• l’année dernière


00:00 (whooshing)
00:02 So, mom and dad understood that the boys wrestling
00:06 in Rebecca meant something.
00:07 So they also figured that the way they came into this world
00:11 would also mean something.
00:13 So, you know, the ancients were not as touchy feely
00:15 as we are, and they tend to call things as they saw it.
00:19 So they called his name Jacob, which means trickster,
00:25 scoundrel,
00:29 con.
00:29 If I was Pharrell, I'd say, a hustler, baby.
00:34 (audience laughing)
00:37 Y'all bring this stuff out of me.
00:49 (upbeat music)
00:56 (upbeat music)
00:59 So today we're gonna start in the New Testament,
01:04 but we're gonna end up in the Old Testament.
01:07 So we're gonna start in one of those verses
01:09 that if you read through the Bible every year with me,
01:11 you probably just kind of read over
01:12 and get to the next verses.
01:14 But we're gonna start in Ephesians chapter one in verse three.
01:18 Paul says, "By the Holy Spirit,
01:23 "blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
01:28 Who has literally having already blessed us.
01:35 Meaning when Paul wrote this church,
01:40 he understood that they should no longer
01:43 be trying to get blessed.
01:45 They had already been blessed.
01:49 Everything they needed had already been accomplished
01:54 and announced at the cross.
01:57 And no angel and no devil could add or subtract.
02:00 Now, when we wait until God does something
02:05 and we're thankful, we call that gratitude.
02:09 But when we praise him in advance, we call it faith.
02:14 Does anyone in this room have any faith
02:19 this morning?
02:20 Okay, a couple of you on this side of the room.
02:23 Who has already blessed us, watch this, with every,
02:29 what's not included in every?
02:32 Nothing.
02:33 With every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ.
02:39 Now, we may not be in heaven, but how many of you
02:44 are in Christ?
02:45 - Yeah. - Yeah.
02:47 (congregation applauding)
02:49 Now, everything Noah needed to make it through the flood
02:54 was already on the ark.
02:58 How many know that everything recorded in the Old Testament
03:01 types and shadows pointing to Jesus?
03:03 So if you are in Christ, everything you need
03:08 to make it through your storm
03:09 has already been designed and placed in you
03:16 because Jesus is the ultimate ark of safety.
03:20 In Christ, God has already given us whatever it takes.
03:26 It's just a challenge that sometimes it takes
03:31 everything we got.
03:32 Now, we just read that scripture, again,
03:36 it's one of those scriptures you read and go on to the next,
03:39 but I wanna show you a picture of it
03:41 in Genesis chapter 25, beginning with verse 21.
03:46 Now, Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife
03:50 because she was barren.
03:52 And what we see here is even the first family
03:56 has trouble at times.
03:57 You see, God had already promised Abraham
04:02 that the Messiah would come through his son Isaac
04:04 and not Ishmael.
04:05 How many of y'all remember that part of scripture?
04:08 But what I've learned in my life,
04:10 often the places of my greatest struggle
04:14 are the places of God's greatest promise.
04:17 You see, the devil is evil, but he's not stupid.
04:20 How many of y'all know that?
04:21 The enemy fights the hardest in the areas
04:25 that God plans to do the greatest.
04:27 So if you're struggling in an area,
04:31 it might just be a sign, pay attention.
04:33 And the Lord heard, and we need folks praying for us
04:40 and with us, even faithful people, righteous people,
04:45 people who love God need prayer.
04:47 And the Lord granted his plea.
04:51 James 5 and 16 says, "The effectual, fervent prayer
04:53 "of a righteous person avails much."
04:56 Jeremiah 33 in verse three says,
04:59 "Call to me and I will answer you
05:01 "and show you great and mighty things you do not know."
05:04 Little prayer, little blessing.
05:10 More prayer, more blessing.
05:12 Much prayer, much blessing.
05:16 And because of the prayer of his husband,
05:20 now typically it's the women in the Bible
05:23 that do all the praying, but finally a man got it right.
05:25 And because of his prayer, Rebecca, his wife, conceived.
05:38 But the children struggled together
05:42 on the inside or within her.
05:44 And she said, "Well, if all is well, why am I like this?"
05:51 She thought, "How could answer prayer
05:57 "be causing me so much pain?"
06:01 But we're about to see that even our pain has a purpose.
06:06 - Yes, yes, sir.
06:08 - So she went to inquire of the Lord.
06:13 And what we see here is her pain caused her
06:16 to turn to God for answers.
