前首相敦马哈迪日前发表的“印度人不忠国”论,再度触动国人敏感神经,连日遭到各界炮轰...... 今日(1月16日)安华在“人工智能为民服务”推介礼上,致词时也不点名抨击马哈迪。
00:00 India's "non-Chinese" policy has once again provoked the nation's sensitive nerves, and has been criticized by the world. Today, Prime Minister Anwar Khan, when he gave a speech at the AI Uyghur Service Recommendation Ceremony, did not mention the criticism of Mahatma Gandhi.
00:20 "There are former leaders who are busy protecting their mistakes by discussing. The Malays are lazy, the Chinese and Indians are not obedient to the country. This is a stupid idea that will ruin our country.
00:39 I hope that the people, especially the younger generation, do not let these thoughts ruin our country because we have to fight to raise the status of our country."
00:55 After the meeting, Anwar was questioned by reporters, and instructed that Mahatma Gandhi's remarks were irresponsible. And he said that besides himself, the Malays are lazy, and the Chinese and Indians are not loyal to him.
01:13 .