Predictions for Houston Texans vs Cleveland Browns Playoff Game

  • 8 months ago
00:00 Uh, let's get to the playo
00:05 Houston and what a job by
00:07 win the AFC South of cour
00:10 were some nice numbers wi
00:12 talked about those in lat
00:14 plus seven fifties and th
00:16 Jacksonville was eight an
00:19 way they win it. Now they
00:20 Browns coming in energy o
00:23 game at 4 30 PM Eastern.
00:26 done a lot of big things
00:28 a lot more work to do. We
00:30 just this. Here he is. Our
00:34 our goals and what we set
00:37 I mentioned earlier, like
00:40 as we all are right. We t
00:42 We didn't come this far j
00:45 Yeah, everybody's excited
00:49 I mean, congrats. Now we
00:52 have to continue to play
00:55 win games in the playoffs
00:59 I understand what he's sa
01:00 say this to you later. I
01:02 guy and I know you love t
01:03 right. You did do the I s
01:05 You love Stroud over Bri
01:08 when it got down to draf
01:10 that he would be the bett
01:12 spots like this though, J
01:15 wants to say that these a
01:18 where historically when y
01:22 the rookie head coach, ro
01:26 team combination can some
01:30 swallowed up, especially
01:32 a really strong defense l
01:34 Browns are going to bring
01:36 No, that's a great point
01:39 concern is let's not forg
01:41 in october november and f
01:45 four weeks ago, three or
01:47 like that is the 2 64 yard
01:51 that was the over game. N
01:54 either. That was case. Th
01:56 that guy. So the match up
01:59 learn from that first gam
02:01 handcuff from a defensive
02:05 Flacco. Does he mix up co
02:08 he this will determine ho
02:11 to me. Co. Ryan's is in h
02:14 we see like a defensive m
02:16 Dennis Allen, you know, W
02:19 on a pro football today.
02:21 all he does is step up an
02:24 see how good Domenico Rya
02:27 perspective going up agai
02:30 a tough matchup. My heart
02:34 you know, again, you have
02:37 with the better defense.
02:40 I picked Cleveland 20 to
02:43 So they got to get throug
02:46 know, I really don't want
02:48 I might jump in on some p
02:51 better, it would be Cleve
02:53 uh, Browns minus 2.5 right
02:57 a half is the total joe,
03:01 a few weeks ago and that'
03:03 scored so many points. Th
03:05 number. I feel like it's
03:08 game. I feel like the Bro
03:11 to be able to step up. I
03:13 show you some public numbe
03:14 everybody's on the Browns
03:18 Yes, everybody's on the B
03:22 they're the right side. I
03:25 you know, all the things
03:26 you before about backing
03:29 looks at flacko could eas
03:31 and throw three or four p
03:33 turn into a pumpkin in an
03:35 know it, it can happen. S
03:38 you definitely have to be
03:40 for sure. Yeah, for sure.
