Tergelincir ke Zona Merah, IHSG Tertahan ke 7.300

  • 8 months ago
IHSG ditutup melemah 0,19% ke 7.227,46 di sesi I hari ini, Senin (15/1). Indeks sektor transportasi naik 2,75%, energi naik 0,92%. Penguatan terjadi di tengah memanasnya konflik di laut merah. Disisi lain, profit taking berlanjut terutama di saham group Prajogo Pangestu, menghadang laju IHSG kembali ke 7.300.

Dari global, bursa Wall Street ditutup bervariasi, seiring mulai keluarnya kinerja full year 2023 dengan sektor perbankan yang cukup positif, mengimbangi sentimen kenaikan inflasi AS di Desember 2023.


00:26 Hello, good afternoon, sir.
00:29 Thank you for your time on IDX Channel.
00:33 In the beginning of this week, IDK Samkabungan,
00:35 intraday, during the day,
00:37 turned to the red zone, sir.
00:39 And earlier, it tried to approach the level of 7,300.
00:43 What is your analysis, especially from the technical side,
00:46 of the reversal that happened during the day?
00:49 Okay, if we look at the situation today,
00:53 the movement itself tends to move weakly.
00:56 Because if we look at it technically,
00:57 the indicator from MSCD has shown
01:01 that the movement is declining.
01:04 So if we look at it, the movement
01:07 shows signs of moving.
01:10 And if we look at it,
01:11 the movement from the technical ISK today
01:15 is weak because of the action of profit taking,
01:19 especially for stocks like Brand,
01:22 which is the burden of our ISK movement.
01:26 And if we look at the sentiments
01:30 that are the driving force
01:34 of our ISK movement, sir.
01:36 And if we look at it from the external side,
01:39 the sentiment that is the burden of our ISK
01:43 is the sentiment of the flower family.
01:48 So it can be projected that
01:50 the Fed sees the effect of the economic data
01:53 that has begun to decline a little.
01:57 So it becomes a sentiment that
02:00 the Fed will be projected,
02:03 the probability of raising the level of the flower family again.
02:05 So that the market players at the moment
02:09 see that if there is a rise in the flower family,
02:15 it will be where the market players
02:17 start to go out to the stock market.
02:21 And when the flower family increases or increases again,
02:27 this makes the market players
02:29 start to switch to safe haven assets like gold.
02:34 Okay, where is the short-term direction?
02:36 Mr. Edo, for tomorrow,
02:38 will the movement continue?
02:39 And what level of support
02:41 should be provided for the family?
02:44 Okay, for the point of support level
02:47 from the current movement,
02:50 we see that our ISK movement
02:53 for the next day
02:54 will still continue to be a weak area.
02:58 With the point of support area
02:59 is below the level of 7200.
03:03 And for the point of resistance,
03:05 it can reach the level of 7385.
03:09 So it can be observed for the point of support
03:11 and resistance of our ISK
03:12 for the next day's trade.
03:14 Okay, Mr. Edo, you have also mentioned
03:17 that Samsam, the Rayogopeng Group,
03:19 is once again a burden
03:20 for the family of Samgabungan.
03:22 Especially the brand, Intraday,
03:24 which had a weakness of over 14%.
03:26 Although in the second closing session,
03:28 the weakness was more towards the limit,
03:29 5.74%,
03:31 it was closed at level 4430.
03:33 Technically, how do you see
03:36 the decline that happened for the brand
03:39 which previously had a resistance of over 8000?
03:43 Analysis for the brand.
03:44 And coincidentally, the question was also entered
03:45 on our interactive WhatsApp,
03:46 we also asked the brand,
03:48 stuck at 5700,
03:50 can it go up again?
03:52 Mr. Siahotang from Medan.
03:53 Analysis for the brand.
03:54 Okay, for the brand,
03:57 I think you can see that technically,
03:58 the movement tends to move in a correctional way.
04:01 After the movement of the brand
04:03 had a fairly high level
04:04 in the last few months.
04:07 And if we look at the movement of this brand,
