• last year


00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:00:57 Who was that for?
00:00:58 Sweet lips.
00:00:59 [LAUGHTER]
00:01:00 Good night.
00:01:01 Well, thank God they're gone.
00:01:08 [LAUGHTER]
00:01:09 [SNORING]
00:01:10 [LAUGHTER]
00:01:12 Goodbye.
00:01:21 Hey, what am I going to do, Antoinette?
00:01:23 What?
00:01:24 First time in my life I bought $40 shoes,
00:01:26 and they gave me corns.
00:01:28 They really hurt.
00:01:30 Well, you have to throw them away, dear.
00:01:33 I can't throw them away.
00:01:34 They cost $40.
00:01:35 Look, I don't care if you pay $0.02 for them.
00:01:37 They're worthless to you.
00:01:38 They cause you agony.
00:01:41 Give them to a group of civilians.
00:01:43 What, I make them worse?
00:01:44 [LAUGHTER]
00:01:47 Oh, my witty fellow.
00:01:49 [LAUGHTER]
00:01:53 You sound like that horrible guy Frankie Fontaine.
00:01:56 This rug is going to be a pain in the ass.
00:01:59 We've had it 20 minutes, and already it's scruffy.
00:02:02 What do you mean, scruffy?
00:02:03 It has to go scruffy.
00:02:04 It certainly feels this.
00:02:10 What's that?
00:02:11 Thunder.
00:02:12 George, George, George of the jungle, monkey, a skunk.
00:02:19 Eee!
00:02:22 Well, William.
00:02:23 Well, what is it now?
00:02:27 You've got to get a cord and a light bulb and everything.
00:02:29 Yeah, that's right.
00:02:30 A cord and a light bulb.
00:02:31 That's what makes it work.
00:02:32 Did you realize that before when you sent those?
00:02:34 Sure.
00:02:35 I didn't realize it.
00:02:36 Well, I think we've got to take them.
00:02:39 Where do you think we should put the hops accordion?
00:02:41 I don't know.
00:02:48 I don't know.
00:02:49 Where do you think we should put the hops accordion?
00:02:51 Over there.
00:02:57 The harps accord.
00:02:59 Oh, I don't know.
00:03:02 Same place we're going to put the rock band.
00:03:06 What harps accord?
00:03:07 That I'm going to buy.
00:03:09 You're not going to buy a harps accord.
00:03:11 Oh, yes, I am with my pot of money.
00:03:13 No, no, you're not going to buy a harps accord.
00:03:15 Oh, yes, I am buying a musical instrument.
00:03:17 The reason I'm buying a harps accord is because the harps accord is a selfish instrument just for you.
00:03:22 The money is going to go to buying things that we absolutely need.
00:03:25 What do we need a goddamn harps accord for?
00:03:27 I'm going to study voice again if I don't have a musical instrument.
00:03:29 You don't need a harps accord.
00:03:30 I'll get you a harmonica.
00:03:33 You don't need a harps accord.
00:03:35 Besides, you can't even make up your mind whether you like a harps accord.
00:03:38 You're only getting it for stage reasons.
00:03:42 No.
00:03:45 The money has got to go for things that we need.
00:03:49 We need a harps accord.
00:03:51 We need a harps accord like we need a hole in the head for Christ's sake.
00:03:54 What do we need a harps accord for?
00:03:56 So I can play it and we can sing and everything.
00:03:59 No, come on.
00:04:00 No, it's not even an instrument that you're sure that you want.
00:04:03 One minute you say you want it, the next minute you say you don't.
00:04:08 Look, I saved money for a harps accord and then I put the money into the couch.
00:04:13 You saved about $28 for that harps accord.
00:04:16 Hell's bells, I saved $525 friggin' dollars.
00:04:20 You didn't put $525 into that couch.
00:04:23 No, I overdrew the account $200, so that was $200 off.
00:04:27 And that was on little piddly things.
00:04:30 That's $725.
00:04:31 And then I put another $200 in there.
00:04:33 That's $925 you're talking about.
00:04:37 You overdrew by $200, you had $525 to begin with, and you put another $200 in.
00:04:42 That's $925.
00:04:45 Well, I'm not buying any washer and dryer.
00:04:48 I don't care.
00:04:50 You don't want to buy a washer and dryer, that's fine.
00:04:56 Well, we won't discuss it now.
00:04:58 It's already discussed.
00:04:59 No, it's not discussed.
00:05:00 Believe me, it's not discussed because I'm planning on it.
00:05:03 You could go ahead and plan on it, but you're not going to do it.
00:05:08 My money's my money.
00:05:11 That's all the rest of it.
00:05:12 You want to take that route?
00:05:14 Your money is your money?
00:05:15 Yeah.
00:05:16 Then, therefore, my money is my money.
00:05:17 No.
00:05:18 And any money from now on that comes into this house is going to be decided on by me.
00:05:22 We've gone over this a thousand million times.
00:05:25 And we're going over it right now.
00:05:27 Well, I'm too tired to discuss it now.
00:05:29 I see.
00:05:30 Well, don't bring it up if you can't finish it off.
00:05:35 Tonya.
00:05:40 The thing is, you mean it.
00:05:43 And believe me, I mean it, too.
00:05:51 Oh, shit.
00:05:53 Boy, it's pouring down, Lane.
00:06:09 Shut up.
00:06:19 Yeah.
00:06:45 Did you want something?
00:06:47 I came over to borrow a cup of sugar.
00:06:51 Well, we're fresh out.
00:06:57 If you go over any further, you're going to fall off the bed.
00:07:01 Why don't you leave me alone?
00:07:02 I'm just getting to read this article.
00:07:11 Why don't you go borrow your whip from Laramie Memorial?
00:07:14 I'd like to talk to you about religion.
00:07:21 Well?
00:07:24 Well, what do you think of it?
00:07:26 Are you circumcised?
00:07:29 Get out of here.
00:07:31 Give me my magazine.
00:07:33 No.
00:07:34 Well, what are you bugging me for?
00:07:35 I came over to neck.
00:07:37 Oh, Jesus Christ.
00:07:38 You want a neck?
00:07:39 No, I don't want a neck.
00:07:40 You want one?
00:07:41 No, I don't.
00:07:42 I'll care for it.
00:07:43 Well, what would you like to do?
00:07:44 I'd like to read my magazine.
00:07:48 No.
00:07:49 Why are you being all like that?
00:07:50 I mean, no.
00:07:53 Well, leave me alone and go read yours.
00:07:58 No.
00:07:59 Well, why are you looking so weird?
00:08:04 Hey, Billy.
00:08:05 What?
00:08:06 Get over to your own place and give me my magazine.
00:08:08 Hey, Anthony.
00:08:09 What?
00:08:12 I think you want me to go on the floor.
00:08:13 Go on the floor.
00:08:14 You're a bully.
00:08:16 Come on.
00:08:21 Will you leave me alone?
00:08:28 Billy Edwards, if you don't go.
00:08:34 Billy.
00:08:35 Yes.
00:08:36 Go back--
00:08:37 Yes, Antoinette.
00:08:38 Go back to your place.
00:08:40 And hand me my magazine, OK?
00:08:42 Antoinette.
00:08:43 What?
00:08:44 Stand by.
00:08:48 How'd that grab you?
00:08:49 It didn't.
00:08:51 OK.
00:08:53 Come on.
00:09:01 [LAUGHTER]
00:09:17 [BABY CRYING]
00:09:45 Oh, huh?
00:09:47 Who's this kid?
00:09:50 Who's this kid?
00:09:53 Huh?
00:09:56 Who's that little guy?
00:09:58 [BABY CRYING]
00:10:02 Zonk.
00:10:03 I'm being a baby.
00:10:07 I'm being a baby this morning?
00:10:14 Well, girl, why don't you tell Papa to get up?
00:10:16 Hmm?
00:10:17 Yes, I think you should go tell Papa to get up.
00:10:20 It's 7 o'clock.
00:10:23 It's 7 o'clock?
00:10:24 No, it's 8 o'clock.
00:10:34 [BABY CRYING]
00:10:48 It's 8 o'clock.
00:10:49 Huh?
00:10:50 8 o'clock?
00:10:52 Quarter to.
00:11:03 [SINGING]
00:11:31 Billy, breakfast is ready.
00:11:49 Hey, Billy?
00:11:50 What?
00:11:51 Your breakfast is ready.
00:11:52 I heard you.
00:11:53 What do you mean my breakfast is ready for?
00:11:55 I want you to get started.
00:11:57 Well, fuck it.
00:11:58 I'll come down when I'm ready.
00:12:02 Are you all shaved and everything?
00:12:04 Yep.
00:12:05 Get me egg on, Mommy.
00:12:09 Get me toasted white egg.
00:12:12 OK, you have a little bit of cereal,
00:12:13 and Mom will make you an egg.
00:12:15 I'm going through a period where I'm destroying my feet.
00:12:20 I twist my ankle, I--
00:12:22 I have no corns.
00:12:24 I smash them in the car doors.
00:12:26 I slip on the fucking floor and crush my toe.
00:12:34 Don't do those.
00:12:35 Maybe it means you're having a hard walk for life.
00:12:40 Huh?
00:12:46 Only babies cry.
00:12:49 Only babies cry?
00:12:51 That's not true.
00:12:52 Who told you that?
00:12:55 My Mommy.
00:12:57 Well, she's wrong.
00:13:00 Everybody cries every now and again.
00:13:03 Babies cry more than anybody else,
00:13:05 but everybody cries every now and again.
00:13:12 Poor guy.
00:13:13 You don't have to feel bad if you cry, you know.
00:13:17 It's OK.
00:13:19 I just don't like to see your Mommy
00:13:21 just doesn't like to see you cry
00:13:23 because that means you're unhappy,
00:13:24 and she doesn't like to see you unhappy.
00:13:27 It doesn't mean me, it means Joy.
00:13:29 I don't like it.
00:13:31 No, I don't like Joy.
00:13:34 You don't like Joy?
