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Steve Carell knew how to break "The Office" cast. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the best moments and bloopers from “The Office” where the cast couldn't keep it together because of Steve Carell.


00:00 - We have two speakers.
00:01 - What?
00:02 - Honey?
00:04 - Welcome to Ms. Mojo.
00:06 And today we're counting down our picks
00:08 for the best moments and bloopers from "The Office"
00:11 where the cast couldn't keep it together
00:13 because of Steve Carell.
00:15 - Oh my God, Kevin, please.
00:17 (laughing)
00:19 - Number 10, "Radon Test Kit."
00:23 Have you ever played that game where you sit perfectly still
00:26 and try not to laugh while someone else is looking
00:28 and making gestures towards you?
00:30 It's not easy, right?
00:32 Now, try to do it while Tobey Flanderson is snapping at you
00:35 trying to get your attention.
00:37 We have to say we're impressed with how long Carell
00:39 was able to hold things steady
00:41 and keep that blank look on his face.
00:44 - Please don't throw these out.
00:46 See them all over "The Office."
00:48 - But in the end, he had to break.
00:51 And with that tension broken,
00:53 the rest of the cast broke along with him.
00:55 - Holy (beep)
00:56 (laughing)
00:59 - Oh!
01:00 - Number nine, "Chili's Baby Back Ribs."
01:03 While we definitely call
01:04 the "Chili's Baby Back Ribs" jingle catchy,
01:07 we don't think it's particularly funny in its own right.
01:10 At least that was until Steve Carell got his hands on it
01:14 in season two of "The Office."
01:16 - I want my baby back, baby back, baby back.
01:19 I want my baby back, baby back, baby back.
01:21 I want my baby back, baby back, baby back.
01:23 - But while the version that made it into the episode
01:25 had us all laughing,
01:27 there were a number of great takes prior to that
01:29 which had the cast themselves cracking up.
01:32 - I want my baby back.
01:33 ♪ Chili's baby back ribs ♪
01:36 (laughing)
01:38 - Watch as Tim Meadows and Melora Hardin
01:41 lose it each time Carell goes into his smooth,
01:44 melodic "Chili's Baby Back Ribs" solo.
01:47 - Chili's baby...
01:48 (laughing)
01:50 Chili's baby back ribs.
01:52 - But...
01:53 - No, wait out the second one.
01:54 - Okay.
01:55 (laughing)
01:57 - Number eight, "The Toast."
01:59 In the season three episode "Cocktails,"
02:01 David Wallace serves Michael Scott
02:03 and a few other party guests high quality 20 year old scotch
02:07 given to him by Lee Iacocca.
02:09 Scott, as he is wont to do,
02:11 feels like he has to say something
02:13 and makes some ridiculous reference
02:15 to Iacocca and the DeLorean.
02:17 - Here is to Mr. Iacocca and his failed experiment,
02:21 the DeLorean.
02:22 - It's a very funny line,
02:24 but we do wonder if it was the original line
02:26 written for his toast,
02:28 or if they had to switch it in
02:29 when they couldn't get through the previous one
02:31 without cracking up.
02:32 As you can see with Scott's failed version
02:34 of the over the gums toast.
02:36 - Over the gums and through the lips,
02:39 look out stomach.
02:40 Here we go.
02:42 (laughing)
02:45 - Number seven, "You Gotta Hold It Together."
02:48 Remember that great scene in season six
02:51 when Pam's contractions are only two minutes apart
02:53 and Jim freaks out,
02:55 and Michael pushes him up against the doorframe
02:58 and tells him to hold it together?
02:59 - Five minutes and two minutes is a very big difference.
03:02 - You gotta hold it together right now.
03:04 - If you do, then what you're actually remembering
03:06 is this great outtake,
03:08 because that hold it together moment
03:10 never actually made it into the show.
03:12 - You gotta hold it together, okay?
03:13 (laughing)
03:15 - And after watching this outtake
03:17 with John Krasinski cracking up
03:19 every time Carell tells him to calm down,
03:21 we assume the director just gave up,
03:24 realized they were never going to get it
03:26 and cut it all together.
03:28 (laughing)
03:29 Number six, "Careless Whisper."
03:31 What do you say when your employee asks who you're dating?
03:35 And the answer is her mom.
03:37 - It's okay.
03:38 - Well, if your employee is Jenna Fisher
03:41 and you don't want her to crack up,
03:43 then you probably shouldn't say.
03:45 - Hi.
03:46 (laughing)
03:49 - The quietness of the scene, the look on Carell's face
03:52 and that out of nowhere whispered hi,
03:54 all combined to break Fisher, Krasinski and Carell himself.
03:59 Now, we don't know how many other lines Carell tried
04:02 before he landed on the one that made it into the episode,
04:05 but we do know that hi didn't work.
04:07 - He said hi.
04:08 - Number five, "Stanley Stands Up."
04:14 We aren't here to discuss the awkward
04:16 and offensive comments Michael makes towards Stanley
04:19 in assuming he suffers from diabetes.
04:22 - I would like to stay, this pertains to me.
04:24 - Why don't you go outside and take a shot of insulin
04:27 and have a nap, okay?
04:28 - No, what we're here to look at is the last moment
04:31 in the scene prior to Stanley exiting the room.
