• 8 months ago
23 December 2023 Locals Questions

I’m someone who is struggling to stay motivated in my business.
I own a small contracting business where I do estimates, provide services based on a monthly subscription, and also provide installations.
The work is very rewarding but some days I struggle to even get out of bed.
I’m having the “freeze” response when I overbook or just have health issues.
In my past I suffered from overworking and drinking after work, although I don’t do that anymore I still feel “overworked”.
I’ve also never taken a real 2 week vacation in my adult life.
How do you balance work/life and stress in a healthy way? Especially if you’re the business owner.

Have you thought about compiling all your podcasts and books into a hard drive and selling that to the viewers for 50 to 100 bucks so that if the internet goes down or whatever, whatever, your work will be stored in different sites of the world?

What are cold feet? Why do some people want to move across the continent or across the the world, no matter how many times they do it. What is the addiction to travel?

In your talk with Dr. Pesta, y'all discussed sacrifice in the context of the Bible. This week in a Q&A, now, you also discussed the topic. I've always seen these biblical and social concepts of sacrifice as morally incorrect, in that I don't think humans are or should be sacrificial animals. I see the Rand notion that something is not a sacrifice unless you give up something you value for something you value less as a more accurate human concept. It requires you to first have defined your values, then rank them, then choose with free will. It seems more appropriate to describe what parents do for their children. They value continuing their genetic life more than the other stuff they could buy or time on other pursuit, yet it isn't altruistic or loss or negative of for themselves. Even the example of Mother Teresa, or a similar ilk, could also be explained this way is the act to increase their values by actions that seem altruistic, but instead are not, as they are choosing the reward of those actions, accolade, sense of accomplishment, emotional reward of helping, etc., over time. Money or other alternatives they could have chosen, but value less. I'd be interested in hearing how specifically you define sacrifice and relate it to both the concepts of the Bible and that which Rand describes, not so to call the latter Rand's concept.

Transcript: https://freedomain.com/what-is-the-meaning-of-your-life-transcript/

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00:00 Alrighty, it's me.
00:03 Questions from freedomain.locals.com.
00:04 Hope you guys are doing well.
00:06 Great community to join.
00:07 I strongly suggest, urge and ask you to join and support at freedomain.locals.com.
00:14 Alright, somebody writes, I'm someone who is struggling to stay motivated in my business.
00:21 I own a small contracting business where I do estimates, provide services based on a
00:25 monthly subscription and also provide installations.
00:28 The work is very rewarding but on some days I struggle to even get out of bed.
00:34 I'm having the freeze response when I overbook or just have health issues.
00:38 In my past I suffered from overworking and drinking after work although I don't do that
00:43 anymore.
00:44 I still feel overworked.
00:46 I've also never taken a real two week vacation in my adult life.
00:49 How do you balance work life and stress in a healthy way?
00:52 Especially if you're the business owner.
00:54 Right.
00:55 Right, right.
00:57 This is a very philosophical question.
00:59 I mean they generally tend to be but this one in particular is very very philosophical
01:04 because this one is about what is the meaning and purpose and value of your life.
01:13 What is the meaning and purpose and value of your life?
01:18 Are you there to serve people?
01:21 Are you there at the back end call of others?
01:26 Are you like the tail of a kite being whipped around in a high storm?
01:30 Are you in a sense a kind of slave or serf?
01:34 Now this all sounds condemnatory.
01:36 I don't mean it that way at all.
01:38 Remember most of humanity evolved to be slaves and serfs.
01:42 It's hardwired into us.
01:44 It's a part of our DNA.
01:46 We have to be able to go either full master or full slave because as you know prior to
01:53 the Industrial Revolution the majority of human beings were farm implements, were slaves,
01:59 were soldiers, were serfs, were prostitutes, were concubines, were forced wives and mothers.
02:08 So to be a slave is to be defined by the needs and preferences and threats and bribes of
02:17 others.
02:19 What do you live for?
02:21 What does a slave live for?
02:24 A slave lives for the reality of work, the reproduction of enslavement and the vague
02:30 hope of freedom usually after death.
02:34 So when I say slave of course it sounds negative, "Oh you're a slave" but we have that tendency
02:41 and that's baked into a lot of people's parenting.
02:43 It's baked into a lot of people's parenting, how they parent, how they are parented, how
02:47 they relate to others and of course you know the entire school system is designed to push
02:51 out meek, broken, submissive and panicked workers and soldiers.
02:58 Now we have less need for soldiers so we throw them into the endless fires of the ideological
03:02 wars instead.
03:04 So what is the meaning and purpose of your life?
03:08 And this is the kind of thing like to have a meaning and purpose of your life is to be
03:13 the ultimate aristocrat.
03:14 Right?
03:15 Do you understand?
03:17 To have meaning and purpose.
03:19 Think of Marcus Aurelius or Seneca or think of the ancient historians Hippocrates and
03:26 think of all the people throughout history.
03:30 How many of them got to define their own meaning and purpose?
03:36 And I don't mean subjectively, I mean at all.
03:40 How many people throughout the course of human history got to define their own meaning and
03:47 their own purpose?
03:48 I mean almost none.
03:51 If you were born a king or a queen you sure as heck didn't get to define your own meaning
03:56 and purpose.
03:57 Right?
03:58 To be a slave which is again hard-baked, hard-wired into us for evolutionary and survival purposes
04:07 like 90% of populations in many areas were slaves.
04:11 A slave lives in fear and for scraps.
04:15 Right?
04:16 The slave lives in fear of being beaten and in the hopes that perhaps a small crumb of
04:22 cheesecake might be left on the plate he's taking out to the kitchen.
04:25 I mean when I worked in a restaurant and I was hungry, well we don't have to get into
04:29 all of the details.
04:31 So what are you living for?
04:33 Now in this conversation we aim to have a definition of life and purpose that is not
04:40 reactive.
04:41 It's not reactive.
04:45 You are not here to simply respond to the needs and preferences and goals and desires
04:52 and aggressions and bribes and punishments of others.
04:55 "Oh I could get that promotion!
04:57 I'm going to do X, Y, and Z.
04:59 Oh I don't want to get fired.
05:00 I got to do X, Y, and Z."
05:02 Define your own that comes from outside.