04:11 in terms of trend,
04:12 it still shows the area of the downtrend.
04:14 According to how, if we see that
04:17 the market players are doing the profit taking action.
04:20 After the movement is quite high,
04:23 and if we look at the next movement,
04:27 we see that the movement will still continue to show the area of weakness,
04:31 with the point of support,
04:33 we see that this can go to the next level,
04:37 it is at level 3500.
04:40 And if this movement breaks through to level 3500,
04:44 there is a potential that the movement of some brands
04:47 can reach the next level of support,
04:50 which is at level 3000.
04:52 So, we hope to pay attention to the movement of some brands,
04:55 because if we look at it now,
04:57 the movement of some brands is still showing the area of the trend bearish,
05:01 and there is no potential for it to move again,
05:03 to move again, like that.
05:05 Someone mentioned 5700,
05:07 at least to minimize the damage that happened,
05:10 sell on strength, or averaging down,
05:12 or what is your recommendation?
05:14 Just briefly, Mr. Edo.
05:16 Okay, for us,
05:18 if from 5300,
05:21 maybe,
05:22 yes, 5700,
05:24 maybe we pay more attention first,
05:27 if this movement breaks through to the level of 3000,
05:31 there is a potential that it can move,
05:33 bounce to the area of support.
05:35 So, we pay more attention first,
05:38 for the brand,
05:40 if for example it touches the level of 3000,
05:42 then you can take it to that level,
05:46 because if we look at it historically,
05:49 that this brand is at the nearest point of support,
05:52 it is at level 3000.
05:53 So, for those who have it at level 5700,
05:56 it can do the average down,
05:58 but wait until it reaches the level of 3000, like that.
06:02 Okay, for those who just want to take a position,
06:04 it hasn't been announced yet,
06:05 from the trend down position that you mentioned earlier.
06:08 Yes, correct.
06:09 Okay, and today the brand has experienced a fairly deep correction.
06:12 We also mentioned earlier,
06:14 the deep down that happened, the highest level,
06:16 previously caused the market cap or capitalization to drop
06:19 from the second rank, which previously had been a BBCA,
06:22 the latest data per day has reached the fifth rank, Mr. Mirsa.
06:26 Besides the brand,
06:28 Mr. Edo, BRPT today also went down, sir,
06:30 the analysis for BRPT,
06:32 and coincidentally there is also an entry question,
06:35 there is Wimor,
06:36 which does not mention the location where the support and resistance for BRPT
06:40 in the middle of the deep correction that happened
06:42 in the last few days, including today's trade.
06:45 Okay, for BRPT, if we look at it technically,
06:49 that the movement of BRPT has moved to the point of support area.
06:54 So, if we look at it now,
06:56 it looks like for BRPT, it still points back to the weak area,
07:01 considering where the volume is still noting the sale accumulation,
07:05 where if we look at it,
07:07 in terms of the movement of the stock market indicator,
07:10 this BRPT stock is still in the oversold area.
07:13 So, it is very likely that the movement of BRPT stock is still in the bearish area,
07:17 up to the point of the support area level,
07:19 if we can see here,
07:21 that the lowest point in BRPT is to the level of 930,
07:27 for the lowest point of support.
07:29 So, it can be observed,
07:31 Mr. Imus, for BRPT stock,
07:33 if the movement touches the level of 930,
07:36 there is a potential that the movement can bounce up like that.
07:40 Okay, there is still a rebound chance
07:42 when it touches the support level of 930.
07:45 For BRPT, today it is weak at 4.69% in 2015.
07:49 And earlier, at the same time, answering the question from Wimur,
07:52 who has participated in our interactive WhatsApp,
07:54 but did not mention where the location is.
07:56 Again, the decision of the investor is still in the hands of the IDA channel.
08:01 [BEEP]
