Jonas Sultan vs Frank Gonzalez (06-09-2023) Full Fight

  • 8 months ago



00:00 Scheduled for eight rounds in the Super Bantamweight Division,
00:06 two-time world title challenger,
00:08 one-punch Zorro, Jonas Soltak,
00:12 against Frank Gonzalez, the Punisher.
00:16 - Look when you're ready. Look when you're ready.
00:19 Bam! [ Bell dings ]
00:20 - Here we go. It's time to fight.
00:24 Black trunks for one-punch Zorro.
00:28 Purple trunks for Frank Gonzalez.
00:32 [ Indistinct shouting ]
00:36 - I call it an upset victory of Soltan's.
00:40 A few fights ago against top-rated,
00:42 top-ranked prospect Carlos Calabayo.
00:45 Scored, I think, three or four knockdowns in that fight.
00:48 Ended up getting the win, and then subsequently
00:50 got a world title shot against Paul Butler.
00:53 - 14-0.
00:56 - Carlos was that night that you called that fight
00:59 that one-punch Zorro
01:01 earned the unanimous decision victory in.
01:05 - Yeah, he's very, very explosive,
01:07 has good power, and is extremely, extremely durable.
01:11 Great chin.
01:12 - Tonight, Gonzalez is Soltan's 20th opponent
01:16 with a winning record.
01:18 He has not faced any boxer without a winning record
01:23 in almost a decade, since 2014.
01:27 Tells you at the level
01:28 in which he continues to perform, Chris.
01:31 - Yeah, absolutely. I mean, that's rare these days.
01:33 A lot of guys, even when they come off of a loss,
01:35 they'll pick a "easy" fight,
01:37 or a guy with not a great record.
01:39 Not Soltan.
01:40 [ Indistinct shouting ]
01:51 - A lot of movement early from Gonzalez.
01:54 Lateral movement, side to side,
01:56 looking to see what Soltan has.
01:58 - A few years back, Soltan also earned a huge victory
02:05 in what looks even more impressive modern day
02:08 against the now WBA bantamweight world champion
02:11 John "Real" Casemiro.
02:13 That was in 2017.
02:15 - Yeah, took on a massive win.
02:18 Yeah, Soltan is one of those guys.
02:20 You got to look past his record.
02:22 - Yeah. - Because of the opposition
02:23 that he's faced and how he's performed.
02:25 - And that title fight against Paul Butler, the Brit,
02:29 was in the UK
02:32 for the interim WBO bantamweight belt.
02:35 That was his last fight 503 days ago.
02:38 [ Indistinct shouting ]
02:42 - Again, that's a testament to Pro Box TV.
02:44 We've got a guy who was fighting for a world title
02:47 in his last fight and is here,
02:48 and it's the second opener of the show.
02:50 - Yes. - That's how deep our cards are.
02:53 - They just keep getting better and better, don't they, Barton?
02:55 - Absolutely. Making our job very easy.
02:57 - You got that right.
02:58 Fourth fight of 2023 for Frank Gonzalez.
03:02 [ Indistinct shouting ]
03:05 - Oh!
03:07 - Hold it.
03:08 - Yeah, Soltan is taking advantage of the body shots
03:11 of Gonzalez because of that lateral movement.
03:14 He's not giving him a whole lot upstairs,
03:16 so he's been focusing on the body.
03:17 [ Bell dings ]
03:19 - Smart tactic from Jonas after round one.
03:22 - Jonas 18 wins, 11 finishes.
03:25 [ Indistinct shouting ]
03:28 ♪♪
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03:38 [ Speaking in foreign language ]
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04:17 [ Bell dings ]
04:19 - Oh!
04:21 - Getting set for round number two.
04:25 Black trunks for Jonas Soltan.
04:27 Purple for Frank Gonzalez.
04:31 Mike Goldberg, the powerful partner
04:33 of the former world champion Chris Algieri.
04:36 Magic man in Italy with family.
04:39 - No, and Paul is... - What?
04:41 - Mid-moral, and he's watching these fights.
04:44 And, man, you talked about the aggressiveness of Soltan.