04:33 The line in which Michael's uses the sound Stanley makes
04:36 when he stands up as evidence of his condition.
04:40 - See, I could tell by the sound you made
04:42 when you stood up that you have, okay.
04:43 - And while it might be insulting to Stanley,
04:46 actor Leslie David Baker,
04:48 as well as the rest of the cast in the room,
04:50 find it very funny.
04:52 It looks like Rainn Wilson is the first to break,
04:54 with the others very close behind him.
04:57 - See, just the noise you made when you stood up,
04:59 I could tell.
04:59 (laughing)
05:02 - Number four, "Making an Impression."
05:08 In the season six episode "Happy Hour,"
05:10 the office denizens all go out to a local pool hall
05:14 and Pam brings a friend that she thinks Michael might like.
05:17 - Hey Michael. - Yes.
05:18 - This is my friend Julie.
05:19 - Hello, how are you?
05:21 - Good, hi.
05:21 - What is a nice girl like you
05:22 hanging out with these bums for?
05:24 - But when he finds out it's a date,
05:26 he changes from Michael Scott to Date Mike.
05:29 - Hi, I'm Date Mike.
05:30 Nice to meet me.
05:32 How do you like your eggs in the morning?
05:34 - What does Date Mike do?
05:35 Well, he tries to tie a cherry stem in his mouth,
05:39 an act that's more gross than funny,
05:41 but in at least one take, it broke Krasinski hard.
05:44 (coughing)
05:46 - Oh, God.
05:46 - You said you wouldn't laugh.
05:49 - Date Mike also does impressions,
05:51 like this one of the Scranton Strangler
05:53 that broke Krasinski and Fisher
05:55 over and over and over again.
05:58 - Oh, I'm working on the Scranton Strangler?
06:00 - Um, I'm gonna get you.
06:03 - What do you think?
06:04 (laughing)
06:07 - Number three, "The Small Television."
06:11 Considered by many to be one of,
06:13 if not the best episodes of the series,
06:16 season four's dinner party has memorable moments throughout,
06:19 including a focus on Michael's pride and joy,
06:22 his new plasma TV, which is laughably small.
06:25 - Check it out.
06:27 I actually hung this on the wall myself.
06:29 - That's good.
06:30 - I wanna show you something.
06:31 - And speaking of laughing,
06:32 the behind the scenes outtakes of this scene
06:34 have become iconic amongst fans.
06:37 To be fair, it might be the overall situation
06:40 and that tiny television that are cracking everyone up,
06:43 more than Carell himself.
06:44 - Two speakers.
06:45 - But he does hold it together longer
06:49 than the rest of the cast in the scene.
06:51 So that ought to count for something, right?
06:53 - Check this out.
06:54 Folds.
06:55 (laughing)
06:58 - I put it into the wall.
07:02 (laughing)
07:04 Sorry.
07:05 - Number two, "Hello, Everybody."
07:07 You wouldn't think that Steve Carell
07:09 just walking into a room and saying,
07:11 "Hello, everybody," would be that funny.
07:13 - Why, hello, everybody.
07:16 - But what if we told you he said it
07:18 in a big, hilarious voice
07:19 and was wearing a massive costume?
07:22 Well, regardless of whether or not you think it's funny,
07:24 pretty much the entire cast of the show thought it was,
07:27 because they broke many times
07:29 as he tried to enter the scene.
07:30 - Well, hello, everybody.
07:36 (laughing)
07:39 - Although it's not the entire cast,
07:41 because if you look closely,
07:43 you'll see that Oscar Nunez,
07:44 who plays Oscar Martinez on the show,
07:46 looks to be the only one not breaking.
07:49 - Hello, everybody.
07:50 (laughing)
07:55 - Before we continue,
07:58 be sure to subscribe to our channel
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08:12 Number one, Michael Klaus.
08:15 Despite the many laugh breaks while filming,
08:17 the show was usually able to get at least one great take
08:20 without the cast breaking.
08:22 - What was your life at Christmas, little boy?
08:24 - I don't know.
08:29 - I didn't know you were gonna ask me that.
08:31 - Well, what did you think was going to happen?
08:33 - I didn't know.
08:35 Nobody's ever let me sit on their lap before.
08:37 - However, that wasn't exactly the case
08:39 with this hysterical scene from season six,
08:42 which had Kevin sitting on Michael Klaus's lap.
08:45 In the outtake, we see Kevin breaking,
08:47 Mindy Kaling laughing,
08:49 and Ed Helms stepping behind a wall to hide his face,
08:52 as well as the rest of the cast cracking up
08:54 as each attempt to make it through the scene fails.
08:57 - Copper squat.
08:58 Here we go.
08:59 (laughing)
09:01 - Sorry, sorry.
09:03 - Now, check out the version that made it to air.
09:05 You'll see Kaling trying, with minimal success,
09:08 not to burst out laughing,
09:10 and Helms again disappearing behind the wall.
09:13 Did Carell break you in each of these outtakes?
09:16 Let us know in the comments
09:17 if you were able to hold it together.
09:19 (laughing)
09:20 - I'm really sorry, I broke.
09:22 - Do you agree with our picks?
09:23 Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo,
09:26 and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell
09:28 to be notified about our latest videos.
09:30 (upbeat music)
09:33 (upbeat music)
09:35 (upbeat music)
09:38 (gentle music)
09:40 you
