• last year
Bad Hombres Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Desperate to provide for his family, undocumented immigrant Cesar (Diego Tinoco) is hired alongside day-laborer Alfonso (Hemky Madera) to work for Donnie (Luke Hemsworth), a brute who is also a psychopathic criminal. Now finding themselves entangled in the aftermath of a botched drug deal, Cesar and Alfonso must band together to survive. Luckily, Alfonso has a criminal past of his own that might be what he and Cesar need to make it out alive.

directed by John Stalberg Jr.

starring Diego Tinoco, Luke Hemsworth, Hemky Madera, Thomas Jane, Tyrese Gibson, Nick Cassavetes

release date January 26, 2024 (in theaters and on VOD)
00:02 So you looking for a job?
00:04 Yes.
00:06 Oh, yeah.
00:09 Music, huevos.
00:10 Mind telling me what y'all are doing out here?
00:12 It's not what these undocumented immigrants are doing.
00:15 It's why.
00:16 That is to get rid of four dead bodies.
00:18 Now fire.
00:19 [GUNSHOTS]
00:26 You don't look so great.
00:27 What did you do, man?
00:28 We got a job from a couple of guys at the hardware store.
00:31 They weren't connected.
00:32 I don't really care.
00:33 I do not have another car.
00:34 I do have a 1972 Chevrolet Camaro.
00:42 You do a job with a dude, you go south, dump him.
00:46 He says he's going to get deported.
00:47 He's ain't going to wipe your slate clean.
00:57 I can make one phone call, and they'll tell me exactly
01:00 what his picture was taken.
01:01 They're going to demand blood.
01:09 You're going to let him go.
01:12 You're real.
01:13 The God killer.
01:15 (dramatic music)