04:49 And there it is on display.
04:51 - Oh!
04:53 - Honestly, that was a good call from the referee.
04:55 He was landing some big shots.
04:56 It was hard to see because Gonzalez
04:58 was ducking his head so much,
04:59 but those uppercuts were landing.
05:01 - Oh!
05:03 - Oh, there it is again.
05:05 - No, no!
05:07 - You can see why he has finished 11 of his 18 wins.
05:12 And, Chris, you said right at the top of the show,
05:14 this kid is built for power.
05:15 - Yeah, very super explosive.
05:17 But you know what, Goldie?
05:18 You can see that he's world-class.
05:21 He set that up with those--
05:22 I mentioned the body shots in the last round.
05:24 Straight shots to the body, get his man to bend over,
05:26 time him with an uppercut.
05:27 I mean, beautiful transition.
05:29 - Whoo!
05:36 - Gonzalez has been stopped in two of his three losses,
05:41 but they came against high-level opponents.
05:44 11-0, Emmanuel Rodriguez,
05:47 and 15-1 at the time, Saul Sanchez.
05:52 Round number two, this one's scheduled for eight.
05:56 Belts on the line tonight
05:58 in our co-main and main event of the evening.
06:02 - You know, in the last fight,
06:05 with Dominic Bailly and Alcala,
06:07 I was talking about change of speed, change of pace.
06:10 That's exactly what Jonas does really well, Jonas Sultan.
06:13 He changes--he's very slow, he's methodical,
06:15 he's chasing you down, and then he just explodes at a number.
06:18 - Get the flame, get the flame, get the flame.
06:20 - On the fire!
06:22 - There it is again.
06:25 Slowly close to the gap
06:26 and then explodes through with an uppercut.
06:29 - In the fighter meeting,
06:33 Jonas was asked who was his idol,
06:37 and the answer's gotta be automatic
06:40 if you're Filipino, right?
06:41 - That's a great question.
06:42 Actually, of course he said Manny Pacquiao.
06:45 - But I like that he said, "Sir, Manny Pacquiao."
06:48 - Yes, that's--the Filipinos are very, very respectful.
06:52 - He also said if Manny's serious about the Olympics,
06:56 and Jonas says, "Yeah, he can still do it."
06:59 - Yeah.
07:00 - Jonas probably has a lot of respect for him.
07:02 Jonas probably voted for him for president as well.
07:05 - Yeah, probably did.
07:07 - Probably did.
07:08 - Big overhand right from Jonas.
07:09 - Give me a second.
07:10 - Just missed with the uppercut.
07:13 - He's gotta be careful throwing that uppercut
07:15 from so far away.
07:16 I know he's explosive, but there's a lot of opportunities
07:18 to counter that shot.
07:19 - He left it hanging out a little bit, didn't he, Chris?
07:21 - Yeah, a little bit, a little bit.
07:23 - And toward the end of the round,
07:27 it was getting a little more wild than it was earlier.
07:29 Here we see the big overhand shots
07:31 and switching up those right hands nicely,
07:33 throwing the uppercut from pretty far away,
07:35 but he already had his man--
07:36 he's already chasing him down.
07:37 That's why I said that was a good call by the ref there,
07:39 'cause there were big shots landing.
07:41 It was a bit of a delayed reaction,
07:42 but he was getting hit with some big shots prior to that.
07:46 - And good mobility by Christopher Young, too,
07:48 getting out of the way.
07:49 - Yeah, smooth angle change there from the ref.
07:52 - There you go.
07:53 Olé.
07:54 - Olé.
07:55 Might have been a bullfighter in a past life.
07:59 - [speaking Spanish]
08:02 [whistle blows]
08:09 [bell dings]
08:19 - Round number three.
08:23 Our second of four fights for you tonight
08:25 here on your boxing channel.
08:28 Wednesday night fights on ProBoxTV.
08:30 Sultan in the black.
08:32 Purple trunks for Frank Gonzalez.
08:34 - Sultan came out with two very hard, stiff jabs
08:37 to open up the round.
08:41 - Looking for that left hook to land as well.