06:19 And maybe the struggle going on inside of you
06:22 has been God trying to tell you something.
06:24 Maybe God's trying to get your attention
06:27 the same way he did here with Rebecca.
06:29 And the Lord, the Bible says, said to her,
06:34 and we see here that God speaks to women too.
06:36 Frederick Douglass was discouraged.
06:44 Major speech in Boston, the room was full of people.
06:50 And in his speech, he began to bemoan the situation
06:56 of the American slave.
06:57 And he began to say out loud that he felt
07:01 the only way forward for the American slave was insurrection.
07:06 Now that sounds real interesting and even heroic,
07:11 but the challenge is it probably would have been
07:14 just a bloodbath.
07:15 And most of the people knew that.
07:18 Where were they gonna get the arms?
07:20 How was this going to happen?
07:22 So while he was giving this speech,
07:24 this six-foot tall skinny woman in shabby clothes
07:30 stood up and said, "Frederick, is God dead?"
07:35 Now this is the man that was known for his quick wit,
07:39 his sharp replies, particularly to hecklers.
07:42 But he stood in silence.
07:47 And he went back to waiting on God's timing.
07:51 Now you might get tired of hearing me say this,
07:56 but this is important.
07:58 Faith in God includes having faith in his timing.
08:02 (congregation applauding)
08:06 So God is explaining to Rebecca all that's going on.
08:12 He said, "Two nations are in your womb.
08:17 "Two people shall be separated from your body.
08:20 "And one people shall be stronger than the other.
08:24 "And the older," watch this,
08:26 "the older shall serve the younger."
08:31 Now a whole lot is said in this verse,
08:34 but the big thing I want you to notice
08:36 is that before Jacob was born,
08:40 God determined which boy would lead.
08:44 Though culturally, the older, you know,
08:47 was supposed to get the birthright.
08:49 Though the older, we're about to discover,
08:52 was physically stronger and more capable.
08:56 Though the older would also eventually
08:58 become daddy's favorite.
08:59 God just has a way of choosing the foolish things
09:03 of the world to put the shame to wise,
09:05 just to remind us he's God.
09:09 You see, it doesn't matter what culture says,
09:13 what circumstances might say,
09:16 sometimes even what family says.
09:19 If God hasn't said it, their opinion doesn't matter,
09:23 and their approval isn't needed.
09:25 (audience applauding)
09:28 So when her days were fulfilled for her to give birth,
09:36 indeed, just like God said God's word never fails,
09:40 there were twins in her womb.
09:43 And the first came out red.
09:48 He was a wild-looking boy.
09:51 He was like a hairy garment all over.
09:55 So they called his name Red, or Esau.
09:59 Now this is my message, so I'm gonna tell it the way I want.
10:01 So the first boy came out with a teardrop tattoo
10:09 right under his left eye.
10:12 Both of his ears were pierced, and he was smoking a cigar.
10:21 How many of y'all have a kid like that, by the way?
10:23 But afterwards, his brother came out,
10:31 and his hand took hold of Esau's heel,
10:35 so his name was called Jacob.
10:40 So mom and dad understood that the boys wrestling
10:45 in Rebekah meant something,
10:46 so they also figured that the way they came into this world
10:51 would also mean something.
10:52 So the ancients were not as touchy-feely as we are,
10:56 and they tend to call things as they saw it.
10:59 So they called his name Jacob, which means trickster,
11:04 scoundrel, con.
11:09 If I was Pharrell, I'd say, a hustler, baby.
11:13 (audience laughing)
11:16 (audience applauding)
11:19 Y'all bring this stuff out of me.
11:28 But has anyone ever been labeled before?
11:37 So the boys grew, and as they grew,
11:43 they were complete opposites.
11:45 Esau was a skilled hunter, a man of the field.
11:50 He was the consummate man, a great outdoorsman.
11:56 But Jacob, on the other hand, the Bible says,
11:58 was a mild man, dwelling in tents.
12:01 We're about to discover he was really
12:03 something of a mama's boy.
12:05 But don't get that wrong, because mild doesn't mean
12:08 exactly what you might think,
12:11 because that same term translated mild
12:13 in the book of Job is translated blameless.
12:16 Other places, it's translated perfect.
12:18 So what we see here is Jacob was a good guy,
12:24 basically a good guy.
12:26 But like many of us, he had a dark side to conquer.
12:31 By the way, anyone ever struggle with a dark side?
