World as Woman Exhibition - Vision, Ranjit Makkuni

  • 8 months ago
The Music and Goddess exhibition assembles a vision of the beauty and spirituality of the sacred feminine.

My endeavor builds bridges between technology and innovative design, on the one hand, and musical cultures. My focus primarily is on creating ecological awareness, psychological well-being, non-violence and compassion for all beings. Thus, the project provides us all with new eyeglasses to see the World as Woman.

The exhibition presents advances in interactive art by exploring the science, art and spirituality of music and their reflections in the Goddess images across Asian cultures. Musical traditions have been linked to the worship of the Goddess in Asia. Music-making and collaboration have served as tools to realize Goddess consciousness.

This, I hope will inspire people to practice ecologically sensitive design, which rouses compassion and taps inner resources for well-being.