05:04 "Oh I want to buy a new Xbox so I got to save my money."
05:08 And that's your preference but it's something that comes from outside.
05:10 It's material and there's nothing wrong with material.
05:13 Of course, right?
05:14 We need food, we need water, we need entertainment but all of that is hamster in a wheel, stimulus
05:18 response stuff.
05:20 The purpose of philosophy is to say "Whoa!
05:22 Slow the F down.
05:26 Slow down.
05:27 Let's take a big look at our life.
05:30 Let's figure out what are we going to be defined by, what legacy do we want, what purpose is
05:38 the most noble for our souls."
05:42 I mean I ask myself this of course on a fairly regular basis.
05:45 How much of my life am I living in reaction?
05:49 I mean some of this happens.
05:51 I was going to go for a walk and talk today in the woods but it was snowing pretty heavily
05:56 and I was concerned that snow would land and seep onto the microphones and wreck them or
06:01 garble them or something like that so I ended up going to do a chapter of Peaceful Parenting
06:08 which of course I had promised to do at least two chapters as a whole before Christmas.
06:13 So it's a little Christmas present, some really great stuff and I did that as a video.
06:18 So some of that's reactive and I have a little bit of time now.
06:22 My family is out Christmas shopping and I'll meet them for dinner later.
06:26 I have a little bit of time now and I had an option to do anything.
06:32 I could go exercise except I've been exercising pretty hard lately and I think a day off is
06:36 probably for the best.
06:37 I could go for the walk and talk but it's kind of gray and dark out and I wasn't sure
06:42 whether the light would be any good or I'm just like a monochromatic half shadow among
06:47 the tree branches.
06:49 I could put my feet up and read, reading an interesting book on the Salem witch trials
06:55 but I wanted to do this because other than love of family and friends nothing brings
07:03 me to life like philosophy.
07:06 Nothing means as much to me, I hope of course to the world and in this case to you.
07:13 So you're living in stress slave reactive mode.
07:17 Now why are you doing that?
07:18 I'm sure it's through no personal fault of your own.
07:21 It's just how you were raised.
07:24 It's how I was raised.
07:26 I have an aristocratic nature, was born into the most pathetically humble of circumstances.
07:32 It feels like since Oliver Twist.
07:35 So when I was a kid, for most of us and certainly for me, everything was just reactive.
07:42 I had school assignments, I had a boarding school I had to go to, I was yeeted all over
07:46 the place visiting places, parents and so on.
07:51 I had to react to my mother's violence and plan for that and attempt to assuage that.
07:58 It was just reactive.
08:00 You have this conveyor belt of things that are coming your way and that's always going
08:05 to be the case in life to some degree but there's this conveyor belt of things coming
08:09 your way which you manage and deal with and do.
08:12 But our lives become satisfying rather than fear, management and desire pursuit.
08:20 "I'm afraid I'm going to be alone.
08:22 Oh I got to go somewhere now.
08:23 Oh I really like that girl.
08:24 I'm going to ask her out."
08:26 And again that's stimulus outside.
08:29 But how much of your life is chosen according to virtue?
08:37 How much of your life is chosen according to you?
08:42 I was thinking about dodgeball.
08:45 We called it murder ball but I guess that was too honest.
08:48 Dodgeball right?
08:49 So dodgeball, some kid and I remember playing when I was in grade 8 and grade 9 when some
08:56 kids didn't seem to have hit puberty at all and other kids could pick up basketballs with
09:01 one hand and needed to shave the backs of their fingers.
09:04 And I remember there was this one giant kid picked up the ball and whenever that kid had
09:08 the ball man you'd hide behind a girl guide in order to avoid it because he was just psycho,
09:13 huge, strong.
09:14 He was basically Civil War cannon fire.
09:17 It wasn't even a game anymore.
09:18 It was just survival.
09:20 So when that big, I can't even call him a kid, when that testosterone monster got the
09:27 ball everybody fled except a couple of the stoner kids who didn't really seem to process
09:34 much about what was going on.
09:36 But yeah, everyone fled.
09:39 So that's reactive right?
09:40 You're not sitting there thinking about meaning or depth or purpose or passion or a legacy
09:45 or anything like that.
09:46 You're just like I hope I don't end up in the nurse's office or the hospital from that
09:50 ball taken off my nads right?
09:53 So that's reactive.
09:55 And you know it's worth looking over the course of your life and say okay, whoever encouraged
09:59 you to pursue that which was most deep, important, powerful and meaningful for you.
10:05 Whoever did that.
10:06 Whoever said well what do you want to do?
10:09 What's most important, deep, powerful and meaningful for you?
10:11 What do you think would give you the greatest life satisfaction?
10:14 What would give you the greatest self-respect?
10:16 I mean most times what we do as kids is we're just like pinballs bouncing from one need
10:22 to punishment to hope to assignment to homework to threat to like boom boom boom right?
10:28 And then the hormones kick in and we're just booted all around by nature right?
10:34 It's pretty horrible.
10:36 And it was absolutely needed for us to survive as a whole as slaves.
10:42 You've got to take that deep breath you know life is hurly-burly right?
10:46 Hurly-burly.
10:47 It's a play, a line from a Queen song.
10:49 It's in Shakespeare, from Shakespeare I think.
10:51 The hurly-burly.
10:52 It's chaos and reaction and I think all these people lining up to buy some new phone and
10:59 the new phone's coming out and line up all night.
11:01 It's a new phone, it's reactive.
11:03 And again there's always going to be some of that but you got to try and find a space
11:07 and say okay what's it for?
11:10 What's my life for?
11:12 Is it for others?
11:13 Is it for minimizing pain and pursuing pleasure?
11:18 Is it for virtue?
11:21 Or is it for productivity?
11:24 Am I a moneymaker or a meaning maker?
11:28 And again nothing wrong with money and this is... that's going to happen anyway.
11:33 You know people who tell you to change your breathing like the Wim Hof stuff.
11:36 People who tell you to change your breathing already acknowledge that you breathe anyway
11:40 right?
11:41 They don't need to keep... you need to change your breathing.
11:42 Now of course I understand that you still breathe so when I breathe anyway so when I
11:45 say you know well this am I a moneymaker or a meaning maker?
