
  • 8 months ago


00:00 Last episode we talked about the camera, this episode is more exciting.
00:02 Because when you are chatting,
00:04 the other person may record your image.
00:07 Now you are chatting with me,
00:08 I already have your video,
00:09 you have to give me money.
00:10 If you don't give me money,
00:12 I will post this video on social media.
00:15 I think AI technology is very mature.
00:17 Someone posted this video for no reason.
00:18 The original face is a fart from his face.
00:20 And it's not that kind of fixed grid,
00:22 it's an expression.
00:23 We talked about the camera before,
00:28 but if it is a selfie from another angle,
00:31 or it is a voluntary shot,
00:34 how to deal with it?
00:35 It's like I took a photo and sent it to someone.
00:37 Have you ever sent it to someone?
00:38 No.
00:40 When the photo is very strong,
00:43 many drivers will want to take some photos to remember.
00:46 After the relationship breaks,
00:48 how will these photos and videos be handled?
00:52 Today we have invited a driver to get in the car.
00:55 Let's welcome Ah Wei.
00:58 (Ah Wei)
01:00 Ah Wei,
01:01 you have a hobby of taking photos.
01:04 I don't have a hobby,
01:06 but I have encountered similar situations.
01:08 The starting point is to get to know each other.
01:09 When I get on the Yixing Ma's light,
01:10 I will start to click a lot of heart signals.
01:14 Then he will invite me to chat.
01:17 I have heard of this kind of thing.
01:20 But I just look at what I say,
01:23 then I will open it.
01:24 He just pulls the camera over.
01:26 I will turn on the phone and it will be like,
01:28 "Oh, forget about the camera."
01:29 It's obvious that Ah Kang's house has a fan.
01:30 "Go away."
01:31 I will look at the video on the video cable,
01:33 it is a video that I have seen on the internet.
01:36 Old driver.
01:38 So I think they are fish.
01:41 If you haven't seen it,
01:42 you will think that it is him.
01:44 Maybe you will learn to fish from him.
01:46 Oh,
01:47 so you think chatting is actually one of the traps.
01:50 Because when you chat,
01:51 the other person may record your video.
01:54 Yes, I have a friend who has been recorded.
01:56 But my friend didn't show your signal.
01:58 He will record it.
01:59 And after he turns it off,
02:01 that person will immediately
02:02 delete a video.
02:03 Now chat with me,
02:04 I already have your video.
02:06 You have to pay me.
02:07 If you don't pay me,
02:08 I will send this to social media.
02:11 So usually these
02:13 will put your naked photos,
02:15 videos,
02:16 widely sent to everyone.
02:17 Its use is very likely to be
02:18 in the end,
02:19 to blackmail you.
02:20 So I just shared with you,
02:21 you are naked,
02:22 and the other person has kept some of your videos,
02:25 your photos,
02:26 and blackmail you.
02:27 But in real life,
02:29 how do these works that everyone recorded
02:32 and kept themselves flow out?
02:34 Like I just said,
02:34 break up.
02:35 When I love you very much,
02:36 I will feel that I really want to show you.
02:38 He will send it to you.
02:38 But I don't break up.
02:39 And usually, will you promise?
02:40 Of course, I will say,
02:40 "Hey, you promised me,
02:41 you can't send it out."
02:42 "Okay, I'll send it to you."
02:43 Then send it.
02:43 But I ask if you broke up.
02:44 If you broke up, I will say, "Whatever."
02:45 Then ask,
02:46 "Hey, isn't your ex-girlfriend
02:47 very hot?"
02:49 Then he will say, "Oh, I'll show you."
02:51 So you guys really...
02:52 I didn't do that.
02:53 I just assumed.
02:55 There is another trap that
02:56 maybe everyone doesn't know.
02:58 Many people's phones
02:59 may be downloaded by you.
03:01 He asked if you can
03:02 cross-app accessorize.
03:03 If he is sincere,
03:05 he can keep these things.
03:06 Share it out for everyone to watch.
03:09 In the end, it's a situation of blackmail.
03:11 They have advanced now.
03:13 I have a program and an app
03:15 that can remotely control emotional items.
03:18 It teaches you that the memory card of this app
03:20 is actually to harm your contact list.
03:22 "I'm hacking you."
03:23 After it harms your contact list,
03:24 it will complete
03:25 your conversations with it.
03:27 Your whole video.
03:28 It will block you.
03:29 If you don't give me money,
03:30 I will send it to your contact list.
03:32 Your family.
03:33 Many people dare not say it.
03:34 They may just give money.
03:36 He said that
03:36 maybe more than once.
03:37 He may do it one after another.
03:39 My friend's sister
03:40 received a video from a anonymous person
03:41 from her friend.
03:44 Then that person told her,
03:45 "Your friend is now
03:46 in a relationship with a model.
03:49 She refused to give money.
03:50 Please ask her to give money."
03:51 Wow, so it's like this situation.
03:53 You have no idea
03:55 how serious the consequences will be
03:56 in the end.
03:57 If possible,
03:57 try not to leave this kind of video.
03:59 Because you can't be sure
04:00 if this person can be with you forever.
04:01 Then you will always leave this content.
04:03 And you have to know that
04:04 the Internet is now
04:05 difficult to delete something.
04:07 Of course it's best not to shoot.
04:08 But some people may still feel
04:09 "I really love him.
04:11 He won't hurt me."
04:12 What preventive measures do we have
04:14 to protect ourselves?
04:15 Don't show your face.
04:16 That's the only way.
04:17 To be honest,
04:18 I think AI technology is very mature now.
04:19 My friends
04:20 have recently had this experience.
04:21 Someone posted a video
04:24 with a poor-looking face.
04:25 And it's not a fixed face.
04:27 It's an expression.
04:28 You mean he never did it himself?
04:29 He never did this before.
04:31 I really want to go home.
04:32 OK, so because of AI technology,
04:36 the method of blackmailing you
04:37 and blackmailing you
04:38 has become more diverse.
04:39 Technology is helping us
04:41 but it's also a risk.
04:42 So I know that
04:43 many drivers
04:44 really want to be
04:45 the director in their lives.
04:47 They want to be the best
04:47 male and female lead.
04:49 But you must
04:50 have this awareness.
04:51 The works you shoot today
04:54 are likely to become
04:56 a weapon used by others
04:56 to deal with you.
04:58 So I want to remind all drivers
05:01 to follow the traffic rules.
05:04 Don't play with your phone when driving.
05:05 We are all good drivers.
05:07 I wish you all a safe journey.
05:17 (whooshing)
