beginning of the total Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip.
00:30 In Germany, vehicles blocked roads for the second time
00:36 this week as road drivers held a protest on Wednesday.
00:40 Hello, welcome to From the South.
00:45 I'm Ana Rosabal from the Television Studios in Havana,
00:48 Cuba.
00:48 We'll begin with the news.
00:50 In Haiti, shootings and riots by armed gangs
00:53 terrorized people in surrounding neighborhoods
00:55 of the Caribbean country's capital, Port-au-Prince.
00:58 The Bolero criminal gang led the main acts of extreme violence,
01:02 including setting fire to the homes of residents who
01:05 fled to avoid being consumed by the flames.
01:07 The neighborhood of Delmas, Crad, Bouquet, Carrefour,
01:10 Payenne, and Salinas were the main hotspots
01:13 of the day's conflict, where gunfire and burning took place.
01:17 Recently, Haiti's Prime Minister Ariel Henry
01:19 warned that sowing chaos among the population
01:22 is not a valid option to gain power in the country.
01:25 We asked the entire metropolitan area to rise up.
01:33 The whole republic must rise up to make the prime minister
01:35 respond.
01:36 We can no longer resist the insecurity of the gangs.
01:40 Nothing is working.
01:41 The democratic institution, we want gang-free elections.
01:45 The head of state is now involved in gangs.
01:48 The whole country is now gang land.
01:51 In Colombia, concluding on Thursday,
01:53 the third cycle of negotiations at a peace
01:56 talks between the national government
01:58 and the Central General Staff of the Revolutionary Armed Forces
02:01 of the Colombian Army, other people known as FARC-EP.
02:05 In the term, the delegation signed a fifth agreement,
02:08 which establishes a ceasefire until July 15,
02:11 which may be extended again.
02:13 Likewise, the path of social participation,
02:16 social environmental commitment, territorial transformations,
02:19 and humanitarian, legal, and security aspects
02:22 was also established.
02:24 At the same time, they affirmed that they will put an end
02:27 to the pressure retention for economic purposes
02:29 while the ceasefire lasts.
02:31 For his part, the head of the government negotiation
02:34 delegation, Camilo Gonzalez, stated that the agreement
02:37 said the installation of 22 local civil mechanisms
02:40 aiming to reduce violence in their territories.
02:50 We have positive results in this third cycle of the peace talks
02:53 because on one hand, we received the report
02:56 of the verification mechanism, which is very important.
02:59 It gives an account of what has happened
03:02 in terms of violation or pervasion since September.
03:05 It has allowed us to trace a way to prevent new events,
03:08 to install 22 local mechanisms to monitor and protect,
03:12 aiming at helping to protect the population.
03:14 Respect for the civilian population is always present.
03:17 We are alert, and the commitment is
03:22 to reduce violence in all the territories
03:24 where the Central General Staff of the FARC-EPE is present
03:28 and in the midst of these conflicts.
03:32 In Mexico, the presidential candidate
03:34 to the ruling coalition, Let's Keep Making History,
03:36 Claudia Chambon, presented her campaign closing
03:40 at the Plaza de la República.
03:42 Chambon stated that the movement she leads
03:44 is the only one that can guarantee the well-being
03:47 of the population.
03:48 She also stressed that she supports
03:50 a project for the future of the nation that vindicates
03:53 democracy, liberty, and the rights of the people of Mexico
03:56 to identify life, as well as the rights of Native people
04:00 and women.
04:01 Regarding the four key projects led by President López Obrador,
04:04 he insisted it represents a humanist work
04:07 in which businessmen, middle classes, of religion,
04:10 and free thinkers can fit.
04:12 She also pledged to maintain social programs,
04:15 like pensions for senior citizens, scholarships,
04:17 and other supports.
04:26 Rise assured that I will rise to the occasion,
04:31 that I will not let you down.
04:34 We are setting an example to the world,
04:39 and we will continue to do so.
04:43 The Panama Canal faces economic losses of up to $700 million
04:47 as a result of water shortages generated by the drought.