00:13:36 No.
00:13:37 I don't know why not.
00:13:38 She's terrific.
00:13:39 She's very sweet.
00:13:40 She's a good woman.
00:13:41 She doesn't like me no more.
00:13:43 What?
00:13:44 She doesn't like me no more.
00:13:46 Joy doesn't like you?
00:13:47 No.
00:13:48 Oh, Booger, that's nonsense.
00:13:50 She does like you, Booger,
00:13:52 but she got very worried when you were crying at her house,
00:13:54 and she didn't know why you were crying,
00:13:57 and that's why she said only babies cry.
00:14:00 Yeah.
00:14:02 Yeah, she told me that.
00:14:04 Neem, Joy adores you.
00:14:08 She thinks you're a wonderful kid,
00:14:12 which is only the truth God knows.
00:14:15 [baby cooing]
00:14:18 It's funny, eh, Booger's mustache?
00:14:22 Hmm?
00:14:25 Mommy, give me a egg.
00:14:27 It's all cooking now,
00:14:29 and I'm doing it on hot toast for you.
00:14:32 Can I put it on hot toast?
00:14:35 Yeah, warm toast, warm toast.
00:14:41 ♪ ♪
00:14:49 ♪ ♪
00:14:55 ♪ ♪
00:15:01 ♪ ♪
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00:15:13 ♪ ♪
00:15:19 We were talking about this,
00:15:40 and I said something about,
00:15:45 oh, well, Billy thinks that I really dig weak men,
00:15:48 very weak men.
00:15:50 Why does Billy say that?
00:15:52 I don't know.
00:15:54 I think because it's probably true.
00:15:57 Weak, not physically weak, you mean--
00:16:00 Guys that come off very strong,
00:16:02 that are really intelligent
00:16:04 and have a marvelous quality about them and everything,
00:16:06 but then you find out in the end that they're quite weak,
00:16:09 that you can really do a lot with them, you know?
00:16:11 Yeah.
00:16:12 Which is awful, because as soon as I--
00:16:14 And you still like it.
00:16:15 As soon as I become superior, that's it.
00:16:17 It's finished. It's just finished.
00:16:19 It just makes me sick.
00:16:20 Do you think that's a natural protective instinct on your part?
00:16:23 It might be, because there's only been, like, two guys in my life
00:16:25 that I've ever not felt superior to by the end of the relationship.
00:16:28 Yeah.
00:16:29 And usually quite well into the relationship.
00:16:31 Like, after two or three months--
00:16:33 How does Billy fit into this?
00:16:34 You'd know.
00:16:35 You'd know whether--you know, you get that feeling.
00:16:37 And then once you get it, it just gets sick to my stomach,
00:16:40 and then that's it.
00:16:41 Billy feels--
00:16:45 No, how does--where do you--
00:16:46 You don't consider him a weak man?
00:16:48 No, there's things about him that are very weak.
00:16:50 But it took me a lot longer than two months.
00:16:52 It took me four or five years before I saw them.
00:16:54 But they haven't won out over the strength part.
00:16:58 But, you know, when I married Billy, I just thought he was God.
00:17:01 I thought he had the answer to everything in the world,
00:17:04 that he knew everything,
00:17:06 that he was just--
00:17:08 which is not fair, because nobody's like that.
00:17:12 I mean, it was stupid on my part.
00:17:14 Nobody can--nobody knows that much,
00:17:17 and nobody has that many right answers for themselves or for anybody else,
00:17:21 and it wasn't fair to Billy.
00:17:23 And he just played it to the hilt.
00:17:26 I mean, he took advantage of the fact that I was like that
00:17:29 and treated me very much like this business of making me into a princess.
00:17:34 When I married him, he didn't--he hadn't told me he loved me when he married me.
00:17:38 He had never said, "I love you," and I married him.
00:17:41 And we had a strong sexual problem then.
00:17:44 The only reason that I did it was I was just--
00:17:46 Before you were married?
00:17:47 Before we were married.
00:17:48 I thought you were--
00:17:49 No, sir.
00:17:50 I thought it only started out.
00:17:52 Or that you were aware that there might be a problem.
00:17:54 We only had a good sexual relationship the first six months that we knew each other.
00:17:58 But you didn't know him much longer than that when you married him, did you?
00:18:01 I knew him almost two years.
00:18:03 I lived with him for a year before we got married.
00:18:05 And as soon as he became serious about me--
00:18:07 I had dropped all of the boyfriends.
00:18:09 I was always available with him.
00:18:10 We went out every weekend, and then it was staying over one night, two nights,
00:18:15 three days, four days, like that.
00:18:17 And then by the time that I moved in with him,
00:18:19 we knew that we had a serious problem--
00:18:22 that he wasn't digging me.
00:18:24 I did all those things from losing weight and buying nightdresses
00:18:28 and flirting with other guys, all those things.
00:18:30 Nothing, nothing helped.
00:18:32 And then finally, instead of feeling shitty about myself,
00:18:34 I felt as shitty about myself as I could possibly feel about two years ago.
00:18:41 How does the other person feel if he sees you flirting with someone else now?
00:18:44 Do you think it's lovely that they can enjoy you?
00:18:46 He gets a little jealous, I think, you know, because--
00:18:50 This is the beginning of this brand-new situation.
00:18:53 Because over in Maine, you know, I met this guy that was really great.
00:18:59 And we had a very strong--it was a very strong sexual attraction.
00:19:03 Okay, giant, you're going to carry it.
00:19:06 Ah! He got me.
00:19:08 Ah!
00:19:10 Murder horse!
00:19:11 Ah, he got me.
00:19:12 [growling]
00:19:17 Murder horse!
00:19:18 [growling]
00:19:20 Murder horse!
00:19:23 Old Thunder is dead.
00:19:27 Oh, poor old Thunder.
00:19:30 Dude, I got poor.
00:19:31 Wait a minute.
00:19:32 I'm going to ride your horse.
00:19:33 Old Thunder is dead.
00:19:35 I'm going to ride your horse.
00:19:37 Too late.
00:19:39 Too late, son. You'll have to find another horse.
00:19:42 Old Thunder is dead.
00:19:43 [blows raspberry]
00:19:46 I'm going to ride your horse, son.
00:19:48 Old Thunder, please sign this letter.
00:19:51 Horsey!
00:19:52 Horsey!
00:19:53 I'm going to ride you!
00:19:56 I'm sorry. I'm signing my blue cross, kid.
00:20:01 What is this I'm signing?
00:20:03 We got you Volvo.
00:20:05 I hereby turn over power of attorney with all my money to my wife, Antoinette.
00:20:12 Yes, it's free.
00:20:14 Here you go.
00:20:16 Keep it carbon?
00:20:17 Yeah.
00:20:18 It's supposed to initial that, you know.
00:20:22 No, I don't think we should get a gas stove until we remodel a kitchen,
00:20:26 because the kind of stove I want is like a--
00:20:29 Until we remodel what?
00:20:30 Until we remodel a kitchen.
00:20:33 I want a gas stove that's like built into the wall of an oven that we can cook a whole lamb in, for example.
00:20:40 Oh, for Jesus' sake, Antoinette.
00:20:44 Cook a whole lamb in.
00:20:47 What?
00:20:48 You know, you're going to make it so impossible.
00:20:50 Your dreams of glory about this kitchen, you're going to make it so impossible,
00:20:55 it's going to be 2069 before we can afford to do it.
00:21:01 It won't.
00:21:02 Make a few mosaic type of things and tiles all around and those Moorish arches
00:21:07 and a brick oven in the side.
00:21:09 Where do you think it's all going to go?
00:21:12 You've got a goddamn rabbit hutch in here,
00:21:14 and you've got to talk about Moorish arches and expanses and, you know, coal--
00:21:19 You can build out the back.
00:21:20 You can build out the back.
00:21:21 Besides, you can pull this wall in.
00:21:24 You can pull this wall into that window frame right there.
00:21:27 Pull what wall into what window frame?
00:21:28 Pull this wall right out and build this wall in.
00:21:30 And then take it out and take that bathroom out and take it right out past the steps.
00:21:35 Sure, right out the back of the garden.
00:21:36 There's an endless vista there.
00:21:38 We could just run down a whole series of different kinds of stoves,
00:21:41 one for a whole lamb, one for a leg of lamb, one for a lamb's head, little tiny one like that.
00:21:46 Well, I'm not going to buy some stupid gas stove to go in that kitchen.
00:21:50 What, you want a color-coordinated one?
00:21:53 No, I want one that goes in the wall.
00:21:55 Yeah, who'd want a color-coordinated one?
00:21:56 One that's built right on the shelf.
00:21:58 You want one of those goddamn faggot-approved doors?
00:22:00 No, I don't want anything like the--in the magazine thing.
00:22:04 Living for young homemakers?
00:22:06 No, I'd like the ceiling sort of arched like a shelf, you know.
00:22:09 Sure, why not?
00:22:10 We'll arch the ceiling.
00:22:11 I'll tell you, we have any trouble arching the ceiling,
00:22:12 getting a nice, graceful Moorish arch in there,
00:22:14 we'll just punch a hole in the floor up above, right through Bogart's room.
00:22:19 Is Bogart's room on the kitchen?
00:22:20 Yeah.
00:22:21 I didn't know that.
00:22:22 I think we should change from gas to electricity.
00:22:24 Why?
00:22:25 Gas is dangerous. It might blow up.
00:22:27 I didn't know Bogart slept up over there.
00:22:29 I'm not going to never expect it might blow up.
00:22:32 Once you get better cooking from it.
00:22:36 Well--
00:22:37 We all have to take a little risk in this life.
00:22:43 [Humming "The Seven"]
00:22:50 Know what one that is?
00:22:51 No.
00:22:52 That's "The Seven."
00:22:53 Oh, that's the one I want.
00:22:55 I want "Seven."
00:22:57 And I want, of all these, four seasons.
00:23:00 Well, I think you should have every one of them.
00:23:02 The DePaul Infantry Chorus.