12:34 (audience applauding)
12:37 And Isaac loved Esau because he ate of his game.
12:43 So what would happen is Esau, again,
12:46 I'm gonna tell it the way I want.
12:48 (audience laughing)
12:50 He'd come back from his hunting.
12:52 He'd tell dad his stories, and he and dad
12:56 would wipe their faces with their sleeves,
12:58 and they'd grunt and do manly things,
13:00 and (growling) as they ate, and it was a bond
13:04 between father and son.
13:07 But Rebecca loved Jacob.
13:12 Mama loved the emotion and the poetry in her son's soul.
13:17 But all the while, Jacob was constantly studying the angles.
13:25 You see, be an opportunist when it comes to helping people,
13:31 but never be an opportunist when it comes
13:35 to taking advantage of them.
13:37 (audience applauding)
13:40 Now Jacob was a man of the tents.
13:42 He was a good cook, and he had a lot of skills
13:47 in places his daddy didn't celebrate.
13:50 But Jacob was a smart guy,
13:54 and he knew his brother's weaknesses.
13:56 And Jacob in this verse is about to show his butt.
14:00 The first service told me I could say that in church.
14:02 (audience laughing)
14:05 And Esau came in from the field, and he was weary.
14:10 The problem with bad company is you can't let your guard
14:19 down around it.
14:20 And Esau said to Jacob, "Please feed me with that red stew,
14:28 "for I am tired, I am weary, I am exhausted."
14:33 But again, Jacob is a man that has studied the angles.
14:36 He knows his brother's weaknesses.
14:38 He said, "Sell me your birthright as of this day."
14:45 Now, this is important.
14:46 God had already told Rebekah,
14:51 and I'm sure Rebekah communicated to Jacob,
14:54 that the older would serve the younger.
15:01 So what we see here is Jacob already had it.
15:06 The problem was he didn't believe it.
15:11 And he kept trying to get what God already had for him
15:16 in his own strength.
15:17 And sometimes it's not the thing is not for you,
15:21 it's the way you're going at it
15:23 that's causing you all the trouble and all the struggle.
15:29 A famous comedian said,
15:32 she said, "The trouble with the rat race
15:34 "is even if you win, you're still a rat."
15:36 Insecurity will always make you do things you regret.
15:47 Verse 33.
15:48 So Esau swore to him and sold his birthright to Jacob.
15:53 Problem is this would not be the last time
15:57 Jacob would do something like this.
15:59 It would get worse before it got better.
16:01 And we all know the story.
16:02 Finally, Jacob ended up dressing up like Esau.
16:07 And by the way, if you understand who you are,
16:09 you don't try to be somebody else.
16:11 And he used the disguise to try to trick his dad
16:20 into giving him the blessing that he already had.
16:25 Now watch the results though.
16:29 Genesis 27, verse 33.
16:30 Then Isaac trembled exceedingly.
16:35 Nothing can exasperate you more than family.
16:39 Those who you should be able to trust the most
16:42 often disappoint us the most.
16:44 36, and Esau said, he was just as angry as his dad.
16:51 But Esau went to swear,
16:54 and we're about to see what he swore.
16:56 Is he not rightly named Jacob, trickster,
17:01 cheat, heel catcher, scoundrel, thief.
17:06 41.
17:09 So Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing
17:14 with which his father blessed him.
17:18 And Esau said in his heart,
17:19 now it's one thing to say it out your mouth,
17:21 but when you say stuff in your heart,
17:22 that's a whole nother level.
17:25 He said, the days of the morning for my father are at hand,
17:29 meaning my daddy's getting old,
17:30 and it's just a matter of time
17:32 before he goes away to the rest of the earth,
17:34 and daddy gonna die.
17:35 And I'm not trying to upset daddy, so I'm gonna wait.
17:39 But when daddy dies, I'm gonna kill my brother Jacob.
17:46 And it was because of this that Jacob
17:52 was sent away to his uncle Laban.
17:55 But the issue here is,
17:59 you know, some of that hustler kind of ran in the blood.
18:02 And Laban was not just a hustler,
18:05 he was the ultimate hustler.
18:08 And Jacob had to be swindled by him
18:11 for about 20 years or so.
18:13 You see, sometimes we don't recognize
18:17 how our behavior impacts others.
18:21 - Amen.
18:22 - Until it happens to us.
18:23 So five chapters pass,
18:28 and finally Jacob has learned his lesson from his uncle.