04:51 A severe drought that began last year
04:53 has forced authorities to slash ship crossing by 36%
04:58 in the Panama Canal, one of the world's most important trade
05:01 routes.
05:02 The administrator of the Canal Authority, Ricardo Vazquez,
05:05 estimated a possible reduction of $500 and $700 million
05:09 in revenue after the decrease in maritime traffic, which
05:12 compared to the previous year was reduced by 20%.
05:17 The waterway stopped receiving $100 million
05:20 per month in tolls with respect to the year 2023.
05:24 According to records, the Panama Canal watershed
05:26 is the lowest level in history, facing the El Niño phenomenon
05:30 and being forced to regulate the river traffic.
05:40 This problem of drought is a global problem.
05:43 The Mississippi, the Rio, the Amazon, the Yonsei,
05:46 particularly all the world's waterways are affected.
05:49 And of course, we have been saying this for several years
05:52 now.
05:53 The Panama Canal has a fundamental disadvantage,
05:56 and it is only global seafood in the world
05:58 that operates on fresh water.
06:01 Let's take a short break.
06:02 But remember, you can join us on TikTok at @SURINGLISH
06:05 where you'll find news in different formats,
06:07 new days, and more.
06:08 Other studies coming up.
06:12 Stay with us.
06:48 Welcome back.
06:49 Palestinian authorities stressed on Friday
06:52 that several people were killed after an Israeli bombardment
06:55 in the framework of 105 days at the beginning
06:58 of the total Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip.
07:01 They added that rescue teams are working
07:03 to recover the bodies of a list of people killed in Israeli
07:07 attack on a house belonging to the Al-Kadimi family
07:11 in the western neighborhood of Can Yonis.
07:13 Meanwhile, the occupation forces of Tel Aviv
07:16 continue their heavy artillery shelling
07:18 around the Al-Mahal Hospital in the city.
07:21 In addition, local media reported
07:23 that the communications blackouts affecting
07:25 the entire Gaza Strip are rich.
07:27 It's a day, and it's the longest since the beginning
07:30 of the Israeli offensive on the Palestinian enclave.
07:33 On the other hand, also local media in Palestine
07:40 announced that local wounded by Israeli airstrikes
07:43 were transferred to the Nasser Hospital in Can Yonis,
07:46 while the occupation army kept launching attacks
07:48 in the vicinity amid operation of health workers.
07:52 According to medical sources, about 100 civilians
07:54 were killed and dozens wounded in the last 24 hours.
07:58 Since last October 7th, a genocide
08:00 perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza Strip
08:02 has claimed the lives of 24,620 people, most of them
08:08 women and children, in addition to leaving
08:10 more than 60,000 wounded and 1,000 people missing
08:14 under the rubble.
08:15 Palestinian authorities announced on Friday
08:22 the assassination of another journalist
08:24 after an Israeli bombardment in the city of Gaza.
08:28 The Gaza government-informed information office
08:31 in the communique condemned the death of Wael Abu Fanuna,
08:35 the Retro-General of the Al-Quds Al-Jum satellite channel.
08:38 This brings 119 the number of journalists
08:42 killed by Israeli in the Gaza Strip since October 7th.
08:46 On the other hand, the UN Palestinian journalist
08:48 alerted that 25 members of the union
08:50 residing in Gaza need urgent medical treatment abroad.
08:54 In this sense, the UN urged the international community
08:57 to put pressure on the government of Benjamin Netanyahu
09:00 to force him to facilitate the departure
09:02 of these professionals.
09:03 It should be noted that the Israeli occupation army has
09:06 launched attacks on some 50 media outlets,
09:09 including the offices of Al Jazeera, Palestine TV,
09:12 the Imani news agencies, as well as the Al-Quds and Al-Jumi
09:16 newspapers.
09:17 Early on Friday, Israeli forces withdrew from the West Bank
09:24 refugee camp of Tulkaremb, leaving behind damaged buildings
09:27 and rubble in the streets.
