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0:00 - Intro
0:59 - Honourable Mentions
1:11 - 12
1:52 - 11
2:30 - 10
3:18 - 9
4:05 - 8
5:03 - 7
5:36 - 6
6:13 - 5
7:00 - 4
8:06 - 3
9:06 - 2
10:17 - 1

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00:00 For 20 long years, not a single competitor was able to win the Royal Rumble from the
00:04 coveted number 30 spot, which probably means a lot of those number 30 entrants sucked.
00:09 And well, you can read the title of this video.
00:12 Unless you can't.
00:13 In which case, shame on your school system.
00:14 But while the first two decades were not terribly kind to the Rumble's would-be final boss,
00:19 the following two decades have been a mixed bag as well.
00:22 You got your 2008 John Cena to set the benchmark, but otherwise, WWE has gotten a lot wrong
00:27 with what should be the most anticipated moment of the Rumble in modern times.
00:31 There are going to be a wide range of entrants for loads of reasons, but let's get into it
00:35 and see who did the number 30 dirty.
00:37 I'm Tempest Hailing from PartsFunKnown, and these are the 12 worst number 30 entrants
00:41 in Royal Rumble history.
00:42 But before we get on with this list, please make sure that you like this video, subscribe
00:45 and enable notifications to always on so you never miss a fun list just like it.
00:49 And make sure you check out the latest edition of Survival Series, where our contestants
00:53 try and name every single Royal Rumble entrant.
00:56 And I mean every Royal Rumble entrant.
00:59 Honorable Mentions Wade Barrett 2011 and Tyler Breeze Greatest Royal Rumble
01:03 Gotta be mentioned because my lord, neither did much of anything, but with an extra 10
01:07 or 20 people still waiting to enter these specific Rumbles, maybe it's just Best that
01:10 kept the show rolling.
01:11 Number 12.
01:12 Randy Savage 1993
01:14 I remember a kid in middle school once told me about a guy who lost the Royal Rumble match
01:18 because he tried to pin someone before getting yeeted straight over the top and I thought
01:22 there was no way anyone could be so stupid.
01:25 Then I found out that it not only happened, but the perpetrator was none other than Macho
01:28 Man Randy Savage and I was and remain so f*cking sad about it.
01:33 Could you have made one of your bigger stars to look like a bigger dumbass?
01:36 As an entrant, Savage was an excellent choice for number 30 and really should have won this
01:40 match if we're being honest about it.
01:42 But being one half of the dumbest ending to a Royal Rumble match in history is just too
01:46 much to be redeemed.
01:47 This just goes to show you are not about to hear a list of job guys who happen to pick
01:51 a lucky number.
01:52 Number 11.
01:53 The Warlord 1992
01:55 Everyone remembers The Warlord as the Royal Rumble punchline.
01:58 Insert Tempest's impression of Luke's impression of the By The Numbers video here.
02:01 But what people likely forget is The Warlord's role in closing out the legendary 1992 Royal
02:07 Rumble.
02:08 This one isn't as egregious as others on this list because when 60% of the Rumble is
02:12 made up of future WWE Hall of Famers, you don't have much right to complain that number
02:16 30 is only The Warlord.
02:19 He lasted just 103 seconds so definitely not a performance that would earn him a spot on
02:22 a positive list.
02:24 The numbers don't lie after all.
02:25 But this match is just too good for this inoffensive number 30 to crack the top 10.
02:30 Number 10.
02:31 Tugboat 1991
02:33 The first few years of the Royal Rumble were mostly WWE trying to work out exactly what
02:37 they had.
02:38 As a result, some of the matches have storylines playing out, some of the matches have laid
02:43 out spots, some of the matches had exciting final entrants.
02:46 But for the most part, it would take some time for WWE to figure out that the man dressed
02:50 up as the 1920s Tugboat might not be the best choice to leave a lasting impression on their
02:55 most exciting match of the year.
02:57 He's in the match for all of 152 seconds and gets dumped by Hogan.
03:00 But I gotta say, watching this again has lit a hate fire within me towards Tugboat and
03:04 I really wasn't expecting this.
03:06 Got nothing against Fred Ottman.
03:08 Typhoon is cool.
03:09 Shockmaster wasn't even his fault.
03:10 But why was there a wrestler called f*cking Tugboat going "Huuuuuuuuh" and why was
03:16 he the final entrant to the Royal Rumble?
03:18 Number 9.
03:19 Booker T, 2002.
03:21 Now let us fast forward in time to when WWE absolutely knew what they were doing and still
03:26 managed to give us a horrible final Rumble entry.