11:49 The whole point is not then to abandon any kind of moneymaking because you need to live
11:52 right?
11:53 To consume we need to produce but we pursue this animal level of stimulus response and
12:01 punishment avoidance and pleasure pursuing and so on and we lose track of our meaning
12:07 our purpose.
12:08 Oh you know most times of course we're never even really allowed to develop it right?
12:12 So let's... the reason I'm saying all of this, struggling to stay motivated in my business.
12:16 Okay what's your motivation for your business?
12:19 What's your motivation for your business?
12:22 And growing out of childhood means very fundamentally defining your life on your own terms.
12:31 Not subjectively.
12:32 You can't just make things up.
12:34 I can't say well I'm going to set fire to fences and call it morality right?
12:39 I can't just make things up.
12:41 But it is about not reacting only.
12:45 Again there'll be some reacting.
12:47 There'll be some reacting for sure but as little as possible.
12:52 How much of my life is defined by what I want and choose and prefer and have defined for
12:59 myself?
13:00 Now the stimulus response means that yes there's going to be a bunch of stuff out there that
13:05 is going to be tempting for you to be distracted by, to be absolved by, to be absorbed by.
13:11 Going beyond the pleasure pain principle to the philosophy principle is essential for
13:18 life satisfaction.
13:20 For us to be men and women we have to do that which only men and women can do.
13:29 Otherwise we're not men or women.
13:31 We're not human beings.
13:33 And what is it that only we can do that no other creature or thing can do?
13:38 Well define abstract meaning values virtues and purpose.
13:42 Go against the pleasure pain principle towards the meaning virtue principles.
13:49 So and read this again with that background hopefully this is helpful.
13:53 You say I'm someone who is struggling to stay motivated in my business.
13:57 I own a small contracting business where I do estimates provide services based on a monthly
14:02 subscription and also provide installations.
14:05 The work is very rewarding but some days I struggle to even get out of bed.
14:10 My guess is I don't know obviously but my guess would be the days that you struggle
14:13 to get out of bed are the days when the pleasure pain principle is not enough to motivate you.
14:23 You know maybe you've made some money for the month and you don't actually absolutely
14:26 have to.
14:28 Maybe there's no one yelling at you that you've got got to get things done or they're going
14:31 to sue or you know whatever might be happening.
14:33 Because the pleasure pain principle is start stop right.
14:41 Meaning is continuous but pleasure pain is kind of like food right it's start stop you
14:46 don't eat all day.
14:47 You eat you're full hopefully you stop eating you get hungry eat some more.
14:52 You don't sleep all day you get tired go to bed you sleep you wake up and go on with your
14:56 day start your day.
14:59 So when you look at things that are real roller coaster up and down up and down I want I don't
15:04 want I like I don't like.
15:06 This could be work ambition relationships a desire for like maybe you're learning the
15:12 piano and it just kind of comes and goes starts and stops.
15:15 Well that's because you're operating on the pleasure pain principle and the pleasure pain
15:18 principle is self-limiting right.
15:22 You have a headache you take aspirin headache goes away you're done right.
15:29 You don't keep taking aspirin at least not for the headache right.
15:33 So if you have this up and down stuff the pleasure pain principle the slave principle
15:40 what does a slave do when he's not ordered to get out of bed?
15:45 He stays in bed.
15:47 Think of the beginning of one day in the life of Ivan Denisovich by a Solzhenitsyn right.
15:52 He just he spends the whole morning desperately trying to get out of having to go on his work
15:59 detail.
16:00 So he says I'm having the freeze response when I overbook or just have health issues.
16:05 Now of course my sympathy for the health issues maybe they're related to stress I don't know
16:08 of course I'm no doctor.
16:10 So when you overbook so why do you overbook?
16:13 You overbook because you feel great anxiety in saying no.
16:18 Now you understand that the slave mentality which again we all have the slave mentality
16:25 will give you great fear at saying no.
16:29 Your master orders you to go and gather wood in the forest if you say no I don't really
16:33 feel like it you're going to get beaten.
16:36 So you overbook because it's hard to say no and you also have a scarcity mindset.
16:42 And again scarcity mindset is great you know you need food for the winter you got to store
16:46 it up in the summer and fall.
16:49 But the scarcity mindset is well I can't say no to anything because maybe I'll never work
16:53 again and recognizing that you'll be fine in the future okay to say no and that you
17:02 have to evaluate and not just react.
17:04 So a lot of small business owners and I've been there right if somebody says I want to
17:10 hire you for something or to pay you for something you say yes you don't say no because what
17:17 is your purpose?
17:18 Well your purpose is to serve people make money allay anxiety and so on right.
17:25 Says in my past I suffered from overworking and drinking after work although I don't do
17:28 that anymore I still feel overworked.
17:31 Well you are overworked and slaves are overworked right.
17:34 That's the buy and burn mentality they have for software engineers.
17:37 Slaves are overworked of course.
17:40 What is it for?
17:42 Why are you doing it?
17:45 I mean obviously the ideal is to get to a place where you don't have to work and do
17:49 what you love and it's obviously fine to make those sacrifices in order to get in that direction
17:54 or go in that way.
17:56 What's your business for?
17:58 If you enjoy helping people out with their installations if you enjoy giving people heat
18:03 in the winter and cool in the summer and whatever it is that you're doing contracting if you
18:07 find that meaningful and valuable and helpful good then guard it.
18:12 When you like something when you love something you absolutely must guard your pleasure in
18:17 doing that thing.
18:19 You absolutely must guard your pleasure in doing that thing which means don't overwork.
18:25 If I said my gosh I have to do 16 hours of philosophy a day I have a limited time on
18:31 this planet I have a good brain for this it's desperately needed by society I have to do
18:36 16 hours 18 hours 20 hours of philosophy every day how quickly would it how quickly would
18:42 I get burned out?
18:45 I mean it's an overused analogy but it's worth remembering right this is a marathon not a
18:50 sprint and you have to pace yourself because you probably won't be long for your career
18:58 or the world or health I mean stress is really really tough on health.
19:02 You got to pace yourself.