08:46 - I mean, if you just look at Sultan's body,
08:48 I mean, he's built-- he's like a fireplug.
08:50 He's built for to be explosive.
08:54 - Oh, good check hook there from Sultan, too,
08:56 on the way out.
08:57 - Did his camp in Vegas three months
08:59 at Knuckleheads Gym.
09:03 Said he was extremely prepared
09:06 for this, his ninth professional bout
09:09 outside of his home country,
09:11 his fourth here in the United States.
09:14 - Ooh, good right hand downstairs.
09:22 And there's that leaping uppercut.
09:24 Again, Goldie, like we said,
09:27 that's coming from very far out.
09:29 - T.F. Gonzalez is able to do anything with that
09:37 if he continues to be a bit wild.
09:41 There's a good flurry by Frank Gonzalez.
09:44 - Nice combination of collateral movement there,
09:46 started with the jab.
09:48 Definitely has his legs underneath him now.
09:51 - Nickname means "The Punisher."
09:54 El Castigator.
09:58 Made his professional debut in the Dominican Republic.
10:08 He has fought in Mexico, DR, and Colombia,
10:13 and, of course, here in the U.S.
10:15 - Watch your way out.
10:17 - One minute on the clock, round number three.
10:20 - Gonzalez trying to establish
10:23 some type of offense here in this round.
10:25 - He's having a good round of boxing here,
10:27 although he just had a big overhand right on the inside.
10:30 When he fires off that lateral movement with the jab
10:33 and he keeps those hands moving,
10:35 he's having some success here.
10:37 'Cause, again, like I said about Sultan,
10:38 he's so explosive, but he's got two very distinct speeds.
10:43 - Fast and faster?
10:45 - No, really, he's, like, asleep and explosive.
10:47 - Yeah. - He really does.
10:49 If you take advantage of those downtimes,
10:51 you can win parts of rounds and perhaps take rounds
10:54 against a guy like Sultan.
10:56 - Either the slider or the fastball, right?
10:58 - Yeah, basically.
11:00 - This one's scheduled for eighth.
11:03 Super bantamweight matchup.
11:06 - Ooh, nice change of fire.
11:09 Takes the right hand, comes back on power jab.
11:11 - Saw the right wasn't gonna land
11:13 and adjusted appropriately.
11:16 - Change-ups on the fly.
11:18 - Yep. - Ooh.
11:20 - Very late punches there.
11:22 - Oh, he gets a stern warning as he should.
11:25 - And Gonzalez unfazed right in front of us.
11:29 - Last round, Frank.
11:32 Last round, Frank.
11:34 He's done.
11:35 Half a step back.
11:37 Half a step back.
11:39 All day. He can't touch you.
11:41 Faster. Bad intention.
11:43 Faster, all right?
11:46 - Take a look at that action from the end of the round here.
11:49 The explosion from Sultan.
11:51 Climbing the body, right hand down low,
11:53 comes up with a power jab, then a right uppercut,
11:55 which is considerably late after the bell.
11:58 Then he got a stern warning as he walked back to his own corner.
12:01 - Sultan, the former IBF super flyweight
12:07 intercontinental champion.
12:09 - 112, 112, is that all day?
12:11 - Gonzalez has fought for both the Fedecentro
12:15 and Latino title at bantamweight.
12:18 The battle continues.
12:23 Round four.
12:25 - The corner of Gonzalez says the 112 is there all day.
12:28 And not that I can't agree with him,
12:31 but again, you've got a very explosive guy in front of you
12:34 that's throwing punches from crazy angles.
12:37 - Sultan, also the former WBO intercontinental
12:41 bantamweight champion.
12:43 That just a couple of years ago.
12:45 - Oh, that uppercut that he throws on the inside.
12:48 When he shortens that thing up, that's really hard to see.
12:51 - But you can see the depth of Gonzalez's game
12:54 and why he has fought for some high-level
12:57 regional belts as well.
12:59 - Oh, absolutely. He's very capable.
13:00 He knows what he's doing there. He knows the game plan.
13:02 He's just got a guy in front of him
13:04 that's very difficult to deal with.
13:06 - Extremely elite.