00:23:06 Singing what?
00:23:08 They sing things like the Lubav choir.
00:23:12 Why don't you just get the Lubav choir?
00:23:15 You'll get all the original material.
00:23:17 No, I don't want either one.
00:23:18 I want some Wanda Landowski.
00:23:21 Yeah.
00:23:22 And you've got to have that mad Russian.
00:23:26 Which one?
00:23:27 "Rachmaninoff."
00:23:28 "Rachmaninoff," uh-huh.
00:23:31 You want to get Alice's restaurant?
00:23:33 Not particularly.
00:23:34 I do.
00:23:35 Well, you get it with your hat.
00:23:38 Do you like country, Joe Fish, and all that?
00:23:40 Jimi Hendrix?
00:23:42 No.
00:23:44 I'll tell you what I do want.
00:23:47 I want some Frank Sinatra.
00:23:53 I very much want some Frank Sinatra,
00:23:55 and Ella Fitzgerald can piss up a rope.
00:23:58 I couldn't care less if I ever heard her.
00:24:00 I'd send her a wire.
00:24:05 You know, go piss up a rope, fine, that's what I'm asking.
00:24:09 I'll tell you one thing I would like, though.
00:24:11 Someone who's learning French records.
00:24:14 Oh, no.
00:24:15 I'm sorry.
00:24:16 No, sir.
00:24:17 No, that is tops on my list of a big waste of money.
00:24:21 Because I know you, and Cookie,
00:24:23 you're not going to get any of them learning French records in.
00:24:28 Because I know what'll happen.
00:24:30 Maybe I should get--
00:24:31 Your vocabulary would not increase as much
00:24:33 as the thickness of the dust that would fall
00:24:35 on the covers of those albums.
00:24:37 [laughter]
00:24:40 I'll tell you what I would like.
00:24:43 Spanish.
00:24:44 You know Spanish?
00:24:45 Oh, yeah, I'll let that be.
00:24:47 Oh, you want learning Spanish, then?
00:24:48 Yeah, because--
00:24:49 No!
00:24:50 No, N-O.
00:24:51 Listen, I'll tell you what--
00:24:52 Just let me tell you why.
00:24:54 Because then I could brush--
00:24:55 Tell me why, I'm not going to do me any good.
00:24:56 Okay, I'll brush--
00:24:57 It'll help me brush up on my Spanish,
00:24:58 and then when I do my job at the hospital,
00:25:00 my volunteer job in the psychiatric ward of the hospital--
00:25:03 Oh, somebody.
00:25:04 I'll be able to help the Spaniards that crack up
00:25:07 when they come in touch with--
00:25:08 The whole world is shaping up before my eyes.
00:25:11 All structured on this pile of records
00:25:14 that you're going to sit with those plugs in your ears like this.
00:25:16 Yeah.
00:25:17 Your eyes cross, like, "Di, arriba."
00:25:19 "Cuidado, cuidado."
00:25:21 Yeah, and I'll learn--
00:25:23 You'll help me remember--
00:25:24 Forget it, forget it.
00:25:25 Honey, that's not your style.
00:25:26 That's the area I can go in down the hospital.
00:25:28 That is not the area that you can go in down the hospital.
00:25:31 Down the hospital, you can go in the area for bed pads,
00:25:33 but you're not going into that,
00:25:34 because I'm telling you, you're not going to buy the records
00:25:36 because you won't use them.
00:25:39 I know you won't use them.
00:25:40 The winters are very long.
00:25:41 The winters are indeed long,
00:25:43 but there are better things to do with them
00:25:44 than allow dust to gather on them,
00:25:46 even over in the corner with a new vacuum cleaner.
00:25:49 Say, how's that working?
00:25:51 I called Simpsons,
00:25:52 and I think they're going to replace the hose.
00:25:55 Now, what are we going to--
00:25:56 Did you use it yet?
00:25:57 Yes, I did this whole house with a vacuum cleaner,
00:25:58 upstairs and down, the same thing with the stairs.
00:26:01 I did it with the various attachments and everything.
00:26:03 Did you like it?
00:26:04 I tend to do it twice a week.
00:26:05 Did you like it?
00:26:06 Yes, I did, as much as anybody can like a vacuum cleaner.
00:26:09 [Humming]
00:26:25 Yes, you know what one I mean.
00:26:28 Now, what cut do you--
00:26:29 Right at the end of band four.
00:26:31 [Band playing]
00:26:36 One, two, three, four.
00:26:38 [Band playing]
00:26:54 [Band playing]
00:27:23 [Band playing]
00:27:50 I got it in band two, four.
00:27:53 I got it in two, four more.
00:27:57 You shouldn't do that.
00:27:58 Well, something's wrong.
00:27:59 One, two, three.
00:28:00 It's not faulty.
00:28:01 It's not--we don't understand it right yet.
00:28:04 I guess I've seen that with other record players,
00:28:06 and it's something to do with--
00:28:08 Put that thing down over there to the left that holds the records.
00:28:12 What, this?
00:28:13 That thing.
00:28:14 Yeah.
00:28:15 Maybe will that do anything?
00:28:16 No.
00:28:17 This is now the last record, right?
00:28:19 Right.
00:28:20 There's no other ones on top of it.
00:28:22 No.
00:28:23 So if I put this on, this goes to the end here.
00:28:27 Yeah.
00:28:28 It should swing over and cut off.
00:28:29 Three.
00:28:31 One, two.
00:28:33 And it doesn't, you see.
00:28:34 [Band playing]
00:28:36 Why is that?
00:28:37 Because it's the bottom record.
00:28:39 All bottom records always start in the middle?
00:28:41 [Band playing]
00:29:10 The English Army had just won the war
00:29:15 A crowd of people turned away
00:29:22 But I just had to look
00:29:26 Having read the board
00:29:31 I'd love to turn you on
00:29:38 [Band playing]
00:29:47 [Band playing]
00:30:16 I'm as transparent as rhinestone.
00:30:22 I just want a few things in life.
00:30:24 What's that?
00:30:26 Success.
00:30:29 Yeah, what else?
00:30:30 Money.
00:30:31 What else?
00:30:32 Fame.
00:30:33 What else?
00:30:34 Fame is what I want more than anything else.
00:30:35 Fame.
00:30:37 Not me.
00:30:38 You're such a liar.
00:30:40 You're such a liar.
00:30:42 You think I want fame more than anything else in the world?
00:30:44 Yeah, well, you want a certain kind of fame.
00:30:47 You want a fame that when you walk down the street,
00:30:49 everybody looks at you and says, "There she goes."
00:30:53 There she goes what?
00:30:55 There she goes.
00:30:56 Be elegant, Mrs. Edwards.
00:30:58 No.
00:30:59 See her.
00:31:00 Her feet don't touch the ground.
00:31:05 Her dainty feet don't touch the ground.
00:31:07 I don't want them to say that.
00:31:09 Sure you do.
00:31:10 I don't.
00:31:11 I want us to all say, "I love her.
00:31:14 I adore her.
00:31:15 I can never have her because her feet barely touch the ground."
00:31:19 No, I want men and women alike to say, "Well, I just love her."
00:31:26 And then I'd like them to say, "Why couldn't I be like that?"
00:31:31 That's the way I want me.
00:31:34 And then guys would really crave me.
00:31:37 And you'd brush them off.
00:31:39 I don't want to brush them off.
00:31:40 I just like them to crave me.
00:31:43 But you don't want them to do anything.
00:31:45 You don't want to do anything with them.
00:31:46 Who says?
00:31:47 Because that's what you've always said.
00:31:49 Get out of here.
00:31:53 Get me out of my way.
00:32:06 Heya!
00:32:11 You're breaking me, Rinkus.
00:32:14 I don't know what you intend to do now.
00:32:16 Hey, Billy.
00:32:17 You're changing classes.
00:32:18 You're also changing beds.
00:32:20 No, I want to sleep in my own bed tonight.
00:32:23 I want to sleep in my own bed.
00:32:25 Get in there.
00:32:26 Hey, now, Billy, we had a very nice evening,
00:32:28 and I just want to sleep in my own bed.
00:32:38 Come on.
00:32:44 Come on.
00:32:48 Well, now you make me feel stupid.
00:32:50 Come on.
00:32:51 You could come on like that.
00:32:53 I'm trying to get you into bed.
00:32:55 That's what I'm trying to do.
00:32:56 I don't care what method I use as long as it works.
00:33:01 This is no sexual thing, you know.
00:33:03 I just would like to be in my own bed.
00:33:09 I know.
00:33:10 Okay, well, I don't want you to get it twisted.
00:33:14 I'm not getting it twisted.
00:33:19 Why don't you let me in my own bed once in a while?
00:33:23 You used to let me in there all the time.
00:33:25 You used to let me stay there for a week.
00:33:27 Yeah, but I'm not going to do that anymore.
00:33:28 That's bullshit.
00:33:29 What do you mean, bullshit?
00:33:30 It's bullshit, for Christ's sake.
00:33:31 We're married.
00:33:33 I don't see that that has anything to do with anything.
00:33:34 It has an awful lot to do with it.
00:33:36 You go one way or the other.
00:33:39 If you want to spend your time in another bedroom,
00:33:43 then you should go someplace else and do it.
00:33:45 When I first knew you, you said to me,
00:33:47 "That's the answer right there.
00:33:48 You've got to have separate bedrooms."
00:33:50 Well, listen, when you first knew me,
00:33:52 I was 34 years old and unhinged.
00:33:58 Well, I'm only 30, and I'm not unhinged.
00:34:01 Well, you've got a long way to go.
00:34:21 Right, left, right, left, around,
00:34:27 two, three, step to the front,
00:34:31 and please cut your pretty end.
00:34:34 Is he there, please?
00:34:35 Yes, this one.
00:34:37 Listen, you make me go home and rewrite all my bloody ads,
00:34:40 and then when I've done exactly what you've told me to do,
00:34:43 then I can't get you.
00:34:45 I know you've been very busy today.
