When the monkey falls in love with the mobile || Acharya Prashant, Intnl Psychology Summit (2023)

  • 8 months ago
Video Information: 16.02.2023, International Psychology Summit Conference

~ How to deal with emotionality?
~ How to be free from emotions?
~ How to be free?
~ How to break our comfort zone?
~ What gives power to change life?
~ What is love?
~ Who dare to take risk in life?

Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00 Good evening sir, today we live in an era of over stimulation, we are constantly attached
00:07 to our mobile phones and millennials nowadays having issues like they are very much doing
00:17 doom scrolling on their phone, doom scrolling like they are attached to the mobile phone
00:25 and just scrolling down. So my question is, this thing is affecting, leading us to develop
00:32 many kind of OCD problems and anxiety issues. So how can we cope up with this tech induced
00:43 thing which we are facing? Do not have so much of spare free time, that's all. I mean
00:52 you work till 11 pm, then you eat something, then you crash to bed and you know that you
00:59 have to get up at 6 in the morning because something very important awaits you, how will
01:09 you have the time or the energy to, what did you say, doom scroll? Doom scrolling, yeah.
01:16 How will you have the space? How will you even have the desire to do all that? All that
01:23 is only when you are quite unoccupied. Do not leave yourself unoccupied. Remaining purposeless
01:32 is only for those who are close to perfection. Having free time is only for those who are
01:45 inwardly free. If you are not inwardly free and you give yourself free time, your free
01:52 time will annihilate you. Freedom is only for the free. Inwardly you are still slave
02:00 to your body, your hormones, to all the social influences and outwardly you have been gifted
02:14 a free mobile phone, free data, a free bed to lie on and a lot of free time. So obviously
02:21 all these free things that have undeservedly come to you will be misutilized. Now that
02:37 these things are indeed with you, tell yourself they can be very dangerous. Live a life of
02:44 a challenging purpose. Don't think that leisure time is a virtue. If you have free time, you
03:02 should be alerted. You should have more tasks than your time allows. It is the weight of
03:09 those tasks that will keep you on track. If you give yourself undeserved freedom, that's
03:28 the worst thing you can give to yourself. Remain humble. Know what you deserve and what
03:35 you do not. We do not deserve all these leisures and luxuries. We instead need a task master.
03:52 If you can be internally disciplined, if you can be your own task master, wonderful. Else
03:59 appoint yourself a task master. Go to someone, fall at his feet and beg him to drive you
04:08 with a whip. I know all this will sound quite obnoxious to all the free minds here. But
04:20 I have to actually go to someone and ask him to lash me with a whip. Yes, that's what you
04:27 must do. Do we deserve to be our own masters? That should be our desire and our destiny.
04:37 But unfortunately that's not our fact. If you are given freedom, you are bound to miss
04:45 use it because it's like giving freedom and power and authority to a drunken one. Freedom
04:52 should be first a thing of within and only then a thing in your hands. So, if you are
05:12 holding in your hands, otherwise the results are catastrophic. Doom scrolling. Think of
05:19 this person. The mobile phone is actually a very sophisticated computer, right? That
05:30 you are holding in your hand. It's a very fine product of man's mind and who is holding
05:40 it? A beast. Is that not the case? 99.99% users of the mobile phone, do they
05:46 know a thing about the phone? Do they know? Except for the user interface, what do they
06:03 know of? But they have it in their palm as if it's something so ordinary, so cheap and
06:10 economics of scale is indeed providing that wonder of technology to you at very cheap
06:20 rates. Left to yourself, how many years will you take to make that mobile phone? How many
06:32 years? Okay, how many centuries? How many millennia? Left to yourself, how long will
06:39 you by yourself create that mobile phone? Never. Now that's the problem. We have received
06:46 almost for free something so precious and that's the gift of science. But we don't respect
06:56 science. We don't respect science. That mobile phone comes from a certain sophistication
07:03 of mind. It is a product of intelligence. But we respect neither sophistication nor
07:11 intelligence. So a very sophisticated thing has been given to a rather crude fellow and
07:18 what does he do? Doom scroll. That's what he will do. He will use the mobile phone to
07:26 make a chip. A scientist is not going to do that. The fellow who makes the chip is not
07:33 going to do that. The fellow who is constantly endeavouring to discover is not going to do
07:40 that. The inventor is not going to do that because he is busy with inventing. Obviously.
07:51 But the fellow who gets it almost for free will be watching all kinds of rubbish on the
07:56 phone and continuously for hours on end. You see this? We live in a peculiar state. We
08:03 are beasts within but have been gifted greatly sophisticated technology. We are not going
08:18 to be a beast. So the gorilla is walking around with a computer and is flying an aircraft.
08:25 Obviously he will bomb the whole earth to destruction. Internally he is just a gorilla
08:40 and gorillas we all are. Gorillas with bombs, with phones, with computers, with all kinds
08:47 of sophisticated technology, satellites, missiles, you name it and all these are in
08:53 the hands of the gorilla. And the gorilla is all puffed up. See I have this, I have
09:00 that. What does he do? Nothing. The earth is closer to destruction today than it ever
09:10 was in its history. More than 70% of internet traffic is for destructive or wasteful purposes.
09:34 In an ideal world only those who have the sophistication of science in their minds should
09:41 be licensed to use the products of science. Those who are gorillas within should be allowed
09:59 the life of only a gorilla. They should be left to the jungle because that's where they
10:04 belong. Inwardly you are already a gorilla. So we are packing you off to your native habitat.
10:11 Go and live on the treetop. That's where you belong. You don't deserve to fly on a jumbo
10:23 plane. Even to hold a computer or even to speak into this mic, I must first of all have
10:30 a determination, a dedication, a love for intelligence, for knowledge, for realization,
10:42 for discovery. I must have a spirit of inquiry. Only then I deserve to use all these things.
10:51 Is that not fair? I hate inquiry. I am a deeply superstitious person and yet I am using all
10:58 the blessings of science. That is not fair. That is not fair. You should get what you
11:09 are.
11:18 Is that all?
11:25 [Music]
11:25 [End of Audio]
11:32 (electronic music)
