• last year
Paku Integritas KPK, Digitalisasi Dan Transparansi Jadi Strategi Ganjar Cegah Korupsi
00:00 [crowd cheering]
00:02 Poverty of corruptors and strengthening of the Corruption Elimination Commission
00:07 became the message of the third-in-command candidate, Ganjar Pranowo
00:12 in the Paku Integritas event held by the KPK on 17 January.
00:17 When he delivered his speech to the leaders of the KPK
00:22 and other presidential candidates and representatives,
00:25 Ganjar delivered a number of steps he would take
00:29 to eliminate the corruption crimes
00:31 if he is elected as the president in 2024.
00:36 One of the steps is to eliminate the corruption
00:39 and strengthen the KPK.
00:42 He also said he would implement digital finance
00:46 to minimize the more difficult cash transactions to be tracked
00:50 and budget transparency.
00:53 E-budgeting, e-planning for transparency in bureaucracy
01:00 is a duty.
01:01 And of course, the transparency of the budget,
01:04 the transaction that is clear as it is,
01:06 and the budget that must be implemented
01:09 must be controlled by the highest leaders.
01:12 And that is the dashboard that is needed every day
01:14 for the leaders to see and lead the corruption elimination directly.
01:18 Ganjar also said that stronger coordination between the KPK and other institutions
01:24 is necessary to win the KPK to investigate
01:28 so that the independence and integrity of the KPK
01:31 can be maintained without intervention.
01:34 From Jakarta, Arya Sindiara,
01:36 Putra Tampi News Agency, reporting.
01:40 [music]
01:47 [silence]
01:52 [silence]