00:34:47 I've been chasing you all day.
00:34:49 All right, listen, I've got a piece of copy here.
00:34:51 Okay, this is on Milt Donell.
00:34:53 I'll read it to you.
00:34:55 The headline says, "In Russian, he shoots, he scores," right?
00:34:58 So the copy reads, "That's 'He Shoots, He Scores' in Russian,
00:35:03 and that's Milt Donell, our sports editor, under the cap.
00:35:06 Milt knows hockey in every country where they've got ice.
00:35:10 He knows how and hull and oar.
00:35:14 But he also knows Jesse Owens, Barbara Ann Scott, Jack--
00:35:18 Will you stop laughing till I'm finished?
00:35:20 But he also knows Jesse Owens, Barbara Ann Scott,
00:35:23 Jack Kramer, Muhammad Ali, and Nancy Green.
00:35:27 He knows the handlers and the exercise boys,
00:35:30 the coaches and the doctors,
00:35:32 the trainers, the touts, the toadies.
00:35:36 But knowing them means a great deal more than just watching them.
00:35:39 Anyone can watch.
00:35:41 It means getting them to open up to him after the action.
00:35:45 It's called absolute trust, and he gets it.
00:35:49 How does he do it?
00:35:51 That's his little workaday secret.
00:35:53 How well does he do it?
00:35:55 Sports fan, that's your little daily treat."
00:35:58 That's, uh...
00:36:04 That's my fifth rewrite, I'll have you know.
00:36:07 Yeah, sure I am. Why, don't you like it?
00:36:13 I like it.
00:36:15 Hey, Neem.
00:36:25 Here, put that over here.
00:36:28 Come on.
00:36:30 No, just put that there. You can play with that if you want.
00:36:38 Play with that.
00:36:40 Cock-a-doodle-doo!
00:36:43 Well, what happened with the car?
00:36:47 Why didn't you manage to get to the place? What happened?
00:36:49 Well, I didn't leave Stimson's office until 20 minutes before.
00:36:53 And then I went and looked at a grand piano up on Longstreet.
00:36:55 Well, what about this morning?
00:36:58 Christ, I didn't have any time this morning before I left.
00:37:02 Shirley came at 1.30.
00:37:08 Alan left here at quarter to eleven.
00:37:11 After I looked at the grand piano, I went to the Greek store to buy some stuff,
00:37:33 and then I went to the Italian store to buy some stuff.
00:37:35 Where was the grand piano?
00:37:37 Lawnsdale.
00:37:39 It's not very far away.
00:37:42 Up by Upper Cannon College.
00:37:45 Why were you looking at a grand piano for?
00:37:49 To see about buying it.
00:37:51 No.
00:37:53 Well, the thing, you know, that really pisses me off is one of the things you hit me with this morning,
00:37:59 that the reason I shouldn't have the car, is that you had to go and pick up the meat for Merton.
00:38:04 What the fuck do you do without a look at a grand piano?
00:38:08 What are you laughing at?
00:38:13 Because it's like a joke.
00:38:15 It's not a joke.
00:38:16 I said it's like in a joke.
00:38:18 It's not even like in a joke, and it's not funny.
00:38:20 Come on.
00:38:22 Dad!
00:38:26 Dad, dad, dad, mama!
00:38:29 I don't give a damn. It's funny. It's like a thing.
00:38:31 Well, I fucking don't give a damn.
00:38:33 It's a kind of thing you say all the time.
00:38:35 I was carrying a case of soft drinks. What do you think I'm doing up here looking at a grand piano?
00:38:39 All right, the comedy hour is over. Let's get back on it.
00:38:42 What the hell were you doing?
00:38:43 This morning you said, "I've got to have the car, I've got to have the car.
00:38:46 I've got all these things that I have to do," which I assumed you had to do with the car.
00:38:49 I did.
00:38:50 You didn't. You went to go and look at a fucking grand piano.
00:38:53 And the one thing that you said you were going to do was get the meat for the dog, which you didn't even do,
00:38:57 because you're too fucking busy going and looking at a piano.
00:39:01 It was rush hour by then, and I wasn't going to go downtown.
00:39:04 Why didn't you go first?
00:39:06 What, before 1.30?
00:39:08 Of course. Why not?
00:39:09 I didn't have time.
00:39:11 Why didn't you have time? You were burning your hamburger.
00:39:13 I was doing stuff here in the house until then.
00:39:15 There were two or three phone calls, and I had stuff to do in the house.
00:39:19 Yeah? When did you look at the piano?
00:39:21 What time was that?
00:39:24 Firefly?
00:39:25 Horse in farm.
00:39:29 Well, that must be this one.
00:39:31 That one?
00:39:34 Yeah.
00:39:36 I got to get up.
00:39:37 Well, you can sit up, and I'll bring your horse in from the other room.
00:39:41 Well, are you ready to talk now?
00:39:46 About what?
00:39:48 Well, about the car. I think we should get that thing settled.
00:39:51 All right.
00:39:55 Come push me.
00:39:56 It seems to me that the dog is a dog, and he has to be fed.
00:40:12 He's supposed to eat every night.
00:40:14 I know.
00:40:15 If we don't get him the food, he doesn't eat.
00:40:17 He has five steaks a week.
00:40:21 Well, then get him something else. He doesn't have to eat steak all the time.
00:40:24 I don't give a damn what you get him.
00:40:26 But the other thing is, regardless of the dog,
00:40:28 if you know damn well, if we don't get the steaks at that place on Tuesday or Wednesday, that they run out.
00:40:35 Well, I don't have anything to say about it, except I didn't get the time to go down there, and that's all there was to it.
00:40:47 Well, okay. Let's get into the car thing.
00:40:50 Okay. Into the car thing.
00:40:52 I thought we had solved that car thing, and we have not solved it at all.
00:40:55 That car thing has never been solved.
00:40:57 Let me be perfectly clear.
00:40:59 The purpose of that car is a convenience.
00:41:04 It's to get me to work.
00:41:06 If you want to drive me down to work, I think that's terrific.
00:41:09 If you don't want to do it, well, then that's too bad.
00:41:11 I'm going to take the car.
00:41:13 So it's always in your favor.
00:41:16 No, it's not always in my favor.
00:41:18 If it's not convenient for me to drive you to work, which it never is, it's always an inconvenience, and you know that, but you refuse to accept it.
00:41:28 If I have to drive you to work, okay, if there's something that comes dead-clash into it so that it is impossible for me to drive you to work, then you'll take the car.
00:41:37 Well, it seems to me that's all your way.
00:41:40 No, it isn't all my way, because what I'm trying to figure out is the way.
00:41:46 All I want is to get down to work.
00:41:48 Bring him to work.
00:41:49 All right, let's...
00:41:50 Exactly at the time you want to be there.
00:41:52 Exactly.
00:41:53 Now, you hit the fucking thing right on the head.
00:41:56 When I want to be there, I'm the one that goes to work.
00:41:59 I'm the one that goes down there and draws the money that pays for this goddamn place and everything in it.
00:42:04 And sometimes I don't like to go to work, and sometimes I choose to be late, and if I choose to be late, that's my choice, not yours.
00:42:14 You're always late.
00:42:16 So what?
00:42:17 Sometimes when I choose, you are always late.
00:42:20 So what? What business is that of yours?
00:42:22 You got fired from DeGarmo. You got fired from...
00:42:26 I didn't get fired from DeGarmo for being late. I quit DeGarmo.
00:42:31 You got fired from Ben Sackheim.
00:42:33 I didn't get fired from Ben Sackheim for being late.
00:42:36 You were always late. You told me that's why you were fired.
00:42:41 No, not from Ben Sackheim.
00:42:43 The next place up there, I don't know what it was called, that one...
00:42:45 Oh, Don...
00:42:46 Don Jeller or somebody, I don't know who the fuck he was.
00:42:49 You were late there all the time, you got fired.
00:42:51 I think my inability to get late had something to do with it.
00:42:53 I also think the fact that they lost the biggest account they had had something to do with it.
00:42:57 But so what?
00:42:59 You see, the thing is, you're mixing the two things together.
00:43:02 You're taking on a...
00:43:06 I don't want you to get fired.
00:43:07 Let me tell you what you're doing.
00:43:08 It's also very important, I don't like you just treating me like I'm the fucking show runner.
00:43:11 All right, then don't do it. Don't do it.
00:43:13 Don't do it means I don't have the car.
00:43:15 And then I have to take Bogart, a 25 minute walk over to the babysitter.
00:43:19 Okay, you've got a very clear cut choice then.
00:43:21 What is the trouble that once in a while you can't take the fucking subway down there?
00:43:26 You know why? Because I don't choose to.
00:43:29 Well, then take a cab.
00:43:31 Today you could have taken a cab and today you went bullshit when I wouldn't sit in the car and wait for you for 20 minutes while you went to that school.
00:43:40 It wasn't that.
00:43:41 Yeah, it means that you are putting me down all the time, that you expect me to be your beck and call.
00:43:46 Your attitude is you don't give a fuck if it screws me up or it doesn't screw me up.
00:43:51 You don't care as long as I cart you down there.
00:43:54 All right, you want to put it that way, that's fine with me.
00:43:56 That's what it is and that's what it's all about.
00:43:58 No, it isn't.
00:43:59 And I'm not going to... I've told you three times, I've told you a hundred times what it is.
00:44:03 And you choose to see it as a put down for you.
00:44:05 If you want to do that, that's fine.
00:44:09 But I don't want your goddamn emotions spilling all over me in the morning.
00:44:13 It's tough enough...
00:44:16 You just want to take your orders, that's what you want.
00:44:17 It's got nothing to do with orders.
00:44:18 If you don't want to take them, don't do it.
00:44:20 It all comes out your way.
00:44:22 Because the whole thing starts from me.
00:44:24 Every goddamn thing, every material thing that you have in this world and every goddamn thing that that vacuumatic little body of yours wants is done through me.
00:44:34 You have the power over everything.