19:08 Not doing is doing more not doing is doing more because if you try and do everything
19:15 all at once just think about I mean here's a silly example right so let's say you're
19:20 starting a workout program right and you say well I'm gonna start and I'm gonna do you
19:25 know however many reps you know 20 reps or whatever and then you say well you know over
19:30 the course of a month that's like 200 reps so I'll just do 200 reps when I start now
19:36 of course you'll work to failure you'll work past failure you'll work to injury right doing
19:42 less is doing longer if you try and do everything all at once you'll burn out you'll injure
19:46 yourself you'll get sick and you do it less I will get more philosophy done by doing less
19:52 philosophy every day right rest days off days recharge days if you're training for a marathon
20:01 you don't just wake up sprint all day and then collapse because you're just injure yourself
20:07 so you don't I mean maybe for half the day you'll run more but then you won't run for
20:12 two weeks because you pulled all your muscles but being able to say no is really tough because
20:17 we grow up in an environment where we can't say no I mean the government spends our money
20:23 on our behalf our children's money on their behalf teachers tell us what to do or punish
20:27 us bosses tell us what to do when we're young or punish us parents tell us what to do and
20:34 punish us right so we just react react react what are you doing it for and you don't have
20:40 an answer for that it sounds like because when you have an answer for that you have
20:45 a consistency never taken a real two-week vacation in my adult life right because slaves
20:51 don't take vacations right if you look at everything you're doing everything you're
20:54 doing is entirely congruent with the mentality of a slave and please please again I want
21:00 to reiterate this I'm not calling you a slave I'm not insulting you we all have this mindset
21:04 it was essential for our survival so what are you doing it all for well I got to make
21:10 money there's lots of ways to make money and if you really want to make money burning yourself
21:14 out is not the right way to do it right like if if I want to train for a marathon and what
21:20 I do is I just I run for I don't know 16 hours straight or something and say well I really
21:25 want to train for the marathon people would say well that's not how you train for a marathon
21:29 that's just how you injure yourself so you're not training for a marathon you're just injuring
21:32 yourself you say well I got to work to make money well burning yourself out ain't gonna
21:35 make you much money right you're gonna burn out you're gonna pull a muscle you're gonna
21:39 get really depressed you're gonna get sick right now a slave doesn't get to choose his
21:46 own rest a slave rests in scraps and bits wherever he can right and you have a slave
21:54 driver in your head as we all do as we all do and if you want to call in about that call
22:01 in at freedomain.com but that slave mentality is really important to get up and define what
22:08 your life is about what the purpose of your life is what the value of your life is what
22:12 you can choose without the ability to say no you have zero functional free will I mean
22:20 you live in the richest society the world has ever seen you get to define your own business
22:27 your own job and you can't even take a vacation you know in the Middle Ages the serfs in Spain
22:34 had five months of holidays a year and you can't take a two-week vacation while being
22:39 infinitely richer than they could ever dream of being able to say no establishes you as
22:46 an independent soul with free will and the feeling of course that if we are not present
22:53 we will be forgotten if we're not in people's faces they will just forget about us and you
22:58 can think of tons of people who've taken long breaks from their careers and come back roaring
23:01 and they've been fine right so how do you balance work life and stress in a healthy
23:07 way you have to figure out what it's all for what are you working for what is your job
23:13 for what is your life for what is your day for my day today was to hang out with my family
23:18 do a peaceful parenting reading chat with some listeners publish it all I took a little
23:25 rest so it's kind of tired the peaceful parenting book is tough it's tough man it's tough to
23:31 muscle and wrestle through it really is and have a little bit of time before I go meet
23:36 my family for dinner so I'm doing some of this it's all a choice there are staff yes
23:40 but you know you work from home and blah blah blah I think I get that I get that but part
23:45 of the reason why I get to do this is because I defined my life as being this as wanting
23:52 this as pursuing this didn't just react right okay I mean sorry just if you still wanted
23:58 me to do politics right I say no to politics I didn't want to do politics anymore and I
24:03 know a lot of you want me to keep doing politics or want me to go back on Twitter X or whatever
24:07 I get all of that but I mean I'm free to say no and it's a healthy thing isn't it if I
24:12 don't want to do it and I have I think some good reasons for not wanting to do it or not
24:17 feeling like it's the right thing to do so I can I can say no and if I let people pressure
24:23 me to do it I'd be surrendering my free will and modeling dysfunctional behavior for others
24:28 right so not a good thing all right next question have you thought about compiling all your
24:33 podcasts and books into a hard drive and selling that to the viewers for 50 to 100 bucks so
24:37 that if the internet goes down or whatever whatever your work will be stored in different
24:41 sites of the world I have thought of that kind of stuff and we have done that kind of
24:48 stuff in the past I had a whole merch shop many many years ago but the sales really weren't
24:53 worth it and so I protect let me tell you something it's a little secret here right
25:00 it's important if you're a business owner too I really really work to protect my love
25:05 of the audience because I do love you guys you guys have given me the greatest life ever
25:10 and I really really thank you for it so I try not to do stuff that's going to give me
25:13 a negative view of the audience and I sort of remember way back in the day there were
25:17 I don't know a lot of people saying hey man get merch get merch do merch do merch I'd
25:21 love to buy it and then I spent a lot of time and energy creating a merch shop and then
25:26 like nobody bought and that was just annoying right so I try to avoid things which are going
25:31 to give me a negative view of the audience when they're not particularly necessary all
25:35 right what are cold feet why do some people want to move across the continent or across
25:42 the world no matter how many times they do it what is the addiction to travel okay so
25:47 let's do these one at a time cold feet so cold feet is your body screaming at you to
25:52 not do something right so you you know this standard story right it's a standard story
25:57 that a woman is is is getting married or a man is getting married and they get really
26:02 nervous they can't sleep and they're scared to do it right and their friend says oh no
26:07 you do you're just getting cold feet you're just nervous about change you know it goes
26:10 everybody does it happens to everyone don't don't worry about it it's fine you'll be okay