13:08 Again, he held back on that right,
13:13 landed the left beautifully.
13:15 - Oh, yeah, I love that. I love how he does that.
13:17 He changes--you know, a guy who's so explosive,
13:19 he would change at a dime like that and switch it up.
13:22 That's impressive. That's an impressive athletic maneuver.
13:25 - Try to freeze your opponent
13:28 with your own paws, right?
13:30 - Yeah, being able to change direction like that,
13:32 I mean, that's--like I said, that's a very athletic move.
13:35 - [speaking Spanish]
13:38 - Just a power frame
13:43 on the body of one-punch Zorro,
13:45 32-year-old Jonas Sultan.
13:48 - Come on, Blue. Hold him.
13:50 - [speaking Spanish]
13:53 - Gonzalez saw that one coming.
13:59 - [speaking Spanish]
14:03 - [speaking Spanish]
14:06 - Frank Gonzalez fought Shakur Stevenson
14:12 as an amateur many years ago.
14:16 Shakur now 20 and 0, 10 knockouts.
14:20 And now the fight is locked in against Frank Martin,
14:23 so that's good news for boxing fans.
14:25 - I like that fight, actually.
14:27 If you can't get one of the big dogs,
14:29 fight one of these young killers out there,
14:32 and that's what Shakur is doing. I like it.
14:34 - For the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship
14:38 with Devin Haney's plans to move to 140.
14:41 - Nice timing overhand right
14:43 from Sultan catching Gonzalez on the way in.
14:46 - Freeze!
14:48 - You, 73!
14:50 - Let's go, fellas!
14:52 - Final 30 seconds, round number four.
14:55 - [speaking Spanish]
14:58 - [speaking Spanish]
15:01 - He's not the prettiest boxer in the world,
15:07 but he is effective.
15:09 Makes it work.
15:11 - Again, leaps in, adjusting on the fly,
15:15 and connecting with a hard left.
15:17 - [speaking Spanish]
15:19 [bell dings]
15:21 [applause]
15:25 [indistinct chatter]
15:28 - Sultan's done a great job of mixing up his right hands.
15:32 Here we see the right hand over the top
15:34 as Gonzalez steps in with his own jab.
15:36 Beautifully timed punch there.
15:38 He's been throwing the uppercut.
15:40 We saw that early in round number two.
15:42 Now he's switching it to the overhand right,
15:44 having success with both.
15:46 - Jab, jab, jab, blade, hold.
15:48 - ProBox TV, your boxing channel.
15:51 [cheers and applause]
15:54 - We have launched, evolved, relaunched, grown, evolved,
15:59 and we're adding wonderful elements.
16:03 24/7, 365, your boxing channel,
16:06 every single day.
16:09 [whistle blows]
16:12 [indistinct chatter]
16:15 - If the best defense is a great offense,
16:18 that's what Juanch Zorro's all about,
16:21 'cause he has given Frank Gonzalez no space
16:24 in which to establish his own offensive drives.
16:27 - I mean, he's so explosive, he makes guys gunshot.
16:30 They don't know where he's coming from,
16:32 his angles, his explosion, the change of speed and pace.
16:35 - Can you hold him too much?
16:37 - And I'm not gonna lie, Chris,
16:40 the stripes on the shorts of Frank Gonzalez,
16:43 they got me more excited for Sunday,
16:45 the Bengals at the Browns to start the season.
16:48 - You would think of that, looking at those stripes.
16:50 - I definitely would.
16:52 - A guy like me doesn't even see that.
16:54 - Nope.
16:56 And the Bengals did wear the white a couple times,
16:59 but we'll get back to boxing, I promise.
17:01 - Oh, I like that right hand downstairs from Sultan
17:04 as Gonzalez moves to the left once again.
17:07 Ooh, and he switches it right to that uppercut,
17:09 that one to the body this time.
17:11 - So with that constant pressure
17:13 and the change-ups, if you will,
17:15 almost mid-movement, mid-punch,
17:18 what does Frank Gonzalez do to get offensive, Chris?