09:29 Residents picked up the debris from damaged houses scattered
09:33 in the streets, while essential services such as water
09:36 and electricity were also collapsed.
09:38 Local residents spread their anguish and frustration
09:41 at the destruction left by the partying forces.
09:45 The Israeli army has raided several locations
09:47 in the Tulkaremb refugee camp.
09:49 And in a post next, formally Twitter,
09:51 Israel called its military operations
09:54 anti-terrorist actions in the camp,
09:56 and that Armahedin fighters were still at large.
09:59 The West Bank is another example of the violation
10:02 of human rights in Palestine.
10:04 The Palestinian Ministry of Health
10:06 reported that the Syian forces have
10:08 killed 377 Palestinians in the West Bank
10:12 since the beginning of the armed conflict.
10:14 Israel's Minister of National Security
10:20 suggested the Israeli military will occupy Gaza
10:23 after the current war ended, and supported
10:26 the idea of an immigration plan for Palestinians
10:29 to leave the territory.
10:31 In an interview with Israel Channel 13 on Wednesday,
10:34 Minister Itamar Ben-Jabir said the Israeli defense forces
10:38 would not leave siege centers in Gaza once the fighting has
10:41 stopped.
10:42 Ben-Jabir continued to say it will be radical to impose
10:45 a plan which would see Palestinians leave
10:47 the enclave through voluntary encouragement.
10:50 Thousands of Yemenis demonstrated on Friday
10:58 in Sana'a, the nation's capital, in a sign of solidarity
11:01 with Palestine and rejection of the attacks by the US
11:04 and its NATO allies.
11:06 Mobilizations in Yemen in favor of the Palestinian cause
11:09 have been held almost every Friday since October 7th,
11:13 and now in addition to the recent attacks
11:15 by Western forces and other nations.
11:17 In turn, the armed forces of the Ansar Allah movement
11:21 materialized actions on vessels operating in the Red Sea
11:24 to prevent the crossing of false Israeli ships
11:26 or those vessels bound for the ports.
11:29 In this sense, the US, under the pretext of securing
11:32 a national maritime navigation, launched together
11:35 with the UK, attacks against Allah government's governorates
11:39 of Yemen.
11:40 In this regard, the Secretary General of Hezbollah
11:43 emphasized that the security of the Red Sea,
11:45 the calm of the Lebanon front, and the situation in Iran
11:49 depend on the end of the genocide in Gaza.
11:51 UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres
11:57 expressed on Thursday his deep concern
12:00 over the recent change of military strikes
12:02 between Iran and Pakistan, which have reportedly
12:05 caused casualties on both sides.
12:08 Through his spokesman, Stefan Dujarric,
12:10 the UN chief urged both countries
12:12 to exercise maximum restraint to avoid further escalation
12:15 of tensions.
12:17 The Secretary General underlined that all security concerns
12:20 between the two countries must be addressed by peaceful means
12:23 through dialogue and cooperation in accordance
12:26 with the principle of serenity, territorial integrity,
12:29 and good neighborly relations.
12:31 Early Thursday morning, Pakistan carried out
12:33 strikes against what it called the terrorist hideouts
12:36 inside Iran.
12:38 The Pakistani actions followed Iranian attacks
12:40 on a third-world cultural basis in Pakistan's Balochistan
12:44 province on Tuesday.
12:45 He's very concerned about this situation,
12:52 about the exchange of fire, of rockets
12:55 between Iran and Pakistan.
12:58 We've seen reports of casualties on both sides.
13:02 Again, he urges both countries to exercise maximum restraint,
13:06 avoid any further escalation.
13:10 Any security issues, any issues, concerns between Iran
13:19 and Pakistan must be addressed through peaceful means,
13:22 through dialogue, through cooperation,
13:25 and again, in accordance with the principles of sovereignty,
13:28 national integrity, and good neighborly relations.
13:30 I mean, we are seeing heightened tensions grow in that region.
13:35 And that is something that is of worry.
13:38 We have a second short break.