00:44:36 It's got nothing to do with power.
00:44:37 It has nothing to do with power.
00:44:39 But if you choose to put it on a power level, I'll put it on a power level.
00:44:42 You're saying right now.
00:44:44 It all stands for me.
00:44:46 It all comes from me.
00:44:47 You're goddamn right it does.
00:44:49 And it's because I go down there to work, late or not, I go down there to work and I make the money that does the things in this house.
00:44:58 And therefore I should be under your beck and call regardless of the inconvenience to me?
00:45:01 If you choose to put it that way, that's fine.
00:45:03 That's what it is, Billy.
00:45:05 When I say to you, "Well, you get out of the fucking bed for the fourth time in the morning.
00:45:09 I've got to be somewhere at nine o'clock.
00:45:11 We've got to leave this place at eight thirty."
00:45:14 And I call you at seven thirty and twenty of eight and quarter of eight and eight o'clock and you're still not up.
00:45:19 And then I go, "Bullshit."
00:45:21 You jump on me because I go, "Bullshit."
00:45:23 We get to the place.
00:45:24 I have to take you down there and I'm late for wherever I'm supposed to be.
00:45:28 And I'm just supposed to take it.
00:45:31 Why?
00:45:33 Because you pay for it?
00:45:35 Yeah.
00:45:36 Well, piss on that.
00:45:38 Well, then you don't get the car.
00:45:40 Don't tell me you're not lording it over me then that you go to work and I'm like your servant under the thing.
00:45:45 I'll make it even simpler to you.
00:45:47 I don't care.
00:45:48 You seem to think that because you do this, you're some kind of a servant.
00:45:51 The reason that you're doing it.
00:45:52 You treat me like a servant.
00:45:53 You do it.
00:45:54 No, I don't treat.
00:45:55 You seem to think that the reason I'm late in the morning, the reason I delay, is because it has something to do with you.
00:46:00 It has nothing to do with you.
00:46:02 That's the whole point.
00:46:03 It has nothing to do with me.
00:46:05 You do it as you want to, whether it's inconvenient, convenient.
00:46:08 You couldn't care less about it.
00:46:10 You do it in your own time and your own way according to your own feeling.
00:46:15 You don't want to drive me to work.
00:46:17 That's what the whole thing springs from.
00:46:19 It doesn't spring necessarily from my being late or anything.
00:46:22 You know how many times, of all the inconvenience you have always caused me?
00:46:26 When Bogart was two months old and we lived in Willowdale and I had to bundle him up and drive you to work?
00:46:33 You never said thank you once in your whole damn life.
00:46:37 Yeah, sure.
00:46:38 And when we thought about this before, I said to you, "If you would only show some appreciation for the extra effort I make."
00:46:45 And you said, "No, I deserve it. I expect it. That's the way it is."
00:46:49 Well, don't tell me that's not talking to me as if I'm some kind of a stupid, dumb servant.
00:46:53 Well, because you choose to treat yourself as a servant.
00:46:55 Well, what do you think it's treating me like?
00:46:57 You choose to treat yourself as a servant.
00:46:59 What do you think it's treating me like?
00:47:00 I don't consider treating you as a servant anymore.
00:47:02 Well, you just deserve it. You need it and want it.
00:47:06 Then I'm your servant.
00:47:08 No, I'm the one that puts myself out for you.
00:47:11 I go down to work every day and I make money.
00:47:15 And I make money to put money and food and clothes and grand pianos and all the other shit that you want.
00:47:21 And to put my kid through school. And to feed the dog.
00:47:25 And every other goddamn thing that's hanging on my back and is hanging on every other husband's back.
00:47:29 I'm your servant, kid.
00:47:32 And what bugs me is that you are involving yourself in making presumptuous judgments about whether I should be to work on time in the morning.
00:47:39 And don't give me that shit about you're worried about me losing my job.
00:47:44 You always lose your job.
00:47:46 I have not lost a job for being late for five years, for Christ's sake.
00:47:50 Because you didn't work three of them.
00:47:52 And you've only had one of the jobs since that much of your life.
00:47:54 No, it's more than that. It's six years.
00:47:57 And four of those years I have worked.
00:48:00 I have worked now in advertising back here in Toronto for four years.
00:48:04 Well, we've only lived here two and a half so you've done bloody fucking well, haven't you?
00:48:08 Bogart's only three in November.
00:48:11 So how could you work in Toronto for four years?
00:48:14 Well, my mathematics isn't very good.
00:48:16 But ever since I've come back to Toronto, I've been in two agencies.
00:48:23 I'm doing very well, for Christ's sake.
00:48:25 What are you talking about?
00:48:27 Worry if I'm going to get fired because I'm late.
00:48:30 Well, all I'm telling you is if you want to do your part to ensure that I keep that job,
00:48:35 is to get me down to work in the morning.
00:48:37 That's the only thing I want.
00:48:40 Do you think there's any truth in that?
00:48:42 No.
00:48:43 Well, what do you think it is?
00:48:46 Hello?
00:48:56 Huh.
00:48:59 No.
00:49:01 Oh, I forgot all about that.
00:49:09 Yeah. Okay.
00:49:13 All right.
00:49:16 Fine.
00:49:18 Goodbye.
00:49:20 [footsteps]
00:49:45 Who's that that puts such a strange tone in your voice?
00:49:49 Who says it like that?
00:49:51 I've never heard you talk like that.
00:49:54 Who was that?
00:50:01 You get pissed off when I say that to you.
00:50:05 I'm not telling you not to get pissed off.
00:50:08 Never mind.
00:50:10 [footsteps]
00:50:31 Well, I'm going to take a shot in the dark.
00:50:34 Mm-hmm.
00:50:38 Well, you were talking on that phone in a very strange tone.
00:50:43 The kind of tone you usually have when you're embarrassed.
00:50:49 So I suspected some guy.
00:51:02 Well, it's perfectly all right for some guy to call you, but why are you so embarrassed?
00:51:08 Am I right?
00:51:14 I don't know.
00:51:17 [sips]
00:51:33 Hey, you be careful, all right?
00:51:35 [laughs]
00:51:37 Well?
00:51:44 [sighs]
00:51:46 The car thing is clear.
00:51:53 Yeah.
00:51:55 Okay.
00:51:57 [rain falling]
00:52:26 [train passing]
00:52:41 [footsteps]
00:53:01 [screams]
00:53:03 [door opens]
00:53:06 [door closes]
00:53:09 I'll give you a thing like that, and you just start, okay?
00:53:19 Heinz Spaghetti got neat tomato sauce.
00:53:22 Not neat.
00:53:24 No, the flavor of Heinz Spaghetti's sauce would be described as mouthwatering.
00:53:28 It's neat.
00:53:30 A poem to one's taste buds.
00:53:32 How crass.
00:53:33 The words are delicious, tempting, enriching.
00:53:36 They're the proper words.
00:53:37 Neat, neat, neat.
00:53:40 Boys, boys, anyway, all children love the tomato flavor of Heinz Spaghetti, right, lads?
00:53:46 You keep out of this.
00:53:49 [laughs]
00:53:51 How I spent my summer vacation.
00:53:53 One of the interesting things is looking at them and seeing which ones are good and which are bad.
00:53:57 And I think I have a good picture of your mother.
00:54:01 Such a horror of looking like I can't stand it.
00:54:05 You think you'll look like her?
00:54:07 Well, I have some of her mannerisms once in a while.
00:54:10 Bugs me.
00:54:11 That's true.
00:54:12 Well, we're going to get rid of those.
00:54:14 No, we'll just wipe this right out of here.
00:54:15 The new regime.
00:54:17 Taking over, I hear?
00:54:19 [growls]
00:54:20 Hmm?
00:54:21 You know, there's going to be a new thing coming in.
00:54:23 What new thing?
00:54:25 A new program.
00:54:26 What's that?
00:54:27 I don't know. I haven't worked it out yet, but it's coming in.
00:54:29 Yeah, well, it's not going to be with me.
00:54:31 Oh, yes, it is.
00:54:32 Hell, it is.
00:54:34 What kind of thing?
00:54:35 You're about 80% of it.
00:54:37 There's going to be a whole new program of discipline, and sensitivity, and warmth, understanding, cleanliness.
00:54:46 Cleanliness how?
00:54:47 Friendship.
00:54:48 Cleanliness how?
00:54:49 Who does the wash?
00:54:51 Emotional cleanliness.
00:54:52 It's got nothing to do with your body.
00:54:53 I don't care what your body is like.
00:54:55 Emotional cleanliness.
00:54:56 What does that mean?
00:54:57 Spiritual luxe we're going to sprinkle around.
00:55:02 Come on, you can just go to hell, because I'm over that turning you into a princess business.
00:55:06 I know. I'm not going to turn you into a princess.
00:55:08 Well, then you're starting a whole new regime.
00:55:10 Listen, I worked hard enough at turning you into a princess, and look what I got.
00:55:14 So I'm not interested in turning you into a princess.
00:55:16 I'm interested in shaping and bringing out not you, not me.
00:55:21 What?
00:55:22 But us.
00:55:24 Well, you're full of shit.
00:55:25 I'm not.
00:55:27 I'm quite serious.
00:55:28 And you think you can do it, eh?
00:55:30 Yes.
00:55:31 Well, you're not doing it with me.
00:55:33 You want to bet?
00:55:34 No, I'm not betting on it. I'm just telling you, you're not doing it with me.
00:55:38 Why are you so defensive?
00:55:39 Because I hate that business.
00:55:40 What?
00:55:41 Of you melting me, molding me, shaping me into a thing.
00:55:43 I'm not going to melt you and mold you. I'm not interested in that. I just told you that.
00:55:48 There's going to be a whole new program.
00:55:49 I'm just doing it. We're going to do something.
00:55:51 No, no, no. I'm not going to go like this.
00:55:52 Why?
00:55:53 I'm not going to do that to you.
00:55:54 I'm going to put out a kind of spiritual radar that's going to permeate the whole house.