17:21 - You know, with a guy like Sultan,
17:23 where you have those distinct on and off periods in the rounds,
17:26 you've got to take advantage of when he's off
17:28 and stay busy with volume and movement
17:30 and using those feints to try and get that first explosive move out of him.
17:33 But then also, you've got to look to time it with the distance.
17:36 He's a shorter guy, he's exploding,
17:38 he's jumping in with those uppercuts from the outside.
17:40 If you don't get the right hand on that, he'll knock himself out.
17:43 But it's staring down the barrel of a gun
17:48 because you've got a guy who's throwing big power at you.
17:50 - Big time. Just missed with the uppercut.
17:53 - But that's why feinting is so important,
17:58 especially when you've got a guy who's twitchy like Sultan is.
18:00 You get that first move out of him at a distance
18:02 so you have time to make the adjustment.
18:04 - The loss in the interim WBO bantamweight title fight
18:09 between Paul Buckler was in Liverpool.
18:12 Sultan trying to set himself up.
18:15 Right back at the top of the ladder.
18:18 Big punches.
18:22 Christopher Young's going to have a conversation with both fighters.
18:26 - That should have been a legit knockdown,
18:29 but he got hit with two shots while he was down.
18:31 This could be a real issue.
18:38 - His knee hit the canvas, didn't it?
18:40 - Oh, yeah, absolutely. That was a knockdown.
18:42 It was a left hook on the inside,
18:44 but it was two hard shots that came back
18:47 from Sultan while González was down.
18:51 - Five minutes.
18:53 Five minutes. Five minutes.
19:19 - Take a look at exactly what happened here.
19:21 It's a big left hook on the inside.
19:23 That catches González.
19:25 Goes down, gets hit. One, two extra shots.
19:28 As his knee was down.
19:31 Right back to that left hook comes Sultan.
19:42 - And after the wait and giving González time
19:47 to recover from being hit once, not twice,
19:51 when he was down, Chris, two points taken from Jonas Sultan.
19:55 - Yeah, I told you that was gonna be something big.
19:58 That's a massive foul.
20:02 Sultan trying to make it so it doesn't matter
20:05 how many points you take off, 'cause he's looking for that knockout here.
20:08 - Two-point deduction
20:10 from the Filipino here
20:16 in this round as he continues
20:19 to put pressure on Frank González.
20:23 - Oh, boy.
20:27 If the right hand wasn't doing enough damage,
20:29 Sultan comes out with the left hook this round,
20:31 finds a home for that.
20:33 - Let's watch it again.
20:42 - Yeah, I mentioned that the right hands are so successful all night long,
20:45 it was the left hook that had González in a world of trouble
20:49 in that last round here. We see the uppercut,
20:51 then left hook there, catches him,
20:53 and then some shots as the knee was down.
20:55 In defense of Sultan, the angle he was at
20:59 and how low that González has been bringing his head down
21:02 all night long, he may not have seen the knee,
21:04 but regardless, the deductions were warranted.
21:08 Ooh, big overhand shot.
21:10 Also, the time for recovery was warranted as well.
21:15 - Yeah, you see what I mean?
21:17 Goalie, from that angle, because he was so low,
21:19 it might have been hard to see that back knee was down.
21:22 - Everyone always quick
21:28 to criticize any type of official or referee.
21:32 Great job, great command of the ring
21:37 by Christopher Young,
21:39 giving the time, as you said, Chris,
21:41 for González to recover, and the two-point deduction
21:45 from Sultan in the black, purple trunks,
21:48 for Frank González.
21:50 Two points or not, though, partner,
21:52 he's still way down. - Yeah, absolutely.
21:54 And I couldn't agree more with you said about the ref.
21:56 I mean, he handled that great.
21:57 I mean, he slowed everything down,
21:59 he told the corner to quiet, got this,
22:01 took command exactly like you said.
22:03 - Light scheduled for eight.
22:10 - Our co-main event.
22:12 We've got a belt on the line.
22:14 Our main event of the evening.
22:16 We've got a belt on the line.
22:18 And in this matchup, we have a man
22:20 who has had two regional belts,
22:23 fought for two world titles
22:26 against an opponent who has also fought
22:29 for some high-level regional belts,
22:31 so great talent here on a Wednesday night
22:34 on Pro Box TV.
