• last year
My Specific person is ready to commit.
My specific person trust me whole heartedly and sees a future with me.
My specific person wants a relationship now.
My specific person never runs away from me.
My specific person wants me now.
My specific person is ready to open their heart to me.
My specific person asks me to be theirs forever.
My specific person wants to make things official with me.
My specific person can’t live without me.
My specific person dreams of commitment with me.
My specific person can’t be held back from me.
Any physical obstacles between me and my specific person being together dissolve immediately.
Any emotional obstacles between me and my specific person being together dissolve immediately.
Any mental obstacles between me and my specific person being together dissolve immediately.
My specific person chases me.
My specific person begs for me.
My specific person longs for me.
My specific person can’t be without me any longer.
My specific person is healed from anything in their past and they are ready to commit to me.
