देखो.. दुर्ग जिला को मलेरिया से मुक्त करने किया जा रहा जागरूक

  • 8 months ago
केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार की मंशा के मुताबिक स्वास्थ्य विभाग जिला को मलेरिया मुक्त करने अभियान छेड़े है। मलेरिया मुक्त ग्राम बनाने के लिए हाई रिस्क मलेरिया प्रभावित क्षेत्रों में दवा लोपित मच्छर दानी का वितरण किया जा रहा है। मुख्य चिकित्सा व स्वास्थ्य अधिकारी डॉ


00:00 You have to apply it in a way that it doesn't dry in the sun. If you dry it in the sun, what will happen to the medicine?
00:08 To save yourself from mosquitoes, especially malaria.
00:14 Elephant's foot is also infected by mosquitoes. Malaria is also infected by mosquitoes. Dengue is also infected by mosquitoes.
00:21 Filaria is also infected by mosquitoes. There are four types of diseases and the types of mosquitoes are different.
00:30 But, especially in your village, no one should get malaria. That's why we are giving this mosquito repellent.
00:37 We will open it like this and leave it in the open air for half an hour.
00:42 Then at night, we will tie it around the corner and put it in the mosquito repellent.
00:47 Now, everyone understood? Don't dry it in the sun. Take it and dry it in the sun every day.