00:56:02 Oh, God.
00:56:03 And you'll be changing in spite of yourself.
00:56:05 Mm-hmm.
00:56:06 Something's burning.
00:56:15 Your brains.
00:56:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:56:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:56:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:57:00 [BEEPING]
00:57:03 [BEEPING]
00:57:06 Oh.
00:57:27 [BEEPING]
00:57:30 Let's get him in here.
00:57:45 Good morning, Bo Guy.
00:57:49 Good morning.
00:57:50 Good morning.
00:57:51 Good morning, Mama.
00:57:55 Good morning, Bo Guy.
00:57:57 Good morning, Papa.
00:58:00 Put him in here.
00:58:01 I'll come in, baby.
00:58:04 Before I melt.
00:58:05 Oh, Vernon.
00:58:17 He's squashing my feet.
00:58:19 I have everything.
00:58:20 Hi.
00:58:22 Hi.
00:58:23 Are we going to sleep down here all night long?
00:58:32 Or up in our bed?
00:58:33 Up in our bed.
00:58:35 Is that it?
00:58:36 I don't care.
00:58:37 We can sleep upstairs.
00:58:38 You know what?
00:58:39 Let's do that.
00:58:40 There was some reason for sleeping out here.
00:58:43 What, last night?
00:58:44 Oh, no.
00:58:45 It was all made up.
00:58:46 Well, no, it wasn't.
00:58:48 That was-- the reason for putting it here was because--
00:58:53 Fireplace.
00:58:54 Fireplace and the romanticism of going to sleep with a fire.
00:58:59 We could do with a little of that.
00:59:01 What, romanticism or fire?
00:59:03 Romanticism.
00:59:06 Hey, honey.
00:59:07 Yeah?
00:59:08 You're pulling the blankets off.
00:59:09 I'm not.
00:59:10 Merton is.
00:59:11 Merton isn't moving.
00:59:12 Well, he's got them pinned.
00:59:15 Come here.
00:59:18 How's your back feel?
00:59:20 Oh, it's much better.
00:59:21 Come here.
00:59:22 Come here.
00:59:25 You think you'll be able to swim?
00:59:27 Sure.
00:59:28 Yeah?
00:59:31 That's good.
00:59:32 [water splashing]
00:59:38 [child shouting]
00:59:40 Don't you want to come in the water?
00:59:42 Papa.
00:59:44 Don't you want to come in the water?
00:59:46 Polka?
00:59:47 Don't you want to come in the water?
00:59:51 Papa's not going far.
00:59:53 [coughing]
00:59:56 Don't be scared.
00:59:58 It's cool.
00:59:59 Now, here comes the fun.
01:00:05 There's only one way to do this.
01:00:08 [laughing]
01:00:12 Hey, Neem.
01:00:13 Look at the fish.
01:00:15 Little tiny fish.
01:00:16 You want in?
01:00:17 I went under.
01:00:18 Swim.
01:00:19 But it's--
01:00:20 [laughing]
01:00:22 [splashing]
01:00:24 [child crying]
01:00:30 It's all right, Polka.
01:00:33 What?
01:00:34 [music playing]
01:00:38 [splashing]
01:00:41 All right, darling.
01:00:42 [music playing]
01:00:45 [baby crying]
01:00:57 [music playing]
01:01:00 [baby crying]
01:01:03 [music playing]
01:01:06 [music playing]
01:01:09 [music playing]
01:01:12 [music playing]
01:01:40 [laughing]
01:01:43 [laughing]
01:01:48 Yes, we're making a party now.
01:01:50 This is it.
01:01:51 It's happening right now.
01:01:54 There aren't going to be any more kids.
01:01:57 And there aren't going to be any presents and no cake.
01:02:00 It's just going to be people having a good time
01:02:03 talking to each other and drinking.
01:02:05 That's the kind of party it is.
01:02:08 No, there isn't going to be any cake.
01:02:11 [laughing]
01:02:12 Gloria, I'm a total atheist.
01:02:15 [chatter]
01:02:18 I think it's the change of life.
01:02:37 [chatter]
01:02:40 Bing 30 is a big thing.
01:02:42 Bing 35 is--
01:02:43 Bing 30 is a big thing.
01:02:44 35 is very important.
01:02:45 [chatter]
01:02:48 Maybe.
01:02:49 [chatter]
01:02:52 Did you ever live in a place outside New York?
01:02:54 Nope, never lived in any place outside of New York.
01:02:57 God, this is so full.
01:03:00 Do you live in Manhattan?
01:03:02 Yeah, right in the middle.
01:03:03 We live very quietly.
01:03:05 We are.
01:03:08 Someday, if I ever have my own house,
01:03:10 I think I would like all little rooms with doors.
01:03:14 Like a little rabbit warren.
01:03:17 Privacy.
01:03:19 Yeah.
01:03:20 Which I don't have now and I don't miss.
01:03:23 But I know when I'm old, I'll miss it.
01:03:27 How long have you been married?
01:03:29 Well, we've been together eight years.
01:03:31 [laughing]
01:03:33 I'm sorry.
01:03:34 I didn't mean that.
01:03:35 It's not the same kind of thing, but it's important.
01:03:38 Like you say, I've been married a year and a half.
01:03:41 That says something.
01:03:42 But if you've been together for eight years,
01:03:44 that says something else.
01:03:46 Maybe.
01:03:48 Maybe.
01:03:49 I love that sermon.
01:03:52 I mean, it's very different to be together
01:03:55 and to be married.
01:03:56 Yeah, maybe.
01:03:57 It's a whole different thing.
01:03:59 I don't know about that.
01:04:00 Oh, yeah, it is.
01:04:02 I don't read these papers psychologically myself.
01:04:04 I don't, but we lived together for about a year.
01:04:08 And as soon as we were married, it was a different thing.
01:04:11 Do you sleep by yourself mostly?
01:04:12 I sleep by myself mostly.
01:04:15 And occasionally?
01:04:16 No, no, I would say 50%.
01:04:18 Does Billy call you when he wants to see you?
01:04:21 Oh, beep down the door and all that kind of beautiful stuff.
01:04:24 You have a door that has the hinges break?
01:04:26 Yes.
01:04:27 One of those things.
01:04:29 That's nice.
01:04:30 Do you have a bedroom that you both go to together when you want to see each other?
01:04:33 Yes, he has a room.
01:04:35 We have a room together with a big double king-size bedroom.
01:04:41 [inaudible]
01:05:00 Could not another person ever fulfill all those kind of things?
01:05:03 I can't.
01:05:04 I can't provide it for Billy.
01:05:06 I get very upset when he doesn't look for it in other people,
01:05:09 the things that he's missing.
01:05:12 And he doesn't.
01:05:14 I wish he would go look more and not be unhappy about specific things.
01:05:20 There are specific things I know I can never come through with.
01:05:23 In a million years, I can't provide them.
01:05:25 Not for him.
01:05:27 Maybe I could provide them for somebody else that would work for somebody else in those areas.
01:05:32 You know what I mean?
01:05:34 But it won't work with him.
01:05:37 And if he really wants those other things, he should find them some other place,
01:05:40 and that would be okay.
01:05:43 There's a lot of people in the world.
01:05:46 You don't have to have them all.
01:05:49 Not all of them.
01:05:50 But why do you have to have just one of them?
01:05:52 Yeah.
01:05:54 Where are you?
01:05:56 We went through a whole marriage and about 30 years of history,
01:06:00 and I saw her at Cote Blanche.
01:06:04 Yes, Bernadette, the psychiatrist.
01:06:06 I want to know why I've said as much to her as I've said to her,
01:06:09 and why she's said as much to me as she's said to me.
01:06:13 We're very deeply into each other's lives.
01:06:15 I'm an empathizer.
01:06:18 Huh?
01:06:19 You're going to give me something about the sign, right?
01:06:21 The stars.
01:06:22 No, I'm not on that thing.
01:06:24 No.
01:06:25 Have a wheat muffin.
01:06:29 Made of squash.
01:06:31 You know where we are?
01:06:32 I'm not into that.
01:06:34 No, I think I'm a little into that.
01:06:36 I think I'm going to let you talk.
01:06:39 Tell me why.
01:06:40 Why you told me all this stuff?
01:06:42 Yeah.
01:06:43 I don't know.
01:06:44 What's your sign?
01:06:45 My-- Sagittarius.
01:06:47 [music playing]
01:06:50 [singing in German]
01:06:59 [singing in German]
01:07:02 [singing in German]
01:07:05 [singing in German]
01:07:08 [singing in German]
01:07:12 [singing in German]
01:07:15 [singing in German]
01:07:18 [singing in German]
01:07:22 [singing in German]
01:07:25 [singing in German]
01:07:39 [singing in German]
01:07:42 [singing in German]
01:07:46 [singing in German]
01:07:49 [singing in German]
01:07:58 [singing in German]
01:08:08 [singing in German]
01:08:11 [singing in German]
01:08:26 [singing in German]
01:08:36 [singing in German]
01:08:39 [music playing]
01:08:52 [music playing]
01:08:55 [music playing]
01:08:59 [music playing]
01:09:02 [music playing]
01:09:05 [music playing]
01:09:08 [music playing]
01:09:12 [knocking]
01:09:15 [music playing]
01:09:18 [music playing]
01:09:21 [music playing]
01:09:25 [music playing]
01:09:28 [music playing]
01:09:31 [music playing]
01:09:34 [music playing]
01:09:38 [vacuum running]
01:09:41 What?
01:09:44 [vacuum running]
01:09:47 What is it?
01:09:53 I'm going to pull it out of the socket.
01:09:55 What the fuck are you doing?
01:10:02 Are you talking to me?
01:10:03 Yes, I'm talking to you.
01:10:04 You stupid cunt, for Christ's sake.
01:10:06 What the fuck is the matter with you?
01:10:07 You don't even know how to use the goddamn thing.
01:10:09 Why don't you do it?
01:10:11 You're so smart.
01:10:13 Don't pull it.