26:15 and they just talk them into into doing it right but it's I mean I remember when I was
26:23 getting married I looked forward to the marriage I loved the day after marriage I loved getting
26:30 married I loved everything about it I loved and I remember we went on our honeymoon and
26:37 the place we went was pretty brutally cold we were looking at bailing and flying somewhere
26:41 else and all of that but I remember we had as part of our package we had dinner on the
26:47 beach and it was really windy and cold the sand was blowing in their faces and I have
26:52 a picture of my wife just laughing when all of this these sorts of catastrophes were going
26:57 on we were just happy to be with each other so and I've never had even the briefest of
27:04 moments doubt about the happiness and value and virtue of the marriage like not even a
27:12 smidge of a moment ever since now I'm not saying this to brag I'm just saying that you
27:16 know whereas I did feel nervous about the woman I was gonna marry but then didn't marry
27:20 that seemed like that was pretty nervous about that and rightly so so I think that cold feet
27:25 is your gut right because sometimes it feels in life this is sort of hearkening back to
27:31 the first guy's question doesn't it sometimes feel in life like you're just on this kind
27:35 of conveyor belt I said remember feeling that when I was younger you're just kind of on
27:38 this conveyor belt you know you go from class to class to bell rings go to another class
27:42 go hang with your friends go home do some homework go to job you just on this conveyor
27:45 belt like a train track right just moving along maybe there's a couple of switches you
27:50 go left or right but you're kind of on this conveyor belt and people I think sometimes
27:55 that conveyor belt is includes like well I met this girl and we've been dating for a
27:59 certain amount of time I guess we got to get married she seemed to want to get married
28:02 so let's get married you're just on this conveyor belt and then yeah she wants some kids and
28:06 wow she wants to buy a big house or what just this conveyor belt and I don't maybe the conveyor
28:13 belt to the train tracks is the wrong analogy it's kind of like a meat carcass on a sky
28:18 hook just going along a monorail thing right just back and forth over and over right so
28:24 cold feet is we're not choosing it we're not choosing it it's just happening to us it's
28:30 just the next thing right so I think cold feet is is something which you haven't fully
28:35 chosen fully willed but it's just kind of happening to you you are resisting that because
28:39 it kind of cements you into less and less and less free will every time you refuse to
28:42 choose your choices diminish right so cold feet is stay away from the train track why
28:48 do some people want to move across the content or across the world no matter how many times
28:51 they do it what is this addiction to travel to the enjoyment of surrounding oneself as
28:56 strangers and fleeing desperately even when it's very financially irresponsible from the
29:00 familiar its effects are always feeling back at square one and being at the bottom of the
29:05 social hierarchy they reject commitment in business romance and pastime so I mean to
29:12 get at the most basic level people move because like it move historically have we evolved
29:18 we move because we're in pursuit of something or being chased by something a lot of times
29:23 when people move they are both in pursuit of something and being chased by something
29:28 the in pursuit of something is in pursuit of adventure ego gratification the casual
29:35 sex cool people cool adventures now in particular of course with rise of social media travel
29:40 has become something where it's a huge clout right it's a massive clout for people to travel
29:47 and say to everyone look how cool I'm at this waterfall in Bali and so I met this beautiful
29:51 guy and you know had an affair with my kayak instructor in Indonesia whatever it is right
29:56 and so there's this envy and and it's I mean it's fundamentally satanic right I mean because
30:00 it is saying that you can live a life of the consumption of sensation without any purpose
30:06 or build or generosity or life creating or life bringing or life giving or child raising
30:12 or devotion or sacrifice or charity or anything like that you just live a life like pac-man
30:18 just chewing on the glowing dots of stimuli like a mic on my mic on my mic on my mic
30:23 it's living at the level of an amoeba food good rock bad pursue food withdraw from rock
30:32 right stimulus response back to the pleasure pain principle so they're in pursuit of stimuli
30:40 because they're being hunted by emptiness if you live for the outside in your inside
30:46 empties out if you live for sensation your soul implodes if you live to tickle your nerve
30:55 endings your humanity disintegrates if you polish only the outside you rot forever on
31:01 the inside we can continue these analogies but I think you get the general purpose so
31:06 what happens is this is a vicious cycle that happens you pursue external stimuli at the
31:11 expense of internal virtue and your conscience rails against you which means introspection
31:19 being at peace with yourself defining meaning pursuing virtue it becomes more and more painful
31:25 in the same way that the longer you spend overeating and not exercising and the worse
31:32 your health becomes the more difficult it is to recognize that deal with that cut back
31:38 on your food start to exercise because you know when you've gone a thousand miles in
31:43 the wrong direction turning around is pretty hard right if you've been waiting for a bus
31:47 for five minutes you decide to walk that's okay if you've been waiting for the bus for
31:51 two hours and you could have walked there in half an hour you feel like an idiot you
31:55 feel bad right so people maybe they have a bad conscience or maybe they're lured in by
32:00 the satanic tickle your dopamine and that's the best life you can get right that's sort
32:06 of sex in the city stuff right we're going to parties we're sleeping with guys we're
32:11 drinking you know all this kind of stuff right there's no virtue there's no charity there's
32:16 no kindness there's no curiosity there's no children I mean the whole it's a it's a dead
32:22 universe of decaying middle-aged corpses with no families no I don't think I've even I don't
32:28 think I ever saw one child in any of those shows they don't exist the consumption of
32:33 stimuli like an amoeba is the highest calling of the soulless so they are in pursuit of
32:42 stimuli and they're being hunted by emptiness the lack of meaning living like less than
32:47 an animal I mean it's an insult to animals to say human beings are living like animals
32:52 because animals don't have the capacity to live like human beings all you're doing is
32:55 living like the opposite of a human being whatever that is right I guess that would
32:59 be the satanic definition or aspect so and again travels fun I've done my travel but
33:05 not at the expense of virtue all right what else do we have here and thanks again for
33:11 these just wonderful I was just thinking the other day like when was the last time I just
33:14 came up with something on my own it didn't just bounce off questions talk about reacting
33:18 I'm like oh yeah the whole piece of parenting book all right so ah in your talk with Dr.
