FTS 12:30 08-01: Brazil celebrates democracy in first year of coup attempt

  • 8 months ago
FTS 12.30
*Palestine: W.H.O suspends another mission to Northern Gaza
*China exposes British espionage case


00:03 The World Health Organization announced
00:11 that due to the lack of security guarantees,
00:13 it has had to suspend four humanitarian missions
00:16 to Northern Gaza.
00:17 Brazil commemorates on Monday the first year
00:21 of the coup attempt promoted by the far right.
00:27 And in China, the government reported
00:29 the secret intelligence service of the United Kingdom
00:32 has been spying on the country since 2015.
00:38 Hello, welcome from the South.
00:39 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Resul Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:43 We begin with the news.
00:51 The World Health Organization announced
01:02 that due to the lack of security guarantees,
01:04 it has had to suspend four humanitarian missions
01:07 to Northern Gaza.
01:08 After confirming a new cancellation,
01:10 the agency detailed that since December 26,
01:12 they have not received guarantees of elimination
01:14 of security conflicts.
01:15 The mission that was intended to deliver medical supplies
01:18 for emergency operations for patients in five hospitals
01:21 in that area of the enclave continues
01:23 to await secure authorizations.
01:26 They also warned that these medical supplies are
01:28 the only alternative for hundreds
01:30 of patients who are dying as a consequence
01:32 of the genocidal operation carried out
01:34 by Israel in the enclave.
01:35 On Sunday, staff from the World Health Organization
01:42 and the United Nations Office for the Coordination
01:44 of Humanitarian Affairs visited Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital,
01:48 the main hospital in central Gaza.
01:51 The UN staff reported that medics, patients,
01:53 and displaced people are fleeing from the hospital
01:57 as the Israeli occupation draws closer.
01:59 Losing the facility would be another major blow
02:01 to a health system shattered by three
02:04 months of constant bombings.
02:05 Doctors Without Borders and other aid groups
02:08 withdrew from the hospital in Deir al-Bala in recent days,
02:11 saying it is too dangerous.
02:14 According to the UN humanitarian office, only 13 of Gaza's 36
02:17 hospitals are even partially functioning.
02:20 The health minister said early Monday
02:21 that 73 bodies and 99 wounded people
02:24 were brought to the hospital in just the last 24 hours.
02:27 I'm in Al-Aqsa Hospital in the middle area of Gaza,
02:35 the middle part of the Gaza Strip,
02:37 in the emergency department where they're treating
02:39 children, several children on the floor
02:43 and on a gurney behind me.
02:45 Doctors calling out for a scalpel and chest tubes.
02:49 Many people coming in from an explosion.
02:52 There's one child who unfortunately passed away
02:55 whose body is not identified.
02:58 And it's, as you can see, a chaotic scene.
03:02 Unfortunately, this area is close to an area
03:07 that was evacuated yesterday.
03:10 An evacuation order was issued.
03:12 And they've lost a lot of their staff.
03:16 This hospital is currently operating with about 30%
03:19 of the staff that it had just a few days ago.
03:23 They are seeing, in some cases, hundreds of casualties
03:27 every day in a small emergency department.
03:31 Yesterday, they said they had one doctor working overnight
03:34 in this emergency department with hundreds,
03:37 in some cases, of casualties coming in on a daily basis.
03:42 On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
03:45 said that his government is facing a plague of leaks.
03:47 In this sense, Netanyahu proposed
03:49 that ministers who attend security meetings or receive
03:51 briefings take a lie detector test.
03:53 In this turn, Israeli media reported clashes
03:56 between ministers and military officials
03:59 during a cabinet meeting last week
04:00 over the post-Hamas era in Gaza following
04:03 the ongoing Israeli war.
04:05 Israeli occupational forces, air and ground attacks on Gaza
04:08 since October 7 have killed at least 22,835 Palestinians
04:12 and wounded 58,416.
04:15 For his part, Israeli Prime Minister
04:17 assured that his government will push
04:19 for a law requiring all persons participating
04:21 in cabinet and security discussions,
04:23 including political and professional ranks,
04:25 to undergo a lie detector test.
04:28 The Israeli government approved the creation
04:34 of two new settlements in East Jerusalem
04:36 to make way for the construction of Silicon Valley.
04:39 Lawyer Mohanad Havara said that this project is
04:41 an attack on business owners in the industrial zone
04:44 and restricts Palestinian housing plans.
04:46 Havara asserted that the Israeli authorities have presented
04:50 this settlement as a new neighborhood
04:51 and ignored the existing presence of the Arab neighborhood.
