Court métrageTranscription
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01:11 (musique)
01:13 You look into somebody's eyes and you can feel them staring into your soul.
01:16 The whole world goes quiet.
01:18 Yes.
01:18 Right, well I don't.
01:20 You have set up a way of life that basically makes it impossible for you to have any kind of human connection.
01:26 You're grounded, everybody's grounded.
01:30 The plane's off the road. We're going home.
01:32 If you think about it, your favorite memories, the most important moments in your life,
01:39 were you alone?
01:41 I'm not alone. I'm with you.
01:44 Life's better with company.
01:46 Everybody needs a co-pilot.
01:48 That was a nice touch. Thanks.
01:50 Up in the air.
01:52 I'm not really sure how long this whole exercise is supposed to last.
01:54 No, I don't even think of him that way. He's old.
01:56 Rated R.
02:00 [Musique]