यो सिक्को तो अजमेर में कोनी चालै, थे तो नोट ही दीज्यो...

  • 8 months ago
10 रुपए का सिक्का देख फेरा मुंह, हर कोई बोला- सिक्का कोई लेता ही नहीं -शहर की चारों दिशाओं से प्रमुख मार्ग, बाजार में जांची हकीकत-90 फीसदी दुकानदारों ने किया इंकार, कैमरा देख एक-दो दुकानदार हुए राजी -भ्रांति के चलते नहीं चलन में, लीड बैंक अधिकारी बोले- 10 का सिक्का चलन में है


00:00 People are collecting sacks of coins.
00:03 Yes, there is a situation.
00:05 There is a shortage of 10 rupee notes in the market.
00:08 And there is a shortage of 1-2 rupee coins.
00:11 Some shopkeepers are like this.
00:13 If you don't buy 5 rupee coins, they want to sell it for 10 rupees.
00:17 They want to sell it for 5 rupees.
00:19 People have prepared for this.
00:22 They don't want to sell it for 5 rupees.
00:25 It is not available in the market.
00:27 You can buy a 10 rupee coin in any corner of the city.
00:31 Nobody buys it.
00:33 Everything has been legally declared here.
00:36 The SP has said it.
00:38 But it is a reason that a sensible person will not be in this law.
00:43 That's why no one comes.
00:45 Your name?
00:46 My name is Prakash Jain. I am an advocate. I work for RTI.