04:55 In this context, the Israeli municipality,
04:56 which initiated the plan in 2012,
04:59 has already demolished some 70 residential and commercial
05:02 buildings to carry out the project.
05:03 In Iraq, the Iraqi resistance confirmed drone strikes
05:12 against Israeli and US bases as part of offensives
05:16 in support of Palestine.
05:18 According to a statement issued by the Iraqi resistance,
05:21 the drone strikes targeted an Israeli army military base
05:24 in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights
05:26 and another US base located north
05:28 of the Syrian city of al-Hasakah.
05:31 They also reportedly launched several attacks
05:32 against Israeli strategic targets,
05:34 including the port of Haylat in the southern occupied
05:37 Palestinian territories and the Karish gas
05:39 field in the Mediterranean.
05:41 The Iraqi resistance reiterated that this offensive was
05:43 in response to the killing of civilians
05:46 by eavesdropping the gas strip and vowed
05:48 to continue the offensive until the campaign of aggression
05:51 ceased.
05:51 The Iraqi resistance, which groups
05:58 several anti-terrorist organizations,
06:00 shelled with more than 30 missiles
06:01 against the illegal US military base in northern Syria.
06:04 After the series of terrorist attacks
06:06 that took the lives of several leaders in Syria, Lebanon,
06:08 and Iraq, groups loyal to the Palestinian cause
06:10 announced a counteroffensive.
06:12 The US and Israeli governments confirmed
06:14 that they were responsible for the executions.
06:16 For this reason, the resistance bombed the al-Qaim al-Bukamal
06:19 pass and also the al-Assad air base.
06:22 The resistance groups, joined by Yemen,
06:24 affirmed that this is a response to Washington's complicity
06:27 in the genocide against the people in Gaza.
06:29 Pope Francis condemns the immense tragedy
06:36 and useless slaughter of civilians
06:38 in conflicts such as in Gaza and says
06:41 those killed should not be considered
06:42 collateral damage in his New Year's address
06:45 to diplomats at the Vatican.
06:47 Perhaps we need to realize more clearly that civilian victims
06:53 are not collateral damage, but men and women
06:56 with names and surnames who lose their lives.
07:00 They are children who are orphaned
07:02 and deprived of their future.
07:04 They are individuals who suffer from hunger, thirst, and cold,
07:08 who are mutilated as a result of the power of modern explosives.
07:14 If we were able to look each of them in the eye,
07:17 call them by their name, and learn something
07:19 of their personal story, we would see war for what it is,
07:23 nothing other than immense tragedy and useless slaughter,
07:27 one that defends the dignity of every person on this earth.
07:30 Let's take a short break, but remember
07:34 you can join us on TikTok @TelesurEnglish,
07:37 where you will find news in different formats, news
07:39 updates, and much more.
07:42 Other stories coming up.
07:43 Stay with us.
08:03 Welcome back from the South.
08:04 Brazil's National Congress has served
08:06 as a canvas for an imposing celebration of democracy.
08:09 A preview of the events that on Monday
08:11 commemorate the first year of the coup attempt
08:13 promoted by the far right.
08:14 After a call made on Sunday by President Lula Silva,
08:17 the phrase "Democracy Unitas" was projected
08:20 over the Congress building.
08:21 At 9.30 PM local time, the intervention
08:23 began with the colors of the national flag
08:26 under the slogan "Reaffirmation of Democracy."
08:28 More than 500 guests will gather on Monday
08:30 in this planet of the ministries in Brasilia,
08:33 the capital of the country, to commemorate the most
08:35 brutal attack on democracy promoted
08:37 by the former president of the far right, Jair Bolsonaro.
08:49 In Ecuador, President Daniel Lobo
08:51 called an emergency meeting of his security cabinet
08:53 on Sunday following the escape of the country's most
08:55 dangerous drug trafficker and threat from criminal groups
08:58 against the executive.
09:00 The meeting, which was announced by Roberto Izurrieta,
09:03 Secretary General of Communications of the presidency,
09:05 would have been aimed at making decisions.
09:08 The National Prosecutor's Office has reportedly
09:10 launched an investigation into the escape of Jose Adolfo
09:13 Macias, known as Fito, leader of the bloody gang known
09:16 as Los Choneros.
09:17 Previously and after announcements
09:19 of exchanges in security matters,
09:21 a community organization broadcast a video
09:24 warning the president that Ecuador was not El Salvador.
09:27 The agreements of the security conclave
09:29 were not informed to the country.
09:35 We have finished the meeting with the Council
09:37 of Public Security of the state with the presence
09:39 of the President of the Republic and all the elements
09:42 and all the representatives of the Ecuadorian state
09:45 on behalf of the president.