22:37 - [speaking Spanish]
22:40 - Sultan, the two-time world title challenger.
22:43 - [speaking Spanish]
22:45 [crowd shouting]
22:48 - Three!
23:00 - Sultan proving once again
23:02 he is just a difficult guy to deal with.
23:05 - Unorthodox, powerful, explosive, fit, and thorough.
23:09 - It's been in a lot of long fights.
23:13 24 bouts, 171 rounds coming into tonight.
23:20 It's an average of about seven rounds per fight.
23:24 So as powerful as he is,
23:26 a lot of his finishes have come in the latter part
23:30 of his fights, where he has systematically
23:33 broken down his opponents.
23:35 - I mean, honestly, watching him here tonight,
23:36 I'm not surprised.
23:37 He's obviously got great fitness.
23:39 He's still explosive here in round number six.
23:41 - No punch. No punch. I got it.
23:43 - I mean, his last two finishes,
23:46 one in '21, one in 2019,
23:48 were both in the seventh round.
23:50 One in the seventh of an eight-rounder,
23:52 one in the seventh of a ten-rounder, Chris.
23:54 - Yeah, and I was mentioning that Carlos Calabayo fight,
23:56 which did go ten.
23:57 He scored, like, I believe, four knockdowns.
23:59 - Wow. - Maybe five knockdowns
24:00 in that fight.
24:01 [crowd shouting]
24:04 - Good work there from Gonzalez, though, tonight.
24:10 Left hook on the inside.
24:12 - And mentally, Sultan hasn't changed his approach at all,
24:19 even with the two-point deduction.
24:21 He knows--he knows in his heart
24:23 he might have been overzealous,
24:25 but he's staying within his game.
24:27 - Yeah, hasn't deterred him at all.
24:28 He knows what his game plan is.
24:29 He's just trying to land power shots,
24:31 whether it's the right, it's the left,
24:32 it's the uppercut.
24:33 [bell dings]
24:34 He's making everything work.
24:35 [cheers and applause]
24:38 [rock music]
24:43 ♪
24:50 ♪
24:53 - September 20th, we are right back here,
24:56 live on Pro Box TV,
24:59 and what a lineup we have that night,
25:02 including the ten-rounder as Lester Martinez
25:06 returns to Pro Box TV,
25:09 ready to put up a show.
25:11 Big fight night, big fight still to come,
25:14 and a good fight right in front of us,
25:15 right here, right now.
25:19 And we saw the shot of Tyson Fury.
25:21 I have been watching the reality series,
25:25 and the Gypsy Chang is more of a trip
25:28 than I even really knew he was.
25:30 [laughs]
25:31 He's something else.
25:32 - Very eye-opening shot.
25:33 - Yes, it is.
25:34 - You get a little--
25:36 a little view into the headspace of--
25:38 - Yeah.
25:39 - The heavyweight champ, Tyson Fury.
25:41 - And with that many children,
25:42 you know it's craziness anyway.
25:44 I can see why he wants to get to the gym.
25:47 Wants to get away from all that--
25:49 all that hectic fatherhood.
25:51 [crowd shouting]
25:53 - Seventh round of this eight-rounder.
25:56 Quick hands from Gonzalez.
25:59 [crowd shouting]
26:01 - Watch your way up.
26:02 - Watch the heads here.
26:03 Coming dangerous and close on the inside.
26:06 [crowd shouting]
26:10 But you got a guy like Salton,
26:12 who's super jerky, even on the inside,
26:15 explosive, easy to get caught with a headbutt.
26:18 [crowd shouting]
26:21 - You know, whenever Gonzalez has some success
26:23 throwing those hands on the inside,
26:24 it's just--you know, it's the power
26:26 and the brute force of Salton
26:28 that levels the playing field.
26:30 - And Gonzalez, 26-year-old,
26:33 with a 12-and-3 record,
26:36 and his setbacks have come against
26:39 a 15-and-1 fighter,
26:41 an 11-and-0 fighter,
26:43 and way back in 2018, early in his career,
26:49 an unbeaten foe, as Gonzalez was at the time.
