Rat-shaped hole becomes Chicago’s latest tourist attraction

  • 8 months ago
A Chicago comedian posted a photo to social media of a 'rat hole' and it went viral!


00:00 You know what happened here? Yeah. It's it's all written here in concrete and
00:04 it'll be there for 10,000 years. Okay. Chicago has plenty of tourist
00:09 attractions, of course, the Bean, the Riverwalk, Picasso, but have you been to
00:14 the Rat Hole? Thanks to a local artist and comedian, the Chicago Rat Hole has
00:18 turned into a social media phenomenon. So we dispatched our Dane Placco to Roscoe
00:23 Village to investigate. I'm gonna be the Chicago Rat Hole guy and that's just
00:28 gonna be another thing I have to live with. Chicago artist and comedian
00:32 Winslow Domain was in the 1900 block of West Roscoe last week when he stumbled
00:37 across the Holy Grail of sidewalk rodentia. What I found was very much
00:41 more like Looney Tunes, I guess. Just a full rat splat mark in the wet pavement.
00:47 I just bust out laughing when I saw it. Domain snapped a pic and put it on
00:51 Twitter, now X, writing, "Had to make a pilgrimage to the Chicago Rat Hole and
00:56 in just two days it's had five million views." Rat Hole just blew up. It was its
01:02 time to shine. And now the Rat Hole has become the hottest tourist attraction in
01:06 Chicago, with people coming day and night to memorialize the dent in the cement. So
01:11 what brought you here? My friend told me about it. And you had to make? The
01:16 pilgrimage. So you had to come and see for yourself, huh? Until I saw with my own
01:20 eyes. And greeting Domain like Indiana Jones. Others post their Rat Hole visits
01:29 online, leaving coins, flowers, and even a tiny tombstone. But there is a debate,
01:35 maybe even controversy. Is this, in fact, the imprint of a rat or is it a squirrel?
01:41 And we think it's hysterical. We see people stop all the time. Neighbor Cindy
01:46 Nelson says the imprint has been here at least 20 years and she's convinced it's a
01:51 squirrel that fell out of a tall tree that used to be here. I just don't
01:54 believe that a rat like hops in the air and belly flaps straight down. You can
01:58 see like little scratch marks over here. So it lived? I think. And the Chicago Rat Hole has
02:05 changed Domain's life for the better. The social media explosion has allowed him
02:09 to sell enough of his art to pay the rent. Chicago is the best city in the
02:13 world, man. It's the only place where a rat hole will pay your rent. In Roscoe
02:18 Village, Dane Placco, Fox 32 Chicago.
