Concerns over Carolina's Offense, Kicker Pop in Final Week

  • 8 months ago
00:00 This game is going to be tricky because we still don't really know what Carolina is.
00:05 I mean, this team, they're dealing with, I think Eddie Pinero obviously is out again this game.
00:09 I don't know if they have confidence in a kicker who's going to be able to kick for them.
00:13 When they even get down into the red zone, are they going to be just going for it?
00:17 And, you know, we saw them last week, they drove one long drive to start the game down to the 44,
00:23 turned it over on downs, and then had six straight three and outs, six straight three and outs.
00:29 I mean, I just don't know what to get out of this Carolina offense.
00:32 I know that that's the side that's been taking some of the money
00:35 from some of the pros earlier this week.
00:38 I just can't get behind it.
00:39 I'm not on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers here.
00:43 I'm basically on the sidelines for this game entirely,
00:46 but I don't really have a strong opinion.
00:48 I just know that Carolina without a kicker and with kind of what is their exact motivation here
00:53 with coaches that aren't even going to be coaching them next season,
00:56 it's a tough position here in the final week of the season.