26:53 - Oh, no, he's obviously a capable boxer.
26:55 - Yes. - He's trying to utilize
26:59 his skills and use his strategy and game plan.
27:02 He just got someone in front of him
27:04 who's just got more power, he's more explosive,
27:06 got way more experience,
27:07 he's got more rounds under his belt,
27:08 like you had mentioned last round.
27:10 [crowd shouting]
27:12 Not to mention, he's in phenomenal shape,
27:14 and he wants another title shot.
27:16 - 55 rounds coming in for Gonzalez,
27:19 171 for Salton.
27:23 [crowd shouting]
27:27 - I always say the greatest intangible is experience.
27:30 [crowd shouting]
27:35 - And during that process of experiencing
27:38 the evolution of a fighter,
27:40 you're able to react to the things
27:42 that you didn't know how you would react to
27:45 before they happen in fight 3, 10, 14,
27:47 whatever it is, Chris.
27:49 And tonight, Salton gets deducted two points,
27:52 but he's still full force.
27:53 - I mean, you don't know what you don't know,
27:55 and Salton's been around the block,
27:57 and he knows a lot, and he's been there before.
28:01 - Once again, you said it way more economically
28:03 than I did, thank you.
28:05 [crowd shouting]
28:07 - Good punches landed by Gonzalez,
28:09 good answer on the counter by Salton.
28:12 - Actually, one of the better shots
28:13 that Gonzalez landed all night long
28:15 actually backed Salton up.
28:17 - There you go.
28:18 - Oh, good double left hook on the inside from Salton.
28:21 - Salton has never been stopped in his professional career.
28:25 - 10 seconds, 10 seconds.
28:26 - Body and a nasty uppercut late in the round.
28:28 - You talk about that changeup.
28:29 He throws his straight right hand to the body,
28:31 and then comes right back with the right hand,
28:33 doubling up a rear hand.
28:34 - Time!
28:35 - Not an easy thing to do.
28:37 [crowd shouting]
28:40 ♪ ♪
28:47 - [speaking Filipino]
28:50 - Huh?
28:51 - [speaking Filipino]
28:53 - Huh?
28:56 - [speaking Filipino]
28:58 - [speaking Filipino]
29:01 - He's still coming.
29:03 He's still, he's the last man.
29:05 He's the last man. You want him?
29:07 How bad do you want this?
29:09 You gotta fucking go get him.
29:11 You gotta go get him.
29:13 Tasmanian devil, old Frank now.
29:16 Stay tight.
29:17 Level change after your offense.
29:19 Come back with another attack.
29:21 Attack two to three times.
29:23 Let's go. Let's go.
29:26 - Well, it's late.
29:27 The corner of Gonzalez saying, "Go do it.
29:29 Be the old Frank."
29:31 - Touch him up. All right.
29:32 - Frank Gonzalez, a huge fan of the late great Kobe Bryant.
29:37 He's got the purple trunks on, by the way.
29:40 Kobe hit a lot of late shots to win games, to win titles.
29:44 See if Gonzalez has something that he can utilize
29:48 here in the final 2 minutes and 45 seconds
29:51 of this eight-round fight.
29:53 - Yeah, the coach, Gonzalez, was asking,
29:55 "How bad do you want it?"
29:56 You're gonna need two, three attacks in a row,
29:58 and he's not wrong, but I don't know.
30:01 I mean, Sultan has shown to be very durable.
30:04 Gonzalez hasn't really shown that kind of power.
30:07 - And Sultan, as I mentioned earlier,
30:09 Chris, never been stopped...
30:10 - That's another important point.
30:12 - 171 and counting rounds.
30:15 - But also, the more that Gonzalez lets those hands go,
30:19 the more opportunities there are for Sultan
30:21 to hit him with the big power that he has.
30:23 - Mike Goldberg, former world champion,
30:25 Chris Algieri, here on "ProBox TV,"
30:28 your boxing channel.
30:31 The Magic Man in Italy with his family.
30:34 Paulie, enjoy the time away,
30:36 and we'll see you very, very soon.