33:23 Pesta let's do one more yeah you do one more in your talk with Dr. Pesta y'all y'all discussed
33:28 sacrifice in the context of the Bible this week in a Q&A you also discussed the topic
33:32 I've always seen these biblical and social concepts of sacrifice as morally incorrect
33:37 and that I don't think humans are or should be sacrificial animals I see the rant notion
33:42 that something is not a sacrifice unless you give up something you value for something
33:45 you value less as a more accurate human concept it requires you to first have to find your
33:50 values then rank them then choose with free will it seems more appropriate to describe
33:56 what parents do for their children they value continuing their genetic life more than the
34:01 other stuff they could buy or time on other pursuit yet it isn't altruistic or loss or
34:07 negative of for themselves even the example of Mother Teresa or similar elk could also
34:14 be explained this way is the act to increase their values by actions that seem altruistic
34:20 but instead are not as they are choosing the reward of those actions accolade sense of
34:25 accomplishment emotional reward of helping etc over time money or other alternatives
34:28 they could have chosen but value less I'd be interested in hearing how specifically
34:32 you define sacrifice and relate it to both the concepts of the Bible and that which Rantz
34:36 describes not so what to call the latter Rantz concept a big topic I think Christopher Hitchens
34:42 did a pretty powerful takedown of Mother Teresa and Mother Teresa would have been infinitely
34:46 more helpful to the poor if she had proposed free market economics rather than done all
34:52 of this income redistribution stuff that she was doing but even Mother Teresa said that
34:57 she does it for the Jesus in the poor not for the poor themselves right she sees Jesus
35:00 in the poor and she's doing it for Jesus so she's looking to pursue virtue and she's looking
35:05 to get to heaven fulfill Jesus's commandments and so on so it's not it's not selfless the
35:13 problem I have the sacrifice of a higher value for a lower or non value I think is the technical
35:19 term that Rand used and obviously the objectivists still use but that's kind of incomprehensible
35:27 why would you sacrifice a higher value for a lower or non value that would be incomprehensible
35:35 right so let's say there's a beautiful smart funny accomplished virtuous woman and next
35:44 to her is some monstrous tattooed blue haired psycho and you could ask both girls out they
35:53 both smiling at you and you pass by the beautiful accomplished intelligent woman and go for
35:59 the obviously dysfunctional and messed up woman right like why would you do that so
36:05 you're sacrificing a higher value of beauty intelligence wit and all that for a lower
36:09 value ugliness malevolence whatever is going on for this other woman right or somebody
36:16 offers you the job of your dreams for a million dollars a year somebody offers you the job
36:23 of your dreams for a million dollars a year and somebody else wants you to be a dishwasher
36:28 for ten dollars an hour dishwasher is the worst job I think I ever had it was just absolutely
36:35 horrible and one of the few jobs I think I lasted two or three days anyway so why would
36:41 somebody give up the job of his dreams for a million dollars a year and instead become
36:46 a dishwasher for ten dollars an hour well that would be sacrificing a higher value dream
36:50 job and good money for a lower value terrible job bad money so why would somebody do that
36:56 well the general answer as to why somebody would go past a beautiful woman to go for
37:01 the ugly woman I mean spiritually and why somebody would avoid their dream job and do
37:06 a terrible job is because they hate themselves and they believe that they need to punish themselves
37:13 or that they're bad and therefore they shouldn't have anything good in their life like you
37:17 like whatever masochism but then masochism is not putting a lower value right they're
37:23 choosing masochism which is a higher value than the great job of the beautiful woman
37:29 so the masochism so that nobody chooses a lower value right nobody chooses a lower value
37:37 everything that people choose is a reflection of what they value so if a woman has a baby
37:44 and wants to stay home with her baby but then all of her friends and relatives are all saying
37:49 oh being a stay-at-home mom is retarded and you've got to be a professional woman and
37:52 you've got to go make some money and daycare is great like and and like it's lame and you
37:58 just be a breeding cow and a broodmare like whatever vicious nihilistic antinatalist crap
38:04 that they would spew okay so let's say she then dumps her baby in daycare and goes back
38:09 to work is she choosing a lower value no she's choosing the higher value of conformity to
38:15 the insistence of everyone around her over what she deep down maybe wants to do and what
38:20 would be best for her baby so she's not choosing a lower value now we can of course say she's
38:26 choosing wrong but for her conformity with other people's pressure is a higher value
38:32 right do we do we follow I mean sorry I don't mean to be overly obvious you all are the
38:36 smartest crew in the known universe so we follow empirically whatever someone chooses
38:44 is their highest value so if somebody dates a physically beautiful but spiritually ugly
38:50 woman over a physically plain but spiritually beautiful woman then clearly he values physical
38:57 beauty over spiritual beauty he values the flesh over the virtues right now he may come
39:03 and probably will come to regret that choice but that's empirically what he values whatever
39:08 people do is empirically what they choose to do assuming they're not in a state of coercion
39:15 so when Rand says sacrificing a higher value to a lower or non value it's a little hard
39:20 to know what that means and I have to be I do have to be like for so many reasons I think
39:25 it's correct but there's also consequentialist reasons as well I absolutely forever and a
39:30 day from here to 20 minutes after I die will resist as strenuously as humanly possible
39:38 the idea that people have intentions that they prefer other than their actions I didn't
39:44 mean to that wasn't my intention well intentions are ghosts that can be used to explain anything
39:52 I remember when I was a kid I read a story that was a poem about and if anybody knows
39:57 it you can let me know but it's about a kid with an invisible friend right and the kid
40:02 says well I'll I'll need two chocolate bars because my invisible friend wants one too
40:06 I probably will end up having to eat it because his teeth are kind of new you got an invisible
40:11 friend I mean if your kid you're out of the room a vase gets smashed on the ground you
40:19 come back in your kid standing there with his hand outstretched and he says my invisible
40:22 friend did it would you believe him you'd say no listen it's not the end of the world
40:25 that you smash the vase but I really don't like that you're saying some invisible friend
40:28 did it and if we don't allow kids to have ghosts like intangible unprovable invisible
40:35 friends why would we allow adults the excuse of intentions I didn't mean to I didn't mean
40:43 to turn you on I didn't mean to whatever people choose is what they prefer and the only empirical
40:51 evidence we have is their action is their action now if you get into a fistfight with
41:01 someone and you punch them and they die you say well I didn't mean to kill him but everybody
41:07 knows that if you get involved in physical violence there's almost always a chance of