03:28 No more leniency WWE, because I would love someone to explain to me how 5 time WCW champion
03:35 Booker T would be made to look like anything but the biggest goober in the business by
03:40 entering at number 30, doing a spinaroonie, and getting stunnered over the top rope in
03:45 30 f*cking seconds.
03:47 This has nothing to do with Booker T.
03:48 This was just WWE getting their jollies from burying the WCW guy.
03:53 Which is gross, but also stupid, because I don't know if anybody ever told Vince McMahon
03:57 this, but the WCW guys that signed with WWE, signed with WWE.
04:03 Use them!
04:04 Brainless old codger.
04:05 Number 8.
04:06 Dolph Ziggler, 2018 men's.
04:08 The first "surprise" entrant on this list, and proof that just because the final entrant
04:12 of the Royal Rumble is a surprise, doesn't mean it's good.
04:15 The story of the end of Dolph Ziggler's 2017 is so f*cking bizarre, resulting in this
04:19 equally bizarre final entry of maybe the best Royal Rumble ever.
04:23 So after some assorted losing, Ziggly Stardust went to the Charlie Haas School of Flattery
04:27 and began imitating members of the WWE roster, then randomly won the US title at Clash of
04:32 Champions, immediately said "nah, I don't want this" and disappeared from TV.
04:36 Then, a month later, he returned as the final entrant in the 2018 Royal Rumble and was eliminated
04:41 in two minutes.
04:42 It's just a microcosm of what Ziggler spent a decade doing in WWE, going in circles with
04:47 baffling creative choices that ultimately left him right back where he was.
04:50 I mean, if he really wanted to be cheeky, he could have come out to Daniel Bryan's
04:54 music before his record scratched, but given that this Rumble was in Philadelphia, same
04:58 venue as the dreaded 2015 Rumble, maybe kicking the Daniel Bryan hornet's nest wouldn't
05:03 have been the right call.
05:04 Number 7.
05:05 Carmella, 2019 women's.
05:07 As we dive deeper into the depths of Dirty 30s, we are going to really start getting
05:11 to the heart of how to fuck this up.
05:13 Let me tell you right now, telling us who number 30 is ahead of time is a damn fine
05:17 way to make it happen.
05:18 The final entrant of a Royal Rumble match is what the previous 29 had been building
05:22 to and people just want to feel excitement when it happens.
05:25 Knowing is 100% of the battle when it comes to the excitement in the Royal Rumble, and
05:29 while Carmella's run in the match was perfectly fine, one elimination in seven minutes, this
05:33 secret is undoubtedly one that is much better kept.
05:37 Number 6.
05:38 Nia Jax, 2020.
05:39 In 2023, Nia Jax made history by becoming the first person to ever return to wrestling
05:43 after saying they were done forever, and she did this in the Royal Rumble match.
05:47 Oh, I'm sorry, did I start too early?
05:50 I have no idea how that happened.
05:52 We've literally done this hundreds of times.
05:54 As a run in a Rumble, this wasn't very good, getting eliminated by the opposition in two
05:58 minutes, but you do get bonus demerit points when your Royal Rumble return entrance gets
06:03 fucked beyond repair because someone in the truck actually jumped the gun and hit Nia's
06:08 music before the countdown.
06:11 How does that happen?
06:13 Number 5.
06:14 Nia Jax, 2019.
06:15 Men's.
06:16 Right, so you know that problem we had with Carmella earlier?
06:20 We were set to have the same problem in the men's match with R-Truth scheduled to get
06:24 the final spot, and then we all thought to ourselves, "WWE has to have something planned,
06:29 right?"
06:30 And well, "something" sure would be the operative word there.
06:33 Never in my life have I felt more like I have been having a fever dream while watching a
06:37 Royal Rumble than when Nia Jax took out R-Truth and entered herself in the 2019 Men's Royal
06:43 Rumble.
06:44 Even as I watch back Nia getting pinballed around the ring by everyone hitting their
06:47 finishers I cannot fathom what the idea was here.
06:51 Absolute befuddlement.
06:53 Was it just to do the single most illogical thing possible?
06:55 Because I mean, a decision like this truly needs to be recognized by fucking NASA or
07:00 something.
07:01 Number 4.
07:02 Natalya, 2021.
07:03 Women's.
07:04 I know I have blocked out a lot of pandemic wrestling, so I won't blame y'all if you
07:08 have too, but I will be the asshole that reminds everyone of the time WWE announced something
07:12 so stupid that it generated enough backlash from fans to get it changed.
07:17 Which is like hitting a bullet with a smaller bullet whilst wearing a blindfold riding a
07:21 horse.