18:33 But before he could enter the promised land,
18:36 God had to prepare Jacob to face his past
18:41 because Esau still lived in that area.
18:45 You know, your mistakes are never wasted
18:48 if you're willing to learn from them.
18:51 (congregation applauding)
18:54 Genesis 32 and 22, and we're gonna round the bases.
19:01 And Jacob arose that night and took his two wives,
19:06 his two female servants, and his 11 sons.
19:10 Yeah, when you got that many people in your family,
19:15 you don't get a lot of time alone.
19:18 And we're about to find out Jacob needed that.
19:21 He crossed over the fort of Jebuch.
19:24 Now, what I also want you to see here
19:28 is God blessed Jacob despite his imperfections.
19:31 And sometimes we read stories like this in the Bible,
19:35 we see all the false, we're like,
19:36 "God, how can you bless him?"
19:37 But I wanna ask, how could God bless you?
19:39 (congregation laughing)
19:41 When I read stories like this,
19:42 they don't discourage, they encourage me.
19:44 I'm like, "God, if you could bless that joker,
19:46 I'm gonna be all right."
19:49 The issue was, though, he was about to face Esau,
19:55 who had ruminated, I mean, he's meditated on this thing
19:57 for over 20 years.
20:00 And Esau was nobody's joke.
20:02 I mean, Esau was a fierce, violent man.
20:04 He knew how to hunt.
20:05 And the Bible actually says there were 400 men with Esau.
20:08 So he had 400 mini-me's traveling with him,
20:10 and all that Jacob had was his wife and children
20:13 and maybe a few servants.
20:17 Jacob didn't need a trick.
20:19 He needed God.
20:20 So Jacob is at this point, you know, he crosses the river,
20:29 and the thing is, if Esau attacks,
20:31 the family would be backed into a river,
20:33 meaning there's no quick escape,
20:35 meaning they'd be wiped out.
20:36 So basically, his entire family is at the point
20:40 of no return and, I mean, incredible jeopardy.
20:45 So Jacob goes to be alone.
20:46 It says, "Then Jacob was what?
20:48 Alone."
20:49 Now, I want you to get this.
20:51 Now, I've traveled to foreign nations.
20:52 In the United States of America, at least, let me say this.
20:55 I'm sure you go into the country, you'll experience this.
20:57 But, you know, it only gets so dark around here.
20:59 There's so much ambient light.
21:00 I mean, there's street lights,
21:01 there's lights from houses, et cetera.
21:03 But when you go out in the country,
21:07 I mean, you can't see your hand in front of your face.
21:10 So the Bible already said it was dark, okay?
21:13 So it was night.
21:14 So I want you to imagine being in the dark.
21:19 You're somewhere you've never been before.
21:22 And out of nowhere, somebody grabs you.
21:24 Yeah.
21:28 Now you understand Jacob's reaction.
21:35 So he's alone and a man wrestles with him.
21:40 You see, sometimes we think we're wrestling with people.
21:43 But we're really wrestling with God.
21:49 You see, it's not until later that we realize,
21:51 you know what, he was wrestling,
21:53 I believe, with the second person of the Godhead,
21:55 Jesus himself.
21:56 He was wrestling with God.
21:58 But at first, it looked like a man.
22:00 And again, sometimes your issues
22:02 look like just people problems.
22:05 But in reality, God is trying to tell you something.
22:08 And he wrestled till the breaking of day.
22:17 Now, when he saw that, the angel saw that,
22:20 he didn't prevail against him.
22:22 And by the way, sometimes we read this,
22:24 verse 24, wrongly.
22:25 I wanna read it again.
22:26 The text does not say Jacob wrestled with God.
22:30 As much as God wrestled,
22:34 with Jacob.
22:35 And again, you might ask,
22:37 how could a man wrestle with God all night?
22:42 I mean, someone as powerful as God and survive.
22:46 But may I ask you,
22:47 how have you wrestled with God your whole life
22:51 and still breathe?
22:54 If it had not been for the Lord's mercies,
22:56 we would be consumed.
22:58 (congregation applauding)
23:01 So when the Lord saw that he did not prevail against him,
23:09 he touched, notice just a touch.
23:11 God could have wiped him out.
23:13 Just a touch.
23:14 Touched the socket of his hip.
23:19 God could have reduced him to dust in a blink of an eye.
23:26 But God remained gentle and firm all night long
23:31 because God is patient,
23:34 not willing for any to perish.
23:37 And he'll even mediate his strength in dealing with us.
23:42 You think God's being hard on you.
