PBA: Meralco keeps lights on with triple-overtime classic

  • 8 months ago
Clutch baskets after clutch baskets.

That’s how the Meralco Bolts pulled off a thrilling 116-107 triple overtime win over the Phoenix Fuel Masters, living to fight another day in the PBA Commissioner’s Cup playoffs.


00:00 For the boys in Teal, Phoenix.
00:04 Poor pass.
00:07 Bankero's there, lays it through.
00:09 Off that early turnover.
00:11 Small forward from Losario La Union, number 20, Kenneth Tuffin.
00:16 Power forward from Pancasinan, number 3, Jason Perkins.
00:21 Shooting guard from Pidic in Locos Norte, number 11, Chris Newsome.
00:27 Small forward from Romblon, number 2, Javier Miller.
00:33 Miller.
00:36 Goes sky high, what a soft touch.
00:39 Williamson hand it off.
00:41 Tuffin might have to create here.
00:44 Doesn't realize the clock, neither does Perkins.
00:48 Jason Perkins, three!
00:53 Two veteran shooters off the bench now for Phoenix in RJ Hazul and JJ.
00:59 Great move.
01:01 You cannot let him go to his strong hand.
01:07 They actually called the foul before the shot, but it doesn't matter because Meralco is over.
01:16 JJ looking for space.
01:18 Finds Hazul. Hazul with a floater, gets a two-right back.
01:24 Still one of the best shooters in the league.
01:27 RJ Hazul doesn't need a lot of time, but he can definitely heat up easily.
01:33 Quinta finds Maliksi. Maliksi.
01:37 Couple of fakes, gets denied.
01:43 Running floater, the way RJ shot that ball.
01:52 You need to be high percentage from that.
01:55 But that is his regular shot this time.
01:57 And he knocks down that three. He's got five points in the ballgame.
02:00 But it was the bench, especially RJ and JJ Alejandro, who did a lot of damage here in the beginning of the second quarter.
02:11 Nice handoff to Tuffin.
02:14 The game brought to you by Honda. The official motorcycle off the PBA.
02:18 Perfect pass. Excellent cut.
02:21 Foul played by Jamaic.
02:24 But Williams making them pay.
02:29 Misfiring there, and Alejandro will bring it down.
02:35 Early seal here, and steal by Miller. Easy two.
02:45 Williams asking for it.
02:56 Alejandro to the wing.
02:59 Shot clock's at six.
03:01 Tyler for three.
03:08 So a long two by Tyler Tio.
03:11 And the score is now 47-33.
03:16 Rivero inside. Will misfire.
03:21 Hodge gets away for two.
03:24 You only have 17 seconds left in this half, and you would want to make sure that you take the last...
03:33 Now trying to make his move is Perkins.
03:35 Foul's going to be called on Hodge. That might just count.
03:39 Jason Perkins, once again. I mean, it's easier said than done.
03:48 Perkins trying to make his move. Gets inside.
03:51 Kisses it off the glass for two.
03:54 What a play there coming from Jason Perkins.
03:56 That was great defense on the part of Sean Miller, but just better offense from Perkins.
04:02 Newsome finds Miller. Miller inside.
04:05 Will come up short. He'll get it right back.
04:07 Only foul number two on Perkins, so not in danger of being in foul trouble here.
04:12 Look at this great move.
04:14 And that was going to the right.
04:16 I was about to say, "I can score."
04:18 Here's Mokhon, looking for space. Hodge shuts the door.
04:23 Mokhon inside. Flips it up and scores.
04:26 As you can see, the quarter scoring here.
04:30 Timely basket as well there from J.B. Mokhon, who also has struggled in this game.
04:36 But what a time for him to come alive.
04:38 Leads back up to nine.
04:40 Hodge gets away for another two.
04:46 Define Hodge once again. He'll cup out.
04:49 Maliksi will try to go all the way in and does.
04:57 And it's back to that seven point barrier.
05:04 Williams.
05:07 Nice find there on the cutting tough end.
05:15 And Mokhon with the steal. Back on the floor. Puts up a three. Hits!
05:20 That's the second three pointer by Tyler off the dribble in today's game.
05:25 And that is really Tyler showing the growth in his game.
05:30 That match is the biggest lead they've had at 15.
05:34 Black. That's a huge three for the Bolts.
05:38 Big, big answer.
05:41 They needed that, they needed that badly.
05:46 Time is not yet a factor.
05:50 Azul flips it up. Will miss fire. Nice rebound there by Williams.
05:56 He's doing everything here for his team. Williams with a nice hook.
06:03 That's gonna count.
06:06 Tiny hook of Jonathan Williams with his left hand.
06:14 Lead is back up to 14.
06:17 They've been very methodical offensively.
06:20 Williams puts up a three a little bit too strong.
06:25 Two on two break.
06:28 Williams knew what was coming.
06:33 Newsome looking for space.
06:35 They go inside. Hodge will score again.
06:41 Hodge has been the most consistent scorer here for Miralco.
06:48 And I don't know if that's good news if you're a Miralco fan because that means your other players are struggling.
06:54 And Tyler with another big three.
06:58 That's the second here in the fourth.
07:02 And that has really been the story of this game.