13:40 Coming up, before we invite you to join a website community
13:43 for English-speaking audience.
13:45 You can scan the QR code on screen
13:47 to join the rally and through the link to reach more people.
13:51 Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean,
13:53 as well as the rest of the world.
13:55 Stay connected and in form with the store.
13:57 Find out your break.
13:58 Don't go away.
14:18 Welcome back.
14:20 On this Friday in Quintana Roo, the couple of Uganda
14:22 at the 19th Summit of Delegates, head of states and governments
14:25 of the non-aligned movement, K-TUF.
14:27 During the meeting, the Vice President of Cuba, Zabarro Valdes,
14:30 asked the organization to take actions
14:33 to demand the self-determination of Palestine
14:35 and to achieve a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
14:38 The meeting of the non-aligned countries
14:40 will be held until Saturday, January 20.
14:43 The non-aligned movement is made up of 120 countries
14:46 and seeks to address international issues,
14:49 such as food insecurity, migration, unemployment,
14:52 health pandemics, the climate crisis, and terrorism.
14:54 [AUDIO OUT]
15:04 Prior to the summit, the Vice President of Cuba, Zabarro Valdes,
15:07 held a meeting on Thursday with the head of state of Uganda.
15:11 In this regard, he wrote on social networks
15:13 that the dialogue with the Ugandan President, Jawari Musevini,
15:17 was very pleasant.
15:18 Cuban Vice President also added that he remembered
15:21 the legacy of Fidel Castro and his footprints in Africa.
15:24 In this regard, Zabarro Valdes thanked Uganda for his support
15:28 to Cuba in several areas and reiterated
15:30 the nation's agreed on the willingness to strengthen
15:33 cooperation ties.
15:34 The United Nations joins the government
15:41 of Zimbabwe and humanitarian agencies
15:43 to provide food aid to more than 2.7 million people
15:47 in the African country.
15:49 The United Nations World Food Programme
15:51 reported that food shortages that put 20% of Zimbabwe's
15:55 rates of famine are caused by the El Nino weather
15:57 phenomenon and the drought crisis in southern Africa.
16:01 The UN entities are reiterating Harare, Francesca,
16:04 and Element say weather conditions
16:06 are expected to worsen in the coming months,
16:08 causing crop failures in areas that depend on agriculture.
16:12 The government announced that the country has grain
16:14 reserves until at least October 2024,
16:18 but acknowledged that many people have not
16:20 been able to harvest enough grain
16:22 or buy from popular markets due to extreme poverty.
16:24 Thousands of people rallied across Slovakia
16:32 on Thursday as protests intensified against a plan
16:35 by the new government of Prime Minister Roberto Fico
16:38 to amend the country's penal code.
16:40 The protests occurred the day after the European Parliament
16:43 questioned Slovakia's ability to fight corruption
16:46 and protect the European Union budget
16:48 if its changes are adopted.
16:50 The plan approved by Fico's coalition government
16:53 includes abolishing the Special Prosecutor's
16:55 Office, which handled serious crimes such as graft,
16:59 organized crime, and extremism.
17:01 Those cases will be taken over by prosecutors
17:04 in regional offices, which haven't dealt
17:06 with such crime for 20 years.
17:08 The plan changes also include a reduction in punishment
17:11 for corruption and some other crimes,
17:14 including the possibility of suspended sentences
17:16 and significant shortening of the statute of limitations.
17:19 In Berlin, Germany, vehicles blocked roads
17:26 for the second time this week as road drivers
17:29 held a protest on Friday.
17:31 The week began and ended with a long queue
17:34 of vehicles on the road in front of the landmark Brandenburg
17:37 Gate, with drivers tooting their horns in protest
17:40 and farmers first on Monday and Thursday and Friday.
17:43 Government plans have included increasing taxes
17:46 for farming solutions and cutting subsidies
17:48 for agricultural products.
17:50 Farm workers expressed they would prefer not
17:53 to rely on subsidies but warned that without them,
17:56 many would lose their trade and Germany
17:58 would have to increase its volume of imports.