09:46 First of all, we want to thank the courage and commitment
09:49 for all the forces of order, armed forces, and police
09:52 that in operation that we include more than 3,000 people
09:56 have entered the prison in search of the most wanted
09:59 prisoners.
10:00 The operation continues.
10:02 Cesar Zapata, commander of the National Police,
10:05 without even daring to mention the name of Jose Adolfo
10:07 Macias Salazar, known as Fito, reported on the operation
10:10 carried out to verify the escape,
10:12 although not to expedite his capture.
10:16 The police carried out an intervention
10:18 in the social rehabilitation center in Guayaquil.
10:21 They managed to seize several items,
10:23 such as cellular phones, sockets, plugs, white frames,
10:26 and other items that were found.
10:28 I must also mention that they were
10:30 able to detect the absence of one
10:33 of the inmates who remained in that social rehabilitation
10:35 center. National Police, together with the armed forces,
10:38 continue to investigate.
10:39 But for that, I must emphasize that we
10:41 have the support of the national government,
10:43 the support of the minister of the interior.
10:45 And also in this case, the persecution
10:47 has already added.
10:51 The United Nations described as alarming the food situation
10:54 in Haiti, where over 8.2 million people have difficulty
10:57 accessing basic products.
10:59 According to World Food Program, the high levels
11:01 of food insecurity are the result of gun violence
11:04 and the economic slowdown.
11:06 The UN agency warned that although the basic food basket
11:09 is available throughout the country,
11:11 many Haitians are unable to buy due to rising food prices.
11:16 On top of this situation, heavy rains
11:17 damaged large areas of farmland, affecting agricultural yields
11:20 of the Caribbean country.
11:22 The World Food Program warned that without an immediate
11:24 influx of funds, there is a risk that even more people will
11:28 go hungry.
11:33 In the United States, congressional leadership
11:35 reached an agreement that could avoid a government
11:37 shutdown in 2024.
11:39 The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson,
11:43 announced they have reached an agreement that
11:45 includes spending $1.66 trillion to fund the federal government
11:50 for 2024.
11:51 The measure must now be discussed by the lower house,
11:53 where strong opposition from the ultra-conservative wing
11:56 of the Republican Party is expected.
11:58 The US media projected a new government shutdown
12:01 after January 20th due to disagreements
12:03 between the parties to approve the temporary funding bill.
12:05 In Germany, farmers took to the streets staging blockades
12:12 with their tractors to protest against Berlin's plans
12:15 to cut tax breaks for agriculture
12:17 and end subsidies for agricultural diesel.
12:19 The coordinated nationwide demonstration
12:21 targeted motorway access ramps in particular,
12:24 stalling traffic, and followed a smaller demonstration
12:27 in Berlin last month.
12:28 Furious farmers kicked off a series of crippling strikes,
12:31 sinking the country deeper into a winter of discontent.
12:34 In Berlin, dozens of tractors and lorries
12:36 stationed in the city's center blasted their homes
12:38 to signal their anger at the start
12:40 of a planned week of action.
12:42 Road workers would likewise launch a three-day strike
12:45 on Wednesday, with unions seeking a pay rise
12:47 to compensate for months of painfully high inflation.
12:52 Workers in sectors across Germany,
12:54 from metallurgy and transport to education,
12:56 have turned to industrial action in recent weeks.
13:02 We have a second short break coming up,
13:03 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
13:06 for our English-speaking audience,
13:08 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
13:11 and share the link to reach more people.
13:13 Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean
13:15 as well as the rest of the world.
13:17 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
13:20 Fun short break.
13:21 Don't go away.
13:28 Welcome back from the south.
13:43 In Libya, the Libyan National Oil Corporation
13:46 announced a complete shutdown of its operations
13:48 in the Sharada field due to a labor strike.
13:51 This field, the largest and most important in the country,
13:53 has been completely blocked by its workers, who
13:55 demand better services and sufficient fuel
13:57 supplies in the region of Fezan, southwest Libya.
14:00 With a daily production of more than 240,000 barrels of oil,
14:04 the protest action puts the country's industry and economy
14:06 on edge.
14:07 The workers claim that in addition
14:09 to the adverse conditions of the population of Fezan,
14:12 oil-rich province has suffered a serious deterioration
14:15 following the assassination of leader Muammar Gaddafi.
14:22 Niger's military junta, known as the National Council
14:25 for the Safeguarding of the Homeland,
14:26 admitted on Monday to killing civilians in response
14:29 to an alleged terrorist attack.
14:30 The Nigerian Defense and Security Forces
14:32 stated that it was a joint operation with Burkina Faso
14:35 to prevent a terrorist attack on a military position
14:38 close to the border between the two countries.