07:22 The week of the Rumble, WWE announced that on backstage of all fucking things, they would
07:26 reveal who the number 30 entrant in the Men's Rumble was going to be, and understandably,
07:30 this caused as violent a protest as wrestling fans can wage online, and WWE changed course.
07:35 Because yeah, hey kids, let me just tell you all what you're getting for Christmas too.
07:38 Like no, what the fuck, why?
07:40 So instead, Edge and Randy Orton were revealed to be entering number 1 and 2, while Natalya
07:44 and Tamina would wrestle a match for the number 30 spot in the Women's Rumble, to which fans
07:49 everywhere threw up their hands and said "fucking fine, I guess, whatever" and we moved on.
07:54 And yep, it was just Natalya.
07:56 Because in 2 minutes, it comes out exactly as they told us it would happen.
08:00 34 Royal Rumble events had taken place to this point, and WWE still fucked this up.
08:06 3.
08:07 Duke "The Dumpster" Drosy - 1996
08:10 Third time's the charm with announcing the number 30 entrant ahead of time.
08:12 Or maybe I should say, first time's the charm, because the first time WWE announced
08:16 the number 30 entrant ahead of time was probably the most offensive.
08:20 Maybe I should give more leniency to the older match, but no timeline would promote a number
08:25 30 entrant and resident trash man jobber Duke "The Dumpster" Drosy have garnered
08:31 any excitement.
08:32 Not even in the universe where we are all trash men and Drosy is our king.
08:36 It still would have been better kept a secret.
08:39 So really, on your 9th try at doing a Royal Rumble, you should know better than to have
08:43 a literal job guy win the most exciting spot in your most exciting match.
08:47 At least Carmella and Natalya were former champions with some credibility.
08:52 This was Duke "The Dumpster" Drosy who beat Triple H to earn the number 30 spot
08:58 and then got eliminated after a minute.
08:59 How WWE didn't learn from this lesson is beyond me.
09:02 After all, it's not as if the company has a tendency to fuck their fans or anything,
09:06 right?
09:07 2.
09:08 Roman Reigns - 2017
09:09 Oh yeah, I remember the hype of the 2017 Royal Rumble match.
09:12 So many potential winners with mega stars like Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, and The Undertaker.
09:17 Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens looking like potential challengers for then champ Kevin Owens are
09:21 maybe we'd finally see the main roster debut of Samoa Joe who could go on and face John
09:26 Cena or AJ Styles if he won.
09:28 And then the match under-delivered because all of those mega stars were left to enter
09:31 at the very end and the rest of the field was mostly folks like Apollo Crews and Mojo
09:35 Rawley and Kalisto and James Ellsworth.
09:37 But we still had number 30.
09:39 Even after a so-so Rumble, everything would be saved with an epic number 30.
09:44 But you know what?
09:45 Sometimes the Samoan Joe you want isn't the Samoan Joe you get.
09:49 Because rather than Samoasave Joseph himself, we did indeed get Roman Reigns, who had competed
09:54 for the Universal Championship on that show at the height of the Roman Reigns hate.
09:58 You just know Vince McMahon had the biggest f*cking smile on his face in Guerrilla while
10:03 everyone in San Antonio realized they had once again paid to be f*cked with by an insane
10:07 old man.
10:08 No shade to Roman himself of course, he was just doing his job here.
10:11 But this is number 2 because it was WWE giving a middle finger to their fans, which they
10:16 had totally never done before.
10:18 And number 1, Rey Mysterio 2014.
10:21 Man if you need an even better example of someone on this list through no fault of their
10:24 own here it is.
10:25 Rey Mysterio is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, but it didn't matter who you
10:29 were, what your name was, or why you were there, because to WWE fans in January of 2014,
10:34 not a single other human on the planet would have been an acceptable number 30 entrant
10:38 and winner in the 2014 Royal Rumble match than Daniel Bryan.
10:42 How else would you know the Royal Rumble is just around the corner if we didn't talk
10:45 about the 2014 Rumble?
10:47 It's documented to hell and back, Bryan was kept out of the match, the fans in the
10:50 building didn't know it, and they rained down hellfire and vengeance on poor Rey Mysterio
10:54 who was booed vociferously until his elimination because this, more than any other number 30
10:59 entrant in Royal Rumble history, was an example of WWE being bound and determined to not give
11:05 their fans what they wanted.
11:07 And for that, it is the worst of all time.
11:10 And that's our list!
11:11 Please make sure that you like this video, subscribe, and enable notifications to always
11:14 be on so you never miss a list just like it, and check out this clip from the latest episode
11:18 of Survival Series.