23:44 You ain't seen hard.
23:45 God is controlling himself
23:47 as he addresses the issues in our lives.
23:53 And the socket of Jacob's hip was out of joint
23:56 as he wrestled with him.
23:58 And frankly, Jacob's life had largely been out of joint
24:02 spiritually up until this point.
24:05 So God just let it happen to him physically.
24:07 And then the angel Jesus said,
24:14 "Let me go for the day breaks."
24:18 This is important.
24:22 God will wrestle with us
24:25 for however long it takes us to realize
24:29 we have no one else to hold on to but God.
24:32 I know the story, the narrative doesn't say this,
24:41 but when you just think about it,
24:43 this man grabbed him with a steady strength.
24:48 It didn't say he punched him in the face.
24:50 That's a different type.
24:50 It wrestled different.
24:52 And if this man really wanted to hurt him,
24:55 he felt his strength.
24:56 He knew he could be wiped out.
24:59 The book of Hosea actually says
25:03 that Jacob sought God with tears.
25:07 And when he felt the steadiness,
25:10 but the firmness of this person
25:12 that was wrestling with him,
25:15 all he could do is kind of hold on.
25:17 Now I've been in enough, I'm not proud of this,
25:20 but I've been in enough fist fights
25:21 to say at some point,
25:26 all you wanna do is stop it.
25:29 And you just hold on.
25:33 But he noticed that he did not prevail against him.
25:37 And he touched his hip and it was out of joint.
25:42 And then Jesus said,
25:47 let me go for the day breaks.
25:51 But then Jacob said, I will not let you go.
25:58 You are all I got out here, all by myself.
26:04 All night, just like most of his life,
26:14 Jacob insisted on fighting for what he already had.
26:19 And many of us are exhausted, running in circles,
26:26 trying to get in our own strength,
26:30 things that only God can provide.
26:32 I mean, if I could just get that, then I'll have peace.
26:36 If I could just be with him or her, I'll have joy.
26:42 If I could just finally maybe accomplish this
26:45 or go over there, I'll find rest.
26:47 But Jacob kept living in the arm of his strength.
26:52 And God had to make him come to the end of himself
26:56 before he'd be ready to move into his future.
27:02 So in the midst of this, God knows all, understands all.
27:11 And he said, listen, day is breaking.
27:12 I got to cut to the chase.
27:13 Let me get to the real problem here.
27:15 So God said to him, what is your name?
27:22 Pay attention.
27:24 Jacob's problem was never his lack of blessing.
27:30 Remember, the older shall serve the younger.
27:35 He was the younger.
27:39 His problem, one more time, was not a lack of blessing.
27:44 His problem was the way he identified.
27:48 One of my favorite Virginians said this.
27:54 He said, if you can control a man's thinking about himself,
27:58 you don't have to worry about his actions.
28:00 And once Jacob got in his mind who he was,
28:06 he couldn't help but behave.
28:09 It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
28:11 As a man thinketh.
28:15 Yeah.
28:18 But in this moment before his creator,
28:23 Jacob humbled himself and confessed.
28:27 He admitted, my name is Jacob.
28:31 I am a trickster.
28:33 I am a fraud.
28:35 I am a fake.
28:38 I am a man who has survived my whole life
28:42 on my wit and my grit.
28:43 But when he confessed, when he came clean,
28:51 the Lord said, your name shall no longer be Jacob.
29:00 (audience applauding)
29:06 I don't know what your name used to be.
29:09 (audience cheering)
29:11 I don't know what people call you,
29:12 what people know about you.
29:14 I don't know.
29:15 (audience applauding)
29:19 But what I do know is God wanted him to stop identifying
29:24 with the man he once was, the man he thought he was,
29:28 the man people used to say he was.
29:30 And God wants you to stop identifying
29:33 as the person you think you are,
29:36 the person people say you are,
29:38 the person you used to be.
29:41 You see, before Jacob was formed in the womb,
29:49 just like Jeremiah, God knew him
29:55 and ordained that he would be the head and not the tail.
29:59 God had a promise.
30:01 He predestined you.
30:03 He had a promise over your life before you were born.
30:08 Your name shall no longer be called Jacob,
30:16 but I got a new name.
30:20 And my prayer today is that you discover that name
30:28 that God has placed on you before you were born.
30:32 I know some things happened on the way to grandma's house.
30:35 I recognize there've been some turns in the road,
30:39 but before you were born, God had a plan and a purpose.