14:40 The government expressed its condolences
14:41 to the families of the civilians killed
14:44 and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded.
14:46 In this sense, they also reaffirmed their commitment
14:49 to ensure the protection of people and their property
14:51 throughout the territory and urged the population
14:54 to be more vigilant and to collaborate with the security
14:56 forces.
14:57 So far, the authorities have not provided specific details
15:00 on the number of casualties.
15:01 On Monday, the Chinese government
15:06 reported that the Secret Intelligence Service of the United
15:09 Kingdom has been spying in the country since 2015.
15:12 In turn, Chinese authorities point out
15:14 that a person linked to the facts is in custody.
15:16 According to the report presented
15:18 by the Ministry of Security, the MI6
15:20 employed a person whose nationality was not outlined
15:23 to carry out several missions.
15:25 The person collected more than 14 pieces
15:27 of classified information and said at least three intelligence
15:30 reports.
15:31 The spy identified in the report as Wang
15:33 also tried to recruit for the British mission.
15:36 Meanwhile, Beijing has urged London
15:38 to properly handle their differences
15:40 and respect each other's interests.
15:47 Local media in Pakistan reported on Monday
15:50 that a bomb killed five police guarding anti-police vaccination
15:53 campaign.
15:54 In turn, officials said a roadside bomb
15:57 struck a Pakistani police truck carrying about 25 policemen
16:01 assigned to a polio vaccination campaign
16:03 in northwestern Pakistan.
16:04 The attack, which resulted in five deaths,
16:06 occurred in Mamoon, Bahuj district bordering Afghanistan.
16:10 An UAHAC senior government official in Bahuj district
16:14 assumed that the attack was carried out by the Taliban
16:17 group.
16:17 In Japan, authorities confirmed on Monday
16:37 that the death toll from the earthquake that
16:39 struck western Japan on January 1st rose to 161.
16:43 In this sense, the statement of the government
16:45 of the central region of Ishikawa,
16:46 where the epicenter of the 7.5 magnitude quake was located,
16:49 added that the number of missing persons was 103.
16:53 It is worth noting that the areas affected by the earthquake
16:56 have been facing snowfall for the past two days, which
16:59 has further complicated rescue operations.
17:02 Meanwhile, thousands of rescuers from all over Japan
17:04 have arrived to help those affected,
17:07 despite the difficulties caused by road closures
17:09 and some 1,000 landslides.
17:11 On Monday, in France, locals and visitors
17:17 continue to face freezing temperatures that
17:19 are forecast to remain below 0 degrees Celsius in the north
17:22 while flooding in other areas persists.
17:25 According to Metro France, the departments
17:27 of Nord and Pas-de-Calais remain on emergency alert
17:30 for flooding due to the effect of El Nino, which
17:33 exposes European communities to devastating flooding.
17:36 While climate change brought some of the warmest month
17:38 on record to France, it does not mean
17:40 winter has disappeared.
17:42 According to the Weather Service,
17:43 more than half of the departments
17:44 are under snow and ice alert due to colder masses
17:48 from Scandinavia, where record temperatures of up to minus 43
17:51 degrees Celsius were recorded in northern Sweden on Thursday.
17:55 Visitors in France talk about how
18:02 the current ecological crisis is making winter in some areas
18:05 not what it used to be.
18:08 Honestly, I like it.
18:09 I'm a person that has lived his entire life
18:12 in tropical weather, always warm.
18:16 So coming to Europe and experiencing the cold,
18:22 experiencing a little bit of snow, it's quite fun.
18:27 It's a dream, actually.
18:29 But unfortunately, because of the climate change,
18:33 you don't see a lot of snow now.
18:37 Paraguay is on alert due to a heat wave
18:39 with temperatures that could exceed 40 degrees
18:41 Celsius in this country.
18:43 The metrology and hydrology department
18:46 detailed that the extreme heat is
18:48 threatening the Paraguayan Chaco and other departments
18:50 of the western region.
18:51 So it is expected that the eastern region would also
18:54 be affected.
18:55 On the other hand, specialists expect temperatures
18:57 to drop as of Thursday due to the heavy rains that
19:00 will be developing since Wednesday, accompanied
19:03 by thunderstorms, while indicating
19:05 that the average annual temperatures are expected
19:07 to reach 20 degrees Celsius due to the proximity to the tropics
19:10 and are expected to increase due to the global climate
19:12 crisis that exists.
19:13 Like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
19:22 You can find these and many other stories
19:24 on our website at telestoryenglish.net.
19:26 You can also join us on our social media on Facebook,
19:28 Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
19:31 For "Telestory English," I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
19:33 Thank you for watching.
19:41 (upbeat music)