41:13 grievous injury or death I mean if I not me if someone plays Russian roulette right one
41:20 in six chance to be in the chamber right well I didn't mean to kill myself I didn't mean
41:23 to shoot right well but you're playing Russian roulette right so that's that's baked in right
41:28 I mean every gambler who goes to the casino can come out and say well I didn't mean to
41:31 lose the money is like you know but you went and gambled so that's built in so people who
41:38 risk bad outcomes and then say I didn't mean to have bad outcomes well if you didn't want
41:43 to lose the money you wouldn't have gambled the fact that you gambled knowing that you
41:47 could lose the money I don't care what you're what you meant to do is it's such a strong
41:53 defense for evil doers as well as well I didn't mean to my parents who abuse their children
41:57 well I did the best I could I didn't mean to upset you people who say obviously insulting
42:01 things and then say well I'm sorry that you got so upset I didn't mean to upset you it's
42:05 like I don't I don't care what you said I don't care what you did I only care what you
42:09 said I don't care your meaning I only care what you did I'm an empiricist I mean it sounds
42:14 tautological whatever people do they mean to do sounds tautological but it's very powerful
42:21 because it allows you to bypass the infinite well of bullshit that people erect over the
42:26 empiricism of their own actions well I did this but I didn't mean to I didn't mean to
42:32 hurt you I didn't mean to cheat I didn't mean to upset you I didn't mean to abuse you I
42:36 didn't mean it's absolute my invisible friend pushed over the lamp so whatever people choose
42:45 to do is their highest value now we can say that this is an unwise that it's not a true
42:52 highest value right so the mom who dumps her kid in daycare and goes back to work we can
42:59 say that that's not really acting in a rational objective good for your child highest value
43:05 now she would say well I want to do what's best for my kid right I mean parents say that
43:10 I just did this whole chapter in peaceful parenting so I say I want to do what's best
43:13 for my kid right so then it's just a matter of saying well objectively staying home with
43:19 your kid is best for your kid right now then when she's confronted with that she can either
43:23 say well we have to balance these things my needs are important too okay so well then
43:27 you don't want to do what's best for your kid you want to you have your needs you don't
43:30 want to so you had a child and you'd rather work than spend time with your child right
43:35 and would you accept that if your husband says let's have a monogamous marriage and
43:40 then he decides to go and sleep around he says well you know but I have my needs too
43:45 got to balance my needs with my wife's needs it's like no no no that wasn't the deal and
43:48 having a child of course is a pretty explicit well it's an implicit deal for sure right
43:54 and do what's best for the kid so we can say that people don't have the right priorities
44:02 a woman who travels and cashes in on her sex appeal and her attractiveness to get money
44:08 for men to travel around and so on we can say okay well yeah I get it man the first
44:14 you know the first 10 years of your adulthood you know I don't know 19 to 29 or 20 to 30
44:19 or 18 to 28 the first 10 years maybe even 15 years probably not 15 but the first 10
44:24 years is going to be super fun right that's going to be a blast you're going to travel
44:31 and see the world and have sex and get drunk and not have to worry about bills or right
44:37 so all the people grinding through I don't know getting educated building businesses
44:41 all the people grinding through all that stuff are looking at the person roaming around and
44:46 saying man you're having a blast you know like the guy who quits his job and lives on
44:51 credit sits by the pool and burps and watches YouTube or whatever looks like they're having
44:57 a fun of the guy who's getting up oh man I gotta get up and go to work it's cold out
45:01 and can't get the car started and this guy sitting by the pool and later in the day and
45:05 having a blast well it looks fun right yeah it all looks fun till it's not right it all
45:10 looks fun you know every now and then I'm at a restaurant and I remember this when I
45:15 was in the States some time ago I remember being a restaurant and I gotta watch what
45:23 I order right I gotta watch the calories I gotta I just gotta watch what I order so some
45:29 meat and and veggies and some water and I don't eat dessert really so every now and
45:37 then you know you go to the bakery or I remember this when I was in the States you'd see people
45:42 with these you know these giant surf and turf platters it takes four waiters like they're
45:46 carrying Milo Leonopoulos into an amphitheater the elephant back to this massive machine
45:53 the food comes with a shovel and a snorkel right and you look at you like oh man oh I
45:59 could eat that I mean I'd love once in my life to eat till I was full just never seems
46:03 to happen just I always have to will myself to stop eating because honestly could just
46:07 eat forever so it might be I do have worms on it no I didn't add a colonoscopy I'm fine
46:14 so you'd see all these people oh man I'd love to have that meal but that meal is 2,000 calories
46:19 and I can't have that meal it's bad for me bad for my digestion bad for my sleep bad
46:24 for my health bad for my weight so yeah it's I'd love to sit at that table and face-blot
46:30 in that food and then they you know they order desserts and all that that'd be nice so they
46:39 value the sensuality in the moment I value the health in the future now of course if
46:46 it's their last meal right right you know that old joke the woman on death row it's
46:52 your last meal what do you want to eat I don't know what do you want to eat so maybe it's
46:59 their last meal maybe they've got some terminal diagnosis they're gonna be dead in three months
47:05 and they don't care like I don't know I mean obviously it's not the case right but but
47:08 you know you could imagine a scenario where you wouldn't care about what you ate right
47:12 like they put the swab on that in fatal injection on death row we want to get an infection now
47:19 it's about to die so we can say look your values are not rational they're not correct
47:24 they're not good okay so we're telling them that they should reprioritize their values
47:30 so that more sensible and long-lasting and productive values end up at the top that's
47:34 great you know that makes makes good sense to me makes good sense to me but they are
47:41 still choosing their highest values they value food over health they value taste over health
47:50 now we can say they should change the value like the smoker right I wish I'd never smoked
47:55 yeah like I can certainly understand that but if you you know smoke a pack a day for
47:59 30 years say well my intention was never to get sick I never wanted lymphosema or or lung
48:04 cancer or anything like that it's like I don't know it means nothing to me like that avocado
48:11 fellow that something avocado went from being a skinny guy on YouTube to a very obese guy
48:18 and he's got these videos of him eating these like 10,000 calorie meals and so when people
48:22 say well I ate 10,000 calorie meals I never intended to get fat I'm sorry don't be the
48:29 laugh because it's deadly serious that guy's made a lot of money out of destroying his
48:33 health but I don't I don't care about the intention I don't care about what people say
48:40 they want I only care about what they do and this comes from obviously practical life experience