18:01 After previous protests in Berlin in December,
18:03 the government watered down plans
18:05 to cut subsidies for diesel in farm-dry vehicles.
18:08 But lobby groups are calling for them to scrap them entirely.
18:17 It's like the farmers.
18:18 The border hasn't just overflowed, it exploded.
18:22 The total increase affects the entire population.
18:25 It's not just the transport and logistic industry.
18:28 It's everything that affects the population.
18:31 85% more tolls and most of that goes to the German railroad
18:35 company, which means basic food, medicines, everything
18:39 will be more expensive.
18:40 Everything that is transported.
18:42 And if that's not a reason to take the streets,
18:45 then I can't think of anything else.
18:47 On Wednesday, lawmakers in the United Kingdom
18:49 passed a bill to report immigrants to Rwanda.
18:52 Prime Minister British Sonak's new bill
18:54 was approved by 300 votes in favor and 276 against,
19:00 after the Supreme Court rejected the original initiative
19:03 in November.
19:04 A total of 60 conservative MPS supported amendments
19:08 to the new bill, one of which will
19:10 allow it to circumvent order from the European
19:12 Court of Human Rights.
19:14 Under the government's initiative,
19:15 immigrants who enter British soil
19:17 illegally could be deported to Rwanda.
19:20 Human rights groups have criticized the plan
19:22 as inhumane and unworkable.
19:24 And it should be noted that after being challenged
19:26 in British courts, the UK Supreme Court ruled in November
19:29 that the policy was illegal because Rwanda isn't
19:32 a safe country for refugees.
19:33 The Russian Ministry of Defense reported
19:40 that the country's armed forces attacked
19:42 foreign mercenary sites in Ukraine.
19:45 The Russian agency said in a statement
19:47 that the troops used rockets, artillery,
19:49 as well as offensive drones to attack
19:51 two of the main points of temporary deployment
19:54 of foreign mercenaries.
19:56 It also indicated that the Russian troops also
19:58 attacked at least four missile depots and 117 artillery
20:02 units of the Ukrainian army.
20:04 The ministry also detailed that in 24 hours,
20:07 the Russian army destroyed two Tusha-U-Tatygul missiles,
20:11 one JDM guided aerial bomb, and at least 18 HIMARS
20:14 rockets of US manufacture.
20:16 After the destruction of a temporary deployment
20:22 point of foreign mercenaries in Kharkov,
20:25 the Russian foreign minister summoned the French ambassador
20:28 in Moscow, since according to the ministry's spokeswoman,
20:31 Maria Zaharova, there were dozens of French
20:33 among the mercenaries.
20:35 The Russian Ministry of Defense informed
20:37 that the building where the mercenaries were staying
20:39 was completely destroyed, and that more than 60 people died,
20:43 and more than 20 were taken to medical centers.
20:45 Turkey's first astronaut traveled
20:52 to the International Space Station on Thursday,
20:55 along with a Swede and an Italian,
20:57 as part of the third private crew invited by NASA.
21:00 The Falcon rocket blasted off from NASA's Kennedy Space
21:03 Center in late Thursday afternoon,
21:05 carrying the four-member crew, which
21:07 includes all the retired NASA astronauts,
21:09 who now works as co-ord for the company that
21:12 arranged the flights.
21:13 Their capsule should reach the space station on Saturday,
21:16 and they are scheduled to spend two weeks performing
21:19 experiments, chatting with schoolchildren,
21:21 and soaking in the views of Earth before returning home.
21:24 The project is reportedly costing each
21:26 of the three countries $55 million
21:29 or more, a rough-up person prize at the mission organized
21:34 by the Houston company, Asian Space.
21:40 And we have come to the end of this brief.
21:42 But you can find some of your stories on the website,
21:44 ValdelazorEnglish.net.
21:46 And join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram,
21:50 Telegram, and TikTok.
21:52 For Valdelazor English, I'm Ana Rosabal.
21:53 Thank you for watching.
21:58 [STATIC]
22:01 (upbeat music)