01:10:17 Leave it alone.
01:10:18 Leave it alone.
01:10:35 Now, come here.
01:10:36 You just did that deliberately.
01:10:38 In another two seconds, that thing would have pulled.
01:10:42 It was stretched very tight there.
01:10:44 And I was trying to help you, and you just jerked it
01:10:46 and jerked it until it fucked up and pulled itself up
01:10:49 so you could get mad.
01:10:50 Now, there.
01:11:04 [footsteps]
01:11:07 Coming in.
01:11:32 Come on, get away from here with that goddamn thing
01:11:34 while I get this thing off, will you?
01:11:36 [vacuum running]
01:11:40 [vacuum running]
01:12:06 I don't know why you just don't let me do things in my own way.
01:12:09 I'll tell you why.
01:12:10 Because the fucking records will be hanging around here for weeks.
01:12:13 Stephen and Mary Kay don't come around here that often,
01:12:18 and you know what's going to happen.
01:12:19 They'll be just sitting here for weeks.
01:12:21 I think it's terrific you're taking this stuff back,
01:12:24 and I don't know why you couldn't do it all at once.
01:12:26 The point is that you won't just take my--
01:12:30 What I tell you, when I just tell you,
01:12:32 "I don't want to do it now, it's inconvenient,"
01:12:34 and that's all there is to it, why you don't say,
01:12:36 "Well, in the next couple of days, try to get the records back."
01:12:39 Why you don't just say that?
01:12:40 Why you have to keep pushing me and pushing me about it
01:12:43 and make a big argument?
01:12:44 Because your answer didn't make any sense.
01:12:46 To you!
01:12:47 Because you're not the one who's going.
01:12:49 It makes sense to me.
01:12:50 I'm the one who's going and knows what I want to do.
01:12:52 You're the one that's going,
01:12:53 and you're the one that is taking the stuff back.
01:12:55 Now, if you're going to take the stuff back, take it back.
01:12:58 It can't possibly cost you more than five minutes.
01:13:01 You don't have to go up and talk.
01:13:03 You're driving a fucking car.
01:13:05 You drive the car down there, you stop the car,
01:13:07 you go up and say, "Here are your records, thank you very much,"
01:13:09 and you turn around and come downstairs again.
01:13:11 How much time does that consume, driving a car?
01:13:14 You were doing it, and that's how you want to do it,
01:13:16 okay, you return records like that.
01:13:18 That if I did it, I know ten to one,
01:13:21 I would park the car, take the records under my arm,
01:13:24 go up to their place, talk to them for a few minutes,
01:13:28 and come back down and get in the car and go about my business.
01:13:31 The thing is, why do that?
01:13:32 If the thing is that you're pressed for time,
01:13:34 and you're worried about time, you don't do that.
01:13:36 You just deliver the goddamn records,
01:13:37 which is what the purpose of...
01:13:38 It's not that important.
01:13:39 Well, it obviously is that important, isn't it?
01:13:42 We've been talking about it for ten minutes.
01:13:43 You're the one who's made a big thing out of it,
01:13:45 because you won't accept it,
01:13:46 then I just say I'm not going to do it.
01:13:48 It doesn't make any sense, that's why.
01:13:50 Tough titty!
01:13:51 What do you mean, tough titty?
01:13:53 You're taking the goddamn car in order to bring things back
01:13:56 that people brought and gave to us.
01:13:58 You have an obligation as much to the Patricks as anybody else.
01:14:01 Naturally, the other two girls need to think more.
01:14:03 There's only five records or something, and...
01:14:06 And five minutes to do it.
01:14:08 It's not five minutes, so goddamn you, it's not five minutes!
01:14:11 It is five minutes!
01:14:13 It may not be five minutes to you,
01:14:15 if you can keep your fucking mouth shut long enough.
01:14:17 All you've got to do is walk up the stairs and give them the records.
01:14:19 I'm not taking the records back, ever.
01:14:21 Now, you're responsible for it.
01:14:23 You made a big fucking thing out of it.
01:14:25 Sorry.
01:14:26 Jerk!
01:14:27 You're thinking...
01:14:28 You spent all afternoon trying to arrange this!
01:14:31 You're just a fucking...
01:14:32 You're just a fucking...
01:14:33 You're a fucking...
01:14:36 Take your goddamn things away.
01:14:38 Come on, take them.
01:14:39 Take them!
01:14:42 I'm in here wanting to get to that goddamn house right now!
01:14:52 Just take that stuff and get out.
01:14:54 Don't touch me.
01:14:55 Don't break your fucking hand.
01:14:58 (door slams)
01:14:59 (door slams)
01:15:01 (sighs)
01:15:03 (sighs)
01:15:05 (sighs)
01:15:06 (footsteps)
01:15:09 (footsteps)
01:15:11 (footsteps)
01:15:13 (footsteps)
01:15:15 (footsteps)
01:15:43 (music)
01:15:44 Television is Gentleman, Thursday this fall on CBC.
01:16:01 She was 11 years old when she made her first recording.
01:16:06 And now at 24, randomly reviews her career on Show of the Week, tomorrow night.
01:16:11 (music)
01:16:12 Mom, go get my fork.
01:16:25 I gave you your fork, dear.
01:16:27 It should be there.
01:16:29 (spoon clinks)
01:16:30 (spoon clinks)
01:16:31 (spoon clinks)
01:16:34 (spoon clinks)
01:16:36 (spoon clinks)
01:16:39 (spoon clinks)
01:16:42 (spoon clinks)
01:16:44 (spoon clinks)
01:16:46 (spoon clinks)
01:16:48 (spoon clinks)
01:16:50 (spoon clinks)
01:16:52 (spoon clinks)
01:16:54 (spoon clinks)
01:16:56 (spoon clinks)
01:16:59 (spoon clinks)
01:17:00 (spoon clinks)
01:17:02 (spoon clinks)
01:17:04 (spoon clinks)
01:17:07 (spoon clinks)
01:17:09 (spoon clinks)
01:17:11 (spoon clinks)
01:17:13 (spoon clinks)
01:17:15 (spoon clinks)
01:17:17 (spoon clinks)
01:17:19 Saw a couple of nice things at Wood Price.
01:17:28 What did you see?
01:17:29 Saw a marble pedestal, I guess.
01:17:39 It's about that wide across, about that deep.
01:17:44 About that high.
01:17:47 That's marble, and it's got two pillars.
01:17:51 About that high?
01:17:52 Yeah, a double pedestal down.
01:17:54 Beautiful.
01:17:56 About that high?
01:17:57 Mm-hmm.
01:17:58 You were not going to ride a horse, Ma?
01:18:00 No, not for a little while.
01:18:02 Where would you put it?
01:18:15 Just on my bed.
01:18:17 It was an antique mahogany spinet piano that's square.
01:18:26 All carved.
01:18:27 It's just beautiful.
01:18:29 All the keys strike.
01:18:34 Of course, it's way out of tune.
01:18:36 I don't know how much of the tune could be brought.
01:18:38 It's part of a keyboard, it's not the whole thing.
01:18:41 It's about like a half support keyboard.
01:18:44 It'll probably be a fortune, because it's a real piece.
01:18:54 I thought it was easy to talk about this, and I don't know why I'm telling you.
01:18:56 Then silence, yes.
01:18:57 I know, I understand that.
01:18:58 But I can't get wildly enthusiastic about it.
01:19:02 What are the things we're supposed to be getting now?
01:19:16 We've got the rug, and we've got the sofa, and we've got the stereo.
01:19:20 Now what are the other things we're supposed to be getting?
01:19:22 Nothing important, only as we see it from now on.
01:19:25 I thought there was some concern about the stove.
01:19:30 No.
01:19:32 I think we put up with that stove till right at the very end.
01:19:40 We put up with it till the end of our lives.
01:19:45 Where's your shit?
01:19:46 Is he lying?
01:19:49 There's something there.
01:19:52 I don't know.
01:19:53 Neem?
01:19:55 What is that on the floor?
01:19:57 Shit.
01:19:58 No, it's not.
01:20:00 Yeah.
01:20:01 This shit.
01:20:04 Are you kidding me?
01:20:08 Bring me that piece of shit.
01:20:13 Okay.
01:20:16 Use paper.
01:20:18 No, I can't put this in the toilet.
01:20:23 Let's see.
01:20:24 That's shit.
01:20:29 That's shit.
01:20:31 It certainly is.
01:20:32 Put your hand up. Put your hand up.
01:20:33 Don't put it in the toilet.
01:20:37 I thought he was kidding.
01:20:39 I didn't. That's why I said you better get paper.
01:20:42 I'm going to put it in the toilet.
01:20:43 We need a washer and dryer, but I don't want to panic about that until I know that we're going to have another kid.
01:20:53 Well, what's your position on that?
01:21:03 What, on having another kid?
01:21:07 Yes.
01:21:08 Well, lie on my back.
01:21:10 I don't know.
01:21:11 You certainly have a poetic way of putting it.
01:21:17 The reason I asked the question, I know how it's done functionally.
01:21:25 The reason I asked the question was because two nights ago you said you didn't want to have another child.
01:21:30 No, I didn't.
01:21:31 Well, let's change your mind.
01:21:38 Well, I don't know how long I'll last with you, for one thing.
01:21:40 I don't want to have two kids and be by myself.
01:21:42 Oh, well, that's a different thing.
01:21:44 It's all part of it.
01:21:49 It's all part of it.
01:21:50 It's all part of it.
01:21:52 [Glass clinking]
01:21:53 [Glass clinking]
01:22:22 Well, I'm really bewildered.
01:22:28 It just seems like every time we get on some kind of a goddamn plateau of understanding, the next second we're screaming and kicking.
01:22:44 Mm-hmm.
01:22:45 And it's hateful, and you're right in a sense.
01:23:01 You wonder how long we're going to be together.
01:23:09 [Sizzling]
01:23:19 Because we just don't seem to get anywhere.
01:23:21 No.