48:47 having a whole bunch of people say a whole bunch of nonsense about their intentions but
48:50 it also comes from a being in business running a business right running a business and oh
48:56 a big in school you can't if you miss an essay like you don't hand your essay in on time
49:01 you can't go to the teacher at least maybe you can now you couldn't when I was in school
49:04 you couldn't go to your teacher and just say well I meant to hand in the paper my intention
49:09 was to hand in the paper like I don't do I see the paper in front of me no then I don't
49:12 care what your intention was when I was involved in sales calls for a multi-million dollar
49:16 software that I'd written if somebody says I intend to buy it doesn't matter I mean it
49:22 can be helpful in a little bit of planning it can also be supremely unhelpful because
49:27 if you think you have a commitment for a big sale you tend to relax a little bit and if
49:31 that big sale doesn't materialize then you're worse off right you know if you if you think
49:37 you have a date on Friday and your date doesn't show up you could have made another date or
49:41 done something else right so I can't pay my employees with people's intentions intentions
49:50 are absolutely irrelevant intentions are invisible friends so the higher value lower value thing
49:57 I only care what people do and what they do manifest their highest values now they may
50:02 claim other values they may claim that they regret those values but what they did at the
50:07 time like a guy who keeps smoking obviously clearly by definition without a doubt the
50:13 guy who keeps smoking prefers smoking to not smoking he prefers avoiding the discomfort
50:21 of nicotine withdrawal over future health or money that he's spending on smoking or
50:28 the sports he could have done if he wasn't a smoker whatever right and that's just empirical
50:31 fact that's the reality this is what he's done and intentions you see if we take away
50:39 the excuse of intentions we help people more than can almost possibly be measured if we
50:46 take away this ghost of intentions right if you if you had a goat in your backyard and
50:52 you genuinely believe like let's say you're a smoker and you genuinely believed that all
50:58 the damage from smoking went into the lungs of the goat and not you right would you be
51:05 more or less likely to keep smoking well of course you'd be much more likely to keep smoking
51:11 if you genuinely believe that all the damage from your cigarettes went into the lungs of
51:15 the goat and not you you just goat dies of lung cancer just buy another goat and all
51:20 this so if people have intentions as an excuse this intentions I don't mean to overuse the
51:27 term satanic but they have a satanic element to them in that they create the slippery slope
51:33 down to hell itself right so if people can just do bad things and then say well I didn't
51:38 mean to it wasn't my intention if we take away that excuse we're taking away the goat
51:46 so the guy has to quit smoking or at least he has a more he's more likely to quit smoking
51:50 if he knows that if he doesn't any longer have the fantasy that the goats taken all
51:54 the smoking damage right so with regards to higher lower values we can say to people your
52:01 values are not being served by your actions right so if a smoker says I want to be healthy
52:07 you say well smoking doesn't serve that right if you keep smoking and he says I want to
52:11 be healthy what we'll say no you don't right the two big defenses one is intentions the
52:17 other is I don't remember I don't recall I got no memory of anything at all right these
52:22 are the two big defenses intentions and forgetfulness and I mean you've heard this a million times
52:28 in my call-in shows I don't accept either of those defenses and that's why we are so
52:32 productive right just don't accept people's nonsense and you can get to the truth very
52:35 quickly all you have to do is not accept nonsense and you get to the truth in about 10 minutes
52:40 maybe not even less often so if people claim an intention that is opposite of their actions
52:52 the intention is the action everything else is nonsense and we shouldn't let people spout
52:58 the such nonsense both because we value the truth and empiricism is the truth and also
53:03 because we don't want to encourage or enable bad behavior under the cover of intentions
53:12 forgetfulness just by the way right now you can ask your parents something about the past
53:17 and they'll remember and then you ask them about abuse if they were abusive and they
53:21 don't remember then that's you know and I have so much evidence for this right I mean
53:27 really unique in this kind of way and that I've had well over a thousand conversations
53:31 with people about this sort of deep history and personal issues and way back to when they
53:36 were little little kids and every time they say I don't know and I say yes you do oh look
53:43 they know right so I know that that's the defense now of course if somebody doesn't
53:47 remember what happened when they were two right that's probably a pretty real thing
53:50 but when people claim they don't know something like let's say they've lived with their mother
53:56 or they've known their mother for like 35 years and they claim they don't know why she
53:59 does something it's like well yes you do yeah you do otherwise knowledge about people is
54:03 impossible because you can't figure anyone out after spending 35 years cheek by jowl
54:07 with them then no knowledge about human beings is possible and you can't ever have a relationship
54:11 with anyone because right can't figure out anything about anyone even if 35 years exposure
54:15 so so I maybe it sounds like a bit of a tangent to go on this intention tirade but nobody
54:22 sacrifices a higher value to a lower value and I would not accept that as an excuse from
54:29 someone because ignorance of the law is no excuse so if somebody says well I want to
54:36 be healthy and then they never study what it takes to be healthy if they say I want
54:42 to lose weight but they never study the human mechanics by which people lose weight then
54:46 they don't want to lose weight and I don't like to give people stand-ins for virtue I
54:52 don't like to give them substitutes for virtue intention is a substitute for virtue if you
54:56 act in ways that hurt people you say well like I never meant to hurt that person I didn't
55:01 mean to it wasn't my intention to hurt that person I don't care you hurt that person and
55:06 I'm not going to give you the stand-in for an excuse or a virtue called intention you
55:11 did hurt that hurt that person and the more you make excuses for it by claiming intention
55:15 the more likely you are to hurt that person again right I mean if I was play wrestling
55:20 with my daughter and I hurt her in some manner well of course I didn't mean to but I did
55:26 and that's what matters and I got to change my behavior to address and fix that right
55:32 so yeah the higher to lower value there is no sacrifice the only thing that ever gets
55:36 sacrificed is the truth people avoid the truth in order to maintain the illusion of their
55:40 own virtue and wisdom but that's because they prefer to do that so anyway I hope that helps
55:46 thank you everyone so much for listening for supporting free domain dot com slash donate
55:51 free domain dot com slash donate if you could help me out particularly for this gorgeous
55:56 lovely Christmas season I would very very much appreciate it and I hope you're all having
56:00 a wonderful wonderful holiday season and lots of love from up here I'll talk to you soon