30:38 - Ooh, big left hook to the liver.
30:40 Oh, and a left hook upstairs from Sultan.
30:43 - Man, the constant pressure of Sultan,
30:50 ultra-impressive in so many ways,
30:53 not just his physical condition.
30:55 - Oh, yeah, he could change incredible fitness.
30:58 I mean, I've seen that in past fights, too.
31:00 You know, he was 12-- been 12 in his last fight.
31:02 He went 10 in a very high clip in a fight before that,
31:04 which is the fight that I called against Caraballo.
31:06 - I mean, he's been scheduled for 12 rounds
31:12 eight times, Chris, so you can see why he has
31:15 put so many miles on inside the squared circle.
31:19 - Yeah, I mentioned a few rounds ago,
31:20 the style that he employs, it makes you gun-shy.
31:22 - Yes. - As an opponent,
31:23 and we're seeing that, because Gonzalez,
31:25 who's trying to throw more this round,
31:27 is getting hit more, and that's--
31:28 you know, that's the issue.
31:31 When you don't know where the punches are coming from,
31:33 it makes you want to keep them at home.
31:35 - And his opponent can't get the offense on the field,
31:37 literally. - Yeah, I mean, yeah.
31:39 Look at the real estate of where they're fighting or playing.
31:42 - Yep. - To your middle.
31:44 - Gonzalez trying to leave it all in.
31:50 The Pro Box TV ring tonight, and he has done so.
31:54 One punch, Zorro has landed about 100.
31:59 - Okay. - Or more.
32:01 - I always like to watch the feet of fighters
32:03 when they're in the ring, and you'll notice
32:05 that whenever they are in the inside,
32:07 the physical strength of Sultan keeps Gonzalez on his heels.
32:11 He's just so strong in the inside,
32:13 which makes it very difficult to put any power on the shots.
32:15 - And, I mean, you look at the frame of Sultan,
32:18 but also the legs and the strength and the power explosion.
32:22 - Hope y'all get out of there.
32:24 - He looks strong from his neck to his heels.
32:26 - Yep, and he has fought that way
32:28 as we approach the final seconds of this eight-round matchup.
32:32 - No, no, no. I got you.
32:34 - Sultan with a big one now. - Oh, big one.
32:36 - He's gonna come around. - They go the distance.
32:39 Frank Gonzalez and Jonas Sultan.
32:45 [indistinct chatter]
32:48 - You know, it was a bit of a feeling out round
33:08 at round number one, but round two,
33:10 it was like Sultan, Jonas-- Jonas Sultan was shot out of a cannon.
33:13 I mean, he landed big overhand rights and uppercuts
33:16 that had Gonzalez in trouble.
33:18 Scored the first knockdown of the fight there in round number two.
33:21 Round three is more of the same.
33:23 That explosion from Sultan, Jonas,
33:25 was very impressive all night long, his change-ups.
33:28 Gonzalez, though, he knows his way around the ring.
33:31 Was boxing well from the outside.
33:33 He just had trouble dealing with the awkward power
33:35 of Sultan all night long.
33:37 Sultan came back.
33:39 He started to find some success with the left hands.
33:41 It was that left hook there that had Gonzalez in trouble.
33:45 Put him down to a knee, and then two late hits came in.
33:49 Some vicious shots.
33:51 The referee took control, took it two points away from Jonas,
33:54 and gave Gonzalez time to recover.
33:57 And then these guys were throwing bombs to the end.
34:00 But for the most part, I mean, Sultan was in control
34:03 with that, like I said, that awkwardness,
34:05 that power, and that explosion all night long.
34:08 Good scrap between these two.
34:11 They go the distance with the official decision.
34:14 Beatriz Caliz.
34:17 After three rounds of pure provokes,
34:20 this is the final decision.
34:22 [Speaking Spanish]
34:25 And the winner, by way of unanimous decision,
34:33 [Speaking Spanish]
34:38 Sultan!
34:46 Unanimous decision victory for Jonas Sultan.
34:53 His Pro Box TV debut.
34:58 [Crowd noise]
35:03 Coming up next, our co-main event.