01:23:30 All I could think of in the car was I thought, you know, my first reaction was that I would, when I was in the car, like before I got in the car, was come back in the house and get the rest of the food with me so I could leave.
01:23:44 And then I was afraid to come back in the house.
01:23:49 Why?
01:23:50 Because I was afraid you'd hit me.
01:23:52 You'd go for me, the bottom of the stairs.
01:23:56 Yeah?
01:24:00 Well, I might have, I don't know.
01:24:01 So I looked at my purse and found I had $15 in my checkbook, so I figured I was okay.
01:24:07 And I thought I'd just go to the places I said I would and not say anything to anybody.
01:24:15 How long was that, Mice?
01:24:19 And go to the movies.
01:24:21 And go stay at a hotel.
01:24:24 Yeah.
01:24:25 But then I decided not to do that.
01:24:31 Why?
01:24:35 Because I didn't even feel bad about it then.
01:24:40 I felt like there wasn't anything to win or lose or prove or anything. Just...
01:24:48 The hell with it.
01:24:53 [Mice crying]
01:24:55 But what I really felt was that I was really sorry that I said this morning that I loved you.
01:25:07 I thought you'd got to be the biggest schmuck there is in the world.
01:25:12 [Mice crying]
01:25:21 [Mice crying]
01:25:23 I think it's that neither one of us knows where we stand and neither one of us knows where the other stands.
01:25:31 And if we, you know, if we were clear...
01:25:34 All right, if I was clear...
01:25:38 And sure of myself, as a man...
01:25:49 The husband and the father, then you wouldn't be confused.
01:25:52 And maybe you wouldn't try to push because you'd know there was no point.
01:25:57 I mean, you can't put a size 32 suit on somebody who's a 45.
01:26:03 You just can't do it. Won't work.
01:26:09 Won't work.
01:26:10 But that's a feeling that I have about you.
01:26:32 That I constantly have to be on my guard and ready and to be very strong and to keep going like that to you, like that.
01:26:41 Because you're going to pop up and walk all over me.
01:26:44 I'll believe you because you do it all the time.
01:26:49 And you're going to... Each time you do it, you walk over me. It increases your contempt.
01:26:57 [Phone vibrates]
01:27:04 Now that's... That's the thing that bugs me and it bugs me from my side.
01:27:09 And I'm not being rational or intelligent or anything about it. It bugs me.
01:27:13 And I would like to stop it.
01:27:16 Now you tell me something about me that you don't like.
01:27:20 You treat me like I... Like you have no respect for what I say at all or what I feel or anything.
01:27:26 And you expect your orders to be carried out.
01:27:29 You leave your shoes in the middle of the floor for me to trip on.
01:27:32 I've asked you 9,000 million trillion times to please move them so I don't trip on them.
01:27:37 And you think I trip on them on purpose just because they're halfway between here and the door.
01:27:42 Well, I don't know. You think I put them there in order to trip you.
01:27:44 Anybody in the world knows that their shoes belong in the closet.
01:27:48 Why not take them off and put them in the closet? Why put them where I'm going to trip on them?
01:27:51 Let me show you something.
01:27:52 Let me show you something.
01:27:53 How long have they been there?
01:28:02 They've been there since the afternoon.
01:28:04 Why don't you take them off and put them in the fucking drawers?
01:28:07 Same reason why I should.
01:28:09 Of course you should. That's your goddamn job.
01:28:11 I always do. Put them away.
01:28:13 It's your bloody job and you know it's your job.
01:28:15 Now that is the same thing to me as the shoes are to you.
01:28:21 And I tell you what, I would leave those shirts there.
01:28:24 I would go to the fucking office without wearing a shirt before I'd undo that.
01:28:27 Just as you would leave those shoes there without picking them up.
01:28:30 No, I pick them up all the time.
01:28:32 And it's stupid.
01:28:33 I pick them up all the time.
01:28:34 Yeah, you pick them up all the time.
01:28:35 You pick them up as many times as I've taken those things out of my shirts.
01:28:38 You don't really want to try, do you?
01:28:45 I just figure it's never going to be anything marvelous between the two of us.
01:28:51 And if we change for somebody else, it's probably going to be another whole set of problems that I can't even think of.
01:28:59 It'll be just the same with them.
01:29:02 So the best thing is stop dreaming about it being wonderful and if you can at least stand the sight of each other, put up with it and try to make a life for yourself.
01:29:11 That's all.
01:29:12 You haven't turned out like I thought you would and there's no way you ever are going to.
01:29:15 So if I keep hanging on to that, I'm pretty sick, aren't I?
01:29:19 Okay, I know pretty much what you're about and I just know it's not so great.
01:29:23 But nobody could turn out the way you wanted me to.
01:29:37 I think you should live downstairs and I'll live upstairs.
01:29:40 We'll share the kitchen.
01:29:42 Fuck you, if you don't think it's...
01:29:46 I think it's the only answer.
01:29:47 If you don't want to live upstairs, move out.
01:29:49 There's no point.
01:29:51 Why should I do that?
01:29:52 I'll give you the downstairs.
01:29:54 It's bigger and groupier.
01:29:55 I don't want the downstairs because it's bigger and groupier.
01:29:57 I'm not in this thing on a split level business.
01:30:01 If you want to do that, we might as well split up first.
01:30:03 We could try a trial separation thing.
01:30:05 Oh, fuck, that's just so silly.
01:30:07 But we bought the house, so there's enough plenty of room here.
01:30:10 I could be upstairs.
01:30:13 I don't think it's silly at all.
01:30:15 It's very practical.
01:30:16 It's not practical at all.
01:30:17 It's stupid.
01:30:18 I've always thought so.
01:30:19 Your own stuff down here.
01:30:23 No, and then I got a three-room house.
01:30:27 You know, I got a three-room house.
01:30:32 You know, I got a three-room house.
01:30:33 I don't want a three-room house.
01:30:35 Oh, I'd rather have a three-room house that works
01:30:38 than a nine-room house that's full of shit.
01:30:41 You don't want to be married.
01:30:42 No, not particularly.
01:30:44 You don't want to be married.
01:30:45 No, I don't.
01:30:46 Well, you better make up your bloody mind.
01:30:48 If you really don't want to be married,
01:30:51 you better make up your mind.
01:30:53 Because, you know, it's really dumb if you don't want to do it.
01:30:57 You want to have it all, or you can't have it all.
01:31:07 You want to be free, but you want to enjoy the marriage thing.
01:31:13 It's impossible.
01:31:25 Well, why resign to it?
01:31:27 Why try to make it work within the framework
01:31:30 that we know it's lousy anyway?
01:31:32 Why not?
01:31:33 Because regardless of the framework,
01:31:36 the framework isn't the problem.
01:31:38 The laws of society are not the problem in this marriage.
01:31:43 The problem is you and me.
01:31:45 Now, whether we get a marriage certificate,
01:31:48 Maybe we shouldn't be married.
01:31:49 or maybe we shouldn't,
01:31:50 but I'm saying the only way you can find that out
01:31:54 is to what?
01:31:55 is to solve, you know, solve the problem
01:31:57 and see whether you really hate...
01:31:58 because what we don't know
01:32:00 is whether we really hate one another or not.
01:32:02 No, the...
01:32:08 Are you really serious about that idea
01:32:17 of you living on one floor and me living on another?
01:32:20 Absolutely.
01:32:21 I thought it was a good idea for a good year and a half, two years now.
01:32:26 Makes a lot of sense.
01:32:33 That's what I...
01:32:34 That's really a dumb idea.
01:32:36 It makes a lot of sense to me.
01:32:46 Because we've got a kid.
01:32:48 What are we doing? Share the kitchen? Is that it?
01:32:51 Yes, and I would...
01:32:52 If you wanted to, I would make you supper.
01:32:55 And leave it for you.
01:32:59 Or not.
01:33:03 Or sometimes we could all have supper together as a family.
01:33:06 Some nights...
01:33:08 Some days, like?
01:33:09 Some nights you could have Bogart down here for supper with you.
01:33:12 Some nights that happen with me.
01:33:13 Some nights you could come upstairs and babysit.
01:33:17 While I went out.
01:33:19 And be with Bogart.
01:33:22 Or you could use maybe this room in here for your bedroom
01:33:27 because you've got the king-size bed.
01:33:29 You could have that in here.
01:33:33 Yeah.
01:33:35 And we could each have...
01:33:36 I could have girls in.
01:33:37 I wouldn't have to be in bed.
01:33:38 I'd put a curtain across there, right?
01:33:40 No, you'd shut the door.
01:33:41 I wouldn't be allowed in here.
01:33:42 No, but I'd put a curtain across there so you couldn't look.
01:33:44 I couldn't see in, sure.
01:33:46 And you could put the...
01:33:49 We could arrange little signals.
01:33:51 Like you could put the baby thing across the bottom of the stairs
01:33:54 and that would tell me that...
01:33:56 You weren't supposed to come upstairs.
01:33:58 Hmm?
01:33:59 (crickets chirping)
01:34:02 (water running)
01:34:05 (water running)
01:34:07 (water running)
01:34:09 What is he doing?
01:34:35 Looking for blackheads.
01:34:36 Just forget the fucking blackheads.
01:34:39 (crickets chirping)
01:34:41 (sniffles)
01:34:53 (phone buzzing)
01:35:04 (phone buzzing)
01:35:05 (soft music)
01:35:15 (soft music)
01:35:16 (soft music)
01:35:18 (soft music)
01:35:19 (gentle music)
01:35:22 (gentle music continues)
01:35:26 (gentle music continues)
01:35:29 (gentle music continues)
01:35:33 (gentle music continues)
01:35:36 (gentle music continues)
01:35:40 (gentle music continues)
01:35:43 (gentle music continues)
01:35:46 (gentle music continues)
01:35:50 (gentle music continues)
01:35:53 (gentle music continues)
01:35:57 (gentle music continues)
01:36:00 (gentle music continues)
01:36:16 (gentle music continues)
01:36:21 [BLANK_AUDIO]