30:46 Your name shall no longer be Trick.
30:51 Your name shall no longer be what it once was.
30:54 You are no longer who you used to be.
30:57 You've wrestled with God and you've prevailed.
31:00 (congregation cheering)
31:03 Your name shall no longer be called Jacob,
31:18 but Israel, which means Prince with God.
31:29 And Jacob in your own strength,
31:31 yeah, you're gonna be slipping in a slide
31:32 and shucking in a jive and I know that,
31:34 but because he held on to God long enough,
31:40 he discovered his name.
31:43 And what I'm telling you, if you would hold on,
31:48 you will discover your real name.
31:50 The Bible calls us a royal priesthood.
31:59 We were created to be princes and princesses before God,
32:04 but many of us settled to be commoners like everybody else.
32:10 You see, when you recognize you're a prince,
32:15 you're comfortable going to the king.
32:16 (congregation cheering)
32:23 I just said something, didn't I?
32:27 Yes, I did.
32:28 Yes, I did.
32:29 (congregation cheering)
32:32 And my king knows what the princes and princesses
32:39 need even before they ask.
32:42 My Bible says, call to him and he will answer you
32:45 and show you great and mighty things.
32:48 But some of the greatest things he's gonna show you
32:53 is not out there.
32:56 It's the stuff he placed in here.
32:59 God wants to introduce you to who you really, really are.
33:05 Your name, and may this be a day in your life
33:13 that you begin to recognize your new name,
33:16 shall now no longer be what people used to call you,
33:20 what people like to call you,
33:22 even what you called yourself.
33:25 Your name shall no longer be Jacob,
33:27 but Israel, prince.
33:32 And what God wants to do
33:38 is free you from you.
33:43 (congregation cheering)
33:46 There's a famous athlete that used to get bullied
33:50 and he would, because of the bullies,
33:53 he would run home from school.
33:55 But in his running, he began to discover,
34:00 you know, I might not be strong, but I'm fast.
34:03 And when he discovered his speed,
34:09 he began to grow.
34:11 Over time, he began to play football
34:14 and he became one of our great running backs.
34:19 But the point I'm making is sometimes
34:23 God has to let things happen
34:27 in order for you to discover
34:30 what's already on the inside of you.
34:32 (congregation applauding)
34:36 So we face certain things in life,
34:38 and like, God, how could you let me,
34:40 how come I gotta go through?
34:42 Because God knows what's already on the inside of you.
34:48 You have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing
34:52 in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
34:55 Peter said it this way.
34:57 God's divine power has given us everything
35:00 that relates to life and godliness.
35:06 I didn't know what was in me
35:10 until I had to face some things.
35:12 And you will not know exactly what's in you
35:15 till you have to face something.
35:17 Stop running from the things
35:19 because ultimately you're running from yourself.
35:21 You're running for what God has made you,
35:23 what he's placed in you.
35:24 God knows how to pull out of you what's in you.
35:27 (congregation applauding)
35:32 You see, Jacob didn't really think he was strong,
35:34 so he wrestled.
35:35 And in that wrestling, he was also discovering his strength.
35:39 And God was trying to show him
35:42 he had what it took to face his brother.
35:46 But let me add this.
35:47 If you read the end of the narrative,
35:50 when Esau and Jacob finally meet,
35:55 they end up just hugging each other.
35:58 Why?
36:01 Because while God was working on Jacob,
36:05 he was also working on Esau.
36:09 (congregation applauding)
36:14 And if you let God work on you,
36:16 God will begin to work on that thing
36:20 you're frightened of, you're ashamed of, you're afraid of.
36:23 But you got to let God do what he got to do in you.
36:30 I want you to be part of something really big,
36:35 a vision that addresses both spiritual and practical needs,
36:38 helps the affluent and the poor,
36:40 and not only impacts the United States, but the world.
36:43 When you become a DGM partner,
36:46 you become part of an organization known for its integrity,
36:50 and you also join a group
36:52 that not only accurately shares the gospel,
36:54 but provides aid and relief to children, families,
36:58 the elderly, and everyday people like you and me.
37:01 We deeply care and want every individual
37:03 to have the resources required
37:05 to experience a life of purpose and a life of fulfillment.
37:08 Through your generous prayers and your regular giving,
37:11 together we can continue to create positive change
37:15 in the lives of countless people.
37:17 Thank you for being a Difference Maker.
37:19 Click below to learn more, and God bless you.
37:22 (upbeat music)
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37:49 (whooshing)