07:06 The three point shooting of Phoenix.
07:12 They look inside. Extra pass. Miller with a slam.
07:21 Here's Newsome.
07:25 Black for another three.
07:28 And maybe try to look for your import Miller.
07:33 Black gets away.
07:38 Only 11 points in the game for Sean Miller.
07:45 He's gonna bring it closer. His floater works.
07:49 He heard you.
07:52 Newsome up and under move to the wing. Black another three.
07:57 Will misfire. Miller left open. Finds Black once again.
08:02 Aaron hits.
08:05 Picks up his dribble. They go to Black. Up against Tio.
08:12 Hodge for two inside.
08:18 Shot clock's winding down. Williams. Open Tio!
08:22 Short. Mokun can't put it through.
08:28 Another chance to get this down. Newsome for three!
08:32 Short gets his miss. Finds Miller.
08:35 And that is gonna be a basket and one up for Tio.
08:39 And that's why he followed the rebound and then nice pass.
08:44 And if you're RJ, if you're going to foul, make sure he doesn't make that shot.
08:49 And you're giving up a three-point play here.
08:54 And still no sign of Jason Perkins here on the Phoenix to check in.
08:59 Here we go. Final play. It goes to Aaron.
09:04 They set up Newsome. Newsome to tie things up. Yes!
09:09 Does that count?
09:12 Watch it here. Newsome.
09:16 Got space. Nails it over the outstretched arms of Tio.
09:22 Now if you're Phoenix, you played well the entire game.
09:25 You cannot lose your composure here in overtime.
09:30 Williams sidestepping move. That's too easy.
09:39 Williams explodes. Finds Tio open. Bang!
09:45 And once again, that's Jonathan Williams.
09:48 I love it because he doesn't force things.
09:50 When the double team is there, he is always looking for the open man.
09:55 And that was Tyler Tio's third three-pointer.
09:59 Hodge from 15 feet.
10:03 Newsome, another three. Why not?
10:08 And Christopher, he was double teamed.
10:12 Back to Aaron. They like this mismatch. Nice spin.
10:15 Aaron overshoots. Hodge though!
10:18 And this is now the lead. Hodge is down.
10:22 Hodge is hurt.
10:24 It's five against four.
10:26 Williams inside. Good play by Phoenix.
10:28 The go-to inside to Williams.
10:33 Newsome against the double team.
10:36 Quinto inside. Up and under move. Drops and we're tied at 92.
10:42 Hazul will try to create. Gives it back out. Shot clock down to five.
10:47 Tio for three. Wow!
10:51 This is big time. This is big time.
10:53 Off the dribble. Goes away from the screen.
10:56 Newsome was anticipating that Tyler's goal would go to his.
11:00 Another big jump ball situation here.
11:03 Balls to Black. Black quickly takes it and makes it.
11:10 And then they go.
11:13 They go inside. Williams denied. Puts it up.
11:18 Misses. And a big rebound there by Miller.
11:21 One from Toppin. One from Alejandro.
11:26 Newsome.
11:28 From 16 feet, Money.
11:35 Two man game.
11:38 Tio. That's a long two. Long two.
11:41 Foot on the line.
11:43 But they cannot allow Tyler Tio to keep shooting from the outside.
11:47 As you said, that's his shot. Yep.
11:52 Two minutes gone in the second overtime.
11:55 Now they go to Miller.
11:58 Miller forcing the issue. Kisses it off the glass for two.
12:02 That's the matchup he wants.
12:04 He can score in the low block against a smaller opponent.
12:11 And once again we're tied.
12:13 High speed roll again.
12:16 Great play!
12:24 Now to Williams. Shot clock.
12:26 A perfect pass. Another cut from Toppin.
12:29 Alcobolts in this overtime period.
12:32 And he quickly finds that open Kenneth Toppin.
12:35 Great pass from Williams.
12:37 Difference of about four seconds from the game clock and the shot clock.
12:40 Almost a steal. Nice pass inside.
12:43 And we're tied once again.
12:48 Almost a steal by RJ Azul.
12:51 They're going to try to go for the win.
12:56 Black puts it up.
12:58 And we're going into triple overtime.
13:06 Tries to shoot over.
13:08 And he does over Tyler.
13:10 And that's everybody's going to the mismatches here.
13:14 Alain Maliksy.
13:17 They set up Quinto for three.
13:21 Big baskets here by the Moralcobolts.
13:26 And these are just veterans making heads of plays.
13:31 Quinto.
13:32 And Bankero will bring it down.
13:34 Maliksy.
13:36 We try to take it to him once again and does.
13:39 Back to back baskets for Maliksy over Tio.
13:43 Safely in the driver's seat are the Bolts, especially with this shot.
13:48 Yes!
13:49 Wow!
13:51 What a drastic turnaround here.
14:04 Azul, push shot, yes!
14:14 Tuffins going to go all the way.
14:19 And now Quinto.
14:21 He'll try to make his move.
14:22 Step back three, yes!
14:28 And that could be the diagonal of the Bolts.
14:30 Fourth quarter, it was Aaron Black.
14:32 Chris Newsome sends it into overtime.
14:35 This third overtime, it's all about Bong Quinto.
14:43 Two threes now in this overtime.
14:44 The third team comes out in the next game with the same amount of confidence that they can still beat this Moralco team.
14:51 (audience cheering)
